Chapter IV; Pantera

Spirit Wars
chapter four


KyuJong must have been staring at Pantera for too long, because Kevin’s voice broke through his concentration. “KyuJong hyung? Are you listening?”

“Huh?” KyuJong jumped, blinking repeatedly at Kevin. His eyes flicked between Pantera and Kevin, who was looking at him in bemusement. “Sorry, did you say something?”

“KiBum asked you when you’re coming over on the weekend,” Kevin replied, lips quivering.

“Oh…um…” KyuJong shook his head a little to clear it and focus on the question, even though his mind was still stuck on the fact that Pantera was here, in the room with them. Wasn’t Pantera’s Keeper the teenage kid who DongHae and Abaia had beaten last night? Was he here too? KiBum and Kevin were still looking at him for an answer, so KyuJong smiled tensely at them. “Well I have to go look for a job in the morning, so maybe late afternoon?”

“Oh, okay,” KiBum nodded. “I guess you’ve told hyung that already. I’ll keep Choco in my room again.”

Right, Choco. Their dog. “Thanks,” KyuJong didn’t have to fake nervousness then; dogs terrified him, even small fuzzballs like Choco.

The two younger men went back to whatever conversation they had been having, leaving KyuJong to stare at Pantera. The panther was looking right back at him, blinking lazily. How did KiBum not feel the pressure against his knee? Did he know Pantera was there? He couldn’t see Pantera obviously, not without being a Keeper…

KyuJong’s internal confusion grew as KiBum nudged Pantera’s head off his knee with one hand, absently petting the panther spirit’s side while Kevin was focused on closing up the pizza box. Okay, so KiBum could see Pantera.

Was KiBum like KyuJong then, able to see spirit beasts? Or was he…

He couldn’t possibly by Pantera’s Keeper. Pantera already had a Keeper, didn’t she?

There was no chance to ask KiBum with Kevin right there, though. The youngest was happily discussing photography with KiBum, totally oblivious to the massive panther just feet away.

This weekend, KyuJong determined. He could ask KiBum this weekend, if he could get the younger brother alone for a few minutes.

Then DongHae’s advice came to mind: stop asking, and start looking. Was this what DongHae had meant? Did he want KyuJong to just stand back and observe rather than demand answers of every Keeper he ran into? Granted, asking questions hadn’t gotten him very far. DongHae seemed unable to answer more than one or two at a time before disappearing, and HyukJae and JunSu had flat-out told him it was none of his business. Which he supposed it was; he didn’t even have a spirit beast, as they’d said.

But if it was truly none of his business, then why could he see spirit beasts when no other non-Keeper could?


It was a long couple days until the weekend. No matter how hard KyuJong looked, he hadn’t seen DongHae, HyukJae or JunSu again. They had to be somewhere on campus, but KyuJong didn’t know if they were intentionally avoiding him or they just never happened to cross paths. It was a little frustrating, but KyuJong had never been one to let minor inconveniences discourage him. He would see them again; it was just a matter of time.

KiBum he did run into a few times, but he didn’t see Pantera again. That didn’t mean the panther spirit wasn’t around though, remembering how DongHae had hidden Abaia inside his own body. There was no sign of the teenage Keeper Pantera had from the first time he’d seen her.

A little more research on the different spirit beast names wielded startling results. Starting with Wukong, a quick search of the name brought up a wiki of Sun Wukong, the Chinese monkey king of legends. A name and a species was all the spirit monkey seemed to share with the legend, but KyuJong saved the page for later just in case.

Muninn and Huginn turned out to be crows in Norse mythology. They brought information to the god Odin, flying all across the world for him. KyuJong wondered if Huginn was the name of another spirit beast; from how JunSu had reacted, it was very likely. Pantera was harder to find information on, and KyuJong gave up before long. It was disappointing; after seeing Pantera with KiBum, he was curious about the panther spirit the most.

It was with great reluctance Saturday morning that KyuJong turned away from research to focus on finding a job instead. His already shallow pool of spare money was running dry, and he was close to not having enough cash for even food or transportation.

The sun shone brightly overhead, making KyuJong wish he’d brought a hat as he walked up and down the street with resumes in hand. Who would be hiring a part-time employee around now? This close to the university, there would be plenty of other students searching for jobs too. As if to prove his point, he saw two others his age just around the corner and talking outside one of the convenience stores KyuJong had hoped to apply at.

Well, that place was out. Sighing and feeling his shoulders slump, KyuJong turned towards a ddeokbokki stall instead.

“Hello?” He ducked under the tarp shielding the stall from the sun, blinking past the small amount of smoke rising from the grill. “Ajumma?”

