Story One : Paradise Found

Paradise Found

AUTHOR'S NOTES: So I know it's pretty common but I have this urge to write this down. And since I’m not a one-shot writer and I don’t do contemporary(I write historical and regency romance for heaven’s sake!), please have the time to read this one. One-shot collection officially starts with this! Enjoy! Also, May I add this is the clean version. And yes, there is a ty (dirty) version.

 S T O R Y  O N E  :  P A R A D I S E  F O U N D
Victoria finds herself staring at the sleeping man beside her and then memories flash in an instant.

The soft ray of light entering through the sheer drapes made Victoria's eyes flutter open. Normally, she wasn't a morning person but the sleeping form lying next to her brought her lips to twitch upwards and her eyes to softly glisten.

His body was turned to hers and his arms were on the small of her back, the other used as her pillow. She took a deep look at his face, surveying his unruly hair that was in a tangled mess. Victoria slowly lifted her hand to smooth and play with the soft brown curls. Her husband stirred at the touch and she quickly removed her hands from his head but when she saw that he was still fast asleep, she let out a soft sigh.

Victoria eyed his forehead, his closed eyes, the bridge of his nose and his mouth. She lingered a little longer to stare at his half-opened mouth and suddenly she had an urge to kiss that perfectly curved lips of his. Moving her gaze away from his face it went to his neckline and down towards his sculpted shoulders. She noticed the slight tinge of reddish-pink at his biceps and she let out a muffled giggle. She must have dug her nails there and now it was slowly turning into a bruise.

When she went down under, her cheeks burned at the sight before her. Her husband's upper body was exposed and the only thing covering him was the white sheets just above his stomach. The white sheets below her neck were the only thing covering her too. How can she even blush at the thought of it? They're married for three months for crying out loud! Truthfully, she will never grasp the thought of them wedded already. It's still something fresh for her even though they dated for two years.

Two years of dating. What a long period of time. Actually, he proposed to her on their first year anniversary. She turned it down, stating the fact that they need to take it slow and they had all the time in world. She appreciated the words coming out of his mouth after that. She remembered perfectly what those words were.
“If I had to wait for a million years for you, I wouldn't mind.”

And they were back to dating again. She was scared at that time and if it wasn't their one year anniversary, she would've answered it with a yes. Her attention was diverted, if you could call it that. But he didn't care that she said no because all he cared about was her and only her.

They first met at Parc Monceau in Paris, he was painting while she was deciding if she should inherit her father's company or not. They were always at each other's head, finding reasons to fight each other and a lot of deceptions were committed but somehow they got to admit their feelings. If she thought about it, he cared for her even before they were dating. She remembered a time when her father was disappointed at her, he was puzzlingly there at that exact moment, he didn't say a word and all he did was to let her sit down on a couch and gently placed her head on his shoulder as she cried.

When their second year anniversary came, she expected a proposal from him and after the night ended she was the least to say, frustrated. A week later, she was on the hot sands of Bora Bora Island. They went swimming and when the sun fell down, they sat in comfortable silence on the shore. He suddenly sat up, kneeled behind her and placed a necklace around her neckline. She traced the chain and stopped as she the only design that the necklace had. She looked down at the ring resting on her hand; her eyes became blurry as tears started to trickle down her cheeks. Without even waiting for a question, she nodded and met her lips with his.

Now her thoughts quickly wandered during their wedding day. It was not extravagant as what her father preferred but he didn't say anything anyways. It was a small garden wedding near the beach, typical but it was everything to her. She let out a small laugh when she relived a moment where he was begging Krystal, her maid of honor, to open the room she was in because he badly wanted to see her but Krystal warned her about bad luck and he gave up and went on about the reception with his friends. When everyone went home, she cried in their vacation house and she was left flabbergasted when he hugged her and told her he would cry but the thought of crying was engulfed with the feeling of happiness. On that night, they were one through matrimony and through body.

A smile appeared on her face when she saw what flashed in her mind. How she felt so happy to be able to love and to feel loved. Her trains of thoughts were disturbed when a gentle nudge at her shoulder was made.

“Penny for your thoughts?” A raspy voice erupted through the confines of their white bedroom.

