
On Time

An hour had passed, and they didn’t realize just how quick that one hour went. Rin had performed the dance with her favorite music from Daft Punk in front of them at Onew’s over-the-top apartment, and she knows that Daft Punk’s music is nearly suitable for hip-hop dance. Other artists’ music doesn’t suit her style sometimes. On the other hand, Jaejoong was captivated by how quick she responded to the music with her dancing, and he did not dare disturb her while she performed. Never before had he seen such amazing performance, especially coming from a girl. Now he realized why she earned that title almost long time ago, yet he feels that it’s such a waste for her to abandon that title, since her band changed genre. At least, that what he heard from Onew himself.

After they bade goodbye to Onew, Jaejoong intends to deliver Rin home first, being a gentleman he is. Upon reaching the lobby, Rin gets out first, only to be pulled in by Jaejoong. His eyes open wide, and he froze after looking at something on the lobby. His hand grips tightly on her hand, which makes her winces a bit. When Rin follows his eyes’ direction, by then she realizes what Jaejoong had seen; there are many girls out there, waiting and standing up, all looking through the glass wall of the apartment’s lobby. Sensing his fear through his shaking hand, Rin decides to press the ‘close’ button of the elevator, and goes to the first floor.

“What exactly are you doing?” Jaejoong hisses after they get out from the elevator.

“Getting you away from them, that’s what,” Rin simply says. She looks at him seriously. “How did they know you were here?”

“God knows how!” he exclaims. “Those girls…why won’t they go away from me?”

Rin thinks hard for a minute, searching for something. Many crazy ideas get into her head, and now she’s confused. Calling the police would be troublesome, since she doesn’t feel like attracting attention from the media. Finally, after opening her bag, she gets a brilliant but still equally insane idea.

“Brilliant! This will bloody work!” she yells, causing Jaejoong to jump.

“What will work?”

“This!” Rin then pulls out a stripped scarf from her bag. A confused expression formed on his face, doubting her idea but nevertheless still don’t get it.

“What does a scarf have anything to do with this kind of situation, anyways?” he asks while trying to maintain his cool.

Rin snorts before answering his question. “This, my dear, is for disguise. I’ll take that as in you have never done any disguise before?”

Jaejoong shakes his head, further confirming her statement.

“Then, lucky you! You’ve earned yourself a professional impostor,” she states, kneeling down in order to get some of her things out. A necklace with a ‘peace-sign’ hanged on it, a medium-length brown wig, a bandana, and large retro sunglasses. Jaejoong squats next to her, seemingly interested on what she does.

“First of all, stay there and don’t blink,” Rin instructs, in which he obediently does so. She takes the scarf first, wraps it beneath his nose while at the same time, covering his mouth as well, and then securely ties it behind his neck. Unlocking the necklace’s clasp, she squats in front of him and locates the necklace onto his necks, finally securing the clasp back in place. She then hands him her fedora hat, and make sure that his hair strands are not poking out.

“Alright. You’re good to go,” Rin says. “Oh, and also, if I were you, I would shut down my phone. Wouldn’t want those girls to, by any chance, call you, right?”

“You’re right,” Jaejoong then grabs his phone from his pocket, then shutting it down as what she had recommended. He then looks back at her, observing from head to toe. “Then, how about you? I think they already saw a glimpse of your appearance before.”

“This wig over here will do the trick,” she zips close her bag, grabbing the wig in the process. After preparing everything that she thinks she might need, she then puts the wig cap over her head. Jaejoong then helps her with the wig, although she didn’t ask him to. Smoothing her hair down with his fingers, he helps her again on putting the bobby pins to secure the wig.

“That, my friend, is perfect! Thank you,” she then raises her arm and offers her hand for a high five after checking her appearance from her pocket mirror. “I request the highest of fives.” Jaejoong can’t help but laugh at her reaction and does what she asked. After she stores away her hoodie in her bag, they then decided to get out through the back door in order to avoid those girls again.

When they get out from the apartment building and to the main street, Jaejoong hand immediately reaches out to hers, again, and shakily grips her hand. is quick to whisper something to his left ear, calm yet serious at the same time.

“Jaejoong, I really want you to be cooperative with me for now. Please just follow my lead, and you’ll be fine,” she says, tapping his hand reassuringly with her other free hand.

Rin then takes the lead, and as the girls stand up on seeing them both, all of them asks the same question although with different words; ‘have you seen Jaejoong-oppa?’

“No, I haven’t,” is Rin’s reply. When the girls observe them from head to toe, both Rin and Jaejoong can see their disappointed faces. The girls probably realize that they’re not Jaejoong and ‘that ’ that stood beside him before.

