
Luhan's Little Troublemaker





I lazily dragged my feet out of the classroom and headed straight to the cafeteria. It was lunch time already. Good! Cause I was dead hungry. I felt like it was months ago since the last time I ate food.

I was carrying a paper bag whish contained Luhan’s neatly folded jacket and handkerchief. I just hope I bump into him today or maybe at least see Lay since they’re friends, I can just ask him to give it to Luhan.


Opening the cafeteria door, I felt like I entered a zoo/circus/battlefield instead  of a place where you eat your lunch.


Remind me again why I bothered going to school.

Oh yeah!

Because Chaerin wanted me to. And of course since I need education too.


Who is Chaerin? Well, let me tell you about her.

Son Chaerin is my ever dearest best friend who taught me to stand up for myself and also the reason why I’m still alive right now.


I once wanted to end this miserable life of mine. But luckily, she found me before I lost consciousness and scolded me till my ears hurt. Without her, it’s either I’m already 6 feet below the ground or I’d still be the old JoEun. The wimp and vulnerable Kwon JoEun.


Okay. Enough drama. I need to find somewhere to sit because I think I’m ready to devour a whole cow within minutes.

Grabbing a tray, I didn’t waste any more time and filled it with food enough to satisfy my hunger.


I scanned whole cafeteria like a predator surveying its territory. My back pack was slung on my back and the paper bag hanging on my arm.

Then I spotted a table. Finally!!


“Excuse me!” I yelled completely annoyed of the students who were blocking the way. There was this dark aura that surrounded me causing them to part and give way. Which allowed me to walk freely to the table.


I took out my phone to send Chaerin a message when I sat down.


To: Chaerin

Chaerin-yah~! Mianhae. I didn’t wait for you. I’m already in the cafeteria so hurry up X3


My eyes were still focused on my phone when a strong stench hit my senses and from my peripheral vision I saw someone sit on my table. What the?!


Looking up, I glared at whoever it is that dared to sit on my table.

Oh hell no! Some guy I always see at school that I didn’t bother knowing his name. He looks like a cockroach and smells like a chemistry lab.


I tapped my phone on the table. “What are you?!”

He chuckled which reassembled the sound of nails scratching a chalkboard. “You’re funny. I’m Sangchu by the way.”

Eyeing him from head to toe. “Go Away.” Then focused my attention back to my phone.

“You seem to be pretty alone. Would you like me to join you?” he still didn’t get off the table.

I looked at him with the most bored uninterested expression. “Please get off the table. I don’t want to be near you. I’d rather be alone than even get a glimpse of you so please get lost.”

But the moron was still pushy. “Playing hard to get eh? JoEun, there’s no need to.” He even knows my name!

That did it!


Neatly settling my phone on the table, I stood up and walked in front of him. Thinking that this was a good sign for him, he also stood up.


I began playing with the collar of his shirt. “Tell me, Sangchu.” I had to resist the urge to punch this idiot’s cockroachy face. “Do you want to feel something in between you thighs?” I added.

Right now most of the attentions were focused to us but I didn’t care.

He smirk. The ugliest smirk I’ve ever seen. It was bane to my eyes. Then he spoke. “Babe, I’d love—Ooo!”

I gripped his shirt collar and kneed him straight on his groin. His confidence was wearing my patience out and made me cringe. “Listen! Don’t talk to me! Don’t Don’t come near me! Don’t call me babe or any other names and especially don’t say my name like we know each other!” I warned. He was on the floor, clutching the aching spot. “Now scram before I send you straight to your grave.”







JoEun made quite a commotion. Of course it wasn’t the first time that guys would hit on her or even make a conversation with her.

Who would ignore such a beauty?

She would orally warn them but it was definitely the first time for someone to receive physical warning.


As soon as JoEun returned back to her seat, she immediately consumed half of her sandwich. Hunger was already eating her up and she can no longer wait for Chaerin.


Males who saw the little scene would now think twice in approaching her. But there was one who didn’t hesitate and still walked to her direction.


JoEun was about to send Chaerin a message but stopped when another food-filled tray materialized in front of her own and distracted her.

