
Just bent

I forced a smile as I opened my eyes after blowing out the candles from the third---no fourth birthday cake that friends and colleagues have given me today. I clasped my hands together and thanked the staff for preparing these for me. I have chosen to work on my birthday because I know that inevitably I will be seeing my members some time today. That means I will be spending time with Yuri again.

I don’t know if I’m ready to face her. I have been running away so much from our dorm that I can practically say that I only go there so late when I know everyone is asleep and leave when the sun starts to rise. I have been getting messages from my members asking how I am, and I always reassure them that I am fine, just busy.

Those two words seem to keep everyone satisfied with my absence, after all, we are idols. If we are busy, then we are relevant. If anything, my members have always expressed how proud they are of my accomplishments.

I tried to focus on our photoshoot session we’re doing now. I need my head in the game. My heart might be in pieces, but I do have a job to do. Yuri can wait. My tears can wait.


Oh sht.

I didn’t realize that the shoot was going to take longer. It wasn’t exactly Yoona’s fault, or anyone’s at that matter. There was a sudden downpour and strong winds have halted the shoot for everyone’s safety.

She glanced at the clock on the side of the table. The members were probably worriedly waiting for her now. She was getting anxious but for some reason, she doesn’t seem to mind. The more she gets stuck here, the less time she can spend with Yuri. Sorry girls, I want to be selfish just this once.


It was nearly midnight when she finally finished with her schedule. Their manager apologized to her profusely knowing that the other girls are still waiting for the birthday celebrant.

When they arrived at home, Yoona sighed as she rode the elevator alone. She’s trying to get her energy up for some smiles. She leaned her body to the side as the lift made its way up. She closed her eyes as she waited for her floor. It’s a good thing it’s late and no one will probably ride the thing with her.

She heard the familiar ding when she reached her floor, so she opened her eyes and gingerly made her way out.

Her heart started to clench tightly as she saw two people stood there, side by side, seemingly waiting for the elevator. The girl looked at Yoona with surprise and Yoona tried to act normal as she looked at the guy beside Yuri.

“Noona, you’re here!” Minho said as she flashed a smile at Yoona. Yoona smiled back, they were good friends after all.

“Minho! What brings you here at the Soshi lair?” Yoona joked as she stole a glance at Yuri.

“Oh, Yuri noona invited me over to celebrate your birthday. Too bad your shoot ended up late and now I have a schedule to get around to.” Minho pouted as he looked at Yuri as well.

“I know. Well, you can greet Yoona now that she’s here.” Yuri said quietly, her eyes avoiding Yoona’s stare. Yoona’s eyes travelled to Yuri’s hand that was wrapped around Minho’s arm. Yoona has seen Yuri with loads of guys before. She has seen her with Minho before because he was a close dongsaeng to the whole group. But the burning feeling in her chest right now is inexplicable. Not when Minho’s hand is covering Yuri’s and his thumb is caressing the back of her hand.

“Oh, yeah, happy birthday Yoona noona.” Minho gave a sheepish smile.

“Yah, you weren’t really here for me, were you? You even forgot to greet me! Tell me who are you actually visiting huh?” Yoona said with a teasing laugh. Minho blushed and looked down hiding his shy face. Yuri evaded Yoona’s eyes, but she caught glimpse of the sadness in those doe eyes. The laughter didn’t reach her eyes and it hurts Yuri that Yoona can still act like that.

“Yah Yoona! Are you coming in or what?” Hyo’s voice rang through the hallway. She went out to see where Yoona was because the girl had sent her a message that she was already in the lift.

“Well, I really need to go now.” Minho said as his phone started ringing. He looked at Yuri at his side and Yoona cleared .

“See you around Minho. Thanks for greeting me.” Yoona said and waved goodbye and made her way towards their dorm.

“I’ll be there in a bit.” Yuri said quietly, though she thinks Yoona didn’t hear because she was walking too fast. Yoona had her hand on the door when she caught Minho leaning in, to kiss Yuri’s cheek.

She looked away, sighed and readied her face. She plastered her face with a smile as she went through the door.


The girls were still singing/shouting their hearts out with the Happy Birthday song, Yoona stood there laughing as the girls were giving her the best birthday song concert ever when Yuri snuck back inside quietly into the room.

When the wailing finally finished, Yoona laughed as she looked at her unnies and the maknae. Their faces were flushed red, and she looked around and saw that they had already started drinking. Hence the crazy performance.

“Thanks, unnies! And sorry I am late.” Yoona said and gave them a genuine smile. No matter how tired, how hurt she was, she knows her members being there is the best remedy she can have.

“We should be the one saying sorry Yoong!” Tiff said.

“Because we started without you.” Sunny said pouting.

“We didn’t touch the cake though.” Hyo said which Sooyoung started to choke on the champagne she was sipping.