“Oh, hi KyuJong,” smiled the old woman he’d bought dinner from several times his first week. The prices were cheap and she was always friendly, making KyuJong a regular customer. “Hungry? I’ll get a bowl for you.”

“Actually, I had a question,” KyuJong bowed politely as he stopped in front of the grill. “Do you know anywhere nearby looking to hire?”

“Oh, there’s a few places,” she smiled. “Mostly coffee shops. You’re not the only one looking for a job though, I’ve had a few other students pass by today.”

“I figured,” KyuJong deflated. “Would you have any recommendations, ajumma?”

“Of course, let me get a piece of paper.” She fished out a pen and paper from below the till and starting to write. “You might have some luck at these places. You’re a sweet boy, someone will hire you.”

“You’re too kind,” KyuJong flushed. “If I am hired, I’ll buy you patbingsu.”

She chuckled and held out the paper to him. “Good luck KyuJongie. Don’t forget to tell me how it went.”

“I will. Have a good day ajumma,” he bowed again before ducking out from under the stall. Looking at the names written down on the list, he sighed. It looked to be a long morning.

There were well over ten names on the paper, but as the day went on KyuJong began to doubt he’d ever find a place to work. Some places had already been overloaded by students looking for jobs. Turning to leave one boutique, KyuJong glanced over his shoulder to see his resume go straight into the garbage. He tried not to take it to heart, but it did sting to see so many people weren’t even willing to give a country boy a chance.

Noon came and went, and the list grew shorter and shorter. Leaving the last shop on the list after a scathing, on-the-spot interview, KyuJong let out a shaky breath and ran his hand through his hair. This just wasn’t working. He wasn’t cut out for this.

He hadn’t even stopped for lunch, and his stomach was protesting that decision. Looking around, KyuJong spotted a small coffee shop that didn’t look that expensive; more than a little run-down, and tucked into a corner of the less-traveled street. Pursing his lips, he crossed the street and headed inside.

The inside wasn’t much better than the outside, but wasn’t crowded at least. Seoul was far more crowded than back home, and the sheer amount of people got overwhelming at times. There was absolutely no one in the coffee shop, and it was a little relieving. Walking up to the counter, KyuJong tried to find someone working to order from.

“Oh, hi,” a blond head poked out from the back room, and at first KyuJong thought it was Kevin. But the face under the hair was a little older, cheeks slightly chubby and lips pulled into a smile. “How can I help you?”

“Um…” KyuJong looked down at the old menu on the counter. “Could I get…a regular coffee and a bowl of bibimbap?” he asked, finding the most inexpensive thing.

“Sure thing! Grab a seat, I’ll bring it to you.” The waiter disappeared into the back room again. KyuJong did as told, finding a table by the wall where he could watch the people going by outside. He put his bag down in the other chair, pulling out his notebook from inside. He’d taken to carrying it everywhere just in case he saw a spirit beast.

At least this was a good distraction from his job predicament. Frowning down at the pages, KyuJong absently tapped the pencil against his lower lip. How to approach KiBum about Pantera…or approach him at all. Was it really better just to watch and observe? Maybe DongHae was right. Asking questions really wasn’t getting him very far, and if KiBum was Pantera’s Keeper, it would be hard to ask questions with HyungJoon in the same apartment.

A small jolt of guilt. He was supposed to be hanging out with HyungJoon, the only person who’d really tried to be his friend since coming here, and yet all he could think about was Pantera. KyuJong shook his head. No…he wouldn’t ask questions. He would spend the day with HyungJoon and keep an eye on KiBum, but he wouldn’t ask questions.

“Hey, Yuetu!”

The last thing he wanted was his obsession to cost him his friendship.

“Yuetu! Come back here!”

The first whisper didn’t catch KyuJong’s attention, but the second did. Looking up, KyuJong’s eyes widened at the rabbit spirit sitting on the table right in front of him.

For a long moment, KyuJong could only stare in shock; the last time he’d been this close to a spirit beast, it had been Wukong trying to pull his hair out of his scalp. The rabbit’s nose twitched as it sniffed at the tip of KyuJong’s pencil. The spirit was outlined in a bright pink that hurt to look at too long, but he didn’t mind just then, unable to believe his eyes.

The rabbit spirit lifted its head, beady eyes meeting KyuJong’s. It shuffled forward and leaned in, sniffling nose barely touching KyuJong’s.

“Yuetu, no!” There was that hissed whisper again, a desperate attempt to get the rabbit’s attention without catching KyuJong’s at the same time. KyuJong glanced to the side and saw the waiter watching them, suddenly pink eyes alarmed. When KyuJong looked at him, the other man quickly turned away to pretend he hadn’t been staring.

