Stay Over

Uptown Boy ♥ Downtown Girl
Chapter 2 : Stay Over
            Finally finished in locking the door, she turns her body around; her back is facing the door. But yet, she still doesn’t move even an inch from where she was. Hayoung admits that she’s not brave enough to walk up to the only person who’s standing under the street light, the only source of light around—and it’s making him looking like he’s actually standing on his spotlight in Hayoung’s point of view. How his face was shined by the warm yet bright light is so mesmerizing; he’s so handsome, she knows, and in that very moment of her life, Hayoung knows that she found the one.
            “Are you done yet?” the person who’s actually Kim Myungsoo finally left his spotlight to come over her place to check her.
            The girl just nods her head without saying anything and starts to walk. And soon enough, the lad follows her.
            It’s all Sunggyu’s fault. That’s what Myungsoo keeps repeating on his mind. It’s Sunggyu’s fault for not letting her went home alone. It’s Sunggyu’s fault for giving up in offering her a ride. It’s Sunggyu’s fault for picking him instead of Woohyun to walk her home. It’s all Sunggyu’s fault.

But deep down, Myungsoo knows that it’s not Sunggyu’s fault at all. He’s just being a gentleman and a caring brother of this pretty young lady that’s walking beside him now. Deep down, he knows that he would do the same as his hyung—how could he let a girl, moreover very beautiful girl, walking home alone with herself by her feet! And yet, he’s still wondering why would he pick him?

            “Thank you for walking me home,” the girl’s voice interrupts his arguments on his mind suddenly.
            “You’re welcome.”
            “Actually, you didn’t have to you know. My place isn’t that far from here and I’m already used to in walking alone though.” There again, the stubborn yet cute part of her comes up. Myungsoo turns his head slightly to look at the shorter one walking beside him.
            “Why wouldn’t you take hyung’s offer in the first place?” he asks her, rather disbelief at first at how persistent she was in rejecting Sunggyu’s offer. Usually, it’s always the girls who ask him to ride them home until Myungsoo can’t stand it anymore and glares at every girls who just wanted to use his hyung’s ride to get them home.
            “Because I don’t want to bother him. He should’ve been proposing to Eunji unnie tonight in the pub, but our schedule is just too messed up with one waitress’ absence. I’m trying to give him free time and maybe he can do it later tonight,” she shrugs.
            ‘You are just that nice girl, aren’t you?’ Myungsoo thinks, doesn’t even realize that he’s now smiling at the girl like a fool until she turns her head and faces him. “Why? Is that a stupid reason?” she asks as soon as she finds him smiling at her. Her cheeks have turned into crimson red already know.
            “What? N-no. I think that’s a …really good reason. I know now,” he grins, imagining his hyung proposing at his love inside his car, maybe took her to some places with beautiful view. He doesn’t know. Sunggyu can be too cheesy sometimes.
            “But we have one problem,” he says. The girl turns her head at him again, tilting her head in a really cute way without her knowing it herself, making Myungsoo can’t stop staring at her instead.
            “What is it?” she finally asks, after waiting for him to continue his words which is never.
            “Yeah, the other guy that comes with me tonight?”
            “Oh! The one who got a really cute eyesmile,” Hayoung nods her head as she finally recognizes the one that’s been mentioned.
            ‘Cute eyesmile? What the ?’ Inside, Myungsoo is cursing at Woohyun’s name and also his eyes that turns into a crescent moon shaped every time he smiles.
            “What’s with him?” she asks again, smiling at Myungsoo. ‘Not that smile, .’
            “H-he’s…uhh.. being an intruder…for joining them?” he scratches at the back of his neck.
            “Right,” that very moment, Hayoung stops walking as her smile turns into a frown. “What should we do? He’s gonna ruin the plan!” and now she starts panicking.

Myungsoo’s eyes are staring at her intensely. At how she her bottom lips as she gets more nervous than before, at how she tugs her hair behind her ear in a rush and panic mode, at how her eyebrows furrow above her eyes when she’s in a deep thought. She’s beautiful.

            “Can you call him and tell him about the plan?” she finally is able to control herself.
            “Absolutely,” he says and in a few moments later he’s talking to Woohyun on the phone. “All done now,” he smiles, putting back his phone inside his jeans’ pocket.
            “Thank you.”
            “Can I walk you home again now?”
            Hayoung nods her head and smiles, all the feelings of the panic moment from before had already disappear. “Sure.”
● ● ●
            After receiving the sudden call from Myungsoo, Woohyun stays quiet for a while. He would want to get out right away, knowing that his hyung should’ve been proposing to the girl that he loves right now who was sitting beside him in the front. But he doesn’t know the place around at all. Not until they finally get out of the dark and empty street. Woohyun tries to be as brave as he can in his whole life.
            “Hyung, I’ll stop here,” he says.
            “Here? Why? It’s still far from your place,” Sunggyu asks as he slows down the car, still not sure whether to stop or not.
            “No, it’s alright. I got a friend whose house is near from here and I haven’t met her in ages. Maybe I could give her a surprise visit,” he tries to make excuse.
            “It’s like 1 in the morning now. Who would want their house to be visited this late?” Sunggyu replies, being reasonable but stopping the car after all.
            “Like I said, it’s a surprise visit,” Woohyun says before he steps out of the car and close the door. “Have a wonderful night hyung, Eunji-sshi. It’s very nice to know you,” he smiles and nods his head at the woman who’s sitting beside Sunggyu. “And don’t make too much kids later,” he winks and starts walking away.

Sunggyu’s eyes widen as he understand what Woohyun’s means. “What the hell did he just say?” he asks loudly to himself. “No, he’s not serious, hon! He was just kidding! What the Nam Woohyun,” now he’s all panicked to his girlfriend who only laughs watching him acting like this.

