Story Three : Every Breath You Take

Paradise Found

Anyone missing Khuntoria? I know, I am. Gosh, the final episode got me crying so bad. I think my crying period went on for two/three days but we should be positive. Khuntoria will come back!

By the way. this is for my good friend, TulipAngel(Siti)-unnie. It was supposed to be a birthday present but school got me busy and unluckily, I got a big wave of writer's block. Anyways, this is for her and I hope you'll like it unnie! Happy birthday to you! Khuntoria Family hwaiting!

S T O R Y  T H R E E : E V E R Y  B R E A T H  Y O U  T A K E

Nichkhun's journey on pre-WGM, during WGM and post-WGM

I remember the first time I met Victoria Song. She was a beauty and she lived up to her title as the “Queen of China”. And although neither did she took my breath away like in movies nor did I felt the huge lump on my throat when we first met, she made the sides of my lips curve up whenever she gave that timid smile of hers.

We were filming Star King at that time and she was seated right beside me. We were awkward with each other since we weren’t formally introduced. Looking back, I have to laugh at the memory of my first words to her.

“Hi, I really like your songs.”

She bowed, replied with a simple, “Thank you, Nichkhun-ssi. I like 2PM’s songs too.” and turned her attention back to Luna who was tugging her elbow. Frankly, I wanted to take it back and instead I’ll offer my hand and tell her my name. It was sort of embarrassing that she knew me even before I introduced myself.

I didn’t notice that Chansung who was sitting beside me was actually listening to our small conversation until he poked me and pointed at my reddening ears. I knew then that he would tell the other members once we got home.

Filming for the variety show went on and I had the chance to see her talents and observe her actions and behavior. I enjoyed her little flexibility battle with one of the contestants. She was really shy with showing her dance and I found it appealing to see her like that.

When the filming ended, Chansung did shared to the other members what occurred on that day and I ended up being teased for having a little crush on f(x)’s Victoria. A couple of days later, Min Jae, our manager came up to me and told me I was going to be part of MBC’s We Got Married and that I have to list out idol names that I want to be paired with. I had a hard time contemplating whose name I was going to write but when Wooyoung and Taecyeon entered the apartment’s living room and sensed my difficulties, they quickly said “Victoria”. Without hesitation, I wrote her name and then the other names flowed without ease.

June 1st, 2010 was the first day of shooting for We Got Married. And with no clue whatsoever on who I am marrying, I took a bus and went to 63-Building where I will meet my so-called wife. I was getting more and more nervous whenever the elevator ascends to a different floor. When I saw Victoria once the elevator doors opened, I was genuinely hoping that it wouldn’t be a fraud like with Eunjung and Sunhwa. When the sweet word, Samgyupsal, escaped , I heaved a sigh of relief and silently thanked the heavens for the opportunity.

We had longer conversations and I noticed her natural tendency to fix her hair when she felt shy, embarrassed or uncomfortable. She was slightly more talkative than when we were in Star King and it made me happy that she was slowly easing up. After our first meeting, I can’t remember a single time I wasn’t anticipating the next filming date. Like when I was in America, I took photos of different places just to fulfill my promise to make a photo book. I was constantly thinking of things that will make her happy. It became customary for me to talk to the other members about future events I’d like to do for her.

When my birthday came, I didn’t expect her to make so many dishes. Heck, I didn’t even expect she prepared anything except for a birthday present. I was truly grateful and from that day onwards, I knew Victoria is special and that she’s not easy to let go of.

The day I let my breath taken away by Victoria was when we were in Thailand. I brought her there since my mother insisted that she had to see personally the person I am virtually married to and also added that she need to meet the girl I have a crush on as what the members have implied when they interrupt a phone call from her. When she easily connected with my family and tried her best to break the language barrier, I felt the lump on my throat. I knew I was going to call the 2PM members later that night and confirm their allegations about my crush on Victoria.

We were becoming closer and closer and with each recording, it was livelier and everything we do was starting to turn out natural. It felt awkward if we didn’t fed each other or hold hands and sending of text messages were on daily basis. I wouldn’t deny the fact that there was flirting thrown in too.

I remember one winter day that I sent her a message stating that I missed her and it surprised me that she didn’t avoid the topic and replied with an “I miss you too.” The reply warmed me up and I didn’t even felt the cold engulfing the small deserted living room. Then it hit me, what was it that I was feeling?

The dictionary defined it as a strong affection and personal attachment. The definition didn’t help me, so I closed the thick book and my mp3 player. I guess the dictionary wasn’t useful but a song was. Ra.D’s I’m in Love played and then I found my answer. I realized that cold winter day that I’m in love with the Queen of China, f(x)’s leader and my wife, Victoria Song. I seriously had to sing that song for her and so I did.

