Old And New Love [Sunggyu 1 Shot]

7 Stories of INFINITE Love




Summer is just very fantastic. I loved it as much as I love the rainy season. But I can't be very poetic without much inspiration. I inhaled the fresh breeze from the balcony and decided to dress up. After working hard as an editor in chief, and finally receiving a very special vacation, I think I have to lavish this freedom I got by running around under the sun. I'm never too old to be youthful and besides, I'm only 23 years old. And people casually see me as a kid.

I have to fool around just like how I did during college. Well I lost almost everything back at the time. I lost a laptop, an iphone, clothes and shoes.. I lost consciousness, I missed a pile of skin care products and I also nearly lost my ity. And thank goodness it's left behind by the thieves. I was so high back then, I could almost loose even my brain.

But the same childish ways won't happen anymore. This time, this is me being matured in the midst of an undeniable youth.

The flowers bloom beautifully during summer. I stopped by infront of a house to check on the owner's lavanders. Oh how beautiful they are I think I could almost tear up. I reached up to get a small piece but the gates suddenly opened and I went back to being casual, acting as if I did nothing wrong. Is it even wrong to pick a flower?

"Lady what are you doing?" The man in brown hair approached me with a huge garden scissor. I backed away. His face is serious.

"I.. I did nothing.."

"I saw you tugging the flower.. what the hell are you doing? Without the owner's permission you're just doing that?"

"I said I did not." I shook my head. I know I mustn't lie but he just looks so terrifying! I studied his features very well and no doubt he's officially handsome, tall, and melancholic. He can smile at least, he'd surely brighten up the world. But his hard gaze and stoic eyes just made it so impossble.

"Childish and brainless girls like you shouldn't be picking up flowers I planted. Get away cause you're ruining the display." He spat on the ground. I was shocked.

"Yah! For your information, not all people should be judged by their outer appearances. I might look immature and careless, but I am actually an executive editor on one of Asia's largest editing company." I walked nearer to him, bold enought to do so. I know this is harassment, it can be seen that way since I am near to his property, but I don't care. He must know what my mind tells.

"How about you? Do you have anything to prove?" I lifted up myself to face him closer. He didn't move an inch away, and all he did is stick his nose against mine.

"Based on your clouded words and vision.. I think you are not very experienced in life." He sighed. He turned his back on me and went back inside. It was a sudden move he did so I refused to leave. What's next? Peculiarity?

Then he came out carrying a bouquet of roses. He gave it to me.

"You can just ask if you want flowers.. I'm sorry for being rude but I just had undergone a very bad past so.. forgive me.."

My lips automatically stretched for a smile. "Oh don't worry.. I was very dumb to tug your lavander when it's actually not necessary.. if you want to talk about something.. you can consult me.. I am a literature writer too.. so.. I know stuff.."

He gave me a smug smile. "No thanks. Just enjoy the flowers and never come back agan."

He then scoffed, he eyed me from head to toe slowly as if I was the most pathetic person in the world. Then he turned his back on me, heading for his mansion's gates and slamming it close.

Petrified. I was left withstanding the cold attitude of a stranger.


I was bothered by this man's image. It had made an impact on every second of my life as the way he treated me was like an evolution in my life. I wasn't dissapointed, I didn't even feel degraded, I was only surprised.

I've been looking up at the stars as I tried hard to stick his image to my mind. I know it's sick but he did gave me exitement.

He's handsome...

But besides that, I love his face, I really do. Not because he's gorgeous, he just portrays a hidden emotion, an expression of something much more wonderful. It would be priceless if he'd one day smile and chuckle in my face. I love his eyes that squinted when he scolded me, how his brows met at my foolishness and lies, I love his height that towered upon me, and his brown hair that reflect that sunlight. There's just so much reaction and description that he had overflowed me with ideas!

It can't be happening.. but I think I'm in love. It's weirder for me to admit. But I am finding my self falling hard. I have the urge to bring out that smile I yearn to witness from him. I want him happy and not grumpy. He's sealing in emotions and he needs to take it out.


