
Series #002: Give Me One More Chance

*I’m so nervous, I think I might explode sooner or later!* Aekyung paced up and down her living room, occasionally glancing at the wall clock. She smoothed out her black oversized tee and took in a deep breath. *Do I look alright? Am I too underdressed?* She looked at her simple tee and denim shorts. *I don’t look like a girl at all. I’m even wearing my platform boots.* Aekyung bit her lip and hesitated for a moment before rushing back to her room, taking off her clothes.

She opened her closet and started rummaging for clothes. *What should I wear? A skirt? But Howon will know that I’m making too much effort for this! I guess I’ll wear the cream blouse and a pair of skinnies…* Aekyung fished out the two items and put them on. The doorbell rang as soon as she was done. She panicked and fixed her hair in the mirror and rushed to get the door, grabbing her black flats in the process.

“Howon!” Aekyung chirped as she opened the door. There he was, dressed in a simple white polo tee, denim jeans and high cut sneakers. He flashed her a big grin and his smile faltered when he saw her outfit. Hoya blinked and laughed awkwardly.

“I remember you wearing that blouse on the very first day we met.” Hoya rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. Aekyung widened her eyes and cursed mentally. *Stupid Aekyung! How could you not remember that!* She looked at him worriedly, afraid that he’ll get angry and cancel the date. “Well, let’s go! I’m pretty sure you’re famished.” Hoya smiled again and led Aekyung to the car.

Aekyung took out her phone and looked at the checklist. *I guess today will be a good day to test him.* Hoya began to drive and Aekyung couldn’t stop looking at the checklist. *What if he fails every single one of it?!* She pouted. *I’ll just start now.* The checklist caught her eye again.

1)      He laughs at your joke even if it is not funny.

“Howon!” Aekyung blurted and Hoya raised a brow, wondering what she was going to say. “Well, I have a joke. Why did the cat sit on the keyboard?” She asked and waited for Hoya’s reply. He scratched his head and sighed, thinking of an answer.

“I have no idea… What’s the answer?” Hoya replied, his eyes still on the road.

“Because he wanted to keep an eye on the mouse! HAHAHAHAHA…HA…HA…Ha…” Aekyung drifted off and looked at Hoya, who was not amused at her joke. “It’s... Not funny?”

“Not at all. What a lame joke, Ae. Try harder.” Hoya shook his head with a straight face, with no signs of smiling or laughing. She made a face at him and ticked the checklist. *1st sign, out.* The car stopped and he parked the car, before alighting the car. *He didn’t even ask me to alight or open the door for me!* Aekyung hit her own thigh and went out of the car grumpily. “Here we are! At the best restaurant in Seoul, to me that is. Let’s go in!” Hoya said cheerfully and headed into the shop, leaving a grumpy Aekyung trailing behind. “Table for two.” He told the waiter and the waiter bowed slightly, bringing them to a small table.

“Here’s your seat. I’ll come back in a while to take your orders.” The waiter smiled at them and left while the both of them settled down. Aekyung saw a man smiling down at his girlfriend while pushing in her chair for her and bit her lips in jealousy. Hoya didn’t notice and flipped through the menu.

“The steak here is the best. Hands down.” Hoya suggested, his eyes not even landing on Aekyung once. She looked at the second line in the checklist and scoffed.

2)     Whenever he speaks or say something funny, he’ll look at you for a reaction.

*So am I supposed to wait till he says something…?* Aekyung thought, her eyes lingering on the steak that Hoya recommended. “You know, my jokes are way funnier than you. You should totally learn from me.” She snapped her eyes and focused on his face, checking if he looked at her for any reaction. But nope, he didn’t even lift his head up. *2nd sign, out. What’s so nice about the menu, pfft.* Aekyung rolled her eyes and stopped. *Or is it because he’s tired of my hideous scar?!*

“Ae, are you done? I’m ready to order.” Hoya said, putting his menu down. She nodded stiffly and placed the menu down, her hand covering her cheek. He laughed softly at her. “Why are you hiding your cheek? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” He pouted, feigning sadness.

“No! Of course not. I just.. Feel more comfortable if I cover my scar up.” Aekyung whispered and Hoya softened. He hadn’t expected her to say that. *The scar really did made her self-esteem lower. I was just joking Ae…*

“Aye, where did the confident badass Jung Aekyung go to?!” Hoya teased. *I still remember I had to provoke Seulmi for her to confront Jihyun. Now Ae needs a little push to be more confident too. They have more characteristics in common than I thought. Maybe that’s why I had thought that I liked Seulmi…* He laughed lightly.

“The confident badass Jung Aekyung is still here!” Aekyung protested. “She was just resting earlier.” She said as the hand on her cheek lowered slowly. Hoya smiled in approval. Just then, the waiter arrived. Hoya was about to tell the waiter his order but Aekyung cut him off. “2 medium rare steaks please.” The waiter nodded and left the table.

