The Sway of Admiration [Hoya 1 Shot]

7 Stories of INFINITE Love




I carried a cute lunch box of food, designed for him to be interested to eat. I put it in a black paper bag so that it wouldn't gain much attention from jealous girls out there, I hope they won't critisize my package as I walk near to my dear Lee Howon.

I went down the stairs and into the dance studio where he resides along with his friends. Time to time he just stays here for hours. Dancing and practicing. I hear him sing a couple of times and his voice melted my heart. Howon is a very talented man, very handsome and very sly. But despite that he teases me often, casting me aside, and y beautiful girls always surrounding him and flirting with him, I remain determined to atleast have a conversation with him. I've had the courage to do this insistently as he once told me that I am an important person to him. My eyes had sparkled that very moment he claimed my importance, and I litterally fell impaled, and in love.

"Howon ah! Your friend is here!" One of his male friends called out. Well.. I didn't ask him to call him! I was hiding behind the wall, waiting for those girls to go away!

Then Hoya's eyes fell into my shadow, he smiled.

"Come here!" I think he's calling for me.

I bowed to his friend who did the unwanted honors and awkwardly walked through the group of people dressed with swagger and as I finally reached Hoya's spot, I got surrounded by girls whose stomachs are exposed, cleavage proudly showcased, and faces piled up with colors of make up. Their scent suffocated me as their silent threat hammered me through psychic.

"You brought me something Lei?" Hoya lowered himself to my height. His smile is so sweet that it penetrates my palate, brightening up my mood and at the same time making my heart race.

"I... I made you lunch. I hope you eat it." I looked down to the floor and shoved the paper bag to his hands. And he happened to touch my hands, he just wrapped those warm hands of his to my curled balls of fist.

"Oh I will eat lunch. I will eat them with you." He then held my hand and dragged me out of the circle of girls. He rushed, and I had to struggle as his long legs are taking steps beyond my limits.

"Hoya oppa! Where are you going? Are you going to just replace us with that kid?" One of the girls had asked.

Both Hoya and I looked at them. The girls poured me a look of disdain and I swallowed. I seek no competition against them. I looked up at Hoya. His perfect jaw line made my eyes sparkle in admiration.

"You see, Lei here is a special person to me." Hoya started explaining. I have the urge to stop him from talking, but I obviously cannot do it. So I just froze on my spot and listened.

"How special is she? Is she your maid? A part-timer high school girl?" One girl scoffed, looking at me from head to toe.

"I can cook for you oppa. I'm sure I'm better than her." The other girl said with a whiny tone.

Yes, I face this everyday. Criticsm. They're hot, they're tall, and they're older than me. They dance, I don't. I don't want to be compared to them, I honestly am not qualified to be. But seems like their jealousy had me pounded down the floor with these sharp words. And yes, I have to face this everyday during lunch time in order to see Hoya. I wear my school uniform each time I go here so people look down on me, they always think I'm young and I'm available to be looked down. But Hoya is always here to act as my defender. My tears would flow but he stops them half way because he'd smile always. And that makes my day.

"Lei is better in cooking. And she will always be the better one." Hoya defended on my behalf, he still holds my hand. I blushed.

"Don't tell me she's your sister." The other girl said.

I looked up at Hoya in an urgent manner. And I saw him nod proudly.

"Yeah. And you have nothing to do with that. I'm her brother and brothers always wanted to spend more time with their sister so, bye~"

And finally we walked away. As he take me away from the studio, my melancholic heart started to echo a sound of sadness. Did he just said I'm his sister? We're not even sibblings. So he mean.. he see me like a sister?

We've arrived on an empty park with trees and a fresh surrounding. Hoya took the paper bag from my hands and placed it on his selected table. He kept smiling as he sat down and opened the lunch box. I hesitated to sit down, my thoughts are soaring high in the wind, lost and confused.

"Wow. I really miss eating California maki. Thank you Lei."

His compliment didn't matter to me, for the very first time it didn't matter. My heart is pounding painfully against my chest and it made me frown. I watch him eat my prepared lunch carelessly.

I became his friend since Christmas last year. Now that it's already June, I sum up our span of friendship time as 6 months already. We accidentally bumped into each other in a crowded street of Myeongdong, a robber attempted to snatch my wallet and he said he saw it happen and he gave back my wallet to me. He ran away after that. Shocked and deliberately affected by his charming attitude, I ran after him. I searched him with all my might until I saw him in a narrow street, punching down the robber, spilling blood all over.

That's what made me so in touch with him. A story he and I made was a link to love. But Hoya.. he's just too matured for me. Many people said that. He's too handsome, too intelligent, too kind hearted, and too y. And I'm just a 17 year old high school junior.

"Lei, is something bothering you?" He called out my attention. I just blinked at him.

"Tell me. I'll always listen. Do you remember my promise? I will always act as your hero."

"You didn't even acted as a hero back at the studio."

Hoya stared at me, wondering what I meant.

I sighed. It's the first time he saw me this irritated and he doesn't seem to be used to this side of me. I'm so sorry but my heart is really in pain. I don't know how much power is left inside me to withstand the torture of my secret.

"Lei, I rescued you a couple of times. How come you're telling me that? I'm sorry but I feel very dissapointed." He complained. The narrowing of his brows had made me nervous. And since I am already this nervous and frightened, I think it's about time I tell him what I always wanted to confess.

