My Name is Park Bom

Autumn In Seoul

Bom's pov

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was a bit blured, and my head felt so heavy. I looked at the ceiling until i started to realize i was in my apartment. I couldn't remember what happened last night, but i did heard Seungri's voice yelling at me. I got up and sat on my bed. I saw Siwon sleeping on the couch, he looked tired by yet he was so cute. Ah I couldn't think right, yesterday was a huge mess. Should I just forgive Siwon? Honestly, I didn't want to start a fight with Siwon. It doesn't feel right to be separated with him just because of one mistake.

As I stared at Siwon, he opened his eyes. He started moving, I didn't know whether should I turn away or getting caught gazing at him.

"Ah, Bom! You're awake!" He said while he was doing a little stretch. I didn't say a thing cause I was still confused about what happened last night, and this morning. He walked towards me with his cute bright smile. God! Remind me that I was still mad at him! He sat on my bed and giving me a piece of bread.

"Here, eat this! It will make you feel better!" He said as he handed me the bread. It smelled delicious and it was still warm. I took the bread and eat it. I gotta admit that I'm a little bit hungry. This is why I don't want to be separated from Siwon, he knows me so well. I'm glad that I chose to sit next to him on my first day of school back in 7th grade. He was my bestfriend ever since.

"What happened with me?" I asked him. He looked at me and he smiled. Gosh, stop smiling! It distracts me!

"You were drunk last night. Seungri called me soon after, I went to the club to help pick you up. And here you are, in your apartment. And don't worry, I didn't change your clothes. I respect your privacy, you're still wearing the same clothes as last night. Or maybe the last time I saw you in front of your building"

"Hmm...I am sorry Siwon. It was just, I was so pissed that you forgot to call me"

"Yeah, i understand. But hey since i upset you yesterday, I want to take you to dinner tonight, how is it?"

"Dinner? Sounds fun. Just the two of us?"

"No. Actually, my friend from Europe just arrived to Seoul this week. So I wanted to invite him to dinner too, and there will be the three of us. Is that okay to you?"

"From Europe? thanks, I'm not in the mood to meet strangers now"

"Don't worry, he is korean but he lives in Europe. He got back here on a business with my company. Just give it a try Bom, I'm sure it will be fun!"

I nodded as i continued eating the bread. He got up from my bed and checked his phone.

"I-I'm sorry Bom, I have to go. My boss is looking for me. I can't pick you up tonight so make sure you come to our dinner at 7 PM. I catch you later!"

"Bye, Siwon! and..uh...thanks for the ride!...and the bread!"

"No worries!"




I walked out of my car. 7.05 PM, I was a little bit late but I'm sure Siwon is okay with that. I wore a black casual dress. I always wear black when i have dinner with Siwon since he liked it when i wear black. Ha, yeah he liked anything black. He even owned a black Audi and his apartment was dominated with black and white. I didn't get this guy, but I'm glad he was the kind of clean and neat guy so i don't have to visit his apartment just to make sure that he wash all his clothes.

I recognize this restaurant since it's my favorite one in Seoul. Once again, Siwon did it. He always knew how to make me happy. He was very manly and he respected woman. I saw Siwon and his friend. I walked to their table with my high heels. I didn't know why i wore high heels in a casual dinner like this.

"Ah, Bom! Come here! Take a seat!" Siwon got up from his chair and greeted me. I saw his friend bowed to me, I bowed him back. He wore the same kind of outfit as Siwon. The typical of businessman outfits. But at the same time, he looked so manly.

"Um..Bom! This is Seunghyun. Seunghyun! This is Bom, my friend that I told you earlier" Siwon introduced me and his friend

"Hi! My name is Park Bom" I said to him politely

"I'm Choi Seunghyun. You look beautiful tonight Ms. Park" he flirted. How can he flirted me politely? I was impressed

"Ah thank you Mr. Choi!"

"Don't be so polite! Both of you are my friends and it's a casual dinner not a business appointment!" Siwon said

"Eh...Sorry then" I apologized

I gotta say, most of Siwon's friends are very manly and polite. Maybe because his friends are all the typical businessman, of course they were polite because they used to meet up with strangers and have a connection in one second.

"You were right Siwon. She really has a nice aura" Seunghyun said. Does that she he talks about refers to me? Oh no, please don't blush! please don't blush!

"Ahh yes. I've known her since we were a child, and she was always this nice and charming" Siwon said

"Aih Siwon, did you talk about me with him before?!" I asked him

"Yes! he needs to know about you first, this is why you should get alive and socialize instead of staying home in your spare time and playing on tumblr!" Siwon said. Ish! Don't say that in front of a stranger! This guy could be so stupid sometimes.

"Don't worry, Bom. He didn't say anything bad about you"

Suddenly, my phone ringed. I checked it and it was a phone call from Dara.

"Eh, excuse me for a moment" I said

I rushed to the toilet as I began answering her phone call.

"Ish Dara! I'm in the middle of eating dinner now! What's wrong?!"

"I need help! Please! It's important! Please Bom! Come to my place! I really need your help!"

I heard her crying. I couldn't stand hearing my bestfriend crying. Why is she crying anyway? The one thing that came to my mind was i need to skip this dinner and help my bestfriend. I couldn't let her down. But I also couldn't leave the dinner! I went back to the table as i saw Seunghyun stared at me. I knew that i looked shocked and so messed up. I didn't know what to do.

"Eh, I'm sorry but I kinda have to go now."

"what you're leaving already? But..." Seunghyun talked before Siwon could finish his words

"It's okay, you can go. I think it's important" Seunghyun said

I looked at both of them who were staring at me. I felt really bad to leave in the middle of a nice dinner like this. Especially, I had a dinner with a stranger i just met. And he was so nice and polite. i felt really sorry. But what can i do? My bestfriend needs me.






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Chapter 1: Mark Lee??? I thought Mark Choi. Keke~~
I'm gonna support this story. Have an update soon
Chapter 3: Update soon authornim ^^
BommieLuv #3
Chapter 2: please update it seem interesting ^^~~