Story Two: One Perfect Sunday

Paradise Found

While I was on my way from my hometown going to the city where I am currently studying, two plots were playing inside my head. After the one hour drive, I was able to visualize and finish everything. Man, this only shows how in love I am with Khuntoria.

This is actually the fifth story I am currently writing, although I was planning on releasing this later but it sorta fits with the previous chapter. Before we go to the story, let me thank all the reviewers and the subscribers! It really means a lot since it’s only a one-shot and I’ve received a lot of love. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

Here’s a fluffy one-shot. ENJOY.

S T O R Y  T W O : O N E  P E R F E C T  S U N D A Y

A perfect sunday on the Horvejkul household

Nichkhun woke up to the soft sound of the rain trickling down on their bedroom window. He yawned as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. When he was sure he was conscious already, he slowly opened his eyes and had to close it back again when a ray of light met the soft features of his face.

He stretched his hands to the other side of the bed and frowned when he noticed that it was empty. Turning his head sideways, he stared wide-eyed at the digital clock sitting on the nightstand that read 09:30AM. Crap, he must have overslept.

He pulled off the white sheets and dashed out of the enormous white room. He wouldn’t sleep in on this most special day of the week, especially that this day, a Sunday, was the only time he can have a perfect family day.

Running hastily down the spiral staircase, Nichkhun could smell the sweet scent of freshly cooked pancakes and hear the sweet melodious sound of laughter. In an instant, he was opening the swinging doors of the kitchen and staring breathtakingly at the two figures smiling at each other.

Before he came in, he suspected that the younger one sitting on a kitchen counter was laughing at whatever joke the older one told her. At the sudden jolt of the door, they must have been surprised as both of their heads twisted sideward. Giving out a playful grin, the young girl with soft coffee brown hair tied in pigtails reached out her hands to the woman in front of her and let her be carried down on the floor.

“Daddy!” came the vigorous cry of the young girl, her hair bouncing from her shoulders as she ran.

“Good morning, princess.” Nichkhun responded, lifting the little child.

“Good morning to you too, daddy. Mommy and I made breakfast!” she said as she kissed her father’s cheeks.

At the mention of his wife, he turned his gaze away from the child and faced Victoria who was wearing his tee which looked too big on her with an apron over it. Her hair was tied in to a loose bun and her bangs were clipped to the side.  She was barefooted and her legs, those creamy, long legs were exposed. Damn his guilty pleasure, he sure is such a legs man.

“Took you so long to come down and join us for breakfast, Khunnie.” Victoria said, giving out a teasing smile.

When Nichkhun saw the sides of Victoria’s mouth curve up, he could feel the reddening of his ears creeping up. He suddenly felt regretful for waking up too late. If he was earlier, he could have encircled his hands around Victoria’s waist as she cooked breakfast.

“Well, if I were earlier you two won’t have enough time to talk behind my back. Now would you?”

Victoria left out a soft chuckle when she saw her daughter biting her lips and trying so hard not to laugh. Nichkhun eyed them both, going back and forth. “C’mon out with it, Mei!” Nichkhun said and when he saw that he wasn’t getting any response from his daughter, he gently placed the girl who was safely tucked underneath his hands on the floor and tickled her.

“D-daddy! S-stop i-it! P-please!” Mei’s muffled laughter erupted in the large vicinity of the kitchen

Victoria detected that her husband wasn’t stopping any time soon; she got worried that maybe the young girl would get hurt if it continues further. “Nichkhun, let go of your daughter this instant!” she warned.

Both Nichkhun and Mei stirred up at the sudden outburst. They stared startlingly at Victoria, faced each other, smiled and gave her a devious look. Victoria knew that look, a look that the two of them shared, a look that both of them gave her every time they are planning something against her. And it was a fact that Victoria can’t win against them every time they worked together.

Before even waiting for an action from the two, Victoria sprinted out of the kitchen and made a beeline towards the living room. She climbed up the white couch and flailed her hands away from the father and daughter duo. God, she despised them when they are like this.

She failed miserably in escaping from the wriggling hands and in less than a minute, the sides of her eyes were forming tears because of laughing too hard. She pleaded the two to stop but her efforts were ignored and only made them tickle her harder.

“Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul! Meixhang Cherleen Horvejkul! You two should stop these absurd actions this instant!” Victoria yelled, her accent in Chinese.

The aforementioned Horvejkuls stopped their actions because they knew that whenever Victoria’s accent was bordering the Chinese line, it only meant she was getting serious and it could end up badly. Giving out innocent smiles, they let go of her and gave her a tight hug.

It was really amazing how synchronous Nichkhun’s and Mei’s movements were. Mei was known for having the splitting image of her mother minus the brown locks but despite the great resemblance, she has all the traits that Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul possesses.

Victoria knew she loathed it, cause that only means she’s tortured by two demons. And she also loathed it because both of them love getting her attention in every minute which leads her to suffer from utter exhaustion at the end of the day. But nevertheless, she always gives her full attention to them anyways.

“We should eat already, the food is getting cold.” Nichkhun said as he pulled up the drained Victoria from the couch. Not even conscious that she was sitting down on the couch already, Victoria gathered all her strength and made her way back to the deserted kitchen.

The Horvejkuls ate peacefully their breakfast as the sound of rain hitting the roof bellowed on the serene dining room. After their breakfast, Victoria and Nichkhun cleared and cleaned the table while little Mei sat patiently on the chair.

When Nichkhun came back, he saw his daughter staring intently on the window as rain started pouring heavily outside. “Wanna play outside?” he asked her which was responded with gleeful eyes from the girl.

“But it’s raining, mommy said not to pla-“

Not even waiting for a reply, Nichkhun shook her head. “Mommy, won’t mind.”

“Actually mommy does mind” Victoria said sternly. Nichkhun wondered if she was standing up on the sides for a while now.

“Oh c’mon, Vic. It’s just for fun.”

“Nichkhun, she can’t risk getting sick. It’s her first day of pre-school tomorrow!”

“You’re such a worry-wart. C’mon please?” Nichkhun gave her a pout and a low “Please?” from Mei followed right after.

Victoria sighed and shook her head in defeat. The thought of overpowering the duo was really a miniscule away from impossible. “But if you two get sick, don’t go and complain to me about your illness!”

As the father-daughter pair ran out from the back door porch with Victoria followed suit, they gave out booming laughter that chorused with the sound of water hitting the ground. Victoria let out a wide smile when he saw the two people she loves the most in the world having the best moment in life.

“Mommy, you should join us!” Mei said as she waved her hands, signaling for her mother to come out from the safety of the covered veranda. Noticing that his wife was not joining them any time soon, he ran back towards the veranda and persuaded her.

“You’re missing out on the fun”

“No, I’m not. I’m having the best time here.”

“How can you possibly enjoy standing here and watching us?”

“I actually am. So, just go on and play.”

With her continuous rejection, Nichkhun enclosed his hands around her wrist and dragged her towards where Mei was positioned. Victoria tried freeing herself from her husband’s strong grasp but it seems she was growing fonder and fonder of the light tap of cold water dripping down her skin.

When her clothes were already soaking wet, she let herself enjoy playing under the rain with the two people that matters most in her life, her daughter and her husband. They played tag and a lot of games. When the rain was slowly dying down, Nichkhun raised Mei high up in the air as Victoria made swishing sounds like what airplanes make when they take off.

“You got me wet, Khunnie.” Victoria commented, smiling so widely that it seemed like it reached the ends of her ears.

“Well at least we got wet together.” Nichkhun hinted which Victoria responded with a quizzical look.


“We can shower together.” He suggested, wiggling his eyebrows as the words came out of his lips. Victoria got so shocked that she immediately covered Mei’s ears and stared wide-eyed at Nichkhun, in a perfect O-shape.

“I can’t believe you suggested that in front of Mei.” Victoria said in a low whisper, her hands still on Mei’s ears.

“What? We are married and the kid doesn’t even understand.”

Victoria saw Nichkhun shrugged and she gave out an unconscious smile. He was too carefree that Victoria can never stop being amused with his words and actions. With a shy nod and a smile, she accepted the offer.

When they were done playing, they went inside the enormous house with water dripping on the floor. They left Mei to a maid and let her be bathed then they went to the room that they shared and showered together in their bathroom.

