Story Five: One in a Million

Paradise Found

AN 1: Forgive me for not updating and for not telling you months ago that I have lost all my files because my drive crashed. And it includes the many oneshots waiting to be released and the future chapters of Fair Play. I’ll try to write them again. I promise though it may take time. A reader asked me about my stories on twitter and I am so happy to hear that people are still willing to read my story despite my long term absence. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much!

AN 2: While my Japanese songs were on shuffle one dull Wednesday evening, One in a Million by Yamaa Tomohisa started playing. I then remembered that I had the music video on my phone so I watched it to kill time. The video was an inspiration for this story and I guess you should check out the video to have some kind of outlook on this story! This is also longer than my usual just to make up for my absence. ENJOY!

S T O R Y  F I V E  :  O N E  I N  A  M I L L I O N (1 / 2)

Cause you’re my one in a million
Just like that belive me...

...Cause you’re my one in a million
So never say goodbye

He stood aloofly outside the club, staring mindlessly at the long line that greeted him when he stepped out of his sleek black Audi A6. His hands were tucked inside his pockets and his head was tilted to the right, giving no sign of interest at all.

He wore a white Armani which contrasted his dishevelled ebony locks that ran loose on his forehead, casting a shadow to mar on his skin. His dark and mysterious presence garnered a couple of eyes to trail down his path as he neared the front of the line. Some had their eyes squinted as if they've seen the man somewhere and just couldn’t put their finger on where. And some had some inkling but doubted it for it was a bit dim with just the neon lights and one street lamp near the entrance illuminating in the passageway.

When the man stopped in front of the bouncers, cutting in front of a group of what seemed to be under aged girls wearing skimpy outfits, he received hisses and curses from the crowd. A few groan of complain were heard too. If he were the least bothered by the indecent words, it didn't show for he never once twitched with annoyance.

"Horvejkul. Nichkhun." he uttered. His voice was husky and his mouth moved perfectly with every syllable.

 The teenage girl behind him let out an overly exaggerated gasp and immediately placed a hand in front of . Her eyes grew as recognition hit her hard on the head.

Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul. Business tycoon, sought out bachelor of his time and well known resident heartbreaker. The girl side stepped and tried to steal a glance at the man. With a far more enlarged eyes, her curiosity was fed. No doubt it was Nichkhun in the flesh. The dark eyes, pointed nose, lips that curved like a bow and chiselled jaw that were always plastered on every gossip columns and economic newspapers were seen on the man in front of her. And good Lord, the young entrepreneur was a sight to behold!  It was as if his handsome face was a work by a very meticulous and brilliant artisan.

Receiving a nod from the bulky man in front of him, the red double doors were opened for the young businessman. He stepped inside the rowdy room and had his hands still stuck inside his pockets. The techno music blared on the speakers at full volume and people were dancing ally at the beat, bodies slick with sweat. Their movements caused heat to radiate in the room despite the many air conditioners on the corners.

Nichkhun mentally thank the Gods for the DJ's good taste in music for if he hadn't he would have fled the moment he stepped foot on the room. It was already an hour after midnight and damn his friends for calling him during his much needed slumber. He rarely got them and when he finally fits sleeping on his schedule, his friends make the perfect timing to be the perfect bane of his existence.

Crossing the cramped dance floor, he made his way to the VIP lounge in search for his rather cocky circle of comrades. He had to turn down a voluptuous blonde along the way. He then caught a familiar short spiky hair and immediately walked towards the owner's direction.

As Junho was about to take a gulp down his glass of liquor, Nichkhun grabbed the drink from his hand and drank it in one go. He closed his eyes as the burning sensation travelled down his throat.

 "Vodka? How cheaper can you get?" he said with his eyes still closed.

"It's called a manly drink, Horvejkul. Quit being a teenage and loosen up." Junho replied to which the men on the table responded with a pompous laugh.

Nichkhun spun his head to glare at the group sitting comfortably on the black couch. Each of them had a drink in hand and it seems like three out of five had a girl wrapped under their arms. Great. Now, he was going to be left tending on his own with the other two. Though, he could always just get a random girl from a nearby table and have some fun with her later on. Maybe the blonde who approached him was up for the offer despite his cold shrug earlier.

"God, you look awful."Wooyoung said, his pale skin red and lips swollen from the kiss he recently tore away from.

The mogul rolled his eyes. "Gee, thanks. Great support group we have here."

"Why’re you so cranky?" this came from the tallest of the group, Taecyeon who surprisingly for once had no girl latched in his arms.

"You rang in between a wet dream. Go figure." Laughter erupted again as Nichkhun settled himself beside Taecyeon. He decided to spare his friends from his wrath and just have some fun instead of being the spoil sport. "Why are we here again?"

"To celebrate Taecyeon's commitment to a woman! It seems like our Ok-cat is willing to let go of his bachelor status." Junsu responded.

Taecyeon was about to deny the possibility of marriage but Nichkhun didn't give him the chance.

"Since when?" he asked. Nichkhun was close to Taecyeon, he is. But the tanned man was secretive and always kept with himself even if he knew he can trust his friends. He always acted on impulse hence, his unpredictable-ness. Taecyeon wasn't as popular as Nichkhun was. Being a normal surgeon, his love life doesn't need to be broadcasted on television. Only a few knows about Nichkhun and Taecyeon's friendship for the privacy on Taecyeon's part. An unstated agreement between them and the rest of their friends.

