
Start of something new (rumored coffee shop sighting)
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  Her father took her hand and lead her to the seaside         She saw people in white clothing, crying,                 ...mourning.           When she turned around her father was already nowhere to be seen             Her heart raced frantically               "Dara" a familiar voice took her attention                         It was Jaejoong's mother                   "I knew we should've informed you weeks ago"          "Mian Dara" Jaejoong's mother cupped her face            Dara couldn't even find any words to voice out                 "Jaejoong was already driving back to Seoul when             ...he met an accident and..."                     She clenched her fist finding the strength to face the forthcoming revelation                   4 years later                   Dara was already smiling visiting his grave unlike for the past years where she would just cry nonstop. The sun was shining brightly, bright as her expression       She lit the candles before squatting near his tomb.               "Anyeong... did you miss me?! Sorry I couldn't come on your birthday but nevertheless I'm here now ." know.. I still miss you everyday. We were only given too little time. The time we were given will never be enough for me.           ..I still miss the adventures we've had. The way you cook ramen for me.. I miss everything about you" her eyes began to warm up          ..there's still so much in store for us.. but you left too early. I know I promised you that I won't cry anymore but I can't help it.               "I never got to say how much I love you for the the... last time and that was what I regret the most. How I wished I was given the chance... to hug you before you left us" she was struggling finding her words             She was distracted when she heard a voice calling her. Reminding her of her intention for visiting him.             "I almost forgot.. I hope you won't get mad though and take this happily.. but I...                                             ..want you to meet someone....                   ..someone who is making me happy now, someone who is showering me with so much love..           ..the guy who kept me from visiting you on you're birthday. He was sick so I needed to attend to him.       ..I hope you can understand that and forgive us..                 ..He wants to meet you and have your blessing bestowed on him"           "Dara!!!"             She heard a very y and manly voice call her Dara smiled when she felt her heart race as he came closer                 "Aigoo! Are you ready to meet him little one?" she stared at him tenderly               "Neh??... Won Bin" she looked to her side and held his gaze         "I want you to meet someone. This is......"then turned back to the tomb                                                                                 Flashback:Wedding day                       "Jaejoong was already driving back to Seoul when             ...he met an accident and..."                     She clenched her fist finding the strength to face the forthcoming revelation                 "Dara!!!" it was her father       He ran towards her                                                           "Ani.. we're on the wrong spot! Jaejoong is on the other side"       Her eyes widened                 "Jaejoong is here?!" she said in disbelief, she was already expecting the worst just assessing  from his mother's words           She turned to Jaejoong's mother             "I knew this would happen. Jaejoong met an accident just a few blocks away from here. It was just a minor accident so you don't have to worry. He wasn't hurt at all. It's just that the car he was driving broke down so he had to find a place to stay for that night. Then he found this... beautiful resort.           "He knew how much you love beaches. He called me that night and told me that he was going to change the venue for your wedding. Mian Dara-yah. I should've told you much earlier so there would be no confusion and all, but Jaejoong wanted  to surprise you so-               "Imo(aunt in hanggul)" she cut her off, excited to meet her soon-to-be-husband               "Eeehhh.. how many time have I told you to call me Omma, huh?"                      "O-omma... can we go to Jaejoong now? I want to see him." she was smiling but at the same time crying                   "Neh, but you should stop crying Dara-yah. We should get you fixed up first, your wedding will start in an hour already"                         "Huh?? Eh?? What about the guests??" she asked                       "It's already being taken care of Sanghyun" her father answered                    "S-Sanghyun knew all along where Jaejoong was?"                        Her father nodded "Neh, he was one of the firsts Jaejoong had told about his plan, of course your mother was the very first"                    "Kaja?" Jaejoong's mother lead them to the hotel to get Dara dolled up again                                 Tententenen... tententenen(Fx)             Daesung, Taeyang and Gummy were singing the wedding march song. Their soulful voices harmonized well together         The guests stood up and cheered when the entourage started walking the isle                   And went louder when Dara, escorted by her father and mother. walked down the isle     Both the groom and the bride couldn't keep their eyes off of each other.                                         Jaejoong's mouth hung open, stunned at how beautiful his bride was.        The sunlight made her even more glowing. She was the most beautiful woman in his eyes He tried to control himself from running to Dara and devour on her godliness. His bestmen, Junsu and Yoochun on his both sides sensed his excitement and patted his shoulder ends               "Yah Jaejoongie calm your raging hormones for now. You'd be given the chance of a lifetime after this so you don't have to rush anything." they teased                         Jaejoong just shrugged them off and focused on his bride, his Dara.  
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MaritheZya #1
Chapter 23: I love it. I love jaedara. The story is light and funny, can relieve your stress because i am smiling the whole tine while reading it. Thanks to you.

Please accept my friend request.
Stay safe.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 39: AHahahaha!! Leo is so cute!!! Good luck, Jae! :D
Chapter 38: this story is sweet and cute :D
sherryperry #4
Chapter 37: Great story n thankyou....
Chapter 37: you like cliff hangers. love it! thanks!
trysusiet #6
Chapter 37: That was mean. The intent was good but I feel sorry for Dara. But all's well that ends well
trysusiet #7
Chapter 26: Haha Sanghyun FTW
bluefairy07 #8
Chapter 37: great job there authornim, i love your story..thanks :)
tsaaqib #9
can i read this authornim???
cherie2014 #10
Chapter 37: I have just finished reading your story. All I can say is you're an amazing author. At first, I was confused with the flow of the story but as I continued reading this I was hooked and was not able to stop reading. I love your story very much. It makes me wish and hope that jaedara is real. Thank you for writing this wonderful story!!!