An Illusion, A Dream

On Time

A/N: Hey guys! I have some announcement to make before I begin my hiatus plan, so please pay attention :)

  1. After I did some revision on my story plot, I decided that the story will be split into two Parts. This is so I can control the flow easier, so expect some changes to be made! (not the plot, fyi)
  2. Change of plans, I will be finishing Part One since I just really wanted to publish all of the Part One chapters right away before delving though my piles of homework (and I typed them all way too fast, whoops). I possibly will include one chapter introduction for Part Two, but it depends. Hopefully I'll be able to do so.

“Stage 3? You said I’m in stage 3?” Rin asks, feeling the weight on her heart slowly heavier than before.

“I’m afraid it’s true, Yoon Seo. As much as I wanted to deny it, but again, the records didn’t lie,” Seong Woo says, patting her sweaty hands in comfort.

“What does that supposed to mean?”

Surprised by the lack of emotion in her sentence, he continues his explanation to further proving his statement. “When you made the equipment in the studio malfunctioned, you’re in your second stage already. There was something that I noticed; a pattern, if I may.”

Reaching for the file on his desk, he then flips it open to a certain page to show her. “See this one? This was the first major impact that you had experienced years ago. The damage wasn’t so severe, though. And next one,” he flips some more pages until he reaches the desired page. “This was when the sixth one occurred.”

“Ah yes,” she murmurs, feeling the cool sensation of the photo paper beneath her wandering fingers. The photo showed a tall street lamp that got bended, with the tip reaching the empty-looking street and some shattered glass nearing the pole.

Rin finally remembers; it was Choi who took that photo.

“I bended a street lamp before, eh?” she mumbles bitterly, faking a laugh.

“Yes, that one,” he nods; his eyes scanning the pictures and the newspaper clipping on the file he’s holding.

“So, what I’m trying to say is,” he looks back at Rin. “The power you inflicted, it’s getting stronger and dangerous. At first I thought the impact wouldn’t be so strong, like the first and second impacts. I’ve just started on observing the major impacts 1 week ago, and this is the conclusion that I could get.”

“Then, what am I supposed to do?”

“Well, certainly handling your supernatural ‘gift’ is beyond my power,” he says. “This disease isn’t even written in the books, and so are the methods on handling it. It’s quite impossible to even know the symptoms.”

Rin frowns in disappointment, knowing that there’s nothing that he can do about it.

“I know that all of what I said before is not good news for you,” he pauses when Rin reaches to her drink. “But there’s one thing I have to warn you, though.”

“What is it?”

“I know what I’m about to say will sounds cliché, but I believe that whatever happened to you, they’re not just mere coincidences,” Seong Woo says while unceremoniously drops the file back on the desk.

“I’m not sure I can buy that, Seong Woo,” Rin furrows her eyebrow in confusion. “Those are not facts, you see. Those are just your assumptions.”

“Just listen to me for once, Yoon Seo,” he leans forward to her, looking at her straight on the eyes. “There must be a sole reason why all of these happened; like why you’re the one who got this ‘gift’ that no one possess, why did these external impacts happened so quickly yet so severe. All of these, for a sole reason that you’ll have to find by yourself.”




“That hurts, hey,” he pouts and rubs his forehead after she had flicked her fingers on his forehead, with her clearly annoyed yet embarrassed on what Jaejoong did to her. On the other hand, they spend some more time along the shopping district after lunch, since the day is still clear.

“Well, what can I say? That’s what you’ll get for doing that to me,” she puts on her mockery smirk, which earns her a pinch on her nose from Jaejoong. Rin swats away his hand, feeling irritated once again; one thing that has become his favorite thing from her.

Because that’s when she would show her cute side, in which he found quite adorable.

Suddenly, something strikes her interest, and she quickly pulls him with her to the desired destination of hers. With reflex, she grabs his hand while pulling him along. Due to him being distracted before, he gets pull away almost easily by Rin towards a shop in the corner.

“What the…,” he pants roughly, taking in some more oxygen to relieve his lungs. “YOON SEO!”

“Oh, sorry about it,” she sarcastically says. “I just got interested in this one shop. Do you want to get in?”