3)     He mirrors your body language subconsciously.

Aekyung cleared and reached for her glass of water. Hoya looked on and shifted his eyes elsewhere, as if he’s enjoying the restaurant’s ambience. “So, how’s life at home?” Aekyung tried to start a conversation. Hoya shrugged and drummed his fingers on the table. She saw it and started to drum her fingers on the table too. He was confused by decided to ignore it.

“It’s… Alright. Just that Hojun is being his usual self.” He simply said and Aekyung nodded, taking a sip of the water. Hoya reached out for his glass and she was about to mentally cheer but it ended up with him swirling the glass of water instead of drinking it. *Can’t you just do the same action as me?! Oh man, it’s already the 3rd sign and none of them is working.* She sighed.

Another waiter came with two plates. “2 medium rare steaks?” He asked and Hoya confirmed it before he placed it in front of the both of them. Aekyung’s mouth watered at the heavenly smell and sight of the juicy tender meat in front of her. *Told you. You’ll definitely love the steak here.* Hoya smiled and began to cut his steak.

A lady stepped into the restaurant and was greeted by a waiter. “May I help you?” He asked politely. She was about to reply but noticed someone familiar from afar.

“It’s fine. I’m good.” She smiled and headed over to Hoya’s table cheerfully. She looked between Hoya and Aekyung and smirked inwardly. *My little Howon is all grown up!* Hoya recognized her face instantly and shot up, immediately attacking her with a hug.

“Subin noona! I missed you!”

4)     Watches you when he flirts with other girls.

“Howonnie!” Subin squealed, her eyes sparkling like diamonds at the sight of Hoya. Aekyung felt her eyes twitch and covered her eye with a palm. She can’t afford to sound like a jealous girlfriend, especially when they have yet to be together. She looked at Hoya who didn’t even introduce her to Subin and she pursed her lips. *Look this way Howon. Please.* Aekyung mentally begged but to no avail. She let out another sigh and shut her eyes. *I give up. If he doesn’t pass the fifth one, I’m going to move on. Stupid Howon. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.*

“Noona! Where have you been?” Hoya asked, his smile never leaving his face.

“Europe! Everything is perfect there. But I sensed that my little Howon missed me and therefore I flew back. Didn’t expect to meet you here though!” Subin laughed. Aekyung held on to her fork tightly with one hand and drank all her water up, infuriated that she was invisible to the two ‘lovebirds’. *Pfft. Little Howon. Howonnie. Who are you to call him that?! I don’t even call him that.* Hoya looked at her and shook his head.

“Noona… I’m not your little Howon anymore. I’m all grown up! You can only call me ‘my little Howon’ when we’re alone together!” Hoya whined, shaking Subin’s hand from side to side. Aekyung gawked at his actions. *He wasn’t so whiny and childish around me! And when they are alone together?! What have they been doing alone?!*

“So much for being all grown up, huh?” Subin chuckled and stole a glance at Aekyung who was murdering her steak with her knife. *Howon, how could you not introduce her to me and leave her alone?! I was trying to test you but I guess it backfired.* She rubbed her nose. “Um, Howonnie? Noona has to go off now. I’ll meet you next time alright?” Subin said and stepped forward to give Hoya a kiss on the cheek and Hoya gladly returned it. “Bye!” Subin waved and left the shop. Hoya waved back and sighed in content before plopping down on his steak and continued to eat his steak.

5)     He treats you differently.

*Lee Howon, how could you pretend like I wasn’t here?! Yeah sure, you treat me differently. So different from other girls.* Aekyung thought sarcastically and placed her cutlery down. Her appetite is long gone and she just wanted to be at home instead of here. *And I thought you had a thing for me…..*

Aekyung glanced at Hoya and shared eye contact with him. He simply flashed a toothy grin and continued eating. She scoffed in disbelief and slammed the table, leaving a shocked Hoya who had his mouth stuffed with meat. “I’m busy, I’ll go home first.” Aekyung said coldly and grabbed her purse, leaving the restaurant. Hoya looked at the unfinished steaks and then at Aekyung’s backview, perplexed by her actions.

By the time Aekyung was out of the restaurant, she regretted her actions. *Did I overdo it? . Howon, please stop me from leaving. I’m gonna walk real slow…* 

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lovekpop0515 #1
Chapter 9: Please update this story!!!
nabi_devi #2
Chapter 9: you must come back please!
yanchen #3
Chapter 9: Wahh.. this is beautiful. . Update soon
Please update T.T i love ur story and i looking forward to this
axsyah #5
Chapter 9: pls update soon I really love aekyung and hoya
I'm done reading the 1st series and i'm happy that I found this XD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ waiting for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 9: hahahahhaha her dad is hilarious
Chapter 9: EEEEEEH ! hokyung couple!!!