Thinking that another brave soul dare disturb her peace, she diverted her glare to the culprit. “Don’t you—“ she stopped midsentence. “Luhan?”

Her expression relaxed as her gaze never broke with his.


“Can I sit here?” he asked but already settled himself.

She raised a brow. “Look Luhan, I don’t want to be rude to you and it’s not that I’m telling you to leave. But don’t you have friends to sit with?”

“Can I?” Luhan asked again, completely ignoring her previous question.

“What about Lay? He’s your friend right?” JoEun asked with the nicest tone. But to be honest, she didn’t mind letting Luhan sit with her even though it was a little bit awkward between them. She didn’t know why but she felt like she knew Luhan from somewhere. Maybe from one of her classes. She couldn’t seem to put a finger on it.

He tilted his head. “You know Lay?”


“Who knows Lay?” this time it was Lay who spoke. He even invited himself to sit beside Luhan.

“YAH! Did you ask permission to sit?” JoEun’s eye started to twitch in annoyance.

Lay’s dimples showed when he smiled. “JoEun, Can I—“

“No.” She didn’t let him finish.


Lay took out his phone and playfully wiggled his brows to .

JoEun sent him telepathic death threats but Lay’s smile never faltered. Luhan on the other hand was trying to figure out what these two were doing.


“Fine Lay.” JoEun hissed. “You can sit here.” She took a deep breath and shifted her thoughts from violently torturing Lay to unicorns happily eating ice cream.


JoEun glanced down and saw the paper bag and remembered Luhan’s jacket. She peeked inside the bag to see if the things she borrowed were neatly folded and fortunately they still were.

Carefully picking it off, she passed it to Luhan. “By the way Luhan, sorry it took long before I returned this. I had it washed first. And I hope you don’t mind, I used your handkerchief.”

Luhan just nodded in return.







Even though JoEun finally learned to stand up for herself and be independent, I think she’s still fragile and broken in the inside.

I don’t know if she still remembers me. If she does then that’s good but if she doesn’t then I’ll make her remember me.

It’s been a long time.

Does she still cry like before?

Is she still lonely?








Little JoEun was sitting alone under the shade of a big tree. Her head was hung low because she wanted to hide her tear stricken face. She was a very sensitive girl. That’s why a little scolding from her parents made tears well out of her eyes immediately.


A clean towel was suddenly being offered to her.

She hurriedly wiped her tears with the back of her hand and twisted her head to the side only to see a boy around her age.


(A/N: Luhan is speaking in mandarin while JoEun is speaking in korean. And they don’t know each other’s names.)


JoEun: It's you again. Who are you?

Luhan: Sorry. I can’t understand you.

JoEun: What?

He pushed the towel to JoEun leaving her with no choice but to accept it.

JoEun: Gomawo.

She then remembered that the boy was speaking in another language. But she still thanked him in her own language even though she knew he couldn’t understand her.


Just then someone came to fetch JoEun.

“Agashi, your parents are looking for you.” A woman around her mid 20’s spoke.

JoEun nodded. She stood up and dusted her skirt.

“Kamsahamnida.” She smiled at the boy and gave him back his towel.

Luhan took the piece of cloth and just blinked innocently as he watch JoEun disappear out of his sight.







Author’s note:


Annyeong dear beloved readers~

Sorry it took time before I updated this fic.

My teachers have been piling up school work the whole week TT^TT

But anyways, I hope you like this chappie

Don’t forget to leave comments~ i love reading them

And thank you for subscribing and commenting ^^

kamsahamnida ~(^o^~)

chuk~ ^3^




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Chapter 4: pls update! I love this story!!!
deviljoker #2
feel like a century you havent given update ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Omo~ breakfast couple xD this is hilarious :33 keep up with the good work! C:
Chapter 3: Ohhhmaaaagaaaaahhhd im in love with this fanfic♥.♥ its sooo good
Update soon^^♥♡♥
Cropped_Angsy #5
Chapter 3: I like this kind of character. Joeun's character. It's...emm let's just say I don't like idiot and weak character :) so pretty much your story gives me interest, its nice.. Please update soon
Chapter 2: please keep updating :3