New home, new family

Unwanted Love

"What if they're mean to us?" Kai whimpered in the carriage, where he and his two friends were in their way to their new home. Kai, who wasn't even the youngest of them, was the weakest and most innocent. He was scared of their new home, especially since they hadn't even seen their new father.

"Don't worry. Even if they are, we still have each other", Ruki said and ruffled Kai's hair. Ruki was the strongest of them, even though an outsider would've thought the opposite; he was the youngest and shortest, but he was the one who had always protected them.

"Besides, Kai, he's rich. He probably has a huge mansion where we have a lot of space!" Uruha comforted. Uruha was the one who'd calmed Kai down whenever he had cried when he was little, and Uruha was also the oldest - he and Kai had born the same year, but he still was a few months older.

"Really?" Kai asked, his big puppy-eyes filling with hope. Uruha smiled softly and answered: "Yeah! And we will even get two brothers. Isn't that exciting?"

The three boys had been together since they first met. Uruha and Ruki had lived their whole lives in the orphanage, and when Kai had arrived there in age of 5, they started protecting him like a little brother. Now, in late June, Uruha was 16 and Ruki and Kai still 15 - well, Kai would turn 16 too in October.

Soon the carriage stopped, and the driver opened the door and bluntly said: "We have arrived."

Ruki, Uruha and Kai got out of the carriage and in front of them, they saw a huge mansion. It had four stories and it was the hugest building they had seen in their lives.

The driver lead them to the big gate, where a servant - a maid - was waiting for them, and soon showed the insides of the mansion to the boys. It took a long time to tour the whole mansion.

"It's okay if you get lost in the beginning, this is a really big mansion, after all. But don't worry, you'll quickly learn how it works", the maid said, smiling cheerfully at the orphans as they walked to their last destination; their new bedroom.

"Here is your room! The dinner will be at six, don't be late!" the maid said and left them alone to the big room. The room had three comfy beds, a bookshelf full of different books, a soft sofa and even three closets, one for all of them! They had never experienced something so luxurious, and they immediately picked the bed and unpacked the small amount of luggage they had.

Each of them had only a couple of things with them, the things they most treasured. Kai had just a worn out plushie he never let go of, Ruki had a thick book and his reading glasses, and Uruha had the perfume he'd once found from a street and a box that had a few pictures of all of them.

"This is awesome! Did you see the library?" Ruki asked excitedly as he sat on his bed and swung his legs back and forth.

"We did! It had so many books! And the entrance hall was so amazing!" Uruha replied from his own bed.

"I liked the kitchen", commented Kai, who was sitting close to Uruha and squeezing his Bunny-plushie (the bunny's name was simply Bunny) No one knew where Kai had gotten Bunny, but he never let go of it. He had had it since he'd gotten to the orphanage, and even though he would turn sixteen, he would never give it away.

"Of course you did", Uruha laughed. Suddenly the door opened and two boys stepped in. Other looked about Uruha's age, and the other a couple of years older.

"Look at them, Aoi... So pathetic", said the younger, the blonde. He was wearing a white band across his nose.

"I agree, Reita. What was going on in father's head when he adopted them?" Aoi, the raven, said in a disgusted voice.

"Oi! Say something!" Reita commanded angrily, making Kai hide behind Bunny.

"W- Why're you so rude?" Ruki asked after gathering up all courage he had.

"'Why're you so rude?'" Reita mimicked in a high-pitched voice. "I tell you why I'm rude. I'm rude because I can't stand filthy scums like you!"

"Such arrogant brats..." Aoi spat, leaning against the door frame and folding his arms.

"A midget trying to act tough, huh? What a joke! And is that blonde a male or female? Seriously, if you're a guy, at least try to look like it! And what's with that? A teenaged guy holding a plushie?! You make me sick!" Reita continued. He walked up to Kai and took Bunny from him.

"And it's even all worn out!" he mocked, holding Bunny so high up Kai couldn't reach it.

"Hey, stop it!" Ruki said as Uruha sat on the bed, frozen in fear.

"Why should I? Besides... I'm thinking of keeping it", Reita said, referring to Bunny. Kai started having tears in his eyes as he tried reaching his dear plushie, and whined: "Give it back! Give it back!"