“Whatever,” he grunts as the respond, and then he realizes that he doesn’t know where they headed to.

“You sure? Since we just ate lunch minutes ago, and well, I can still digest some light desserts in my tummy,” she pats her tummy through her jacket, while glancing at him questioningly. “I don’t know about you, though.”

“I can do with some light desserts. What are we going to eat, anyways?” he curiously asks, not bothering on looking up at the shop’s banner.

Her lips curled into a smile as she pushes the door open, a simple word coming out from . “Flan.”




After placing their orders by the cashier, she chose a milk chocolate flan and the classic crème brulee vanilla flan. On the other hand, Jaejoong had got himself a mango flan and a caramel flan after he spent minutes on looking through the shop’s own line of flans.

“Well, that’s a surprise,” he talks after settling down on the couple table that was placed near the window.

“What is?”

“Well, you,” he nods at her. “On you knowing all of South Korea’s eateries. You didn’t even have to look back and forth on finding this almost-secluded place.”

“I have my sources,” she flatly nods as their orders come. When the waitress places Jaejoong’s order, she blushes right away before holding tight on the plastic hand tray, bowing slightly at him, and runs away. Not a minute after, Rin can hear squealing from behind the counter.

“Oh, you and your beautiful face. It’s like you’re the cheese and those women are the mouse,” Rin mockingly laughs at the attention that he got just now, then opens the lid of her milk chocolate flan.

“Aish, but it’s not only me who gets it every day, hmm?” he comments while copying her action, opening the lid of the mango flan cup.

“Me? Well,” Rin scratches her head, looking left and right, before leaning in to answer him. “People get quite scared at me for most of the time, while some didn’t. That’s why I’m feeling quite lucky.”

“I doubt that.”

“You better not, because that’s how it is,” her face grows dark. “You better watch out as well, Kim Jaejoong.”


Rin then excuses herself to the toilet to do her business. Upon reaching the toilet, she washes her hand while checking her appearance in the mirror. Something of the homey atmosphere of the toilet makes her want to stay there a bit longer, while taking in the antique vintage interior.

When the rivulets of water cascades on her palms, she still can’t believe that of all these times, she didn’t imagine herself getting so close to him as a friend. Inwardly smirking, her mind recounts the days when she would nag him for his mistakes, and her face would frown upon him. Not sure whether his sight plainly made her want to punch him, or he was just plain annoying.

But again, what happened hours ago didn’t seem to meet her expectations. Nevertheless, she found it interesting indeed. At least she can observe more of this ‘human expressions’, whilst still maintaining her serious impression.

Previously, she did think of some possibilities that he might fall for her, judging by his actions towards her. Having possessed that pair of strange eyes, she confirmed her doubts; on how he feels about her, straight away just by looking at him with her bare eyes. And for once, she is glad that she owned these eyes.

Truth to be told, however, she has no interest in starting a romantic relationship.

She never has, and she never will.

From when she entered high school until now, she had never trusts anyone. There are some exceptions, but that’s the limit that she had set between herself and her friends and colleagues. Though she likes to hang out with guys more than girls, none had acquired her interest.

None will, anyways. And her mom once asked if she is a lesbian, in which she laughed so hard at it.

Of course she isn’t.

For her, romantic relationships are simply a hassle. Such relationship is greatly despised by a person like her. After all, she is not the type to be drawn into cheap (often cheesy) romance stories, nor does she believes in ‘love at first sight’. Problems concerning romantic relationships also did ruin her perception of such relationship even more. Her eye problem is enough for her alone, and she has no intention on adding another problem into her life.

When she rubs her eyes with some more water, suddenly she felt a tingle of dizziness in her head, and fuzziness on her eyes.  Feeling giddy, she splashes quite a considerate amount of water onto her face, and rubs her eyes.

Rin cannot believe what she just heard minutes before.


She can hear them throughout the room, which raises her alert almost too soon yet she stays calm as well. At first, she can’t make out the words, but slowly, she hears it as clear as the day.


“You foolish child”


That voice…is someone here? Checking through the area, she confirms that there is not one single soul in here except her alone.


“Tell me…”


A soft voice, yet it sounds so threatening at the same time.