Blinking repeatedly, KyuJong turned back to the rabbit spirit who was still looking up at him. “He doesn’t realize I can see you, does he,” he murmured. The rabbit chittered in reply before nipping the tip of his nose, making KyuJong pull back with a yelp.

“Are you okay, sir?” The waiter hurried over at the yelp. “Here’s your coffee, sorry for the wait.” He placed the latte down on the table and in the same motion scooped up the rabbit. Yuetu squeaked and scrambled out of the man’s arms, landing in the chair with KyuJong’s bag. The bag fell to the floor, papers scattering everywhere.

It was all KyuJong could do not to laugh at the look of alarm on the waiter’s face. He could almost see the cogwheels turning as the other man tried to figure out how to explain the bag suddenly falling out of the chair on it’s own. “That’s a feisty rabbit,” KyuJong said calmly, deciding to cut the man some slack.

The waiter’s mouth fell open. “…Oh. You can see him.” After a moment he huffed and stepped back. “Well, why didn’t you tell me sooner? It would have saved me a heart attack.”

“Sorry,” KyuJong couldn’t help but laugh at that, a little glad he wasn’t being attacked. “Yuetu, you said his name is?”

“Yeah. He’s my little troublemaker.” The waiter nudged the rabbit lightly with one foot; Yuetu was snuffling through KyuJong’s backpack. “Doesn’t like staying hidden while I’m working, so he makes my life miserable. What’s yours?”

“Oh…I don’t have a spirit beast,” KyuJong replied. “I can just see them.”

“…That’s so weird.” The waiter’s interest was piqued now, and he sat down across from KyuJong. “Never met a human that can see them before. I’m SungMin, what’s your name?”

“KyuJong,” KyuJong grinned; this Keeper seemed friendly enough. “It’s very weird…and I’ve only run into a few so far, I’m still trying to figure things out. I don’t know why I can see them, either.”

“Well, Yuetu likes you well enough.” SungMin blinked at the sound of ripping paper before sighing and leaning down. “Hey, get out of there.” He pulled Yuetu out of KyuJong’s backpack and set him back on the table. “Sorry, he likes to eat things.”

“It’s fine, nothing really important in there anyways,” KyuJong replied, closing his notebook and moving it out of the rabbit’s reach, just in case.

SungMin pulled the paper out of Yuetu’s mouth, tearing it in the process. He wrinkled his nose at the spirit who kept eating the piece he’d managed to hold on to, before glancing at the paper. “Huh, a resume? You’re looking for a place to work?”

“Yeah, not having much luck so far,” KyuJong replied, resting his chin in one hand. “Too many other people looking for jobs.”

SungMin’s lips curled into a smirk. “Let me hang onto this.” He folded the damaged resume and tucked it into his uniform pocket. “I’ll go check on your bibimbap; you okay with Yuetu out here, or should I carry him back with me?”

“He’s fine here,” KyuJong brightened at the chance to spend more time around a spirit beast. SungMin snorted before heading into the back.

Watching him go, KyuJong turned his attention back to the rabbit currently eating part of his resume. Reaching out cautiously, he was surprised when Yuetu let him lightly pet him. Despite his ghostly appearance, the soft fur under his fingers felt the same as any other rabbit.

“Is it true you can speak to SungMin and he’ll understand you?” he murmured, watching the rabbit spirit eat. “Would you be able to speak to me if you wanted to?”

The rabbit’s ear flicked from side to side and he regarded KyuJong with one beady eye. KyuJong didn’t know if Yuetu understood what he was saying or not, but there was a deep intelligence in the rabbit spirit’s pink eyes. There was no answer to KyuJong’s question; that was fine, KyuJong content to just pet the rabbit’s soft fur.

SungMin came back with his food and left again quickly, disappearing into the back. KyuJong ate his bibimbap silently. After a few attempts to keep a curious Yuetu out of his bowl, he shared some of his vegetables with the rabbit.

“He doesn’t even have to eat; he just likes being annoying,” SungMin’s comment floated through the restaurant, and the waiter returned to sit across from him. “So. When are you able to start?”

“…Huh?” KyuJong looked at him, his spoon halfway to his mouth.

“I just called the coffee shop owner’s son,” SungMin’s grin was mischievous. “You’re hired.”





And SungMin and Yuetu have made their appearance :D

I'm thinking Saturday might be a good update day from now on. What do you guys think? Yes, I know, it's Sunday right now ><;;

Please comment and subscribe if you want to read more!

ALSO, two updates!

Now posting: The Sworn

They paved the way for justice in a dangerous city, and swore to protect the innocent lives of it's citizens. An accident made them turn their backs and break their oath. It takes a man who sees it all to bring them back, to stop the coming darkness that threatens everything.

