Chapter 1

Always Keep The Faith


“Long time no see” Jaejoong smirked from across the room, it had been a year since they’d last been in the same room as each other. “How’ve you been?” Jaejoong eagerly asked, “Since, when did you care about how I felt?” Yunho replied coldly. He had his reasons, and he hoped to god Jaejoong would click on to it. “I’ve always cared about how you are, I guess it’s you who doesn’t care about me” Jaejoong replied. The atmosphere was getting ackward, “I better go get something to drink” Changmin interrupted not wanting to be in the middle of it “yeah same here” Yoochun agreed with Junsu following. “No, forget it, I think we’re done here” Yunho said as he walked towards the door and left. Jaejoong’s heart dropped to the floor, “after not seeing each other for long, he just left?” He kept wondering in his mind…..


Yunho’s POV:-


I stormed through SMEnt’s large corridors as I heard about the recent news, what the hell is he thinking damn it. I had the biggest frown on my face and people didn’t dare raise their voice at me as I pushed them aside. Now, usually I’m not that kind of guy, I’m that guy who buys you food when you don’t have any, that guy who gives you relationship advice when you need it most, but that guy was nowhere to be found right now. Right now, I was that guy you didn’t want to be around unless you were looking for a fight.

Anyways, I kept storming through the somewhat crowded more than usual corridors and into the closed business rooms where I could hear voices speaking to a close too yelling tone. Something was definitely happening inside. I opened the door and saw the rest of my Band mates, best friends whatever you wanted to call it with lawyers and what not and on the other side of the table our CEO Lee Soo Man; I seriously thought this was way too messed up.

I remembered there were days when Jaejoong would talk about his family and how much he had missed them, how he always wanted to make a larger living so that he could provide the best with his family but why did he have to do it this way. Jaejoong looked at me and immediately look down and I clearly see that I wasn’t the person he needed to see right now.

I walked my way over to him past Junsu and Yoochun, “ We need to talk about this Jaejoong” I quietly said , I could feel Soo Man’s eyes on me, hoping as though whatever I had to say better have been good enough to allow the rest of the group to say together. “There’s nothing left to talk about Yunho, we’ve made up our minds, and I don’t want to continue with this kind of treatment” he growled. I could feel the awkward tension in the atmosphere as all eyes were on now.  “You have to listen to me; you’re going to regret this okay? Now talk to Junsu and Yoochun and think this through” I said trying to be as sincere as possible, I wanted to talk this with the three of them but I felt as though Jaejoong was the one who influenced them on this decision.

I remembered how we were all once trainees, hopeful and naïve about the music industry, just trying to get whatever we could. But now, now it seemed as though we were too good for that and demanded more.  “We’re going through with this Yunho, and there’s nothing you can do about it” Jaejoong protested. I could see some people trying to leave the room “Sit down, we won’t take long” I said to them“That’s enough for now, Yunho” Soo Man said “we can sort this out privately between us” he continued. Soo Man gave the signal and before I knew it I had two bigger figures take me out of the room and out in the hall.

I waited for what seemed like two hours or perhaps even more, I couldn’t tell to be honest. I finally saw the door open and felt a sudden cold chill come through the atmosphere. This is going to be bad I knew. Jaejoong came out the door first and just walked right past me slightly hitting my shoulders with his, and then Yoochun came who tried really hard not to make eye contact then Junsu who was doing the same. Lastly Soo Man came, “I’m sorry Yunho, I guess not all of us are satisfied for the things we’ve got” he said trying to be comforting in his own way. 

JaeJoongs Pov:-


I was mad at Yunho but not as mad as with Soo Man. I was particularly mad at Yunho for never noticing the pain I was in, the hardship I was facing, and the shame that I felt. I guess no one really knows how you feel after all. I knew he was my boyfriend, okay, SECRET BOYFRIEND and all but still doesn’t that count for something.

 I was with him night and day and yet he couldn’t tell the great discomfit that I was feeling? Had he not felt the same way me and Junsu or Yoochun had felt? And why would he force me into staying as a group forever when that’s what was ruining me as a whole?

I got from the table and gave one last glare at Soo Man as I thought over whether I was doing the right thing or not, WHAT THE HELL! Of course I was doing the right thing.

 Junsu and Yoochun followed me from behind and we made our way out the door. Surprise, Surprise, what do you know super man is waiting for me out the hall. I didn’t want anything to do or say to him at the moment so I just walked past.

I got on the elevator and saw Yunho following us, but, luckily enough the door had closed on him. “Jaejoong does this mean we can’t talk to Yunho and Changmin anymore?” said Yoochun innocently and disappointed as he looked straight through me.

“What the hell? What makes you say that? Of course not, we’re just trying to break our contracts not break our friendships Pabo” I said trying to persuade not only him but myself. He made a point them, what the hell happens now, that was what I wanted to know more than any of us.

“wait… then what was that just then, you just walked past Yunho” Junsu added, that guy , Aish always adding more questions on the harder ones. “I JUST FACED THE BIGGEST DRAMA OF MY LIFE, DO YOU EXPECT ME TO TALK TO HIM” I busted out yelling. I instantly got the ‘someone’s on their period’ stare from everyone on the elevator.

I went back to the dorm and grabbed my luggage that was ready to go until I saw Changmin. Oh god, how was I going to explain it him? “What’s going on” he asked while his eyes goggled at our more than expired dead faces.

“ I think this is best for Yunho to explain to you, we’ve had a really long day and honestly, I don’t know how I could explain it any better than he could” Yoochun said, My eyes immediately went to him and gave him the ‘ nice’ look having my face slightly going up and down. 

I stared at Changmin then to the ground then back at him and pouted trying to figure out a way to break the awkward moment “so, I guess you should be on your way right? Said the maknae, I was surprised that he spoke rather than us.

“Um, yeah I guess we should, When you see Yunho, tell him we said keep healthy until next time” I said trying to sound a little sincere so that they wouldn’t notice I was pissed off at him. Changmin nodded and walked us to the door and as Karma would have it, Yunho stood there

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awesome storyyyy
Onein9 #2
Aww YunJae ♥ (Miss them too)<br />
Haha Minnie is too much x]<br />
Update soon, Liking the story plot you have for your story
yunjaemrcn #3
i believe they will be together again as 5 and as yunjae, just wait patiently. AKTF :)))
oh gosh i miss yunjae so much T.T<br />
update soon <3
Yunjae :( <br />
This makes me feel sad lol <br />
update soon pls ^^