Rebirth of a fallen: complicated relationships

Rebirth of a fallen

Chapter 4-

                Yixing wakes up early the next morning; he takes his time getting out of bed. He wanders out to the kitchen and finds that Kyungsoo is making breakfast for everyone in the house, so he decides to help.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Kyungsoo is startled and turns around to see Yixing's innocent face.

"How about getting the rice started and setting the table?" the younger smiles as he gives Yixing a task that will help him. The older boy smiles back, he moves around the kitchen with the other getting the rice started before he moves to the cupboards. The two boys smile and talk to each other while they continue to cook together.

"Is the house always this peaceful, I mean since it's a bunch of males that live here, I thought it would be more chaotic?" Yixing wonders.

"Oh, they're just all behaving themselves; they were worried if they acted normally you would run away" Kyungsoo laughs, remembering how the house usually is.

"Is it a lively house? I've never been in a very lively house; my parents were always working so the house has always been quiet" Yixing smiles sadly at the memories of a quiet home.

"Well, you'll feel like you're living with a bunch of children if you live with us" Kyungsoo smiled as he thought about the way Baekhyun and Chanyeol play pranks, the way Sehun and Kai wrestle and argue like 5 year olds.

"Sounds like it would be a big happy family" Yixing feels sad thinking about a happy life he has missed out so much on.

"It really is, there's always yelling about being tricked, or random wrestling matches that break out on the living room floor" both males smile at the image those words create.

"Who are the worse for those things?" Yixing wonders, and watches Kyungsoo stop to think.

"Well Sehun, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen and even Luhan cause a lot of trouble for everyone, Luhan acts like he is a little kid and gets along well with the younger boys" Kyungsoo shakes his head at Luhan's un adult like behavior.

"Luhan seems like someone who would do that" Yixing easily agrees with the other male.

"I know what you mean, actually I remember you always had a habit of irritating Kris and embarrassing him in front of everyone, and because it's you he doesn’t do anything about it" Kyungsoo smiles remembering the times that Yixing has purposely made Kris' life hard for his own amusement. Yixing is about to say something when a voice starts up behind them.

"Kris, are you still not sleeping properly?" Yixing turns his head to the side to see Luhan watching Kris. Yixing's eyes follow Luhan's to see Kris walking out of the bathroom, a large hand rubbing soothing circles into his own neck. Yixing wonders what Luhan is talking about until he realizes that the bed he has been sleeping in is said giants bed. He looks over to Kris again, when their eyes meet he smiles apologetically at the older boy, but Kris just shrugs it off a heads into his room to get a clean pair of clothes.

"Guys, breakfast is ready" Kyungsoo's voice rings throughout the house, Yixing laughs as he watches the varying states of each boy walking and taking their spots at the table. Yixing takes his now usual spot on Kris' left, and he is starting to fit easier in with everyone now.

"Sehun, pass the pepper" Kai demands from one side of the table, looking at the youngest male as he blatantly ignores him. Kai kicks the table right beside where Luhan and Sehun are eating their breakfast. Sehun continues to ignore Kai while Luhan looks up at him and gives him a dirty look.

"Kai don't, behave yourself" Kyungsoo has to grab the younger's wrist before he empties Chen's glass of water on Sehun and anyone that is sitting near him. Kai grumbles about annoying maknae’s and promptly shuts up when Kyungsoo gets the pepper for him. Yixing can't help but to smile at their behaviour, as Kris subtly shakes his head at the commotion.

After breakfast, Yixing helps Kyungsoo quickly clean up before the younger has to head off to his college classes. Eventually Yixing is left alone with the three maknae’s and Xiumin. Sehun and Kai have the day off from school, which lead to Tao refusing to go to his classes to stay home too, while Xiumin is still on family based leave from work.

"Die you little brat" Kai calls out as his video game character fights against Sehun's. Yixing quickly learns that sitting between Kai and Sehun while they are playing video games is a bad idea when he nearly gets an elbow to the face.

"Sorry, hyung" Sehun says as he reaches around Yixing to slap Kai on the thigh in retaliation to Kai kicking his ankle. Yixing sits further into the back of the couch to try and hide from the hands and feet swiping at each other over his body. He drowns out there nonsense words of insults and complaints and he lets his eyes wander around the house once again. His head snaps back to over his right shoulder, surprise and confusion taking over his senses. Off to the side of the room, Tao and Xiumin are standing close together, seeming too close to be having a conversation. Curiosity gets the best of him so he continues to watch the two together, wondering what was happening between them. Yixing thinks he is imagining things when he sees Tao place his hands gently on the elder's waist as he leans down and kisses Xiumin softly on the lips. He realizes that it was not a dream when he hears gagging noises and the chorus of 'get in your room if you want to do that' from the two boys sitting on either side of him.

"Does that happen often?" Yixing questions, looking between the boys beside him and the other two, who are starting to pull away from each other.

"Are you kidding, when everyone in this house is dating except you and Kris hyung, of course it does" Kai answers, "Kai is the worse, forcing Kyungsoo hyung into it as well" Sehun adds on to the end of the other boys sentence.

"Boys" Xiumin yells as he walks into the room, giving both of them a stern look, Sehun and Kai 'oh' when they realize why they're being yelled at this time.