● ● ●
            Woohyun chuckles as he still can hear what was happening inside the car. He knows his hyung is mostly shy around girls, just like that kid Myungsoo. And he really likes to tease them about that. Now that he’s finally alone, he just let his feet to bring him to wherever they want. He wasn’t lying before when he said he got a friend who lives nearby, but he was still not sure about giving her a visit. Like his hyung said, it’s 1 in the morning. Who would be happy to have a visitor that late?
            Before he knows it, his feet stops in front of a gate of a really huge yard. He remembers he used to play there when he’s young, along with her. He would always teach her to do something new. He was the one who taught her how to kick a soccer ball perfectly, how to catch a softball precisely, how to throw a ball strongly. Yes, he taught her everything he knew. Entering the gate, he’s now already arrived in front of the door of her house. When was it again that his family moved to town? It’s been about 7 years now. And he never had a contact with her since the day he left her for the busy city. Would she still remember him?
            Carefully, Woohyun knocks on the door, too quiet to be heard by the owner of the house. Waiting in silent for a few minutes with no answer—of course—he tries to knock again, this time harder. And some steps were finally heard, though it’s not that loud, but it’s enough for Woohyun to hear it. Anticipating on who he might see behind the door, the lad starts to feel nervous.
            ‘Was I supposed to be here this late? Should I not coming here at all? Did I make a mistake by coming here?’ he starts to doubt himself.
            And right when he was about to leave the door, it opens widely, revealing the one behind it. A girl, supposedly younger than him, is holding the handle of the door while her other hand is busy rubbing her sleepy eyes. Her hair is a mess and she’s wearing a yellow stripped pajama.
            “Who?” she asks, her voice sounds heavy and a bit husky as she was just woke up from her—probably—beauty sleep.
            “Uhh…” Woohyun lost his words. “Nam Woohyun here.”
            “Nam Woohyun?” The girl has stopped rubbing her eyes and is looking at Woohyun’s face now. It’s clear that she’s annoyed and still needs more sleep.
            “Yeah,” was all what Woohyun could say. The next few minutes were filled with silence as no one say anything until the girl suddenly snaps off her mind and stares at him in disbelief.
            “Nam Woohyun!” she says as she tackles him in one movement. “Nam Woohyun is here! The Nam Woohyun!”
            “Yes, it’s me,” Woohyun chuckles, hugging the girl back. “Long time no see, Bomi-ah.”
● ● ●
            Hayoung and Myungsoo are finally arrived at Hayoung’s small apartment. The girl opens the door and is about to get in before remembering something really important. He walked her home but how would he walk himself home?
            “Do you want to stay over tonight?” she asks, trying not to sound like a force and instead just a kindly offer. Myungsoo chokes on her question. She’s inviting him over, a guy she just met. “Don’t think of any bad things I don’t intend to do. I know that you don’t know the way home and it’s late already. Besides, you’re Sunggyu oppa’s friend, so you’re not really a stranger,” she explains, as if she can read his mind.
            “Come in,” she finally says, opening the door widely at him. Trying to be as brave as he could, Myungsoo finally steps inside the dark room, followed by Hayoung behind. She turns on the light and the small yet warm room greets them both in joy.
            “I’m sorry that it’s too small since I live alone,” Hayoung laughs nervously while putting her bag down on the couch. “Do you want anything to drink?”
            “No, it’s okay,” Myungsoo says while taking a seat on the couch beside her bag. “You said you live alone? Did your parents….”
            “Oh, no. No, they’re perfectly fine at home. It’s just that my parents’ house is too far from this side of the town where I work at,” she explains. “Since you’re the guest, you can use the bed and I’ll just use this couch for tonight,” she kindly offers. But being a gentleman, Myungsoo knows that he shouldn’t accept that kind offer though he badly wants to.
            “No. I’ll use the couch.”
            “You’re the lady here, Hayoung-sshi. And a gentleman will never put a lady in an uncomfortable place,” he smiles gently at her. And Hayoung can feel that her heart is starting to melt by his kindness and also his adorable smile.
            “I’ll get the blanket then,” she quickly runs to her room, not just to get the blanket but also to hide her red face. ‘What was that? The thump thump thump sound?’ she asks herself as soon as her door is closed already. ‘Am I really falling for him?’


author's note:
chapter 2 is up now c: a little bit of gyuji momment here. and who loves woomi?? xD
i wanna say thanks to the people who subscribed, commented and also upvoted this story.. thank you so much guys, it means a lot to me 
seriously :")

anyway, i love you and i hope you enjoy this chapter ^o^


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uptownboy♥downtown girl chap.3 is up! c:


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Chapter 3: lool hayoung has a lot of guy friends..
Chapter 3: oh my with the GyuJi and WooMi feelings ;u; daebak!! <3
and Hayoung's boy friends lol xD nice job owo
update more!!
hayzelcouple #3
Chapter 3: pls just go dating hayoung-ah xD ㅋㅋㅋ orz i was shocked hayoung has many "boy-friends" ouuuo
Chapter 2: waahh~ I can't wait for another update! Yes, Hayoung, you're in love xD
hayzelcouple #5
Chapter 2: woohyun is so funny -_- lol its adorable akaooniwnciejd I love it <333
Chapter 2: Yay, finally xD
This is so cute, thanks! i really ship this two together *-*
Chapter 1: wow. it's so cute. update soon.
hayzelcouple #8
Chapter 1: OMG I rarely found a MyungYoung fanfic and I can't even say in words how happy I am to found this one /ugly sobs/ ;_____;
it was cute xD I'll wait for the update!! o/
Chapter 1: Nice update, author-nim! I love it <3
Can't wait to see the surprises you'll give later XD
Update soon! <3333