I was easily jealous after the day I realized I love her. Like when the rest of the 2PM members came to our house for lunch, I was easily irritated at anyone who was acting pretty close to her. I tried my best to suppress my annoyance for the sake of suspicions from the netizens but it was starting to get harder and harder with each passing second.  When the rest of the members left and the filming ended, Victoria approached me and asked me if I was okay and all I did was assure her that everything was completely fine. She gave me a worried look and then she shrugged her shoulders.

The day that I decided I had to tell my feelings to Victoria was on her birthday. On our trip to Jeju, I gave her durian, a red scarf and a heart-shaped necklace that wasn’t shown on screen. I could never forget the happy look she imparted when she received all of it. The moment we parted ways to go to our respective rooms, I stopped along the way. I ran towards her direction and found her just outside her room. She had a look of bewilderment when she saw me. I walked up to her and breathed heavily. At the same time I released the breath I was holding in, I uttered, “I’m in love with you, Victoria Song.” I never knew who moved first but we shared a hug and I placed my right hand on her back and the other on her hair, slowly the soft strands. With a hot breath, she whispered as lightly as possible the words, “I’m in love with you too, Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul. What took you so long to tell me?”

I had to laugh at her question. She knew it all along and she felt the same. And once again, Victoria was able to take my breath away.

Every time we were shooting, we weren’t acting anymore. We weren’t suppressing our emotions anymore. And we weren’t hiding away our feelings for each other anymore. We had to shadow our relationship from everyone but at least we knew what we shared was genuine. The crew was starting to doubt our relationship. I recalled a time when we got warned by the producers and our companies to lay low on our skinship and we did even though it wasn’t an easy task.

When our segment on We Got Married ended, Victoria didn’t cry on screen but she did off. Her thoughts about going back to being a Cinderella hit a soft spot inside of me. She’ll never be just Victoria to anyone, well, at least to me she wasn’t. Once the filming wrapped up, we went down the 63-Building and I slowly shifted myself towards her and encircled my hands around her waist. She rested her forehead on my chest and with no words exchanged between us, I felt the tears trickling down her cheeks, wetting the black and white checkered shirt I was wearing. I lifted her chin up, smiled at the sight of her tears and I assured her by saying, “We Got Married might have ended but we aren’t ending. You’ll always be my other half, Victoria.”

She smiled right after that and I leaned in to give her a sweet and tender kiss.

Now, years after MBC’s We Got Married ended, I stare at the pools of watery eyes. Victoria Song was frozen to her seat, mouth agape and gawking at the hands holding out a ring towards her direction. With a low “Yes, I will.”, Victoria took my breath away. 

Thank you for the comments guys, it really brightens my day. I'm sorry for the delay, I hope you'll like this one too. The facts may be inaccurate so, I'm really sorry if I jumbled up the right timeline. 

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Kpopcornluvr #1
Love love you stories! Please update soon!!!
mchristina11 #2
Chapter 5: please update!!! :))
rachellynC #3
love the storyline. hoping to see an update soon !
heartkhun26 #4
update soooooooon XD
shateenybopper #5
loveeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!! chapter 4&5 plssssss make it longer!!
You. Just. Did. Not. Mention. . . Yamapi in there. I mean, he's one of my MAJOR distractions. *3* dakara, reading this now made me imagine it was Yamapi, NEWS, and Keiko. XD I'd love to read the next part NOW.
aarasa #7
Thank you for the update! finally! lol. I'm happy that you haven't given up on this and very happy that this chapter isn't a one-shot! can't wait to find out what's going to happen between the 3 of them! ^^
aarasa #8
Hi new subscriber here ^^ love your collection of one shots/drabble!! and the last one (well the last one you posted as of today) On which ground I felt like it somehow represent K&V's real life...they have feelings for one another but the timing is not right for them (yet). It's like they're not exactly boss & employee nor friends nor lovers, they're nothing and yet they're everything to each other (that's how I feel reading it, if that made any sense lol) anyways, will check out your other ff too and I'm sure I'll love it as well ^___^
Aww! It's indeed a DRABBLE. *o* how I wish for a continuation.
leialeigh #10
ahhhh love it but frustrated about it really....its like we are a couple and we are not a couple, like a yes and a no, a maybe,or could be, close answer that makes someone at lost and frustrated you make me realize what i do to people around me asked "how do i look" and i'll answer "hmmn , you look human enough" with a poker look face, when they want to hear from "wow you look great" or "ah so beautiful"...ahhhh really fiona ... its like karma whack me twice for being so ungghh...i don't know how to call that attitude of mine<br />
<br />
thanks for this update ^^