The Sworn is a superhero story that pushes the line between good and evil. The two major fandoms are Super Junior and SS501, with an equal amount of main characters from each. Co-written with the amazing Kat!



Now Open: Graphics Shop

Want some pretty banners for your fanfic, roleplay or shop? Come check out my blog post here!


@Forever5501: Posting The Sworn as you suggested :D Maybe in a month or so I'll start posting Decerto too. And thank you for the good luck!!!

@Forest_pixi: Lol you're too sweet <333 Hope lots of people like it

@ping501: LOL I'd go to a metal concert for a band named Pantera, would you? XD Thank you for reading and commenting!

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Kyeo-Baby-Min #1
Chapter 16: T_T... cries...


Do you remember me?

I chatted with you once or twice on Twitter... or was that Kat?

This story is amazing.

I loved reading through it two... not... it's three years now.... I miss it soo much.

I hope you come and finish this soon.

Good luck!
blahblahpok #2
Chapter 20: I first read this story on LJ ages ago, so when I was reading The Sworn and saw the note on Spirit Wars, I was like 'Hey! I remember that!' and couldn't wait to come read this again ^^
i don't read stories on ss501 or ukiss (or even know who the members are tbh) but this story got me hooked! I remember constantly checking to see if there were any updates to the story then. Haha
I really love reading this au and was wondering if you had any plans to update this story or the other stories mentioned. Or maybe they've been posted somewhere else and I've missed it? :)
Thank you again for sharing this!
smilesofblack #3
Chapter 20: This story is amazing. I was a crap pay reader for the first few chapters because I'm not really a fan of SS501, but my goodness, that didn't even matter after. I hung on every word, waited anxiously to see who would be in a coma next... I started reading because Sungmin and Kyuhyun were here but I kept reading to find out how Kyujong dealt with being the center and what would happen when the darkness became too much and had to be defeated. This hasn't been updated in quite a while but if you ever decide to, I'm going to be so freaking happy. Thank you for writing this. Quality excitement in fanfiction is hard to find.
Forever5501 #4
Chapter 20: I got cookies... And I get more today!!! Hyun is the spirit king!! I knew it from the beginning. So a lot of cookies!!!!!!! * nom nom nom*
Lol Tao. Wait wait, hyun's comment is bit......
Good luck
Chapter 20: OmO! even the hunters aren't spared by the darkness, even though they are somewhat evil in my eyes. Poor Yixing!
and I was so right about Hyunjoong being the spirit king haha!
Now what? more comatose keepers?! this is getting very dangerous for them, I remember Hyunjoong saying something to Hyungjun about being too close. I hope nothing happens until Kyu's ready but then that wouldn't be you writing author-nim if you don't drop bombs in my face.
don't worry I'll be you're ever patient reader waiting for your bombs! ><!
Chapter 20: and lolol. how the do you have time for nano ._.

*wondering if she should join*
Chapter 20: adsfa dsf asdf adsf adsfkj a.welr kjawe; ae ea AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh


and lolol. obviously Hyun was a spirit king i think we all knew that XDDDDD
Chapter 20: sem problema minha pequena! I understand completely...I was crazy busy last week as well and even more busy this week. (I'm using my fifteen minutes break from studying to speed read this week's update!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!)

of course Kevin won't mind the zombies...he probably forgot ALL about the damn zombies as soon as Bummie put his arm around him....kkkk

Kevin: zombies? what zombies?
Bummie: the movie? e_e
Kevin: oh..oh...those zombies...yh...scary (why is he so warm?) kkkkkkkkkkkk

Okay...the KyuHyun (you know who I mean...right?) thing is gonna take a while with him being all "riddle me this...riddle me that" with poor centre....

/ahhh...poor joonie...Yeonah might find someone for you somewhere in this verse..../somewhereeeeeeee out theeeeeeeereeeee...beneath the deep blue skyyyyyyyy....ahem...sorry...>/////<

Bummie...still estatic for you...henry..sorry.../

I saw my m-m-m-m-moon bunny...m-m-m-m-m-moon bunny...yo! kkkkkkk

no monkey in sight but I'm gonna find him...soon...very very soon....muhahahahahahahah

for now.../bunny fangirl sure he Yuetu isn't up for adoption Yeonah? I'll take good care of him...I promise....!
Chapter 19: AAAAAAAAA! Kibummie won! oh god I could give a sigh of relief! but poor Henry. well he asked for it now he got it! now what? Kyu has to be strong mentally and emotionally for him to help the keepers, don't worry Kyu I'm here to help in any way I can!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww man! poor henry. I understand why though, why they have to lose their memories. but still ;~;