Breakfast Couple

Luhan's Little Troublemaker







I really should stop watching late night dramas with Sehun, Lay and Kai. My eyes felt so heavy and yawns would escape my mouth from time to time. My head would constantly roll backwards or to the sides and I would pull it back up.

Diverting my gaze to the side, Minseok was also looking bored and his head looks like it would drop off his palm any minute.

Our teacher seemed to talk in an alien language. Whatever.


Unconsciously another yawn left my lips as I turn my attention past the window to see the sunny view outside. From our classroom the half-closed school gates were visible, so I can pretty much see who’s coming in or out the school. Not that I’m interested in knowing.

Then a familiar girl appeared.

JoEun mirrored the same sleepy exterior as me and I think she was unaware of where she’s going because she looked like she had difficulty in keeping her eyes open. JoEun yawned and then…


Her face came in contact with the metal bars of the gate.


Unknowingly, I chuckled. I just had to laugh at the way she rubbed her forehead and the way she mumbled something—which I think are strings of curses. Like a little girl she glared at the defenseless gate and kicked it like she was putting all the blame on it. Keke.

For some reason, she has this natural aegyo that you would rarely see.


“Luhan, are you okay?” Minseok asked in his uninterested, bored-to-death voice.

Twisting my head to him. “Of course. Why’d you ask?”

He raised a brow like he was in disbelief and craned his neck to where I was looking at before.

His eyes were definitely following JoEun.

“She’s cute…” I mumbled and went back to observing her.

“Cute? Her? Are you sure you’re okay?” Minseok said a little bit too loudly, completely forgetting that we’re still in class. Lucky for him, seonsaengnim is too preoccupied in his lessons to hear. “I mean, she’s pretty and all. But cute? I don’t know. Cute is when you’re all adorable and aegyo-y. She’s the total opposite of those!”


“Mr. Kim, do you have anything to share to the whole class?” the teacher’s voice boomed through the whole room as all eyes were darted to Minseok.

“I’d love to. Anything that I would share is no doubt a far more interesting topic than the things that would come out of your mouth.” Minseok whispered just enough for me to hear.

“What was that, Mr. Kim?” seonsaengnim pushed his glasses up his nose bridge.

Minseok shifted on his seat. “Nothing. I said I was sorry for interrupting you. Joesonghamnida. Please continue.” Lacing his hands and smiled innocently.

“Please pay attention.” Our teacher said one last time and went back to scribbling stuff on the board. And just like that, Minseok managed to wiggle his way out of the situation.







Another boring day at school.

I actually felt a lot more awake now, thanks to my metal enemy earlier.

Curse you metal school gates!


Anyways, I left my apartment earlier today because I still had to finish a couple school works. I didn’t get the chance to finish it yesterday and this morning because the internet connection was drunk.

And of course, I still do my homework.

So that means I’m going to finish everything the traditional way. Off to the library!

Well, at least in the library it’s peaceful and quiet.


I quickened my pace as I climb up the stairs, passing by a few students whom I never bothered giving a glance.


After minutes that felt like hours of walking/jogging, I finally reached the library’s huge wooden double doors. At last! My feet are getting sore from walking.

I slowly pushed the doors open and it made a satisfying creaking sound caused maybe by its weight.

The library was almost empty, if not for the near-lifeless librarian and a few students. Just exactly how I like it to be. Less noise.


Heading straight to the book shelves, I dropped my bag and other stuff on the table I just passed by deciding to sit there later.


I hummed a gentle unknown tune as I let my finger tips ghost over the spine of different books, looking for anything which has articles about life stories of famous artists of all times. Blah blah blah...


Pulling out a book, I looked through the table of contents and luckily I found what I was looking for. I went back to my table and immediately started on my work.



Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, known as Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker,ceramicist, and stage designer who spent most of his adult life in France. As one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century,...

...The Rose Period (1904–1906) is characterized by a more cheery style with orange and pink colors, and featuring many circus people, acrobats and harlequins known in France as saltimbanques. The harlequin, a comedic character usually depicted in checkered patterned clothing...


(A/N: the article is from




I haven’t gone halfway through finishing my research when a screeching sound coming from a chair being dragged shattered the peaceful atmosphere of the lace.

Constant shushings were heard.

“Joesonghamnida..” said a deep voice a bit loudly earning him a new set of shushings


I sighed in annoyance but chose to ignore everything as I continue.


Picasso met Fernande Olivier, a model for sculptors and artists, in Paris in 1904, and many of these paintings are influenced by his warm relationship with her, in addition to his increased exposure to—


Then I felt some idiot place a chair across me on the table and that same brave soul sat on it.

I pierced a glare.

It was a guy with a creepy grin.


I took in a few huge gulps of air trying to calm myself and forced my attention back to what I was doing.


Ignore it JoEun. Ignore it. Just pretend that no one’s there. Happy thoughts! Think of happy thoughts!