The following day, I saw 3 young girls gossiping near Mr. Grumpy's house. Feeling comfortable to approach them, I walked towards the girls and greeted them good morning.

I received a dirty look..

But I intend to return it with a warm smile and a friendly character. As a writer, I always know how to manipulate some attitudes..

"Uhm.. I would just like to ask. Perhaps you girls live on this block? Do you know who's the person living in that house? I've been informed that it's going to be for sale in the future so.. I got interested."

"It's going to be for sale?" One of them gasped, horror all over in her face. I know now, they know the person living in there.

"Yeah.. but it's still not sure. I'm just going to ask you guys if maybe you know the owner? What is he like? It's better to know details from people like you than to actually jump inside the household." I chuckled, bringing out my note 2 phone to take down notes. I know these girls would spill the beans. I can read their minds.

"There's only one person living in that house and his name is Kim Sunggyu. His parents are in America and he's left there alone."

I scrunched my nose.. "Kim Sunggyu huh? So.. why did he left himself behind?"

"Rumors say that he had fallen inlove with the waitress in the coffee shop down the street. He was very ready to marry her despite their 2 months span of relationship which is very short. But then Sunggyu had found her cheating on him with a model and so.. they broke up and Sunggyu is now left there alone."

My hands shuddered and refused to tap on my phone's screen. The surprise in my face is not feigned. The girls had suspected me and I thought I am in trouble for being nosy.

"Are you with the media?" One of them asked me innocently.

I shook my head, vanishing the shock in my face as I displayed a soft smile. I tapped on my phone small and brief words.

"But.. why is he staying? Do you guys have a theory on this?"

"He's still hurt I think.. and he's also still inlove."


"Wait a sec, are you an admirer?" The other girl pointed on my face.

"Uhm... no?"

"It's all over your face. You like him don't you?"

"Uhm... no. I'm just looking for an inspiration on my poetry so.. I'm doing this.." I explained as tersely as I could. These young girls don't have the capacity to understand my job. And they don't need to know the reason why I'm interrogating them.

"Sunggyu oppa.. is our teacher in high school. He's ours exclusively. A stranger like you shouldn't be interfering with his life."

I hid my phone back in my pocket and clasped my hands. "Well girls.. you're right. I'll be going now and I will expect that house to be sold to me any time soon. Thanks for the information. Annyong~"

And as I turned my back on them. I can feel a stinging heat piercing through my back. Have I annoyed them? They were the one who told me everything they shouldn't blame me. Well atleast I already know who Mr. Grumpy really is. And perhaps.. the reason why he is that grumpy.

That afternoon as the coast became clear, I went back to Sunggyu's house, sneeking around. I took my camera with me it's too small, it can't be obvious I'm stealing photographs. I captured his 2nd floor window, his roof, his lavanders, his house gate, his cement fence. But I was not contented with not being caught.

I tapped my fingers on my chin, wondering.

I think I should get his attention again. Should I do something even more foolish?

I am wearing short shorts, and a sleeveless sweatshirt so I assumed myself ready for some extreme activity. I climbed up to his wall and smiled in triumph as I got it over and into his lawn. I wandered around in awe as I saw all the beautiful flowers glowing in his place. They calmed the mind, they made me fly, and my heart's at peace.

I captured photos and even made selcas everywhere. I went to the kitchen door and checked if the knob's locked. I found out that it isn't so I entered inside. I hovered in the place and I am very aware of the consequences. I captured more and more photos, more selcas. Until I reached the stove area and saw him pouring pasta in a plate. I covered my mouth as the gasp huffed out.

I think he sensed an intruder as he looked on my direction, pursing his lips in wondering. But I was fast, I hide behind the fridge even before he saw me. But I kept seeing him.

I positioned the camera and captured him. My heart skipped beats as I studied the photograph. It scared me to death as I saw his pupils looking straight at the lense. It took a while before I melted myself on that strong gaze he gave at the camera.

