On Time

“What are you doing here?”


“I don’t even know. You tell me!”


While Seunghyun and Rin get caught up in a little argument between them, the rest of the Big Bang members stare at her, still in shock. On the obvious side, none of them had ever brought a passerby (even a fan) inside their van. It’s obviously beyond bizarre, and frankly, they don’t even know them. Youngbae even wants to kick the stranger girl out from the van. But Daesung was quick on stopping his hyung’s attempt once they saw her face. They came to a realization as in why Seunghyun had brought her in. Yet at the same time, they feel as confused as Seunghyun was when he first saw her amongst the fans in front of Incheon Airport.


First, Rin is not supposed to be there. And secondly, Rin will never be in the public without her helmet these days. That is, if she’s here.


“Say, are you some kind of an impostor?” Jiyong is the first to break apart their argument.

“Yeah, are you?” Daesung adds.

Rin’s eyes open wide in a slight irritation, and then her hands proceed on rubbing temple. “Oh, great. I used to be an artist of YG, and now you are so quick on forgetting me?” Rin unconsciously lets out her usual sarcastic remark.

Without her knowledge, however, Seunghyun decides to send a short text message to Rin. Just a short confirmation, but he’d like to prove the very presence of the woman who sits beside him.


Hey, how are you?

From: Seunghyun


Not a minute later, a new text comes into his phone.


Hmm? What’s the sudden text?

From: Yoon-Seo


He looks up, but Rin is already talking to the other members of Big Bang. Hence the tiniest chance of her neither replying nor receiving his text.


So, she is Yoon-Seo. But who is she?


“Can you tell me how did you end up in front of Incheon Airport?” Seunghyun suddenly asks her, pulling her attention back to him.

“Ah, finally someone asks a good question,” Rin sighs in a sarcastic relief once more, but is quick to get back at his question. Rin begins on explaining what had happened to her before she met Seunghyun.


The rolling luggage. The chase. The car crash that sent her flying.


“…and now I’m in front of you all, who are still doubting my presence and still thinks that I’m an impostor of some sort,” she folds her arms, and then glances at their expressions.  

“Well, surely for one, her sarcastic remarks are the living proofs,” Taeyang, the one who has been paying his attention to her, speaks up.

“And her bracelet as well,” Seunghyun gently lifts up her right wrist, caressing the beady texture lightly. “You still wear it, after all. I’m glad.”

“Why wouldn’t I wear it, though? This is a gift from my best friend we’re speaking of, hmm?” she smirks, teasing him by nudging his hip side just a little before Jiyong looks at her with curious eyes.

“Omo, now think about it. Now we got two Yoon-Seos! Isn’t it sort of hilarious?” he says with a slight energetic tone.

“Aigoo, hyung. Having two of her is just plain creepy, okay?” Daesung pouts, which earns a laugh from Seungri and a chuckle from Seunghyun.

“Just differentiate it into two nicknames, so we are not going to be confused on who’s who,” Seunghyun says while thinking hard on a good nickname for Rin. “How about if we still call the other one ‘Yoon-Seo’ and yours would be ‘Yoon-Seo 2.0’?”

“Hey, hey! How dare you put me in the same level as a robot!” she playfully swats the side of his arm while puffing her cheeks up in annoyance.

“I still can’t believe you time-travelled to here,” Taeyang says, still look surprised. “It’s not even invented yet.”

“Blame it all to these damned eyes, my friend,” she says, with her forefinger pointing at her eyes and does a small, 2-toned whistle.

“That was lucky of you to find us back at Incheon Airport,” Jiyong looks at her, observing her from head to toe.

“Ah, what can I say?” she shrugs. “For once, I should be really thankful to those fans. Just for once, though.”

“Yeah, those fans,” Daesung says while drinking from his water bottle. “They attract attention wherever we go and move. Really.”

“Then again, what would be her reaction if she sees the Yoon-Seo here?” Seunghyun jokingly points it out to them.

“Eh, I don’t know? Certainly, if I’m the other her, I would literally die of shock,” Jiyong answers.

“No one would just stand there and act normal as if nothing happened, isn’t it?” she says too seriously. “She will have to be admitted to the hospital if she does acts normal. Well, technically.”

Everyone else laughs due to her serious tone while Jiyong distributes a can of chips between them, each taking one out and savor it in silent. Rin almost cannot process all of their talkativeness, as she leans back to the van’s luxurious sofa and checks the time.