A few minutes later I managed to steer my concentration back to my little research.

Inner peace at last!




My eye started to twitch. I spoke too soon.

I looked at the moron. He was tapping his hands on the table and bobbing his head pretending that it was a drum.


He stopped when he noticed me glaring and smiled again. “Hi!”

“Oh fudge. It talks!” I muttered.

“Hi I’m Chanyeol!” he beamed.


I have no time for an of this so I continued to ignore him.


“Are you friends with Luhan hyung and Lay hyung? I saw you sitting together last time.”


Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.


“Can we be friends too?”


What? How old is he anyway?!


Placing my pen down. “Understand that if I don’t talk to you, I don’t like you. And if I don’t like you, then I don’t want to be friends with you.” I hissed.


He blinked innocently. “But you’re talking to me now.”

“That doesn’t count! Go away.”

“So does that mean you like Luhan hyung and Lay hyung?”

“No I don’t.” I bluntly said. “Now please leave. I don’t want to drag a lifeless body out of here.”

My warning didn’t seem to take effect on him because he still had a creeper smile on.


I picked up my pencil and continued. I don’t want to waste energy arguing this early in the morning.


Classicism and surrealism

In the period following the upheaval of World War I, Picasso produced work in a neoclassical style..



The creeper guy made a smart decision to leave.


Finally alone!


~15 minutes later~


A hand suddenly materialized next to my elbow that was settled on the table. And not just a hand. A pretty one.


I never noticed her hand was this pretty.

She was fast. I sent her a text just 2 minutes ago.


“Chaerin, I thought you still have classes.” I leaned back to take a better view of her hand. Odd.


Then realization hit me.


Wait a minute! What happened to Chaerin’s bust? Why is her chest this flat?

And she doesn’t wear this perfume.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a ert =.=+



“Who’s Chaerin? I’m Baekhyun!” the person behind me spoke.


A guy?!!


I leaned forward and turned my head to see the person.








Lay closed his locker then stared at Luhan who was still busy placing his stuff. “So hyung, Kai and Sehun will stay at my place later. We’re going to finish that drama—“




Lay didn’t had the chance to finish his sentence when Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s screams filled the already noisy hallway. But there was no doubt that their voices were the loudest.


Luhan shook his head. “What did they do this time?” and closed his locker.


Lay and Luhan saw the breakfast couple running and flailing their hands. A horrified expression plastered on their handsome at the same time hilarious faces.

Students parted to give way.


“You better run you erts!” behind them a voice of a familiar girl yelled.


Luhan tilted his head only to see JoEun running close behind his two friends with what seemed to be a leg of a chair at hand. She was obviously pissed.


Chanyeol and Baehyun finally reached Lay and hid behind him.


“YOU—“ JoEun started and approached the two. She stopped midway.

Luhan blocked her way. “JoEun...”

JoEun sidestepped.

Luhan did the same.


“Luhan, please get out of the way.” Still not taking her eyes away from her target.

Luhan opened his palm in front of her, which just confused her. “JoEun, please give me that.”

She diverted her gaze at him. “No.”

Luhan remained silent and continued to stare at her.


JoEun felt a bit awkward. His stare remained glued on her.


Then a familiar feeling came back to her.

She felt a bit vulnerable. And she didn’t know why. It was like his eyes were talking to her.

The area fell silent as all attention was focused to the two.


Lay had the sudden urge to snap another photo but he chose to spare his soul. He didn’t want to fuel JoEun’s anger.



“Please give it to me.” Luhan grabbed the broken chair leg.

JoEun tried to pull it away the latter’s grasp but his hold was too firm. “No.” She almost stuttered.

“Please..” Luhan begged.




JoEun contemplated for a moment but in the end gave the chair leg to Luhan.



“Tell them to stay away from me.” JoEun pointed a finger at Chanyeol and Baekhyun.







Author’s note:


Annyeong dear beloved readers~!

Sorry it took time before I updated. But thank you for your patience ^^

I hope you like this chapter ^^

And to be honest Chanyeol was my first bias in EXO (and he is still my bias)

I was planning to change my username but i don’t know. I might or I might not.

Anyways, thank you so much for the comments and subbies ^^

Please keep those comments coming. Ne?

Kamsahamnida ~(^o^~)

Chuk~! ^3^





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Chapter 4: pls update! I love this story!!!
deviljoker #2
feel like a century you havent given update ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Omo~ breakfast couple xD this is hilarious :33 keep up with the good work! C:
Chapter 3: Ohhhmaaaagaaaaahhhd im in love with this fanfic♥.♥ its sooo good
Update soon^^♥♡♥
Cropped_Angsy #5
Chapter 3: I like this kind of character. Joeun's character. It's...emm let's just say I don't like idiot and weak character :) so pretty much your story gives me interest, its nice.. Please update soon
Chapter 2: please keep updating :3