"You're annoying me", Reita snapped and grabbed Kai's wrist.

"Let go of him!" Uruha yelled, about to step between the two, but Aoi held him back and mumbled: "Stay away from it. You wouldn't want your pretty face getting bruised..."

"Let go!" Uruha cried, struggling in Aoi's hold, but the older male just smirked. Now Ruki approached them, put got only hit by Reita and fell to the floor, hissing in pain.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Uruha screamed. It was horrible... Kai was crying, Ruki lying on the floor and Uruha... Uruha couldn't move in the hold of the raven.

"What's your name, brat?" Reita asked from Kai.

"K- Kai..." Kai whimpered.

"Kai, do you want your plushie back?" Reita smiled a fake-smile, pretending to be caring and gentle.

"Y- Yes", Kai whispered.

"Yes 'master.' Say it", Reita demanded, smirking widely at the brunette's teary eyes.

"Yes m- master", Kai sobbed. "Can I please have it back?"

"Be my personal servant, and I might consider it. Will you be my personal servant?" Reita suggested smugly. Kai nodded and Reita laughed in a very mean tone and then gave Bunny back, saying: "Remember the deal. Otherwise I might not give it back again."

Crying softly against Bunny, Kai sunk on the floor.

"Say... Would you be my personal servant too?" Aoi asked from Uruha. For a response, he got spit on his face. He gritted his teeth, trying to control his anger, and hissed: "Don't play with fire."

"Let go", Uruha repeated, glancing worriedly at still crying Kai.

"C'mon, Aoi. Let's go", Reita said, and they left the room, slamming the door shut behind them. Uruha hurried to Kai and embraced him warmly. Ruki sat up from the floor, holding his cheek that still stung.

"I hate them..." he muttered bitterly.

"D- Do I really... need to b- be his s- servant?" Kai asked quietly in a muffled voice.

"Of course you don't! Next time we'll stand up against them and they'll give up. They're just bullies, we'll get rid of them just like we did in orphanage", Uruha replied and patted Kai's back lightly.

"I'm so gonna revenge..." Ruki muttered angrily.

"Ruki! You can't!" Uruha gasped in shock.

"You saw it! That idiot-blonde's sadistic smirk when he took Bunny from Kai! You saw his expression when he made Kai his servant! You seriously can't defend them!" Ruki yelled.

"I'm not defending them! I just don't think revenge is a good idea!"

Kai, who was still in Uruha's arms, sobbed and wondered how could they manage through this. He was so afraid... Especially Reita. Reita was so scary, his eyes so sharp and his words so harsh...

"I'm scared..." Kai mumbled.

"Don't be... It'll be fine", Uruha whispered, pulling the brunette closer to the hug. He didn't know if he's words were the truth, though. In fact, he was just as scared as Kai was. But he was more scared of Aoi than Reita. Aoi's eyes... They made Uruha's heart stop and his skin crawl. They were so dark, so cold. They were something Uruha could quite not understand.

"Uruha...? Is something wrong?" Kai asked. Uruha dragged his mind back to reality and answered: "I'm fine. Hey, how about we go check the library once more? We have a lot of time until six, and the library did seem pretty interesting."

Kai, and especially Ruki, were both cheered up by this. You see, Ruki was the one who read books the most; and he was the only one who could properly read. He had taught Uruha a bit, but he still didn't read very fast. And in Kai's case... No one had ever taught him. Well, Ruki had tried to, but gave up when Kai was 12 and still didn't understand half of the letters. He could read some small words like 'cat', 'dog' or 'Kai', but if it was even a bit longer or harder word, it took several minutes for him to spell it, and often he got it wrong and read 'expect' as 'expert' or something like that.

It wasn't like Kai was stupid or anything - well, from the trio, he certainly was the slowest - but no one had just ever taught him anything. He could barely count 5+6 or 10-4. It didn't really upset him because if there was something that included counting or reading, Uruha or Ruki did it for him. But he did have some skills; he was an amazing cook. In the orphanage, he would sneak into the kitchen and make secretly some snacks for him and his friends.

When they arrived to the library, Kai's tears had dried and Ruki's cheek didn't hurt that much anymore. Uruha still was pondering about Aoi, but didn't let it bother him and chatted along with his friends.

