
One Of Us (Hiatus)
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          “It’s noon. Where are they?” Chen paced all around the camp. Everyone else was calm about the two missing wolves except him.

          “Calm down. With as much as they ran last night they must be pretty far off.” Kai told him.

          “Just be quiet and help pack.” Kris grumbled. “I give them another hour.”


          “Wah! It’s cold!” Aera whined as Chanyeol splashed her with water.

          “Stop being a wimp!” he told her.

          “Stop being a meanie!” she went to run but she was pulled back.

          “You’re not clean!” he argued in his deep voice.

          “Chanyeol!” she squealed. “Let go!” She squirmed and let out a squeak as his hand accidently jabbed her ribs.

          “Are you ticklish?”

          “Let me go!” she laughed as his fingers wiggled at her ribs. “Ow!” she winced in pain which caught him by surprise. He was just joking around for once and he didn’t mean to hurt her.

          “W-what’s wrong?” he asked.

          “My side hurts.” She seemed just as confused and lifted her shirt slightly to reveal a bruise rimmed in red. “What the… did you bite me!?”

          “I-I guess I did last night when we were wolves.”

          “Then why are these human teeth marks?”

          “In wolf form they will be wolf bite marks. As a human they will look like human bite marks.” He defended himself. “Man that’s a real bite.” He pointed out with a hint of pride in his voice.

          “It hurts.” Aera pouted as she poked the bruise repetitively.

          “Stop touching it then.” He smacked her hand away. She snapped her head up at him and gave him a hurt look.

          “You bit me.”

          “, isn’t it?” he winked, making her cringe.

          “When did you turn into Kai?”

          Chanyeol shrugged and walked on. “I just feel a lot better. I should change on full moons more often.” As crazy as he sounded, she thought he was right. She did notice the little thing that always tore inside her was now calm and she felt lighter.

          “You’re right.” She agreed and he glanced at her and stretched his long arms to the sky.

          “I feel refreshed.” He exhaled.

          As they walked Aera thought more about the events that took place last night, mostly pertaining to how she got bit. If Chanyeol had attacked her wouldn’t he had at least clawed her or rip out a part of her skin? Why was it just one subtle bite mark? She could recall them facing off, staring at each other with blood red eyes, then they stopped trying to attack each other.

          Chanyeol seemed to be thinking the same thing and his memories were a lot less hazy than hers. He remembered them walking through the dark woods on their paws instead of feet.


Flashback to last night:


          The two walked alone in the dark woods, not fearing the dark or traveling blindly. He could feel her fur brushing his as they walked close to each other. None of them said anything and just walked calmly, blowing off steam from their midnight rage. In all honesty both wolves were feeling extremely tense and awkward.

          In an attempt to lighten to mood the female wolf bumped the male with her canine hips and jogged ahead. She looked back to see him tilting his head as if saying, ‘Seriously?’ She barked in response and ran up to him bumping past him and looking back. He growled but she found it amusing.

          Chanyeol gave into Aera’s childish antics and ran after her, playing their wolfish game of tag. She was barking happily while he was growling in irritation. He wanted to catch her and win her little game but he had forgotten how fast she was. He struggled to catch up to her so he leaped into the air and put his weight down on her. The two rolled around before he finally had her pinned and he huffed a victorious and toothy grin.

          She gave him a scowl saying, ‘You’re no fun.’ He just snickered and walked off with her stalking behind him. A naughty idea came to her and she bent down and nipped his ankles with her teeth. He whimpered in pain and then looked back with a growl. She looked elsewhere pretending to be innocent. He turned ahead and ignored the girl but she kept biting his ankles and it got more and more on his nerves.

          A loud growl was heard as Chanyeol turned and pounced on Aera, her back hit the ground with a whimper. A sudden descending hit them, and they could feel the full moon disappearing and letting them go. He glared at her and bit her side as revenge and she let out a pained whimper. The wolf’s cries then turned human and Chanyeol opened his eyes to see his teeth sinking into mi

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On Hiatus due to college!!!


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universalkat #1
Chapter 33: Gosh I miss this story... y’all have no idea how many times I’ve read this, or just thought about it in general.... I love it... and Aera is just too funny sometimes xD
khokha123 #2
Chapter 33: Duct tape her leg together omv Kris you are the best
Sandara05 #3
Chapter 1: Exo-m??! Hehe nevermind..gonna read that one
universalkat #4
Chapter 33: BEST BOOK EVER XD!!! I can't stop laughing!!!
Chapter 33: Lol @ duct taping her legs...
Kaliemoua #6
Chapter 33: Tao and his s. XD
Chapter 33: I like this hormonal aera. She's hilarious! And Tao " to the rescue!!"
Kaliemoua #8
Chapter 32: Is it weird that I want suho with aera?
Chapter 31: She's adorable I just can't deal x