After a few seconds of realizing that I am already in deep trouble, the camera slipped from my hands. I looked up in grieve surprise to see Sunggyu holding it in his hands.

"Should I call the police?"

I smiled slyly. His broad body is exposed, s against the fabric of his sleeveless shirt.


He furrowed his brows. "How did you know my name?"

I smiled even more. I don't know how he's taking this so lightly he's not even panicking.

"Sunggyu.. hi, my name is Lei Park.." I took his hand and squeezed it. His frown worsened but he didn't pulled his hand away.

"You're creeping me out. I thought you were a ghost." He cursed under his breath as he walked back to the kitchen counter. I followed him and watched his face.

He opened the gallery of the camera and I detected the sign of petrifiation all over his features.

"Are you stalking me? Who are you?"

I breathed out. "I am Lei.."

"No, tell me what the hell are you doing in my house? What the hell are you here for!!!"

I cowared back at his yell.

"Tell me!!!!"

I looked up at him. I was unable to answer. The impact of shock was greater in me than to him. He was once mild and tolerating, and now he's suddenly outraged.

"I'm sorry...." I backed away rapidly as he aimed to go after me. I fell back on his couch and all I see is him, and his angry face as I lie flat on the couch. The tension had impaled me but his non-violent attmepts also fired up my reliance and trust.

He shut his eyes and messed his hair with the frustration I gave him. Seeing him in such condition made me feel sorry. I lifted myself up and answered all the queries he throwed to me earlier.

"Sunggyu, it sounds scarry but since that day you scolded me, I became interested to you. I learned your name from your former students who stalked you. You're asking me why am I taking those photographs? I wanted to gain your attention because I wanted you to to scold me again. I wanted to intrude your house, doing it as something foolish so that you'd scold me again when I get caught. Yes, I think I'm crazy.."

I've sat on the couch as I explained everything to him in a relaxed way. He smirked at me and sat beside me.

"I don't get you.."

"I love you. I've never confessed something like that to anyone before.. and I think I am inlove with you.."

"Unbelievable!" He face palmed his entire visage. I hugged him despite that it was inappropriate and my face only fell on his muscled triceps. I hugged him tight. And I thought what I did was brave and was such a breakthrough.

"Stop confusing me." He said.


"Do you know that this isn't the right way couples start their relationships?"

My mind drifted away as I tried to know the meaning of his words. And my face alighted as I got the meaning.

"But we can be unique.."

"Just go home and relax yourself. We can't do this kind of thing.." He pushed my hands away from his body. As he left me alone in the couch, heading to the stairs and to his bedroom.. I know that the last thing I have to do is follow what he recommends.

But I should be back.. and when I come back, he should open up his heart.


Downtown coffee shop.. as I stand outside I can see the waitress the girls were refering to. I was certain she's the girl. She's the one who have hurt Sunggyu, she's the one who made him grumpy, but she's also the reason I met him with that attitude.

She's pretty. Her hair is black, long and straight, her eyes are round and bigger than mine, she's taller ofcourse, and she's portraying a ty image before my eyes. Male customers are all on the look out on her body. But what is she? Does she befriend all men who comes in her life and then turn them into boyfriends?

And why does Sunggyu have to be one of them?

I went inside the shop and ordered. With my mini skirt and fit blouse that emphasized my shape, I made it to the table whereas most male cusomers surrounded me. And I have successfully stolen their attention. But honestly, I am doing this to get her attention.

She seem to notice my alluring presence as she delivered the coffee to me with an attitude. I smiled up at her as she placed the coffee on my table.

"So.. Sunggyu's been doing fine since your break up.."

I held her back. She looked into my eyes in surprise.

"He's been very busy with gardening."

"Who are you? His new girlfriend?" The smirk on her face represented her nasty attitude that made her fair skin cover it up. I shook my head at my discovery.