"Look at all these books! It's amazing!" Ruki commented happily and pretty much skipped in the floor of the library, not able to decide if he should read drama or horror. Eventually he picked a horror book since he absolutely loved horror. Whenever it was a stormy, dark night, he would tell ghost stories to Uruha and Kai - the scariest ones he told when Kai was already asleep - and he was really good at telling them. He had once sworn that some day he would write awesome horror books and they would sell well and they would all three live in a mansion even bigger than this one.

Ruki was in the depths of the book in mere few seconds, sitting comfortably in one of the velvet chairs of the library. Uruha was picking a book too, and Kai was just sitting close to Ruki and tried reading the book behind his shoulder. Unfortunately, the text was way too hard for him to read, so he gave up and started playing with Bunny's ears.

Uruha started reading a romantic novel he had found nearby the horror book Ruki had picked. It was about a girl who met the man of her dreams, but then found out that the man was dead and only in her head. The story was really sad, but Uruha really liked romantic novels, even though the text was a bit hard for him and it would take along while to read one page.

They had been in the library for about half an hour and Kai had fallen asleep, his head resting on Uruha's shoulder, when two persons stepped into the library too, and the blonde one said: "Seriously, do we ever get rid of you?"

"Shut up", Ruki snapped. He didn't want another swollen cheek, but if someone interrupted his reading, that someone was going to pay.

"Oh, the midget thinks he's being though, eh?" Aoi smirked at Ruki, but his eyes were gazing Uruha.

"I don't care what you will do, but if you wake Kai up, I'm killing you", Uruha said coldly.

"I'm so scared. After all, I'm facing a midget, a guy who's more feminine than my maids, and a guy who acts like a little brat. How terrifying", Reita mocked, grinning sarcastically. His smile dropped as he said: "Get out of the library."

"We got here first, noseless", Ruki spat and frowned.

"Y'know, you don't want to make Reita angry", Aoi warned. His eyes were still fixed on Uruha, who tried covering his terrified face into the book he was reading.

"Or what? He'll show us his nose?" Ruki said.

"Shut the up, shorty", Reita said and glared at Ruki angrily. Ruki muttered something like 'That's it...' and threw his book at Reita as hard as he could. Reita dodged and started approaching Ruki scarily. He grabbed the shorter male by his collar and hissed: "I thought Aoi warned you..."

"Hey, stop it! If you wanna fight, then fight somewhere else!" Uruha said, not wanting to wake Kai up. Reita glanced at Kai and smirked widely, as if he'd invented something that could change the world forever. He let go of Reita and took carefully Bunny from Kai's arms, trying to not wake the plushie's owner up.

"Give it back!" Uruha demanded.

"Tell the midget to apologize", Reita said coldly. Uruha looked at Ruki in hope, but the latter said nothing and just folded his arms, glaring at Reita. "I'm not apologizing that idiot."

"Fine then. Let's go, Aoi", Reita said and started walking towards the door, Bunny with him. Aoi gave a last glance to Uruha and then followed Reita. Uruha stood up to go after them, not remembering that Kai was still asleep, his head on Uruha's shoulder, and the younger teen woke up and yawned tiredly.

"Whaaat~? I fell asleep~?" he mumbled cutely. That's when he realized that Bunny wasn't in his arms anymore, and looked at Uruha worriedly. "U- Uruha...? Where's Bunny?"

"I'll go get it", Uruha promised and left the library quickly. He started looking for Reita and Aoi, which was pretty hard considering he had no idea where they had went. He was getting desperate when he suddenly got pulled inside some room and startled greatly, immediately starting to struggle. A hand was placed on his mouth and another arm was keeping him still.

Uruha calmed down a bit when he saw Aoi's face, and stopped struggling. The older male smiled a little, closed the door behind Uruha and loosened his grip on the honey-blonde.

As Uruha looked around a little, he realized he was in a bedroom - probably Aoi's. When Uruha had seen his, Ruki's and Kai's shared bedroom, he had thought it was very luxurious. But this was three times bigger, had three times bigger bed and... you get the point. Everything was bigger and more expensive-looking, and there were three different doors in the room, excluding the one where Uruha had entered from.

