
Luhan's Little Troublemaker






Should I go home now or should I go home later?

If I go home now, I’ll risk myself being caught by those goons.

If I go home later, where should I hide?


AISH! Whatever! I’m out!


Pulling the hood to cover half of my face, I slightly opened the door and let an eye peek.

Seems clear. I dashed out of the ladies’ room as fast as I can.

Not a lot of students are in school so chances of those hooligans finding me are a lot higher.


Just as I was about to enter the school’s parking lot, I caught glimpse of one of the body guards beside MY CAR! THE EFF!!

And again, my stupidity took over. I jumped behind the bush! I jumped behind the effin bush! I should’ve hid behind the building right beside it. But why the bush!


I felt a stinging pain on my palm.

Please! Let me not see blood! Please oh please oh please!

I shifted my position so that I can sit comfortably. My thighs and chest were against each other.

Ho Fudge! Blood! I see blood!


I checked my pockets for anything that can stop the bleeding.

A handkerchief!


I don’t use those.


My hands went to rummage the jacket’s pockets. Then I felt something soft. Pulling it out. Luckily it was what I was looking for.

I unfolded and refolded it to a bandage and carefully wrapped it around my injured palm. I had difficulty in tying the piece of cloth to my hand so I used my other hand and mouth to tighten the knot.



“Sshhh…” I froze on my spot when I heard a voice shush me from behind. I was too preoccupied to notice someone creep behind me.

I clutched my hand ready to hit. Whipping my head, I threw a punch but was quickly blocked.


The guy was squatting down and clutching my hand. “You’re pretty violent. Do you know that?”

“You’ll see how violent I can get if you don’t let go of my hand.” I whisper-yelled.

He blinked innocently. “I saw you with Luhan earlier. Are you his—“

“No!” I hissed.

He let go of my hand. “Then why did you—“ Is he testing my patience?!

I snapped. “It’s none of your business!”

“Do you need help?” he finally sat down on the pavement.

“No I do--” squinting my eyes at him. “What’s the catch?”



~30 minutes later~



“Are you sure you don’t want anything in return?” one moment I was in the school parking arguing with this guy who really wanted to help and the next moment here I was in his car, heading to my apartment. I don’t know how he managed to convince me, but he did. And I don’t even know his name!

He shook his head. “No I don’t want anything in return.”

“Uh... What’s your name again? I’m JoEun”

He whipped his head to me, a brow was raised higher than the other one and had an are-you-serious?! expression on.

I shrugged. “What? What’s wrong with asking someone’s name? You even helped a stranger.”

Returning his gaze back to the road, he chuckled. “Zhang Yixing. But you can call me Lay.”

“Zhang Yixing? So you’re not Korean? Are you Chinese?”

“Yup.” He bluntly said.



“Thanks again for the help, Lay.” I stepped in my apartment unit. “Annyeong!”


Eh? Why isn’t he walking away? Is he expecting something?


“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

“Oh ho! So that’s why you didn’t want anything in return. Are you planning to do something?!” I dropped my bag on the floor.

Rolling his eyes. “If you’re thinking of creative thoughts on what I ‘might’ do to you, then dream on. Why would I do that?” he grimaced and eyed me from head to toe.

I zipped the jacket. “Yah! Don’t look at me like that! You ert!”


He cocked his head to the side. “So... are you?”

Darting my eyes from this pushy guy in front of me to the inside of my apartment, I was debating whether I should let him in or not.


My shoulders slumped. “Fine. But if you make one wrong move, say bye bye to that pretty little face of yours. Arasso?”

“Yeah yeah” he took off his shoes and went in.







I was already walking out of the campus to the school parking lot. My eyes were glued to one particular object. My cellphone, which had a photo of Luhan hyung and a girl.

What was Luhan hyung doing inside a classroom with the troublemaker. And why were they kissing?

Fortunately for me, I took a picture of their little moment back there. I’ll use this for future black mailing purposes.


I was about to open my car when I caught sight of a familiar female throwing herself behind the bushes.



Looks like she was hiding from those two men who coincidentally look like they were looking for someone.


Quietly, I snuck behind her.