Time does fly fast…


“I’ve missed the Yoon-Seo 2.0, frankly,” Seungri suddenly exclaims out of nowhere, pulling her on the shoulders while pressing his cheeks on hers, clearly the one who misses the ‘old’ her most.

“Hmm? Why is that?”

“The current Yoon-Seo is quite dull, to be honest,” Taeyang reminisces, resting his chin on his palm while his elbow rests on the car’s windowsill. “Not as fun as you.”

“Indeed she is, lately,” Daesung sighs.

Sensing the sudden change of the whole atmosphere, Rin clears to get their attentions again. “How can the ‘me’ here is so dull to you guys? You better kid me not.”

“I kid you not. Ever since she got together with that guy,” Seungri starts. “Yoon-Seo had become so, so boring. Unlike you, the fun side of hers had disappeared.”

“She broke Seunghyun hyung’s heart, additionally. And apparently, from what I heard from the news, she didn’t get quite along with her band mates lately,” Daesung adds, and with that, Seunghyun looks away to the window. Jiyong pats his friend’s shoulder lightly as a sign of comfort, while the latter keeps saying that he’s okay.


“Wait, wait, wait,” Rin holds up both of her hands, hinting them to stop. “What did you just said?”


“You heard me,” Seungri quietly says, his voice almost a whisper. “But I think it’s better if we get you to meet Yoon-Seo’s band, face to face. They should be back to Seoul by tomorrow, I believe.”




“You can stay at our apartment for a while, Rin,” Seunghyun suddenly says after they got back from YG Company, and on their way to their apartment.

Rin blinks twice. After all those conversation going on, she almost forgot that she is a stranger to this new time frame, thus she has nowhere to go.

“Ah, right,” she says, stoically. “I can always go to a hotel and get a room…”

“That won’t do,” Seungri points out. “It’s already night time. Girls are not supposed to be outside, you know?”

“I can’t trouble you guys any longer, okay? You guys helped me a lot for today…”

“Ah, come on! Besides, I’ve always wanted to have you as a roommate,” Taeyang cuts in.

Rin guffaws at their remarks. Funny how everyone seems to act so comfortable around her, yet she doesn’t feel the same way. Checking her phone once more, she still feels really annoyed that her phone doesn’t work properly like she wants it to be.



The key to another riddle,

is another riddle.


Her head jerks upwards, and her eyes open wide.


That voice. That damned silver whispers.


“Damn,” she rubs her temple with her eyes closed, in attempt of shooing the Voices away from her head. But her attempts fails, since her eyes feel heavy and she now falls into what seems like a deep slumber. Her head motionlessly hit Seunghyun’s lap, falling like there’s no soul within her.

“Yoon-Seo?” Seunghyun worriedly asks, while his hands shake her sleepy body. Feeling curious yet scared, he positions his forefinger underneath her nose. Her breathing is steady, which relieves him. But that doesn’t completely assure him, since she won’t wake up no matter how hard he shakes her shoulders.

“Yoon Seo!”

Her mind completely shuts close, and the darkness engulfs her. The Voice had managed to lull her to sleep again, despite her struggling to keep up.




Wake up, sweetie.

Time is ticking.

Time never waits.

Quick, save the Dreamer.

Or you won’t be able to go back!




Okay, first of all, I know this fic is supposed to be on its hiatus. But due to my early homework completion, I've completed 3 chapters of this fic. So I'll only be uploading those 3 chapters, and put it back on hiatus once more (since I'll be back to my school life after that). Until then, I don't know when I'll update again since I'll be really busy once school starts in 2 more days.

Until then, please enjoy these 3 new chapters of Part two! :)

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06/11/2013 = Posted a chapter~! I'll put back the hiatus status after a week bc I'm not going to update until December holiday starts (hopefully)


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Loving it so far
Chapter 9: i'm confused.. change of title?
haebyeong33 #3
Chapter 17: As much as I'm gonna miss your story if it does go in hiatus, you need to focus to your education first. And you're a sweetheart for still thinking about your readers~
I'll wish you the best of luck for your scholarship ^_^
haebyeong33 #4
Chapter 15: "If she isn't his friend, he could've fallen for her in an instant" >>> I thought he already did! LOL ;p
I always like Rin's easy going personality, the way she asks everyone to speak comfortably around her ^_^
Chapter 15: TOP is such a gentleman!
I'm also curious about how Jaejoong will get her ~~