“Nichkhun, you're awake already?”

“Been awake since you tugged at my hair, babe.” the aforementioned man joked.

“Don't just babe me, I was-” Victoria stopped, she would never admit that she was studying him and thinking about him. He would never pass it up; even if she'll remind him they're married already.

“You were?” Nichkhun teased, eyes showing humor.

“I was just... breathing.” She couldn't possibly have just said that.

There was a moment of silence before loud laughter came out of Nichkhun's mouth. She glared at him as he laughed at her. She should've just admitted the truth. It would've been less humiliating.

“Stop laughing already” Victoria said as she lightly slapped his shoulders.

“Ow, you hit the only arm that can move.” Nichkhun stated as he feigned hurt and pointed at his other arm which was safely tucked in under his wife's head. “My other arm is dead already.” he added.

Victoria sat up but Nichkhun quickly yanked her back to his arms, his grip tighter than ever.

“I didn't say I didn't like it though.” He said as he snuggled his face at the crown of her head, smelling the sweet vanilla scent of her hair.

“You're in a good mood but I think I better shower.”

“Can it wait? I don't want to be in bed alone” Nichkhun buried his head deeper and Victoria can feel his hot breath tickling her ears. She shivered at the motion, damn her ticklish nature.

“It can't because I have an appointment.”

Nichkhun quickly lifted his head and stared strangely at Victoria. This was odd, he knows that her company rarely needs her in their building and they promised each other to have Saturdays as their alone time together.

“Are you seeing a man?” He wanted it to come out as a joke but his voice betrayed him.

“Yes, I am.” Victoria joked, giving a genuine laugh.

“I'm gonna kill the mothe-”

“Fine. Do pray tell who this man is and if he's less handsome than me then it's your loss.”

“I'm meeting the doctor” Victoria stated, seriously this time.

“Oh, good a doctor. What else is the-” Nichkhun stopped as Victoria grabbed his hands placed it on top of her stomach.

“Wanna come with me, future dad?” Victoria said as she smiled.

Nichkhun stared at her and his heart felt like it was being knotted, like no air was coming out or coming in. He smiled, laughed, hugged her and muttered “I love you” over and over again.

“You're full of surprises today, Victoria.” He said as his lips enclosed hers. And in between their kiss was a stifled, “And of course I'm coming, Mrs. Horvejkul.”

More one-shots to come. So, how was it? Leave a comment please!
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Kpopcornluvr #1
Love love you stories! Please update soon!!!
mchristina11 #2
Chapter 5: please update!!! :))
rachellynC #3
love the storyline. hoping to see an update soon !
heartkhun26 #4
update soooooooon XD
shateenybopper #5
loveeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!! chapter 4&5 plssssss make it longer!!
You. Just. Did. Not. Mention. . . Yamapi in there. I mean, he's one of my MAJOR distractions. *3* dakara, reading this now made me imagine it was Yamapi, NEWS, and Keiko. XD I'd love to read the next part NOW.
aarasa #7
Thank you for the update! finally! lol. I'm happy that you haven't given up on this and very happy that this chapter isn't a one-shot! can't wait to find out what's going to happen between the 3 of them! ^^
aarasa #8
Hi new subscriber here ^^ love your collection of one shots/drabble!! and the last one (well the last one you posted as of today) On which ground I felt like it somehow represent K&V's real life...they have feelings for one another but the timing is not right for them (yet). It's like they're not exactly boss & employee nor friends nor lovers, they're nothing and yet they're everything to each other (that's how I feel reading it, if that made any sense lol) anyways, will check out your other ff too and I'm sure I'll love it as well ^___^
Aww! It's indeed a DRABBLE. *o* how I wish for a continuation.
leialeigh #10
ahhhh love it but frustrated about it really....its like we are a couple and we are not a couple, like a yes and a no, a maybe,or could be, close answer that makes someone at lost and frustrated you make me realize what i do to people around me asked "how do i look" and i'll answer "hmmn , you look human enough" with a poker look face, when they want to hear from "wow you look great" or "ah so beautiful"...ahhhh really fiona ... its like karma whack me twice for being so ungghh...i don't know how to call that attitude of mine<br />
<br />
thanks for this update ^^