A Surprise Scare For My Bestfriend [Sungyeol 1 shot]

7 Stories of INFINITE Love



The school cafeteria. Crowded by students, filled in with noise, ruckus, and playfulness. I sit here across my bestfriend who talked and talked and talked. His smile is very charming, I always denied it's dorky. But since Sungyeol is complimented very much by his poetic beauty and knowledge, I tend to deny every flaw I see in him. And he just talked and talked and talked.

"What? You mean you have't heard of it yet? Well let me tell you the story. We were actually on a haunted mission last year and last year, you were on Europe. Though it made me lonely, I still insisted on having fun. We went inside a haunted house up that hill on the west side of the city, ever heard of the Jeonson mansion? It's a westernized home built in the 17 hundreds. They say the first owners were reportedly killed by their own butler and the butler too, killed himself that night he massacred the family. Sunggyu hyung wanted to go there since he had the access cause you know.. my cousin's a rich kid. And Dongwoo.. he's frightened with the dare!" He broke into a massive laughter. Seems like he had recalled a funny memory.

"Yeah..?" I stabbed the sausage with a fork, numbly looking up at his face. It isn't boring, but the way he exagerates his storytelling seems to get a little annoying.

"But eventually Dongwoo hyung went with us. It was 12 in the midnight when we got there. But we only reached the lawn of the house, Sunggyu hyung didn't have the keys to get inside the house. He apologized and told us that next time he'd bring them with him."

"I don't get it why Sunggyu gets that much acces? Why?" I finally had the amount of interest focused on his elder cousin.

"I don't know also.. but hey, you know what's interesting? Dongwoo actually squeeked like a girl that night. He went to the backyard, and a sudden loud noise echoed and he just ran all the way to the street like he's on a marathon. He kept squeeling like a girl!" Sungyeol's eyes teared up. He see it very funny.

Well a small piece of smile also had stretched on my lips. That's indeed funny and I can vividly imagine Dongwoo running away, screaming, heck he may have been crying that time.

"He's such baby. I just like it when he's scared."

My eyebrow raised. An idea had suddenly popped on my head. A very delicious idea for the man infront of me.

"Anyway, my food's getting cold. I've been talking for a long time now I gotta eat." Then he munches on his food. He ate nonstop until he finishes it. And while he eats, my brain worked marvelously. It's been a long time since I last planned a prank. Now that I got something serious and heavy on my front list, I see this as a big plot.

I gotta call Sunggyu.

When twilight had painted the sky a wonderful color of mix and blended yellow and orange, the wind blew a cold fresh air. I feel great. Sungyeol's yet on sight he's probably finishing some seatwork. I know this guy, he won't stand up until he finishes his work. He's diligent and that's how I love him as my bestfriend.

I dialed Sunggyu's number. I feel nervous in doing so since.. the last time we talked in person, he kept staring at me and I cannot even breathe properly because of that.

"Hello? Lei shi~"

His voice was a sudden melody that rang through my ears.

"Ah.. Sunggyu oppa! Are you busy tonight?"

Sunggyu hesitated for a bit before he answered.

"No. Do you.. do you want to meet up with me?"

"Yes." I smiled brightly. "Look, I know this is so sudden. Do you rememer the night when you, Dongwoo, and Sungyeol went to the Jeoson mansion?"

Sunggyu chuckled on the next line. "Ah yes." The vivid memory of Dongwoo running away in lightning speed must have tickled his recollections.

"Sunggyu oppa, I'll tell this to you straightforwardly. Can you get the key inside the mansion?"

Sunggyu took a deep breath. A moment of silence.

"Yeah I think so. Last time I forgot to get it from the caretaker. But this time I think I'll get it."

"Alright. I have a plan. Let's do Dongwoo some justice now. I want him to laugh as much as Sungyeol is laughing. Are you with me on this?"

And for some reason, I had visualized Sunggyu blushing on the next line, smiling sweetly while his cheeks are on heat.

"Ok. I'll set everything up. Don't worry. Just take Sungyeol with you and talk him out. OK?"

I bit my lip in happiness as I have taken a step towards accomplishemnt. And I can't prevent myself from hopping in exitement.



A cab took Sungyeol and I to the mansion. Getting to the place gave me goosebumps. It is really up in the hill and the lawn itself, is a hill. The vast display of land, the tall rusty gates, the wet pavement and the creepy display of the house does hold me back. Sungyeol agreed on going here when I told him I also wanted to get scared. He paid for the cab, he provided me his jacket incase I get cold, and he held my hand time to time.

Sungyeol found out that the gates are locked. He stepped back and looked into my eyes. I don't know what to do, I have no idea, and I am mentally blocked at the current minute.

"Is it ok if you climb up my shoulders? And then I get you to the other side of the gate?"

My lips quivered. I wanted to dissagre but we're already here and what else can I do?

"But my skirt.." My looked down on my school uniform.

Sungyeol caressed my head. "Don't worry I won't peek.

He made everything alright. He made me feel safe, and he gained all my trust. He lowered himself and then he guided me on getting unto his shoulders. I shuddered a little bit when he lifted me up high. And when things went fine, I hopped to the other side of the gate and landed smoothly just as he had promised. Sungyeol swiftly got inside the lawn.

