Every Moment is Special

Uptown Boy ♥ Downtown Girl
Chapter 3 : Every Moment is Special

It’s about 3 in the night that time. But he’s there, Kim Sunggyu, taking his girlfriend out on top of the city. They’re on top of a building to be exact, seeing the beautiful view of Seoul city in its night time. How come they can be there again? Oh, right. Because he practically owned the building.

“Eunji,” Sunggyu calls his girlfriend’s name, the name that he really loves to hear and to say. The meant girl hums as the reply. She is busy admiring the new and beautiful landscape in front of her eyes.

“Stay with me forever.”

Eunji turns her head to look at the man who is busy looking for something inside his pocket. Her heart starts to beat rapidly as she finally absorbs the moment they’re into right now. Is it really what she thinks it is? Is he really gonna ask her now? Those questions keep coming inside her mind.

“Damn, where is it?” Sunggyu curses under his breath. “Uhm, wait here. I need to get something first,” with that he hurriedly leave her for the door. She is confused, of course. Did he just leave her up her alone?

“I’ll be back,” he runs back just to plant a kiss on her forehead before storming out to the door once again.

Sunggyu runs as fast as he could to his car. He’s sure he put it inside his pocket, in his blazer, inside his car. Taking the elevator down, he practically abuses the poor button to make the door closed quickly. And as soon as he arrives on the first floor, he sprints out to his car, grabs his blazer and quickly runs back for his live to the elevator again.

“Oh, God. I ruined the moment. Stupid, Sunggyu, you’re so stupid,” the man is literally hitting his head on the wall as he waits for the elevator to bring him up again to his other part of life. Sunggyu checks the little blue box inside his blazer and opens it slowly, sighing in relief as he sees the shining ring still laid perfectly inside its place. It was the ring he bought himself a few days ago with the help of Hayoung, as she is the person who knew Eunji’s taste in jewelry the best. And he could say he’s proud of his choice of the ring.

Eunji rubs both of her palms together as she waits for him to come back. The night is getting colder than before and she’s freezing up here, alone. He would definitely come back……right?

The door suddenly bursts open, revealing a really exhausted looking Sunggyu who didn’t stop running until he arrives in front of his girlfriend, kneeling down one knee.

“Jung… Eunji… w-would….” Sunggyu is trying hard to breathe, not because he’s nervous, but more like needing for air to breathe.

“Stop talking. Rest first before you continue,” Eunji is worried for her boyfriend, of course. Sweat is all over his face and he couldn’t even breathe properly.

“N-no…. I-need…. to…. a-ask….”

“Sit properly, straighten up your feet and take a deep breath. Slowly, follow me, come one,” she is actually fixing the man’s sitting pose and forcing him to do what she said.

“Good boy,” she pats his head once he obeyed her and calmed down a bit.

They stay in silent for a while as Sunggyu’s still calming his body down before he broke the silent while staring at her eyes softly. “I don’t even know how I could live without you, Jung Eunji.”

Eunji softens hearing his words. She knows she couldn’t live without him beside her either.

“Baby,” he starts, taking her hand in his, locking his small eyes on hers. “Marry me and stay beside me forever. Take care of me well and I’ll protect you and love you forever,” he ends while slipping the ring on her finger; it fits perfectly well.

Though she’s kinda expected of what he would do already, Eunji couldn’t help but feeling her tears started to form in her eyes. Of course she would want to marry him, it was her dream of marrying her prince charming since young. “I will. I love you, Kim Sunggyu,” she says as she breaks into tears.

“I love you too, Jung Eunji, very much,” Sunggyu hugs her body tightly, caressing her hair softly. Eunji looks down at the new ring on her finger and couldn’t help but to cry her eyes out more. It’s really beautiful, the ring, just like her taste.

Sunggyu pulls her body away as he searches for her eyes. Those mesmerizing eyes that he always loves. He wipes the tears away from her cheeks and leans his face closer to her. “You’re the most precious thing to me now,” he whispers before pressing his lips against her gently.

It was officially the happiest day of his life.


● ● ●


Woohyun sits quietly while watching the view in front of him as memories started to rush inside his head slowly. He looks over the gate of her house and remembers the day when he had to leave her few years ago clearly. Her eyes were red and her tears were pouring down on her face as she cried and begged him to not leave her alone.