"Do you really see me as sister? Am I just a sister to you? I'm sorry too Hoya. But I can't take this anymore." I arised from my seat. My mind holds me back but my tears had rebelled, staining my cheeks. Hoya remained on his spot, listening carefully.

"Hoya.. I love you."

He had no expression and it tore me apart witnessing him just like that.

"I love you... from the very start, from the very beginning from the very first time I saw you. I already fell in love with you. That time I saw you sacrifice for me, I told my self that you're the man I've been looking for, you're the man I want to be with for the rest of my life. Every single day I day dream about you and every night I think about you before I sleep. It hurts so much knowing the fact that I cannot even hold your face. I wanted to hug you, kiss you... I wanted to love you openly. But it was impossible with all the girls that surrounds you.. my fantasy was very skeptical to happen...."

My lips quivered. It felt like a painful root was taken out of my chest. I found it hard to breathe as I screamed out loud the love I have for him. And I can see it clearly despite of my tear stained face and tear infested eyes, that it's already the end of our friendship.

I turned my back on him as he remained expressionless. And I walked away. I don't care where I go, I don't care what direction I took, I just had to go away.

I've reached the pedestrian due to my brisk walking and I crossed the street. Reaching the waiting shed, I sat down and stole the opportunity of loneliness as all the people who used to wait for the bus, dissapeared as soon as the bus arrived.

The amount of pain that I felt all throughout those times was a heavy ton of mixed feelings. I had the strong urge to hug him each time he smiled to me, I was like a vampire who craved for blood, I wanted to crush my body against his and feel his warmth. I wanted to be saved for all the misery I felt, all the dissapointments life had given me gave me enough reasons to give up. No one knows how much I have endured everything. He just came to my life and he was like an angel who always came to rescue me. But the irony of all events and conditions made me very dillusional each night. I developed the fantasy to love him in a more passionate way but a barricade always looked down on me.

Hoya... will you dissapear due to my foolishness?

My tear breakouts is incessant.

I love him and it hurts very much.


His voice.. I can hear it.

"Lei!!! I love you too!!!!"

I looked up, ahead. And I saw him across the highway. I automatically sat up, alighted by his sight.

"Hoya.." I had mumbbled his name. My arm sretched out in pursuit to reach him. Will he be with me despite of all the barriers?

"Lei!!! Listen! I love you more than you do!!! I love you even before we met!!! I love you!!!!!"

Then again, as his words happen to be clear on my ears, my tears are flowing more incessantly. Yes, it's finally time for me to be happy. Truely happy. There are no barriers anymore, not even this highway infested with reckless car drivers.

"Lei don't cross the street! Arasso?!!" Hoya's crestfallen face made me realize that I'm already on the edge of the sidewalk. I held back my self and stepped backwards.

After a few seconds, the stop light had indicated for the pedestrian's turn and Hoya came running towards me. I remained on my spot as the sight of him running impaled my bones. He's finally running after me. And soon, I felt the strong impact of his body crushing against mine. It felt painful but I'm too happy to be hurt.

His panting and his breath against my neck melted me even more. Is this finally happening? The hug that I always yearned for?

"Is it true? You've loved me even before we met? .."

He looked into my eyes and he got closer to my face. Closer.. closer. Until his nose bumped into mine and then his lips, got attached into mine. The next thing I know is I'm getting my first kiss. I messed up a little. But my love controlled the kiss and I swayed with his rythm, allowing him to guide me into his lovely wonderland. It felt so warm, my body is steaming.

He pulled out and my innocence got swept away by his own pair of eyes.

"I'm an undetected stalker. Mianhe.. for making you wait too long. Mianhe."

As he chanted his apologies, I understand what he's trying to say. We are equal. It doesn't matter if he's 4 years older. We are equal. And we equally love each other.

"I love you Hoya. Forever.. I'll commit myself to you."

From this day on.. my life is fulfilled with Lee Howon. And forever, I shall be happy with him. This sway of admiration I had for him, paid off very well.


It doesn't matter how long you wait for him to come.. just know that you love him with all your heart. Have faith, if you truely love him, then you shall be with your true love forever.

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naznew #1
Chapter 7: Bestfriend become lover..turnout change L to obsession and blind because love..he embrassing himself..make lei being hate by people around her because of what L do to her..look like lei is master and L is slave..L spend all his money to take lei's mother heart..neglect his study and his career..
That power of love..but it made look like all lei's fault for make L abandon his life..
It good that this just a dream..a nightmare..
I like how you descibe all of them.. if them with me, there a nothing i want anymore..i will spend my time with them..7 day with 7 boys..

Great one short stories about INFINITE..
kamsahamnida for making this story..
Happy 3rd Anniversary INFINITE!
I'll always support them and proud to be a Inspirit..
naznew #2
Chapter 6: Love at first sight...
naznew #3
Chapter 5: Sungjong become a gangster? No way..Lol..
Poor act like a when she bullied lei with the other..i though tiffany was lei's bestfriend?
Joongki as a leader of gangster? Haha..maybe suppose to be a leader of flowerboy group..
Sunjong found his happiness..
naznew #4
Chapter 4: Woohyun-ah..O_O
naznew #5
Chapter 3: Wow..dongwoo become strong when lei in trouble..that the power of love..
naznew #6
Chapter 2: A little touching and happy that lei get answer from hoya.. i though lei just one side love..
naznew #7
Chapter 1: I love the prank and that made them confess and realize their feeling toward each other..
naznew #8
seem interesting..i can't wait to read it..
please update soon..