If we're alone on this place, I would have predicted something horrifying will happen like what I see in movies. But when we walked through the pavement, up the hill, as he hold my hands I felt warm and safe. Also, I know other people are inside this place so I am 100% safe....

"Sungyeol ah.. that house really looks old.."

"It is. And many ghosts are said to be here. Evidences are revealed and they got me believing."

"Shall we go inside the h-"

The next thing I felt was I was being taken away from Sunyeol in full speed. Away and further away from him. My hand slipped from his and he had accidentally let go of me. An athletic man is carrying me farther from the location and deep into the darkness. The next thing happened.. my back hit a wall and the person, revealed himself.

"Shush, it's me, Dongwoo."


*Sungeyol's POV**

Where is she? Where did she go? What happened???

I circled my spot in pure frustration. I am so frustrated that my heart hurts, my knees ached, and my brain pounded.

"Lei ah!!!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. My deep voice cracking up in fear. It's pure fear.

Did one of the ghosts took her away? Or was it some erted ? What if it's a ?

"Andwae~!!!" I ran towards the possible direction where Lei was taken. No one should take her away from me. She's my bestfriend! If some lowlife punk touches her, I'm not gonna be able to forgive myself, ever!

It happened so fast. My focus on the house distracted me that I happen to let go of her hand. Oh dear gracious, where is she?


The more I search for her, the more I fail, the more I lose faith. I did't even brought a flashlight with me I can't see a thing!

I looked up the house and I saw a light on the window. What the.. a light? Are the ghosts playing tricks on me?

Wait, I've had an idea.

I went for the door and miraculously found it unlocked. I hurried towards the stairs for the thought of Lei being upstairs overcome my hopes. And I found the door to the lighted up room, locked. I tried hard to open it. I kicked it. But it was withstanding all my strength.

I pounded on the door. My tears are flowing now.

"Sungyeol ah!! Sungyeol ah!! Help me~~~"

I heard Lei's voice, desperately screaming for my help. My imagination ran wild and I saw her.. about to be tortured or something. What's going on?

"Lei! I'm coming for you!" And for the last time, I gathered all my strength and pounded the door with my body.

It opened.

My eyes dilated and my mouth hung open as I saw the incredible, despicable sight lying before me.


And all hell let loose.


*Lei's POV***

"Surprise~~" I ran up to him and hugged him. For a second he had hesitated, but then he wrapped his arms tightly on me.

"Babo. You think this is funny? You allowed these idiots to take you away and you also took my heart away. I found it hard to breathe."He whispered to my ears.

Did I hear that right? Or did I just misunderstand him?

Soon, we lifted ourseleves up and Dongwoo and Sunggyu went up to us to hug along.

"Did you plan all this?" He asked his two cousins with a big smile while I placed myself aside as their tall heights towered me. They're too tall.

"I did all the plot. It's simple. You confessed to us about how much you love lei so I thought that instead of doing the actual horror, maybe kidnapping her will be alot more scarrier for you." Sunggyu foxily sneered at Sungyeol. As Sungyeol's cheeks bloated with consumed air. Some sort of forbidden statement just came out of Sunggyu's mouth.

"Also dude, to do me vengeance and fun, Lei planned this. I was the one who took her away from you. Running in lightning speed?" Dongwoo nudged Sungyeol.

Our eyes met and for a moment. The world stopped. There was awkwardness, but there's also love. I love my friends. But this time, Sungyeol proves me a different meaning of love.

Could it be?

He walked up to me and shoved his two cousins aside. We looked into each other's eyes and at this moment, I finally understand everything. There's no need to hold back anymore.

"I think it's a successful surprise. You finally know how I feel."

Sungyeol.. I feel the same.






I made up the mansion :)



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naznew #1
Chapter 7: Bestfriend become lover..turnout change L to obsession and blind because love..he embrassing himself..make lei being hate by people around her because of what L do to her..look like lei is master and L is slave..L spend all his money to take lei's mother heart..neglect his study and his career..
That power of love..but it made look like all lei's fault for make L abandon his life..
It good that this just a dream..a nightmare..
I like how you descibe all of them.. if them with me, there a nothing i want anymore..i will spend my time with them..7 day with 7 boys..

Great one short stories about INFINITE..
kamsahamnida for making this story..
Happy 3rd Anniversary INFINITE!
I'll always support them and proud to be a Inspirit..
naznew #2
Chapter 6: Love at first sight...
naznew #3
Chapter 5: Sungjong become a gangster? No way..Lol..
Poor lei..tiffany act like a when she bullied lei with the other..i though tiffany was lei's bestfriend?
Joongki as a leader of gangster? Haha..maybe suppose to be a leader of flowerboy group..
Sunjong found his happiness..
naznew #4
Chapter 4: Woohyun-ah..O_O
naznew #5
Chapter 3: Wow..dongwoo become strong when lei in trouble..that the power of love..
naznew #6
Chapter 2: A little touching and happy that lei get answer from hoya.. i though lei just one side love..
naznew #7
Chapter 1: I love the prank and that made them confess and realize their feeling toward each other..
naznew #8
seem interesting..i can't wait to read it..
please update soon..