"Since you've went AWOL on us." Chansung said, as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Dude, what's up with the terminology?"  Junsu asked with his nose wrinkled with disgust.

"Cousins." Chansung replied, still eyeing Nichkhun as if he left a question unanswered.

Nichkhun shuddered under the gaze. Chansung was really perceptive. It was a bit discomforting that someone younger can actually see through small holes in the wall. "Business got busy. Sorry." He then immediately ordered a dry martini from the waitress who passed by. Technically, he wasn't lying, business had been hectic recently and with the month and a half-long business trip in China that ended up nastily six months ago, he just wasn't up for any of it.

"Right." Chansung replied with a shrug. It was evident that he wasn't convinced but he didn't press on anyways to which Nichkhun had to mentally thank for.

"So, when do we get to meet the unlucky woman?" Junsu asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that enveloped them.

All eyes turned to Taecyeon and his dark complexion heated with a crimson flush. "Actually, in any minute now. I wanted to introduce her formally in a formal setting but she wanted to see you guys in your um, as I recall, she said 'sleaziest of moments'. I was going to come with her but she that she had a get-together to attend to. So, she’ll be fashionably late."

Snickers followed and another round of laughter boomed. "Well, isn't she a keeper?" Wooyoung stated, not minding the woman trailing kisses on his neck.

"Oh, wait, she's here. I better meet her at the front." Taecyeon stated, eyeing his phone. Without bothering to hear a reply, he stood up and dashed towards the dance floor, blending as one with the dancing crowd.

The rest of them followed their gazes to the retreating figure. Each one of them had a look of bewilderment on their faces. This was something new. Entirely something new.

"He's serious." Junho muttered. The words came out as a statement rather than a question but Nichkhun felt the need to respond just so that all of them can have a sense of reassurance. "I guess so." he stated optimistically.

A couple of minutes passed and Nichkhun spotted his towering friend approaching their table. His eyes then automatically lands on the woman beside him. 

She was tall for her built about five-six and a half. She had long hair. And judging from the gentle sway of her hair when she walked, her tresses reached her waist and ended just above her derriere. She was wearing a silver or white dress, he wasn't sure. He also couldn't make out the face, either it was the lack of lights or the drink might have taken a toll on him. He didn't know anymore. He was sure that the woman had long leg though. Creamy, soft and long legs. Nichkhun wondered what it would feel like if he ran his fingers and kissed them. Immediately, he caught himself inside a graphic imagination and shook his head to ward of the sensual images. This was Taecyeon's girlfriend, not another conquest. He thought, repeating the words in his mind many times just like a mantra.

As the pair finally got bathed by bright lights, Nichkhun had to stare unbelievably at the brown-haired woman who was intertwining her fingers with Taecyeon's. The memories from six months ago clouded his mind and immediately a storm of emotions brewed in. Disbelief, confusion, indifference and immediately anger overtook all of them. But the anger quickly ebbed away as he saw her smile fell and complete confusion also engulfed her. He didn't know what to feel at the moment. It was all a whirlwind of emotions. Each of which were overlapping each other.

"Guys, I would like you to meet Victoria Song." Taecyeon said with a lopsided grin as he released their tangled hands and slowly s them on the brunette's shoulders.

Well, I’ll be damned.

And for once, it isn’t a oneshot! It’s a twoshot actually and I have already written the second part. Just wanted to know if my readers are still interested in what I have to offer. Leave me some thoughts guys, I would deeply appreciate it. 

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Kpopcornluvr #1
Love love you stories! Please update soon!!!
mchristina11 #2
Chapter 5: please update!!! :))
rachellynC #3
love the storyline. hoping to see an update soon !
heartkhun26 #4
update soooooooon XD
shateenybopper #5
loveeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!! chapter 4&5 plssssss make it longer!!
You. Just. Did. Not. Mention. . . Yamapi in there. I mean, he's one of my MAJOR distractions. *3* dakara, reading this now made me imagine it was Yamapi, NEWS, and Keiko. XD I'd love to read the next part NOW.
aarasa #7
Thank you for the update! finally! lol. I'm happy that you haven't given up on this and very happy that this chapter isn't a one-shot! can't wait to find out what's going to happen between the 3 of them! ^^
aarasa #8
Hi new subscriber here ^^ love your collection of one shots/drabble!! and the last one (well the last one you posted as of today) On which ground I felt like it somehow represent K&V's real life...they have feelings for one another but the timing is not right for them (yet). It's like they're not exactly boss & employee nor friends nor lovers, they're nothing and yet they're everything to each other (that's how I feel reading it, if that made any sense lol) anyways, will check out your other ff too and I'm sure I'll love it as well ^___^
Aww! It's indeed a DRABBLE. *o* how I wish for a continuation.
leialeigh #10
ahhhh love it but frustrated about it really....its like we are a couple and we are not a couple, like a yes and a no, a maybe,or could be, close answer that makes someone at lost and frustrated you make me realize what i do to people around me asked "how do i look" and i'll answer "hmmn , you look human enough" with a poker look face, when they want to hear from "wow you look great" or "ah so beautiful"...ahhhh really fiona ... its like karma whack me twice for being so ungghh...i don't know how to call that attitude of mine<br />
<br />
thanks for this update ^^