“Wait, don’t tell me?! I specifically told you—” Taeyeon’s voice faded away as she ran towards the kitchen to check the cake inside the fridge.

“Choi Sooyoung, I swear if you touched that cake, I’ll—” Sica was ready to threaten Sooyoung when Tae came back with the cake and the lighted candles on top.

“Ready girls?! Let’s sing again!” Tae shouted as she beamed from ear to ear.

Yoona can’t help but laugh hard as they started shouting their hearts out singing happy birthday again.

“I swear unnies, I am never singing another Happy Birthday song again!” Seo complained as she felt starting to get sore.

“Oh, don’t be such a baby. Another round?” Tae said before Yoona stepped in.

“Let me blow those candles first unnie before they all melt down.”

“Make a wish! Make a wish! Make a wish!” The girls started shouting. Are they on drugs? They seem to be very hyper, Yoona thought.

They finally quieted down and Yoona caught a glimpse of Yuri before she closed her eyes.

Please. I only have this one true wish.

When she finished blowing her candles, they all started to drag her towards the table filled with food. The food seemed to be untouched, but there were a couple of wine and champagne bottles opened and empty. She shook her head.

“Girls, don’t tell me you drank without eating anything?” Yoona said as she sat on the chair.

“But we can’t eat until the birthday girl is here! How rude of us to do so.” Sooyoung said as she plopped to the chair next to Yoona.

“But you started drinking already. I wouldn’t mind if you ate first. See you’re all drunk now.” Yoona giggled as Sica was having trouble keeping awake, her head swaying from side to side.

“I’m not drunk! Who said I’m drunk?!” Tae said, her cute face adorned with an adorable pout.

“Right, let’s eat then?” Yoona asked, she wasn’t really in the mood to argue with the drunk girls that they are drunk. The only other person in that table who looks perfectly fine was Yuri.

Well, if she were busy entertaining Minho then she wouldn’t be able to drink much would she?

Yoona shook the thought away to stop herself from dampening her mood.

“Can I sing some more?” Tae was still complaining while eating and Yoona can’t help but chuckle as Sunny convinced the other girl to finish her food first before starting the karaoke.

“Yeah, finish your food first Taeyeon-unnie then we’ll start the karaoke.” Yuri said and smiled at the older girl.

After eating, Tae was the first who stood up and ran to the living room to start the karaoke machine. The other girls ran after, fighting over the remote to reserve their songs to play next. As Yoona sipped her wine, she saw that one other girl was left with her on the table.

“You’re not joining them?” Yoona tried to break the awkward atmosphere as she looked at Yuri at the far end of the table.

“I need to clean up first. You go.” Yuri gave a small smile as she started to pick the plates up.

“I’ll help.” Yoona said as she stood up as well, taking her plate with her hands.

“It’s your birthday. Go and enjoy yourself. The girls will be looking for you.” Yuri said as she piled the plates up neatly.

Yoona laughed a bit, as she heard the wailing voices in the background singing in the karaoke.

“I’m pretty sure they’re too drunk to even realize that I’m not there.” Yoona smiled.

Yuri gave a small laugh and gave up. Once Yoona had her mind on doing something, it takes a lot to convince her otherwise. They cleaned up the table in silence, occasionally catching a glimpse of each other and hastily looking away.

After loading up the dishwasher, the only thing that they needed to do was to put the leftover inside the fridge. Yoona was doing just that, and Yuri was finishing wiping the table when a super energized Hyo came and demanded that the two of them join them now as they wreak havoc on their own living room.

Yoona smiled at Yuri who looked at her.

“Go, I’m nearly done here.” She managed to say before Yuri was completely dragged away from the table.

Please grant me my wish.

She thought before she closed the fridge and proceeded to party with the girls.


The girls have finally finished with their terrorizing karaoke session. It was such a relief that the whole dorm is soundproofed, or the police might’ve been called out on them.

They were now gathered in a circle as they have done on every birthday or every celebration in that matter. This is the part where they give their gifts.

“This is from me and Jessie.” Tiff said with her eye smiles as she gave Yoona a pink paper bag and giving the birthday girl a hug.

Yoona opened the gift and found a small rilakkuma doll and a black and pink striped pyjama set.

“Thanks, unnies!” She said as she pinched the bear’s cheeks.

“This is from me.” Tae said as she gave a small box.

“Whoa, these are so pretty unnie, thank you!” Yoona gave the older girl a hug as she looked at the earrings in her hand. She was glad the alcohol was probably wearing off because Taeyeon was not shouting anymore, and her voice had started to sound hoarse.

“Here’s my gift Yoona-unnie.” Seo smiled and handed her a neatly wrapped gift.

She opened it and discovered her perfume set. She smiled at the maknae and gave her a hug.

“So, here’s the best gift ever.” Sooyoung announced as Hyo and Sunny grinned beside the girl in anticipation. Uh-oh. What did these three idiots do? That was what was running inside the other girls’ minds including Yoona’s.