After half an hour, Nichkhun and Victoria stood on the door of Mei’s room. They beamed at the glowing girl sleeping soundlessly at her bed. She must’ve been so tired for her to be able to collapse in bed before lunch time.  They thanked God that she didn’t catch a cold or else she’s going to skip her first day of class. And no child would like that.

When Victoria softly sneezed, Nichkhun turned his vision of interest from the young girl and to the woman she loves so much in the world. He laughed when he saw that she was getting red and she kept on rubbing her nose.

“You caught a cold?” he asked, humor evident in his voice.

“Good guess, captain genius.” Victoria replied sarcastically but with a playful yet weary look on her face.

 Nichkhun laughed at her and he held her hands tightly as he led her to the bed. He released her hands when he lifted the young girl in to his arms and let her head gently lie down on his lap as he sat down. When he finished positioning Mei at a more comfortable spot, he signaled Victoria to sit beside him.

Comfortable silence surrounded the trio. Victoria leaned her head on Nichkhun’s shoulder as she the hair of the beautiful angel lying down. Nichkhun noticed the heat radiating from his wife and immediately worry was palpable on his face.

“It’s okay. In a matter of days, my health will be restored.” Victoria reassured.

Nichkhun grinned knowingly. What else is new? His wife can overcome anything. He slowly inched his lips forward and before it met hers, hot breath tickled the line of his lips.

“You’re going to catch a cold you know.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll stay in the house with you until both of us are cured.” He replied as he quickly closed the distance between their lips. The caress of her lips on his was soft, warm and stimulating. It’s as if he was renewed all over again. It’s as if everything was perfect.

Now, if anyone asked him what his definition for perfect is, it would be a rainy Sunday with your wife catching a cold, snuggling next to you and your daughter sleeping soundly in your arms.

Indeed it was a one perfect Sunday.

A/N 1 (Edited): I've proofread it and gosh, I could totally see all my mistakes and all the rushed sentences. I've made some erasing and adding. Subscriptions and comments are always loved. :) BTW, does anyone notice how both Paradise Found and One Perfect Sunday opens with a person waking up? LOL. Also, how do you guys like the new poster? It's still the same but I changed the colors and the photo below our precious Khuntoria.

A/N 2 (Edited): So I decided I'm not gonna write the dirty version for Paradise Found but a dirty version of One Perfect Sunday! Well, it seems that Paradise Found was too light-hearted and it would be weird to throw in some err... you know. One Perfect Sunday is more like light-hearted with a tint of playfulness and it seems like it's easier to write the dirty stuff there. Don't worry! It won't take long! I hope you'll guys would read that one!

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Kpopcornluvr #1
Love love you stories! Please update soon!!!
mchristina11 #2
Chapter 5: please update!!! :))
rachellynC #3
love the storyline. hoping to see an update soon !
heartkhun26 #4
update soooooooon XD
shateenybopper #5
loveeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!! chapter 4&5 plssssss make it longer!!
You. Just. Did. Not. Mention. . . Yamapi in there. I mean, he's one of my MAJOR distractions. *3* dakara, reading this now made me imagine it was Yamapi, NEWS, and Keiko. XD I'd love to read the next part NOW.
aarasa #7
Thank you for the update! finally! lol. I'm happy that you haven't given up on this and very happy that this chapter isn't a one-shot! can't wait to find out what's going to happen between the 3 of them! ^^
aarasa #8
Hi new subscriber here ^^ love your collection of one shots/drabble!! and the last one (well the last one you posted as of today) On which ground I felt like it somehow represent K&V's real life...they have feelings for one another but the timing is not right for them (yet). It's like they're not exactly boss & employee nor friends nor lovers, they're nothing and yet they're everything to each other (that's how I feel reading it, if that made any sense lol) anyways, will check out your other ff too and I'm sure I'll love it as well ^___^
Aww! It's indeed a DRABBLE. *o* how I wish for a continuation.
leialeigh #10
ahhhh love it but frustrated about it really....its like we are a couple and we are not a couple, like a yes and a no, a maybe,or could be, close answer that makes someone at lost and frustrated you make me realize what i do to people around me asked "how do i look" and i'll answer "hmmn , you look human enough" with a poker look face, when they want to hear from "wow you look great" or "ah so beautiful"...ahhhh really fiona ... its like karma whack me twice for being so ungghh...i don't know how to call that attitude of mine<br />
<br />
thanks for this update ^^