
The Way We Were

"h-he fell onto me" I randomly pointed at my luggage to save us.

"oh," my mum's frown disappeared. "come down for lunch."

she left. thank lord. I flip myself I hid my face. I am so embarrassed to fight him.

luhan suddenly whacked my .

I jumped at him.

"luhan! you're not a ing kid anymore, or are you a ert?"

"none," he smirked, "you're just mine,"

"what the ? you're really weird these days. stay away from me."

"how, why I'm gonna be living beside you for the next one week?"

i pushed him out of my way and went down.

"mum, dad" I greeted as I sat down.

luhan came following down and sat beside me. he scooted his chair closer to me. I pulled away slightly.

"I'll eat well!" luhan said as we tucked in.

"how are you guys going along? you guys finally reunited after so long!" my mum suddenly asked.

"we're fine,"

"how's life being an idol? you've always wanted to be an idol last time, don't you?"

"yeah. not bad I guess? there's a lot of different kinds of fans, there are some really nice and caring, another always giving gifts and also fans that keep questioning you like a police officer." I explained.

"how about you, luhan?"

"really bad. my members' privacy life has been intruded by them. so many wild thing they actually dare to do. but, some are really nice and good as well. they give really expensive gifts and everytime I tried to tell them , "no it's okay, don't have to buy us gifts""

"hm, talking about that, how did you get into the audition and manage to debut so fast?" my dad asked.

"... my university friend's sister is an sm staff" I lied.

my dad and mum nodded their heads.

"do you guys miss each other? you guys were really so close last time" mum asked again.

before I could speak, luhan interrupted.

"well, i really do. I missed her ever since the taxi left."

my mum smiled slightly.

"why don't you guys think about being together? you guys are really compatible together and have been friends since childhood"

one thing I hate is that my mum is so straight forward.

"luhan, do you like si?" she asked again.


I felt like the world stopped moving. I could not hear anything at all. everything seems slow motioned.


I looked at luhan.


his lips began to move as if he's talking.


the surroundings suddenly became audible again.

"... I do." he paused, "of course I do. we've been childhood friends since young"

what do he mean by like? as in he really liked me as a girl or he only liked me as a childhood friend?

"well do you like luhan, si?"

"yes, of course I do. we've been childhood friends since young," I repeated his words and added, "he's like my annoying brother," I chuckled as I ruffled his hair messily.

his beam fell.

I do like you, but I don't have the courage yet.

after lunch, we went to the places where we used to play and hung out.

we were at the nearby neighbourhood park when I ran to the swings.

instead of sitting on the swing beside me, luhan held his waist as he pulled me on the swings.

I froze at the contact.

I felt he was near me as I felt his breath at my neck.

"remember those times... when I swing you so hard that you fell flat on your head?" he released his grip as I swing and he chuckled.

"damn you luhan!" I cursed him. why is he such a tease?

after a while luhan sat on the swings and joined me as we compete we can reach the highest point.

and obviously, I won.

we decided to play catching instead, since there were no one in the park as now days kids play with technologies instead of playing outdoor.

"fine. who'll be the catcher?" I asked.

"me, obviously. if you're the catcher the game will never end" he laughed. I stomped my foot immaturely. "luhan!" I whined.

"if I catch you in 5 minutes... you don't owe me a waffle ice cream anymore."

we used to play catching all the time, and if the catcher catches in 5 minutes, the loser owns a waffle ice cream and vice versa.

"... so what do you want?" I asked.

he walked a step nearer to me and he leaned closely to me. I started to blush and looked down.

"I want a..." he held my chin up. I closed my eyes. "a wish."

he quickly moved back and chuckled. "you look so frighten just now!" I frowned. "but it's okay, you look really cute" he patted my head.

I blew a raspberry. "for the umpteen time, I'm not a kid anymore!" and I walked away.

"so are we still playing?" he screamed. I quickly ran as I shouted back. "yeah!"

"I'm coming!" he shouted from the back. I quickly ran up to the top of the playground. I slid down when he came up, and tricked me when he quickly turned and came down. I tried to run up on the slide, and did it successfully.

I stuck my tongue out at him. kids started coming to the playground. luhan tricked me again and this time round the kids were blocking my way. I ended up got caught in less than 5 minutes. luhan hands were around my waist to prevent me from running.

"you win okay, you win," I blushed as I wiggled out from his grip.

as we were walking away from the playground, the ice cream van came.

"you sure you don't want?" I asked.

"I want-"

"get yours yourself." I said as I quickly ran to the van, beating the other kids.

I ended up getting one myself. luhan didn't get his because the queue was too long and he does not want to wait.

"sad for you then," I winked at him.


si and luhan are finally back all they just need now is to be together! ((coughs about to end))

so I've seen the poll and there was an equal amount of votes. I decided to do a short story ver of the way we were kris ver! don't worry, it won't affected the upcoming stories!!
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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 100: Yess they are finally together!! I kinda like Kris and si together too!!
Vk00kie #2
Chapter 77: I really hope kris and si gets together although i feel sorry for luhan , i kinda ship both but kris and her feels more ... Yeah :')
ManlyKittyLuHan #4
Chapter 98: I love This
MsLorainneWu #5
Chapter 98: I kennot. The last chappie :( Im glad that Si and Luhan end up together ♥ How about a sequel author-nim? XD Pretty pleaaasseeee. And also "Mr. Landlord"'s cute. Pleaseee. Kris fanfic and a sequel too? XD Hahahaha
MsLorainneWu #6
Chapter 98: I kennot. The last chappie :( Im glad that Si and Luhan end up together ♥ How about a sequel author-nim? XD Pretty pleaaasseeee. And also "Mr. Landlord"'s cute. Pleaseee. Kris fanfic and a sequel too? XD Hahahaha
Chanbeakhunhan #7
Chapter 98: Please create a sequel please !!!
nerdyviv #8
Chapter 98: awwwwwwwwwwww go lusi!!! or silu :D lollll good job authornimm!! oh and please make a sequelllL!!!! :DD
Exo_Fighting #9
Chapter 5: Yeah you go girl go find luhan!