“Did you dream that you were the butterfly?”


She begins on feeling the goose-bumps on the nape of her neck, her knees feeling weak.


“Or did the butterfly dream that it was you?”



The journey from the shop to the apartment in Jaejoong’s car was quite awkward, with Rin who didn’t utter a single word along the way. Previously, they didn’t manage to finish the flans they ordered, as Rin hissed (and unconsciously commanded him) to get out from the place. Sensing that something was not right from her face, Jaejoong didn’t say anything but asked the waiter to put the glass cups in a paper bag for them to be brought home.

He didn’t dare ask anything to her, either.

Upon arriving on the front door and entering the elevator, it is then Rin sighs in relief, with sweats forming on her forehead. Her back unceremoniously slides down until she reaches the cold floor, with her hands massaging the sides of her head. Her breathing is hoarse, and all of the sudden, she’s not feeling so well.


Both of them reach the 12th floor, and without any further comment, Jaejoong quickly scoops her up and carries her, bridal-style, to her apartment room. Her body is weak all the same, forbidding her to move any further. After Jaejoong knocks the door exactly three times, Hyun opens the door for them and let them in, with a surprised look painted on his face.

“Jaejoong sshi, what’s wrong with her?”

“I have no idea either,” Jaejoong then drops her bag to the sofa and a paper bag on the coffee table, proceeding on going to her room, with Hyun opening the door for him.

“We should let her rest on the bed first,” he continues, which earns a nod from Hyun. The latter tucks her in, and then calls out to Choi so he can cook up his trademark vegetable soup for her.

Her room is suddenly crowded, with Jaejoong, Hyun, Choi, and Kyunsoo in the room.

“Her temperature is quite high,” Choi says after checking on the electric thermometer. “Just let her rest, guys. “

“Does this frequently occur?” Jaejoong curiously asks.

“Once or twice, but it happened 2 years ago,” Hyun answers him. “Didn’t expect that this would happen again, though.”

“It has been long since it last happened,” Kyunsoo adds. “I think I will call her psychiatrist and see what he can do about it.”

Jaejoong is left with his mind thinking elsewhere, and is now eyeing Choi who sits beside her bed, with his hand carefully tracing the hair strands that rests on her cheeks. Hyun then asks him to leave, in which he does so.


“Me? Coming along with you?”

“Mhmm,” Seong Woo says, rubbing Jaekyung’s hand lovingly.

Seong Woo sighs deeply. Having received Kyunsoo’s rather frantic phone call, he agreed on coming to their apartment room. This one problem is getting more and more complicated each day. Not that he want to abandon this case; after all, he was the one who offered her of his assistance, free of charge. But all of these are just plainly confusing. When he already did found some solutions to her problems, another riddle comes up.

It’s as if he’s running in circles on this matter.

But either way, he is still interested on solving this matter of Rin’s. It has been his motto on ‘finishing what he had started’, albeit he doubts his statement sometimes. Jaekyung, having studied in the same division as him, is equally interested in his dear friend’s case. She really had been a great help for these past years.

“What’s wrong?” Jaekyung asks, looking up from the magazine that she holds.

“Nothing,” he lets out a chuckle. “I think we should go now. Yoon Seo is waiting for us.”

“What’s wrong with her again?” Jaekyung asks, now in a much more concerned tone.

“I’m not so sure, and I have my own doubts in that,” he murmurs. “And I don’t think we will like it, though.”

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06/11/2013 = Posted a chapter~! I'll put back the hiatus status after a week bc I'm not going to update until December holiday starts (hopefully)


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Loving it so far
Chapter 9: i'm confused.. change of title?
haebyeong33 #3
Chapter 17: As much as I'm gonna miss your story if it does go in hiatus, you need to focus to your education first. And you're a sweetheart for still thinking about your readers~
I'll wish you the best of luck for your scholarship ^_^
haebyeong33 #4
Chapter 15: "If she isn't his friend, he could've fallen for her in an instant" >>> I thought he already did! LOL ;p
I always like Rin's easy going personality, the way she asks everyone to speak comfortably around her ^_^
Chapter 15: TOP is such a gentleman!
I'm also curious about how Jaejoong will get her ~~