"Yah, tell him he . He's such a moody jerk. He over exagerates all the time and he's not a good kisser!"

"Uhm.. did you made yourself talk too loud?" I arised from my seat and strutted my way out. Had I embarassed her a little? No, maybe she did it to herself. I didn't even expected she'd easily react that way. Did she just called Sunggyu a moody jerk? Over exagerating? Or is it her who just over exagerated.

That's all I wanted to do to her. If this ever comes to Sunggyu, then I should change my approach to him..


Now that I look up to the night sky infested with blinking stars, I tried hard to draw Sunggyu's image. I only used a pen and made it look simple but endearing. He have eyes that stares right through me, filled with queries in my existence and in my actions. His face is round and fair.

I wrote an 'I love you' on the bottom of the paper. And a letter along at the back of the paper.

"Sunggyu.. I wonder how old you are. When I learned that you were a former professor, I have thought of you as an older man. We both have nice proffessions and I'm hoping that we would get along not as enemies.. but lovers instead.

Yes Sunggyu. I love you. And I don't know how this even happened. I think this isn't normal but I am certain that I want you and I need you. If I should be more specific and bold, I'd admit that I am indeed lusting for you. I've never had a boyfriend before and I don't know how it feels like to be loved by a man with passion. But I think I can get that kind of love from you. And I want to reach that kind of paradise with you.

I intruded your house like a thief or some kind of a sasaeng to an idol because I am desperately needing to see you. I don't want to ruin your lavander anymore since you've already scolded me so.. it appears irrational and mindless but I did it instead. Me capturing photos of you was unforgiveable but I hope.. you'd understand. I am not a hoax. I can be your friend if you don't want to be a boyfriend.

I've heard your deepest story.. and I wanted to open your heart.

Can you let a foolish stranger heal your heart?

*Sunggyu's POV**

I pressed my fingertips on the paper I'm holding. It had signified importance to me and my heart is racing, thumping against my chest very fast. It would expload and it hurts very much.

"Mianhe..." I dropped it gently on my table and wandered around my bedroom.

Love? What is she talking about? What kind of love? Is she fooling around? It had scared me very much that I feel like I'm about to fall off a cliff. She found out everything she must not know and doesn't have the right to know. And this confessions she's saying.. is hard to accept.

I recieved her special package right infront of my gate. Having sticked a sticky note on the box saying that she learned her lesson and she won't enter from the kitchen door anymore. I smiled and I already know that it's her. She's funny and quirky, it's too dangerous knowing to myself that she can make my heart leap the way it did previously with a different person.

I can easily fall back inlove with her...

But the pain I suspect that would come again, haunted me and made me hold back with a feigned anguish and strict display.

She troubles me.. what am I going to do with her when now that she came in my life with full of surprises and nerve wrecking plots. I can't erase her in my mind anymore...

**End of Sunggyu's POV**

The following day, I rode my bicycle. A nasty looking girl stands infront of Sunggyu's house. And made me frown big time. She's wearing decent clothes.. but her aura made her look nasty and untrustworthy.

I hide to watch the scene. I remember her finally, she's the one I confronted in the coffee shop. A few seconds later Sunggyu came out of the gate. He never smiled throughout their conversation, but she kept smiling and looking down. It's unexplainable.

And then I nipped on my nails as I saw her hug him tight. Sunggyu almost looped his arms on her slender body but he retreated them and pushed her lightly. Something made sparks on my chest somehow. And I can't define what I'm actually feeling. I think this is how feelings get mixed.

Then the girl slapped him. She screamed in his face which didn't seem so right. It was my turn to make an appearance. I almost ran her over with my bicycle both of them were taken by surprise.

"You again? You !" She spat.

"You're ill-mannered you should be burned alive!"

She gasped. "I take that as a threat. I will call the police." She looked up at Sunggyu who sadly looked back at her. "You two will suffer."

"My father is a cop, and my mother is a lawyer. Do you realize how much you're ruining your life?"

