A Fight

B.A.P And A Baby?! {HIATUS}

Junhong and Jongup are in the front of the dorm, in the living room,playing with Chung-Hee. "Say appa. Come on Chung-Hee. Say appa for me." Junhong said smiling while laying on the floor next to Jongup and Chung-Hee.

Jongup was staring at his beautiful boyfriend playing with the baby. He was thinking about how they would be if they had adopted a child of their own. Then, he rolled on top of Junhong and started to kiss him. "Junnie, baby. I love you so much." He whispered into Junhong's ear.

Junhong kissed back, and it started to get a bit more heated. Jongup was trying to get him to open his mouth, but he remembered the baby. "Jongie. We can't. Not here. We have the baby here and the other members might catch us. I'm not ready for them to find out yet." Junhong smiled slightly and Jongup nodded and said a small 'sorry, babe. I forgot.' and rolled off of him.

Jonhong went back to trying to get Chung-Hee to say 'appa'. "You know, Junnie, he can't talk yet. He's too young." Jongup chuckled.

"So, I heard that it is good to talk to babies. Even when they are young." Junhong replied with a smle.

"But, he isn't able to say things yet." Jongup stated.

Junhong started to get a bit irritated. "Oppa~" He whined. "Hajima. Jebal? I'm just trying to help him. Arraseo? Please, just stop the arguing." Junhong firmly retorted. "Ok, baby. I'm just saying." Jongup said with a slight smile.

The rest of the members were in Yongguk and Himchan's shared room discussing about their upcoming performances. They heard yelled arguments coming from the living room. "Shh everybody. I hear something coming from the living room." Youngjae said suddenly.

Himchan started to chuckle. "It sounds like they are already starting to argue."

Daehyun was getting a bit worried becuase when Junhong argues, man does Junhong argue. "Do you think we should go out there?" He asked the rest of the member's with a slightly worried face.

"I think they'll be fine." Yongguk answered him. Daehyun nodded.

Jongup and Junhong were still arguing in the living room. "WELL FINE THEN! WHY DON'T YOU JUST TAKE CARE OF HIM ALL BY YOURSELF!" They heard Junhong scream from the room they were in. Then, they heard the front door slam shut.

"." Jongup muttered after Junhong left.

Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae were walking down the hall to the living room laughing their asses off. "Man. What happened?" Youngjae asked still chuckling a bit.

"Ok, well. First, he was trying to get Chung-Hee to say 'appa'. Then, I said that he can't talk yet. Then he started trying to get him to say more difficult things like 'I love you.' So, I told him that if he can't even say appa yet, he most deffenetly cannot say 'I love you' yet. Then he got anrgy because he had already asked me to stop arguing and I did it again. He grabbed his skatebaord yelled that I can just take care of him by myself and left, slamming the door." Jongup explained.

"Oh." Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae said in unison. "I'll go look for him." Yongguk stated.

Yongguk, then, went outside to find Junhong.


Ok. Sorry. I love you my subbies c: *throws hearts* You are all beautuiful people. ^v^ Sorry for the cliffhanger.  ._.

And sorry I haven't updated in so long. I couldn't realy think of a good chapter do my friend helped me. Sadly, she doesn't have an account. so...yeah.



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Chapter 4: Really daehyun..........cheesecake -_- anyway its suppose to be banglo wae
Chapter 2: I Love This Story It's So Hilarious How Daehyun Wanted To Name Him Cheesecake. Also How Himchan Say He Was Cute Nope He's Handsome :D
Update Soon!!!!
rabs123 #3
Chapter 1: carry on writing more couldn't stop laughing when daehyun wanted to name the baby cheesecake. please upload more