They grabbed hold of Yoona’s hand and dragged her towards their balcony. The other girls curiously followed.

“TA-DA!” The three girls called out and at first nothing happened, so the other girls scratched their heads in confusion.

“Wait!” Sunny said and typed something on her phone.

Then suddenly, the opposite building that was previously dark out exploded in colourful lights and illuminated a massive billboard with Yoona’s gigantic face with the words Happy Birthday Yoona at the bottom.

Yoona didn’t know how to react and stared at her gigantic figure in shock.

“Oh, wow guys.” Yoona whispered. As funny as it looks, it was a thoughtful gesture from the three girls.

She hugged the three of them and the others followed suit, ending up in a group hug.

After a few minutes, Hyo squeaked, “I know it’s amazing how we pulled this off, but can we go in now? It’s freaking freezing out here.”

They all laughed as they all went inside.

Well, except one girl, who still had her gift in her hand.


When Yuri finally went back in, it seems that the girls have retreated to their bedrooms as the once noisy dorm was finally quiet. She sighed as she looked around. Surprisingly, the girls have cleaned up nicely before going to bed and not much left to do that can wait until tomorrow.

Looking at the clock, she realized she too needs to sleep.


“Unnie, thanks for the party.” Yoona said as she and Taeyeon were stood outside their respective bedroom doors.

Taeyeon gave her a small smile and said something before she went inside.


Yuri slowly opened the bedroom door, hoping not to disturb Yoona. She thought the girl had already fallen asleep knowing she had a full schedule today and the party adding to that.

It was a waste as Yoona was still awake and was sat on her bed, freshly showered, seemingly waiting for Yuri to come in.

“I thought you’d be asleep by now.” Yuri whispered and made her way to her own bed, placing her phone on the bedside, planning to take a shower herself.

“Yuri.” Yoona called out, the younger girl was now stood and moved towards her.

Yuri turned to face the other girl and looked at Yoona expectantly.

“Thank you.” Yoona said. “Taeyeon unnie told me everything. Thanks for organizing the party.”

“No problem. You’re welcome Yoona.” Yuri gave a small smile, but she was caught off guard when Yoona grabbed her arm and engulfed her in a warm hug, Yoona burying her face on her neck. Yuri did the same and savoured Yoona’s sweet and fresh scent.

When Yoona finally broke the hug. She reached into her bedside table and grabbed an envelope.

“Here’s my gift for you.”

Yoona held the envelope in her hands as Yuri excused herself to take a shower.

Yoona traced her name that was written on the envelope with Yuri’s own handwriting.

Is this it? Proper rejection?

At least they will have proper closure after this.

She remembered the wish she made.

Please, no more pain.

That was the only wish she wanted, and if this is Yuri’s rejection in her hands, then she is already making the first step.

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hkinki #1
Chapter 4: I need more yoonyul !!!!!!
yoyusic #2
Chapter 4: Waaaah cliffhanger! What is it? What is it? Is it Yoon to the Yul again or more pain for Yoong. Aissh i dont like Minho's presence in this story. Lools! Can't wait for the next one! You know I will always wait for u authornim!
HottestVIPSone #3
Love your yoonyul stories (:
yoyusic #4
Chapter 3: Omgeeeeee! My heart is bursting with so much yoonyul feels.. We are sooo yoonyul deprived nowadays and I really appreciate it authornim that you are giving us what we troopers deserve. Hope u find more inspiration to continue this and your other stories coz this is the only way to cope with yoonyul drought. Waiting for your updates always.
hkinki #5
Chapter 3: Awwww I miss my yoonyul please bring them back. Thank you for this yoonyul story I have been waiting for so long
RavensHaven #6
Chapter 2: This story gave me all the feels. this one is not done yet right? or is it? The amount of YoonYul today is close to zero.
I like your stories. Kudos to you :)
justwatchsnsd #7
Chapter 2: hm? is yoona hiding something?
Chapter 2: Solo espero que actualices este fic autor... quiero saber que pasara
Chapter 1: Im daring my self to read this one story of yours. I am always love to reads ur stories . But when I saw this new story of yours I did read the foreword part, but I retracted my self for reading more. My YoonYul heart was in the brink of breaking into pieces after it's broken with all the news of their dating thingy. I didn't think that my yyheart can take it that time if ever i read this. With all the new sweets YoonYul moments recently I dared my self to read this story and yet it make me cried at the almost freaking midnight. What a good job author. But it was nice, I really enjoyed it breaking my heart LoL
Im lookin forward for the next chap, the next update of ur other stories if it's not to much for u to give us. I'll wait anyway. sorry for rambling here to much :)
Chapter 2: I spent everynight reading your stories since I found you last week, I honestly say that I love alllllll of them. They're a bit cheesy but I'm not lactose and tolerant so it's okay :)