Another chance

Journey companion

"Author POV"

That night both Mi-cha and Donghae had a reason to wake up for, to see the other, It was frightening how fast they were liking each other, no matter how much Mi-cha liked him, Donghae seemed to like her more. Her brown eyes were on his mind when his mother called him." Hae~ can you please come down we need to talk". It always scared him when she called him, when she wanted to talk with him about something, he just knew it, not again he thought.

"What is it?" he asked knowing the answer

"What do you mean what is it? You sure know what I'm going to say" she told him sitting on the tow-seat couch.

"No, I don't" he lied

"Stop doing this to yourself!! Why can't you help yourself? Why can't you just get treated? "She screamed, it killed her knowing that her baby is ill and is refusing treatment

"What good would it do me? It killed my father didn't it....?" he whispered leaving his mother in tears, he would always silence her with his fathers death.

~Flash back~

" I am very sorry, the test result are... Donghae please don't be let down by this, it can happen"

"Just tell me what is wrong with my son!!!" Ms Lee interrupted the doctor trying as hard as she could to hold back her stinging tears, holding Donghae's arm.

"Donghae has a chronic disease, I am sorry but we can start treatment today, Donghae let's start treatment as soon a..."

" There's no need, It's okay" he lied for god knows how many times, Donghae never told the truth, not when he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest because of his racing heart beats, nor when his eyes and ears couldn't function well, when he stayed days and days with nothing in his stomach, not even when blood covered his mouth and nose, not ever. 

"Donghae POV"

Chronic disease... How I hated those tow words. Treatment? If it was any good, my father would have still been here. He wouldn't be gone, I wouldn't be alone. I never got to say goodbye, he left me. I still remember that day, the day i saw his picture surrounded with flowers, the day my mother was crying and screaming on her knees, the day my hyung cried in front of me for the very first time. It haunted me.

~ End of flash back~

"Donghae's POV"

I couldn't stay at home, I had to go out. Seeing my mother's tears, hurt me, her tears hurt me more that the fact that I'll die soon. It was windy and cold but I didn't feel anything, those memories numbed me.

"Authors POV"

Ms Lee tried everything to convince her son to get treatment but nothing worked, he was too stubborn to even open that conversation with her. She had to convince him but how?

MI-cha! That was it, she might be able to convince him. It probably won't work but still... She wasn't going to give up on her son's life.

Ms Lee ran to her phone and dialed Mi-cha's number, good thing she asked for it the other day.


"Yobosaeyo, Mi-cha~ this is Donghae's umma"

"Oh, umonieh, annyonghaseyo"

"Mi-cha I need to talk to you please as soon as possible"

"S-sure, is there something wrong?"

" I'll tell you when we meet"

"Araso, shall we meet today?"

"That would be great, thank you honey"

"Sure umonieh".

"Mi-cha's POV"

I was really worried, I couldn't stop thinking about what she had to say to me. I wanted time to fly by quickly so that i can know what was wrong but on the other hand I was scared, was is something bad?

"Umonieh~ I'm here" I called pointing to my seat. She asked to meet in a BBQ restaurant, I wonder why.

"Ah , Mi-cha thank you for coming"

"It's okay, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, that ehmm, that's , well.."

"Kanchana, you can tell me" I assured holding her hand.

"MI-cha~ my son is ill, I don't know what to do, please help me, Donghae would get treated. It's because of his father I know but I can't lose my husband and son with the same illness, I can't go through it twice" she cried squeezing Mi-cha's hand.

" ill? Donghae is ill? How? Why? He still didn't receive any treatment?!!! , " Why didn't you tell me before?!!! I asked not realizing that I was shouting really loud, I was being disrespectful but I was too worried.

" I keep asking him to go to the hospital, I beg for his own life, Mi-cha~ please help me"

I couldn't help but cry, that kid, how can he be ill??? I had to do something about it, I wasn't going to let him waste his life, not when I'm it.

"I need to go, I'll go talk to him, umonieh~ please don't worry, he will get treated, yacksokeh ( i promise)".

"Authors POV"

MI-cha tried to calm herself in front of his mother, she didn't want to scare her more than she was but as soon as she left the restaurant Mi-cha dropped to her knees. Donghae was still very young, he was childish and playful, but ill. I will not let you die! I won't. Mi-cha picked her phoned and called Donghae, she asked him to meet her at the toy store near her house.

"Mi-cha~" he called ,

" wasso? ( you're here?)" she halfheartedly smiled

"Yep, the toys are great, are you planning on buying me one?" he asked playfully, "okay, okay, don't frown haha, Mi-cha wh..Are you crying?!!" he panicked coming closer to her

"Let's sit there I need to talk to you" she led the way to the small table next to them.

"Tell me, please tell me, are you okay? Did something bad happen to you? Are you hurt anywhere?" he hammered her with questions, oh how he reminded her of her appa.

"It's not me who isn't okay, it isn't me who had something bad happen to him, it isn't me who is hurt, it's you" she cried looking him deep in the eyes

"What are you talking about?" he lied again

"Stop lying about it, you are ill, why aren't you getting treatment?" she asked furiously

"It won't work, my appa he.."

"Your appa didn't give up his life! He fought for his life, for you and your family, he didn't give up to pain and negative thoughts, so don't you compare yourself to him!!!" she snapped, Mi-cha silenced him like no other, not even his mother could do that. " You're going to the hospital with me, TODAY! Don't you dare disagree, or I swear I'll.."

"Okay, okay , I'll go" he told her not wanting to anger her any more, he also knew he needed another chance

"okay then it's settled then, let's go" she dragged him out of the store

"What you're not even buying me a .." he was once again silenced by her glare. He knew it, she wasn't going to let go of him until he's treated.


PS: Annyong~ dramatic twist right?? This fanfic is going to be full of twists and I hope you'll love it. Please subscribe, comment and vote up ^_^




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min_neulmi #1
Looks interesting! :) looking forward to it ^^ hwaiting~
It's really great! Continue to write! (P.S. This is snsd saranghae by the way. My username on chat)