“Oppa, please!” he could hear her voice, begging him as her hands were grabbing his tightly.

“Bomi-ah, I’m sorry. I have to,” he wanted to cry his heart out also. But he had to be strong, at least in front of her. So she could see that he’s ready to leave her, that he’s ready to begin a new life without her.

“Woohyun oppa, I know you don’t want to do this. Just say it, oppa! You can live with me here, you can live with my family!” she was still crying while pulling his hands.

He didn’t want to leave her, he’s sure of that. But he had to, because his family needed him. It was hard for him to leave her, but it’s even harder for him to leave his very own parents that raised him to be a healthy young man. She needed her but his younger sisters needed him more to be there for them, took care of them while their parents were going out to look for a job. It was the hardest choice he had to make.

“Are you day-dreaming?” a voice suddenly asked him, poking the side of his face softly. Woohyun looks over to his left side only to find his old friend staring at him weirdly.

“N-no. Just remembering something,” he stutters. Why was that? Because he got caught zoning into space or because the girl he had actually left before is now beside him?

He could hear her sigh as she takes a seat beside him. “It was the hardest time for me. I couldn’t sleep properly for weeks and kept getting nightmares. I didn’t even feel like eating back then!” she exclaims. “You know I was the type to eat everything, right?” she jokes. Woohyun looks at her eyes and he could see a glimpse of hurt in there, though her face is smiling widely. He knows she’s still hurt because of him.

“But, hey. That was the past. I moved on and lived a happy live now,” she smiles genuinely. How could she smile like that after what he’s done to her? That moment, he knows that she has changed. Yoon Bomi has grown up and she wasn’t the immature and rebel teenager as she was before. She is a woman now.

“Tell me about your life, oppa. What are you doing now?”

“I’m a model now,” he simply says.

“I knew it! I doubted whether it was you or someone else when I saw your face on the billboard nearby. And it is really you!”

“What about you, Bomi-ah? Are you seeing someone already?” he elbows her playfully. What he doesn’t know that, the girl is actually blushed by his question.

“N-no, I’m not. You know I liked you back then, right?” she suddenly asks, staring at his handsome face. Now it’s his turn to blush.

“Y-yeah. I liked you too back then,” he shyly confesses.

“Aw, that’s bad then. Why didn’t you say so?” she shakes her head. “I thought I was at one sided love. If I knew you liked me back then, I would’ve made you my boyfriend,” she laughs. Woohyun widens his eyes by her statement. How could she say something like that so freely and just laughed it off? Shouldn’t it actually embarrass her? Or even …..him?

“Do you have someone you like now, oppa?” Bomi asks.

He suddenly remembers his ex-girlfriend. But what he feels towards her is different now. He actually feels pissed and mad as he thought about her, not the old feelings where he would feel something warm and sweet when he remembered her. After she ditched him for a younger boy, he knew now that she’s not his true love.

“No, I don’t have.”

“Hmm, I see,” she responds. Sensing the sudden drop of atmosphere around him, she tries to change the topic. “Anyway, are you staying here for a few days or what? Because I should prepare you a room if you did so. You can’t just sleep on the couch in the living room every night!” she laughs again.

Woohyun shakes his head but smiles. “I should go home later. I still have works to do.”

“Too bad,” she pouts. “I want to introduce you to someone.”

“I’ll visit you some other times, okay?”

“Okay. Just come and eat your breakfast now. It’s ready!” she chimes while running back into the house. So much for calling him just to inform about the breakfast.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” he groans, feeling his stomach already grumbling, asking for food. He only heard laughter as the reply. Her laugh. And he just laughs along with her.


● ● ●


Myungsoo learns something about Hayoung that day. She is working really hard, not just in one place, but in several places. All of her life is only for work and work as she didn’t go to college where she supposed to be. But the girl still keeps her smile on her face though he knows she’s really tired of her jobs. She didn’t even eat breakfast in the morning!

He is walking her to her next job which is the bakery shop where she would work from noon until night before she goes to the pub for another job. He had refused her offer of taking him home as he said he wanted to stay a bit more.

“Can’t you take a one day off?” Myungsoo asks as they were getting nearer to the bakery shop.

