Chapter 3

Always Keep The Faith

Jaejoong POV:-

I walked over to my room and stared out the window with a cup of orange juice in one hand and another hand in my pocket. I liked my room it had the best view out of all of us. “ so , are we going to have to go through that whole stage where you’re going to ignore me again or are we going to sort this out properly” I heard Yunho question me from behind sitting on my bed frowning at me. God he looks too ugly when he frowns or pissed off -.-

I continued ignoring Yunho for at least five minutes honestly I just wanted to finish my drink in peace. I walked over to my bed and sat next to Yunho, I pulled my lips closer to his and kissed him softly for only a brief couple of seconds “Always keep the faith Yunho, that’s what we said to each other” I said “I’m not going to try to figure this whole mess up by myself anymore, I love you and I think you love me too” I said with uncertainty considering the last week has been like weird and stuff. I passed my love heart locket necklace which no one knew about “I want you to have this, it’s my most treasured belonging and until you continue to have it, you also have a piece of me” I started to tear up.


Yunho’s POV:-

I stared at the locket then back at Jaejoong until it had become a habit, why would he give me something so precious. I got so drifted in my thoughts that I forgot that Jaejoong was still crying next to me “ yah don’t cry, you know your most beautifulist to me when your smiling” I said trying to comfort him and it did I could see a slow but big smile coming on to his face. I kissed his forehead then his eyes then his nose then to his lips. His smile had gone bigger than before and it made my heart melt. I tried placing the necklace on my neck but failed like 938645643956345 times so I got Jaejoong to help me instead. “Can you do me a favour?” I said as Jaejoong nodded in response “ can you get dressed so I can take you out somewhere,  it’s just someplace I’ve always wanted to share with the one I loved most” I said and could see Jaejoong mouthing omo under his breath, ugh! Way to ruin the moment jaejoonie. I left Jaejoong room so I could get dressed myself.

Jaejoong pov:

“Where are we going?” I asked Yunho who was leading me into some place which was far off from our dorm. “You’ll see” he replied with a wink. We came to an abandon musical park which had a musical roundabout.

 “Jump on” Yunho insisted “you’re not serious are you?” I asked Yunho, this is freaking little kids damn it, how am I meant to have ‘fun’ on that. “You’ll love it trust me” he replied as he inserted a coin into the old machine.

  I jumped on just for his sake and I felt his hands holding mine as he sat on the horse next to mine. “Yeeee Ha” Yunho screamed at the top of his lungs acting like a retarded Asian cow boy. Oh god so embarrassing.

 An hour passed and we’d wasted bazillions of coins on that machine, did I just have fun? “Are you smiling? Is my Jaejoong actually enjoying himself?” Yunho teased.

Next Yunho went on a rather long seesaw GET REAL I wanted to shout at Yunho. “ don’t worry, we can fit” Yunho said, Pffft I’m not concerned about fitting in I am not going on that crap “ Nah, nope not this time” I shook my head showing my disinterest. “Pleaaaase” Yunho pleaded as he gave me his best puppy face, Omg you ugly thing how could he do this to me.

 I jumped on to the other side. We kept on going up and down, chatting away the minutes “ you wouldn’t” I asked Yunho, “ wouldn’t do what” he asked as he lifted his eyebrow. Yunho was on the bottom of the seesaw while I was on top.

That manwhore, I know that look, he was up to no good. “Love ya” Yunho said as he hoped off the seesaw and ran away like the woman that he is. BANG! My balls were crushed by the metal handler in front of me. “I’LL KILL YOU YUNHO” I shouted as I held onto my balls while running in his direction.


Yunho POV:


Where is he? I can’t see him, maybe I lost him? I thought. I was huffing and puffing as Jaejoong was looking for me. I felt like a deer in the jungle being chased by a tiger, Jaejoong being the tiger of course. I hid behind the bushes as it was dark already and he’d have troubles finding me.  I heard rustles, WHAT WAS THAT? I thought as my heart started beating faster and faster, Oh my gosh so not cool. The rustles soon disappeared; it’s just the wind I tried reassuring myself.

Something was piercing onto my back “You didn’t that you could get away from me did you?” Jaejoong asked as his face was completely covered by his hair “OH MY GOOOOOOOD” I screamed as I was surprised by his sudden appearance.  I ran out of the bushes stumbling while trying to run, “you can run but you can’t hide, I’ll find you and then…then I’ll kill you” Jaejoong said while still in the bushes slowly walking towards my direction. This felt like some low budget horror film as I was the victim while Jaejoong was the murder. BANG! I hit into something or someone hard, “where are you running to Yunho, its useless” Jaejoong said. I looked back to where he was standing before and looked back to him and back to where he was before, WHAT THE !!!!

Jaejoong grabbed onto me and started bashing me up “this is what you get for hurting my manhood, oh and if you think we’re getting on tonight think again.”Jaejoong said. “ Jagiya, what” I shouted at Jaejoong as he started walking away.

I got closer to Jaejoong when I noticed something on his back “ Jae...Ja..Jae...Jo...joong” I stuttered “im not interested in what you have to say yunho” he replied. “Sp...Spi…spid...spider” I stuttered once again “spider, what spider?” he asked and turned to view my horrorred face. I’ll tell you this, me and Jaejoong are very VERRRRRRRRRRRY afraid of the things you call ‘spiders’.

I pointed to his back indicating that is was on his back “GET IT OFFFF ME” Jaejoong started screaming and crying and running towards me. WHAT THE K, I ran away from him and started looking for a stick “ stay still while I get it off you” I commanded Jaejoong,” you ing ugly thing, die you piece of mother freaking hole of a RAAAH” I screamed at the spider. Jaejoong kept on crying silently as I flicked off the spider from his back and killed it with the giant stick.


“JAGIYA” Jaejoong and I cried in unison as we held each other in a tight embrace “we made it baby, we made it” I said as we walked home. “Omo! You’re so brave, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here” Jaejoong praised me.





LOOOL! i LOVE the Yunjae couple and always will HWAITING!!

BTW, is this meant to be rated because of my excessive cuss?




1) Someone gets a girlfriend

2) Someone dies * I really dont want to kill someone but i have too :"(*

3)  Yunjae wont be the same.... Muhahaha YOU WILL NEVER GUESS ^^


Keep subscribing, and I'll keep writing awesomeness ;D

For all my y TVXQ/.DBSK Lovers heres another video ----->

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awesome storyyyy
Onein9 #2
Aww YunJae ♥ (Miss them too)<br />
Haha Minnie is too much x]<br />
Update soon, Liking the story plot you have for your story
yunjaemrcn #3
i believe they will be together again as 5 and as yunjae, just wait patiently. AKTF :)))
oh gosh i miss yunjae so much T.T<br />
update soon <3
Yunjae :( <br />
This makes me feel sad lol <br />
update soon pls ^^