"Where's Reita?" Uruha had when he was mostly recovered from the shock.

"I don't know", Aoi replied. He was leaning against the wall so that his other hand was next to Uruha's face and the other on his waist (luckily Uruha hadn't noticed the second part...)

"You don't know? B- But Kai..." Uruha stuttered.

"Look, Reita can be really stubborn sometimes. Kai will get the bunny back the time the shorty apologizes Reita", Aoi explained.

"His name is Ruki, not shorty. Besides, it was Reita who started it!" Uruha insisted. "And if you don't know where Reita is, could you please let me go so I can go look for him?"

"No." Aoi smirked as he pressed closer to Uruha's body and inhaled the scent of his hair. Considering he was from an orphanage, he smelled really good.

"W- What're you doing?" Uruha asked, slightly panicking.

"You smell nice..." Aoi commented quietly, his eyes half closed and his hand Uruha's soft, blond hair. The latter's cheek flushed pink and he muttered: "Get off me..."

"You don't mean it, so why should I?" Aoi asked smugly.

"I do mean it, so- " Aoi crushed their lips together so that he couldn't finish the sentence. Uruha's eyes shot wide open, but closed as he started realizing how good Aoi's tongue inside his mouth felt. He started kissing back, which surprised the raven a bit. Yes, Uruha still thought Aoi was an , but God, he was an amazing kisser. Uruha moaned against Aoi's lips as the latter pulled him closer by his waist.

"Aoi..." Uruha's muffled voice could be heard. Aoi broke the kiss, just for Uruha to catch his breath.

"Idiot... I didn't want to waste my first kiss to someone like you", Uruha muttered, wiping his mouth. Aoi smirked and said: "When will you start saying things you actually mean?"

"S- Shut up, just let me go..."

"Ask nicely", Aoi purred into the honey-blonde's ear. Uruha blushed again and muttered: "Please let me go..."


"Y- You said you'd let me go!" Uruha said loudly.

"I just told you to ask nicely. I never said anything about letting you go. Besides... I know you want more... And you know it too", Aoi mumbled, his lips connecting with Uruha's cheek lightly.

"If you let me go now, we can... do this again after dinner", Uruha suggested and looked at Aoi, his eyes full of hope.

"Fine... But just because you're too adorable", Aoi sighed and let Uruha go. The younger male immediately started running, ready to continue looking for Reita. Unfortunately, he didn't find the nosebanded male before dinner, so he had to stop searching. He guessed that the light side was that he would see Reita at dinner table.

The dining room was huge, and so was the table. It had room probably for fifty persons, but now there were only five. Kai was going to sit with Ruki and Uruha on the left side, but Reita, who was on the right side with Aoi, said: "You're my servant. You eat here."

Uruha and Ruki were worried that Reita would do something (like molest Kai) and moved to the right side too.

"Ruki. Don't you have something to say to Reita?" Uruha asked and looked at Ruki, telling him with his eyes what he should say. Ruki knew how upset Kai was without Bunny, so he sighed and muttered: "I'm sorry I threw the book at you... Could Kai have his Bunny back?"

"Well, that'll do", Reita said and gave the plushie to Kai. Kai smiled and hugged Bunny tightly.

"Uruha... Don't forget the deal we have", Aoi muttered into Uruha's ear when no one heard, smirking widely.

"Yeah, yeah..." Uruha responded bluntly. He was seriously afraid of what would happen. He didn't want to be kissed by Aoi again, yet make out with him!

When a few maids brought their food, Uruha casually asked: "Won't your father be dining with us?"

"He's busy", Aoi explained. Without anyone noticing, under the table he was touching Uruha's thigh, which made the blonde blush. Uruha didn't say or do anything, though, because it would've seemed weird, and let Aoi touch him. It didn't feel half bad, any way. And Aoi thought exactly the same; Uruha had amazing thighs.

"Reita, are you really serious with Kai being your... uh, servant? I mean, he might be good at cooking, but he's really clumsy and stuff", Ruki said. He was still really mad at Reita, but for Kai's sake, he tried befriending him.

"Of course I am. And I don't care if he's clumsy. As long as he's as adorable as he is now." Everyone went silent after Reita said this, especially Aoi. Because Reita had never called anyone adorable, or even cute.