“Can you please excuse us? My friend here has influenza, and none of you wants to get the viruses, don’t you?” Rin then continues, although this time, she spoke in a ‘y’ tone.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” one of the girls says, and yells to the others to clear the way so that they can pass through. As they walk quickly through them, she hears that someone wants to call ‘Jaejoong-oppa’, still believing that he might be somewhere near the building. That girl is quickly disappointed when she states that he did not pick up his phone, which caused a distraction amongst the girls. On the other hand, Jaejoong was glad that he turned off his phone before getting out. Otherwise, those girls will know that he is there.

Meanwhile, both Rin and Jaejoong arrive safely inside an empty taxi, with the driver driving through the busy street towards Jaejoong’s apartment.


“Who’s there?”

“It’s me, Jaejoong! Junsu, hurry up and let us in!” Jaejoong pleads through the intercom, nearly screaming.

“I don’t mean you. I refer to the girl beside you. Who is she?” Junsu asks menacingly.

“She’s only a friend, and she helped me just a minute ago. Just please let us in!” Jaejoong restates his previous request once more.

After a brief pause, they hear Junsu’s muffled sigh. “Just get inside already.”

“Thank you!” he replies sarcastically.

Both of them then quickly enter the empty elevator that had just opened, which quickly delivers them to the 15th floor. The 15th floor turns out to be the only floor for JYJ personnel and other rich people, and Rin is even more surprised that he and his band mates live within the same building as hers. She did not see the building’s name since she was busy guiding Jaejoong from the sea of fan girls, but after realizing the familiar lobby and elevator, now she know.

“We’re here,” he says, pulling her with him out from the elevator, and towards the door. Knocking it exactly two times, the door is then opened by Junsu.

“Ah, hello. What took you so long?”

“I think you know already ‘why’, and I’m not going to explain it to you again,” Jaejoong irritatingly speaks, pushing him aside so that he can get inside.

Junsu lets out an ‘ooh’ before looking at Rin, taken aback. “And who is this?”

“Her name is Rin,” Jaejoong says while taking off his shoes. “She’s my savior, literally. She saved my from those girls several minutes ago.”

“It’s was nothing, really…”

“It was nothing? Man, we’d even barely get out from this building, had it not been the police’s help in securing us!” Junsu then lets her in as well. “You must be a professional in this. Can you tell me how you did these—“

“Don’t pressure her, Junsu,” Jaejoong warns him. Meanwhile, there’s another person coming out from a door, in which Jaejoong quickly introduces the person; Yoochun.

“Aish, Jaejoong. Already brought a girl home, I see,” Yoochun teasingly says, earning him a punch-on-the-arm from Jaejoong.

However, before Jaejoong speaks, Rin felt her phone ringing in her pocket. She got a message from Kyunsoo, reminding her of today’s ‘planning day’. Cursing under her breath, she ties her sneakers back, cancelling the attempt to enter the room while rapidly texting Kyunsoo back, promising him that she will be there in 5 more minutes.

“I’m so sorry, but I gotta run. I’ll see you next time!” she shouts, putting her phone in her pocket at the same time.

“Eh? But we barely talked yet!” Junsu speaks, attracting both Jaejoong’s and Yoochun’s attentions at last. With a quick turn, Jaejoong walks towards the door without missing a beat.

“At least let me deliver you home, safe and sound,” he says, almost pleading.

“Ah no, you don’t have to. My apartment room is only a few floors away, anyways,” she answers when her phone rings again. This time, it’s from Hyun. “Gotta run. Bye!”

With that, she runs off to the elevator that happens to be open, with her hand holding her phone near her right ear to talk to Hyun. Meanwhile, Jaejoong had just realized that her scarf, which now resides around his neck, is still with him. Taking it off quickly, he plans to chase after her, only to realize that it’s too late since she was gone already.

“No way,” he groans, regretting how slowed he has been, and how impolite of him since he forgot to say thank you to her. But remembering what she has said before she left them…

“This will be one hell of a challenge,” he speaks to himself, returning to his room with Rin’s scarf circling his wrist.


When I typed this up, I might have got carried away and typed too fast. Alas, typos happened. Good thing I could finish this, and I forgot to type this section too. =__=

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06/11/2013 = Posted a chapter~! I'll put back the hiatus status after a week bc I'm not going to update until December holiday starts (hopefully)


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Loving it so far
Chapter 9: i'm confused.. change of title?
haebyeong33 #3
Chapter 17: As much as I'm gonna miss your story if it does go in hiatus, you need to focus to your education first. And you're a sweetheart for still thinking about your readers~
I'll wish you the best of luck for your scholarship ^_^
haebyeong33 #4
Chapter 15: "If she isn't his friend, he could've fallen for her in an instant" >>> I thought he already did! LOL ;p
I always like Rin's easy going personality, the way she asks everyone to speak comfortably around her ^_^
Chapter 15: TOP is such a gentleman!
I'm also curious about how Jaejoong will get her ~~