"Lei.." Sunggyu warned me. But I did not budge, I don't care. This woman is a rotten onion and I just have to get rid of her, off of Sunggyu's life.

"I'll make sure you'll pay." She put her index finger infront of my nose, so close that it seemed so wrong. And it's wrong indeed.

"I don't have a debt, and I am not a . You better leave before I contact all my connections and send you to the most isolated place in the depth of this plante. Arasso?" I hopped off my bike and pushed her. "Go away! And don't hurt Sunggyu anymore!"

her eyes could almost fall off as she looked at me in pure shock. Sunggyu gripped a hold on my wrist and it hurts.

"Don't ever come back.." Was my final word to her when Sunggyu had pulled me inside his lawn and shut the gates close. He pushed my back against the wall and he entrapped me with his arms that barricaded any escape I'd possibly get, and with his eyes that penetrated my soul.

"Stop being silly and just tell me what you want!"

I sighed, calming down. "Would you let a stranger like me heal your heart?"

He shook his head. He's in denial of deeper thoughts and doubts that echoed in his mind. But I was able to pacify his anxiety as I palmed his face and cupped his jaw with my mouth. That lust of mine could be pacified. A guilty pleasure I always kept inside, a fantasy I always wished to happen. This one deep kiss, is all I ever wanted. With this man who always occupied my thoughts and my deeds, with this man who made my heart beat.. he's the most luxurious wish I ever prayed for, the one I'd die for.

A stranger to a stranger.. can develop such strong love as what I feel now.

I pulled out from his lips, caressing his cheeks. His eyes, mesmerized just as my own, gave me a definite answer.

"I'd badly want you to be in my life.. fill in the empty space in my heart.. I've been hurt so much.." He gasped for air as he cried like a vulnerable little kid. He can collapsed on the ground, he could fall on his knees. The pain he felt and feels by recalling about the past is not very clear to my understanding. But all I know is that I am here with him and I will always stay to make him happy.

Now for this angel who cries before my eyes.. I'll wash away all the pain that once lurked in his heart.

"Your past love . I will make sure that girl won't lay a finger on you anymore. If it's ok.. I will be here for you always. And by the way Sunggyu ah.."

He looked up at me and sniffled. "Yeah?"

"I will never leave you. I swear."

He grinned and stole a kiss on my lips. There's a banging sound that reasonates from the gate, a whining girl, a scandalous attack against the gate. But all I can clearly hear right now is my beatng heart matching up with his own rythm.

I hope he and I would last forever.

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naznew #1
Chapter 7: Bestfriend become lover..turnout change L to obsession and blind because love..he embrassing himself..make lei being hate by people around her because of what L do to her..look like lei is master and L is slave..L spend all his money to take lei's mother heart..neglect his study and his career..
That power of love..but it made look like all lei's fault for make L abandon his life..
It good that this just a dream..a nightmare..
I like how you descibe all of them.. if them with me, there a nothing i want anymore..i will spend my time with them..7 day with 7 boys..

Great one short stories about INFINITE..
kamsahamnida for making this story..
Happy 3rd Anniversary INFINITE!
I'll always support them and proud to be a Inspirit..
naznew #2
Chapter 6: Love at first sight...
naznew #3
Chapter 5: Sungjong become a gangster? No way..Lol..
Poor lei..tiffany act like a when she bullied lei with the other..i though tiffany was lei's bestfriend?
Joongki as a leader of gangster? Haha..maybe suppose to be a leader of flowerboy group..
Sunjong found his happiness..
naznew #4
Chapter 4: Woohyun-ah..O_O
naznew #5
Chapter 3: Wow..dongwoo become strong when lei in trouble..that the power of love..
naznew #6
Chapter 2: A little touching and happy that lei get answer from hoya.. i though lei just one side love..
naznew #7
Chapter 1: I love the prank and that made them confess and realize their feeling toward each other..
naznew #8
seem interesting..i can't wait to read it..
please update soon..