“I can, but that will reduce my payment. Besides, why should I take it when I don’t really need it?”

“To rest and have fun?”

Hayoung stops walking as she looks at him weirdly. All of her life, she never rest and have fun and yet she already happy about her life. Why should she take a rest when she’s not sick and have fun when she’s already happy?

“Don’t tell me you never have a day off to rest and have fun,” the lad says, his eyes widen.

“I had. Once, when I was sick. But only for a day though,” she shrugs her shoulders.

His mouth flings open. Even he, himself had ditched some photo shoots view times with faking his sick just to go clubbing with his friends. But this girl never even ditched her works to hang out with her friends. He even doubts her whether she has friends or not.

“Hayoung-ah!” a voice of a man suddenly calls out the girl’s name. Hayoung turns around and practically, a wide smile plasters on her face. Myungsoo also turns around on his track to see who the caller is.

A boy, should be younger than him but still older than the girl, is running to their place. Something is hidden behind his body.

“Hey, Chunji oppa!” she waves her hand happily as the boy arrives in front of them. The boy pulls out something from behind his back; a bouquet of pink roses.

“Ta-dah!” he exclaims, handing the bouquet to her.

“I told you to stop wasting your money on me before, didn’t I?” Hayoung pouts, but still accepts the flowers.

“I couldn’t help. I saw it and suddenly remembered about you,” he cheekily grins to her. “Are you walking to the bakery shop now?” he asks, finally spotting another figure standing close to her.

“Yes. And oh, meet Myungsoo-sshi. He’s a friend of Sunggyu oppa,” Hayoung smiles, introducing the two boys.

“That Kim Sunggyu?” the boy named Chunji asks while Hayoung just nods her head. “Well, nice to meet you then, Myungsoo-sshi,” he greets.

“I better get going now. Don’t want to make you late for work,” Chunji gives her a wink, earning a giggle from her, and starts to walk again, backwards this time. “See you later!” he waves his hand before turning his body around and starts to run again.

“Thank you for the flowers, oppa!” Hayoung shouts before the boy could completely gone while smiling at him.

“Your boyfriend?” Myungsoo asks after the boy had already disappeared. He couldn’t help but feeling a tad of jealousy rises inside him. Hayoung shakes her head.

“No. He’s just a friend,” she smiles and starts walking again. Myungsoo nods, feeling very much relief and follows behind her before once again stopping his track as another voice calls out her name. Male’s voice.

“Yo, Oh Hayoung!” it calls.

“Hey, Dongwoon oppa,” the girl giggles and runs up to him to give him a hug.

“Flower from Chunji as usual?” he asks, Hayoung nods.

“That boy just didn’t want to give up, did he?” Dongwoon groans, patting her head lovingly. She only laughs and shrugs her shoulders. “And who’s that guy over there, looking at us?” he points at the standing Myungsoo who is glaring at how close the two of them.

Hayoung drags him to Myungsoo before introducing him again. “He’s Myungsoo, Sunggyu oppa’s friend,” she says and smiles.

“Nice to meet you. Dongwoon,” Dongwoon says while extending his hand for a shake. Myungsoo shakes his hand while keeping his face straight as usual. “Myungsoo.”

He actually didn’t like his name at all as he prefer his stage name—L. But the girl already introduced him as Myungsoo and it left him no choice but to use the name.

“I’ll let you continue your walk to the bakery now, okay? See you later!” the guy named Dongwoon kisses the top of Hayoung’s head before walking away casually. Myungsoo’s fists clenches when he does that as he grits his teeth.

“Your boyfriend now?” Myungsoo asks again when Dongwoon is already far away from them.

Hayoung shakes her head again, “No. A friend.”

He is going to ask her how many friends she actually has before a voice disturbed him again and for the third time, calling out her name.

“Yah, Oh Hayoung!”

Myungsoo turns his head to find a group of guys are walking towards their place. “Another friend?” he asks, clearly annoyed. Hayoung shakes her head again, but this time, her answer is different.

“No, it’s my brother,” she answers before adding, “and his friends.”

“Who is this guy? I’ve never saw him around here before,” one of the guys who stand in the front asks, eyeing Myungsoo from head to toe. He could feel his stare is really cold against him.