“So... you live here alone?” I let my eyes roam around her apartment. From the looks of it, she’s the neatly organized type.

“Yes. Why?” she yelled from her room (I think) “Just to tell you, Lay. I keep a shot gun somewhere around here so don’t do anything that’ll make me use it.” She warned.

“Whatever.” I looked at the photos hanging on the wall. There were a lot of images of random places and things taken; the Namsan Tower, cherry blossom trees, a cat. “Where are your parents?” there were also pictures of a pencil and paper on a table, a half consumed cup of coffee, a picture of JoEun and a girl she’s always seen with at school (her bestfriend?) and a polaroid photo of JoEun smiling brightly beside a guy.


I didn’t notice the little troublemaker emerge out of her room until she spoke. “Let’s not talk about my parents. I never felt like they were there anyway.” She had an unreadable expression on.

I turned my attention back to the photos. “Is he your boyfriend?”

She followed my gaze. “No. That’s Myungsoo oppa, my dear cousin.” She sighed. “The only person that ever treated me like family.” JoEun mumbled the last sentence but I was able to hear it.


She walked to the living room and placed the first aid box she was holding on the coffee table.

Kneeling on the table, she carefully tried to peel the cloth off her injured palm but she was obviously having trouble. To be honest, she actually looks like a lost little girl right now.


I sighed and sat beside her. I took her hand and untied the knot. She must’ve been surprised of my sudden action.

Tch! I’m not just handsome but I’m also a mothah fathah gentleman!

“Thanks.” She mumbled and flinched when I started cleaning her wound.



I placed back all the contents of the first aid box when her wound was cleansed and bandaged. She stood up without saying a word and went back to her room.



Minutes later she spoke. “Uhm... Lay, I only have cake right now so if you don’t want to eat it, I don’t mind letting you starve.”

I stood up and went her kitchen. There was a plate of chocolate cake on the table.

JoEun gave me a fork and pointed at the cake.

“What’s this?” I asked.

She sliced another piece and placed it on another plate. “It’s dingglehopper.” She sarcastically remarked.

I took a seat on the table. “Really funny JoEun.”



I took out my phone and showed it to JoEun. “Care to explain this?”

Her eyes widened and she choked. She started gulping her water like she hadn’t had any for days.

“Why’d you took a photo of us? What’s the big idea?!”

I laughed at her annoyed face. “It’s for future black mailing. Like right now for example. I’d be a good photographer right? So... spill everything out before this picture spreads like wild fire.”


From my peripheral vision, I can see her glaring daggers at me. “Lay... Don’t you dare.” She said under gritted teeth.

“I wonder who I should send this first. You know every girl would trade their souls just to be on your place here.”

“Just to remind you, I’m not just every girl.” She reached for my phone but I raised it away from her reach.


“Fine! I’ll tell you.” She threw her hands in the air.

Slumping back on her chair. “I had to get away from those guys who were looking for me earlier. Happy?”

I tilted my head to the side. “So... Your idea of getting away from those guys was to kiss Luhan hyung? Jinjja...?”

She massaged her temples. “You don’t get it. I had to do something that will force those goons to leave me alone and make them think that I wasn’t the one that they were after. And don’t get me wrong, that wasn’t a kiss. My lips just touched the spot under his lips.” She corrected.

“It involves your lips, so it’s considered a kiss!” I teased.

“Do you want me to test my shot gun on you?”







Author’s note:


Annyeong dear readers~

I’m really sorry I don’t update much these days

Cause you see, school just started TT^TT

Anyways, hope you like this chappie ^^

Please subscribe and comment

*bows* Kamsahamnida ~(^o^~)

Chuk~! ^3^




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Chapter 4: pls update! I love this story!!!
deviljoker #2
feel like a century you havent given update ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Omo~ breakfast couple xD this is hilarious :33 keep up with the good work! C:
Chapter 3: Ohhhmaaaagaaaaahhhd im in love with this fanfic♥.♥ its sooo good
Update soon^^♥♡♥
Cropped_Angsy #5
Chapter 3: I like this kind of character. Joeun's character. It's...emm let's just say I don't like idiot and weak character :) so pretty much your story gives me interest, its nice.. Please update soon
Chapter 2: please keep updating :3