"What's going on?" Yixing looks between everyone in the room with him but no one is willing to explain things.

"It's nothing Yixing" Xiumin smiles happily at the other boy before he walks back over to Tao and the two are cautious of how close they stand together this time. Yixing is not satisfied with the silence he is getting from everyone, but he decides to let it go and bring it up later with everyone else around.

The house falls into a quieter state as everyone returns to whatever they feel like doing. The awkward atmosphere starts to fade when everyone returns home from their respective jobs or classes and the comfortable family returns.

"Hey, Sehun and Kai mentioned earlier that everyone here is dating, what did they mean?" Yixing takes in the shocked, surprised and furious reactions on everyone's faces at the topic he has brought up.

"They were talking nonsense, just ignore them" Kris states flatly, his attempt to end the conversation before it starts evident in his tone.

"You promised you wouldn’t lie to me, so I want to know what they were talking about" Yixing's stubborn side starts to show through his usually air headedness. He notices the enraged look that passes over Kris' face, and watches him glare at everyone in the room, his strongest ones directed at Sehun and Kai.

"Kris, he's right, it's only fair" Suho says, not letting Kris' stare scare him away from the topic. Yixing looks around the room at the other boys and notices the conflict running through everyone. Luhan sighs and takes the spot on the couch beside Yixing, getting ready to explain things.

"It's a difficult thing to explain, our powers have a natural connection with others in our group. We are pulled toward each other and romantic bonds are formed" Luhan stops when Kris slams the door when he quickly walks out of the house. "It's always the same, Sehun and I, Suho and Chen, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Tao and Xiumin, Kai and Kyungsoo, and then Kris and you" Luhan stops and watches Yixing stare at the door Kris just walked out. "He waited 21 years for you, the only thing he had to go on was a book, telling him that you would come back" Luhan ends his story and everyone looks at Yixing, waiting to see what he will say.

"Give me some time, I think I'll go take a shower" Yixing quickly says as he stands up, grabbing a fresh set of pyjamas before heading to the bathroom for his shower. After he is finished the shower and is in his clean clothes he starts to dry his hair with a towel. "I'm going to bed early, see you guys tomorrow" Yixing smiles sweetly at the others as he heads to bed. He pulls the blankets back on the bed; he slowly climbs in and snuggles into the bed and covers that still seem to smell like Kris. He sighs quietly as he closes his eyes and lets his exhaustion from the day lull him to sleep.  

                Yixing slowly stirs and his eyes land on the bedside table where the clock tells him he has been asleep for a couple hours. He rolls over to see Kris looking around his closet for a clean pair of pyjamas, he watches the way the taller male's back muscles move under his shirt for awhile before something crosses his mind.

"Kris, sleep with me" Kris spins around and nearly falls on his face. Yixing starts to laugh at his horrified face, and Kris calms down.

"What did you say?" Kris asks in a quiet voice, eyes wide as he waits for the answer.

"Sleep in the bed with me, it is yours" Yixing smiles, dimple showing as he pats the free space beside him. Kris lets out a relieved yet tormented sigh as he shakes his head at the younger boy.

"I'm fine on the couch, you need the bed more" Kris turns back to the closet pulling out clothes to change into.

"Kris, please" Yixing almost begs the older boy and he knows Kris can't deny him when he sees the longing in his eyes. Yixing smiles and grabs his large hand pulling him down onto the open space he had been patting earlier. Kris sighs again and sits up letting Yixing continue to hold his hand.

"Let me change first, no looking" Kris states as he stands up grabbing the clothes he had dropped earlier. Kris waits to Yixing's nod of agreement before he turns and begins to change. Yixing knows he agreed to not look but he can't tear his eyes away from the other man as his muscles move as he begins to take his clothes off, changing into a simple white muscle shirt and a pair of grey slacks. Kris turns around to see Yixing quickly throwing his hands over his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he was watching the whole time. Yixing shifts over a bit more to allow Kris room on the bed, he smiles when he sees how hesitant Kris still is to sleep in the bed with him. The older slowly climbs into the bed, careful not to let any part of himself touch the other boy in the bed beside him. The two males lay on the bed, back to back demanding their hearts and breathing to calm down so that they can go to sleep peacefully.


        *Sorry if this chapter is short, I'm thinking of working on another fic as well as this one

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kumadeer #1
Chapter 8: nice one....
Chapter 8: I can imagine super happy Chanyeol. The taomin at the end was really cute, too.
Chapter 8: Nooooo do my eyes prove me wrong it can't be over nooooo i really this story like if this story was a guy i date and marry him and invite you to the wedding unnie
Chapter 8: Ah! I'm gonna miss this story! I love it so much!
Relations and progress between Kray was so intence and beautiful and just perfect!
Hope to see more Kray stories from you in the future! =)
Chapter 7: poor channie! now he knows what kris felt like when he lose xingxing! update soon! saranghae <3
Chapter 7: Why author-nim why did you do this to channie ;( :( ;(
Chapter 6: awwwwww at last the kray is reuniteddddddd :) im shoooooooooooooo happy :) update soon! i love you!
Chapter 6: Yay Kris stops being a and apologizes. And I feel some foreshadowing going on.
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so fluff but a tiny angst but fluffffffffyyyyyyyyyy everywhere
Chapter 5: Finally ... y time. They need that XD