"Are you sure you're okay? You don't have fever or anything, right?" Aoi asked worriedly.

"Probably I have fever, because I really can't believe you're touching Uruha..." Reita muttered, but only Aoi and Uruha heard it.

"You jealous?" Aoi asked smugly, grinning at his brother. Uruha just blushed and tried eating his food and ignore the two.

"Why would I? Sure he'd go for a girl, but unlike you, I'd get a real girl anytime", Reita snapped playfully.

"You really do have fever", Aoi joked.

The dinner was surprisingly nice. The five of them could actually casually talk about casual things, and they even learnt a few things about each other. When the dinner was over, Reita offered to walk Ruki and Kai to their room, as Aoi dragged Uruha into his own room.

"A- Aoi, do we really have to do this?" Uruha asked shyly as Aoi closed the door.

"It's just kissing, making out maybe. It's not like I'm gonna you or something. Not that I don't want to", Aoi answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"But I don't even know if I'm a good kisser. B- Besides, I'm really tired and I'd like to go to sleep already", Uruha lied. Aoi smiled reassuringly at him and said Uruha could sleep in his room. Uruha bit his lip, not coming up with an answer. Aoi gave him a kiss on his cheek and said: "I'm just gonna change my clothes. I'll be right back."

Uruha sat on Aoi's massive bed, which was very soft and comfortable, and nervously started chewing his lip again. He ended up breaking the skin of the lip and drawing blood out, realizing it only when he felt the metallic taste of the crimson liquid in his mouth. Why didn't he just walk away from Aoi's room? He didn't want to do this, even if it was just kissing or making out or whatever Aoi called it. But... he liked it. He liked Aoi, God damn it!

What's wrong with me? he thought worriedly.


I'm starting ANOTHER fanfic... I should really focus more on my fics at XD

You seriously have NO idea how I came up with the fic... Well, here it is: I watched the Despicable Me. Hey, there's nothing wrong with that movie, it's awesome XD (Yeah, I get the ideas for my fanfics from the weirdest things...)

And I don't really know exactly what year it is in this fic, but I guess... Well, old times XD (I seem to be using the XD more than I usually do... *ashamed*)

Also, Miyavi and Gackt will be appearing in the later chapters

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, more will come :3 please review <3

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wah, 1000 views on this one too? I'll make sure to finish the next chapter soon!


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Chapter 5: LOL. The last paragraph made me laugh XD Aww.. Ruki is such a caring person. I can imagine Ruki threw the porridge at Reita. Thank you for updating! ^^
NateNecromancer #2
Chapter 5: Thank you for updating! Hahahahaha I laughed at the end!
"I can show you what is!"
Is it okay if I use that for my story? It will take a long time when I'll use it though ;)
I just found this story and it's amazing! Reita and Kai are cute but Kai is too innocent for this but I still ship them :D Aoi and Uruha, these 2 are jerk sometimes but then they still sweet for each other. About Ruki, idk what to say. I feel sorry for him. He's lonely. But he will find someone good eventually ^^
cover_girl #4
Chapter 4: Oh my Godness, I've found this story of your. Sorry for not noticing it. Wowww, an amazing and kawaii story I've ever read. Kai was so cute <3 and Uruha was a heart-touched one :) Reita and Aoi were such 2 bastard at first but finally they're good boyfriends ^^ Poor Ruki had no one beside him :( But I hope he'll find one. Anyway, I love your story so update soon, author-san :) I'll wait for the next chap to come out
Angellovesgazette #5
Chapter 4: KYAAAASS!!!!!! you updated!!! I love you!!!!! I WAS DYING TO GET THIS CHAPTER!!!! <3
daisyrox45 #6
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl.....everytime I read on of these chapters.....ugh oml I just have so many feels inside of me right now! ; n ; great chapter! AoixUruha~~~!!
daisyrox45 #7
Chapter 3: Poor Uruha & Aoi :'cc hope you update soon I really like this story
PsychedelicYume #8
Chapter 3: I love history ;u; Kai is soooo cuutee~ <3
NateNecromancer #9
Chapter 3: I like the story!
Please update soon!