“Sehun oppa, meet Myungsoo, Sunggyu oppa’s friend. Myungsoo-sshi, meet Sehun, my brother,” once again Hayoung introduces him to the guy.

“I think I’ve seen his face somewhere,” one of the guy’s friend suddenly blurts out.

“No, you haven’t Kyungsoo,” another one said and smacks his head.

“I really did! And stop smacking me, Jongin!” the Kyungsoo says and smacks the Jongin’s head back.

“Hmm, are you an actor?” another boy asks him. “Did you happen to play a character in a drama I have watched?”

“Dream High?” another one butts in.

“It’s Kim Soohyun who played in Dream High, Yeol,” another one elbows him.

Seeing the chaos his friends made, Sehun suddenly yells to them. “Yah! Stop it! She said he’s Sunggyu hyung’s friend not an actor!”

In an instant, all of the voices shut down before another voice speaks up. “How dare you speak informally to your hyung, Oh Sehun,” by that he gives him a smack on his head.

Hayoung watches as the guys start another fight amongst themselves and decides to run away from the scene. She grabs Myungsoo’s wrist and starts to run to her workplace. At least they’re saved from her stupid brother and his friends now. Myungsoo, in the other hand, feels his heart is racing at the skinship they just made.

“Good afternoon, ahjumma,” Hayoung bows when they finally arrived at the bakery place.

“Good afternoon. Oh, your boyfriend, Hayoung-ah?” the ahjumma asks her. Hayoung could feel her face is blushing madly and suddenly remembers that she’s still holding his hand. She quickly lets it go before facing the ahjumma again.

“N-no, ahjumma. He’s just a friend,” she says.

Myungsoo’s heart drops as the girl only addressed him as her friend. But well, what is he to her again but a complete stranger? They just met last night. He’s lucky enough she called him her friend rather than saying she didn’t know him at all.

“Ahjumma, can Hayoung have her day off today?” Myungsoo suddenly asks the ahjumma politely, not forgetting to give out his sweet smile. The ahjumma is of course, stunned at his handsome self. Hayoung quickly turns her head towards the lad, confused on what he just said.

The ahjumma stares at Myungsoo blankly while he’s giving her some signals and finally understands what he’s asking for. “Oh, sure, dear. Go ahead and have fun,” she exclaims as a little smirk appears on her face.

“No, ahjumma. He was just kidding, I—”

“Don’t worry, Hayoung-ah. It’s not just you who work here. Besides, a day off wouldn’t be such a pain, right?” the ahjumma is now smiling sweetly at her. Myungsoo takes the chance to drag her outside of the place after bowing to the ahjumma and saying thank you.

“Where are you taking me?!” Hayoung protests once they were outside.

“To lunch,” he just simply replies and continues dragging her with him.


author's note:
chapter 3 is up now c: sorry for the long wait though ;_; i got caught up in things.....
but i hope this chapter is good enough for you all to forgive me ;u;
it's a long chapter anyway, so i hope it's really worth it xD
don't forget to give me your comments because it really inspired me to write more hehe ^^








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uptownboy♥downtown girl chap.3 is up! c:


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Chapter 3: lool hayoung has a lot of guy friends..
Chapter 3: oh my with the GyuJi and WooMi feelings ;u; daebak!! <3
and Hayoung's boy friends lol xD nice job owo
update more!!
hayzelcouple #3
Chapter 3: pls just go dating hayoung-ah xD ㅋㅋㅋ orz i was shocked hayoung has many "boy-friends" ouuuo
Chapter 2: waahh~ I can't wait for another update! Yes, Hayoung, you're in love xD
hayzelcouple #5
Chapter 2: woohyun is so funny -_- lol its adorable akaooniwnciejd I love it <333
Chapter 2: Yay, finally xD
This is so cute, thanks! i really ship this two together *-*
Chapter 1: wow. it's so cute. update soon.
hayzelcouple #8
Chapter 1: OMG I rarely found a MyungYoung fanfic and I can't even say in words how happy I am to found this one /ugly sobs/ ;_____;
it was cute xD I'll wait for the update!! o/
Chapter 1: Nice update, author-nim! I love it <3
Can't wait to see the surprises you'll give later XD
Update soon! <3333