Part 2

Happy Birthday




Laughing with Luhan, you didn’t notice another presence landing next to you.


Kris coughed and said, “Uhm, mind if I take Haneul from here, Luhan?”


“Oh, time’s up already?” He pouted but went to hug Haneul goodbye. “Have fun, Birthday girl.”


“Hold tight, Wendy.” Kris said. “Wendy?” That was when you realized that he was wearing a green outfit similar to Peter Pan’s. You giggled and held his hand tightly. Kris soared to the sky and you can feel the warm breeze sip through your skin.


“Fun, isn’t it? Flying is seriously my favorite thing to do.” Kris announced as he dragged you through the clouds. You nodded in agreement.


“Good thing you’re not afraid of heights. I wouldn’t have known what to do today.” Kris admitted. “And you would probably die out of fear when I do this.” Kris let go of your hand and you went skyrocketing towards the ground.


“KREEEEAAASE WU!!” You screamed as you flailed around. Suddenly, a cake was smashed on your face. You turned red out of anger. “UGH IM GONNA KILL YOU BENBEN!”


“Nownow, that wasn’t a nice thing to say. I wouldn’t catch you if I were the one to rescue you.” Kris retorted. “Oh wait. I am the one to rescue you.”


“ENOUGH TALKING CATCH ME ALREADY I DON’T WANNA DIE BEFORE I CAN EVEN KILL YOU!” You screamed. “Be nice or I won’t.” Kris said firmly.


“No way!! Ugh don’t let me die here Kris!” You can see Kris relaxing as he flew.




“Now that’s more I like it.” Kris said as he grabbed you and gently landed on the ground.


You caught your breath before giving Kris a death glare and walk towards him.


“HEHEHE, That w…wa..was fffun right, Haneul?” Kris stuttered.


“Yes Kris. Very very fun. But I have something to do, and it is so much more fun than flying.”


Kris backed away from you nervously. You edged closer and closer until he hugged you.


“Wh..what are you doing?” You questioned him.


“Happy Birthday Haneul-ah!” He grinned and started to fly again, sticking his tongue out. You growled in frustration as you tried to chase him.


You grew tired of running after him while Kris is still full of energy. Suddenly though, he was sent flying out from the sky. You quickly ran to him.






You heard laughter accompanying the strong winds and realized who it was.


“OI MAKNAE! Apologize to your hyung, right now.” You scolded him.


Sehun materialized next to Kris and helped him up. “Eh, sorry hyung. Are you hurt badly?”


“Naah! Nice throw, Sehun-ah!” Kris grinned at Sehun who laughed and informed that it’s his turn already. Kris waved goodbye to Haneul and went flying off, “Bye Wendy! Have fun”


“Haneullieee! Ready to play?” Sehun asked. Though before Haneul could reply, Sehun already sent a tornado towards her.


“Hey! How am I supposed to fight this? I don’t have powers Sehunnie!” You panicked.


“Don’t fight it! Let it pull you to its top” Sehun informed her. Not long enough, she was already on top of the tornado, beside Sehun.


“That was fun right?” Sehun inquired. You shook the dizziness out of your head.


“That totally made me dizzy, Hun!” You answered his question.


“You’re no fun, Haneul.” He pouted. You squealed at his cuteness and pinched his cheeks.


“What was I supposed to do? Lie to you? It really did make my head spin.” You replied.


“Ugh fine! Hey, wanna see something beautiful?” Sehun asked. You nodded.


Then you feel the tornado slowing down until you are standing on the ground once more. You looked around curiously. Seeing only a desert, you nudged Sehun.


“This is so beautiful.” You remarked sarcastically.


“Wait for it!” Sehun said. And soon enough, a beautiful bunch of butterflies came into view. A group of them are holding a cake.


You immediately backed away knowing what would happen next. But, Sehun had foreseen your movement and grabbed your shoulders. You close your eyes and waited for the impact but nothing happened. So, you opened your eyes as you realized Sehun’s hold is no longer on your shoulders.


Then it came, the cake is smashed on your shocked face.


“Got ya didn’t I?” Sehun smirked at you.


“GOOD ONE! But Kris still holds the best smashing-the-cake-on-my-face award.” You laughed, not getting angry anymore at the cake smashing thingy.


“Aww! I lost.” He pouted. “Anyways, Happy Birthday Haneul-ah!” He said.


“Come give me a hug.” You smirked evilly. Sehun quickly walked the other direction.






Water has sprouted from the fountain where you two are sitting nearby. (You were already out of the desert.) You looked closely at it, only to be met by water on your face.


You coughed, “Gramps! Come out already.” You hear chuckling, melodiously accompanying the water current. Suho appeared atop the fountain, smiling.


“My turn.” He simply said as he held out his hand invitingly. You turned to hug Sehun who told you to go and have fun and a last greeting for your birthday.


Taking Suho’s hand, he led you to a familiar beach. Oh, it was the beach you and Tao were in earlier. He then continued to walk into the water. Your eyes widened.


“W—wait! Are we going to swim?” You asked him. He smiled at you but continued to lead you into the water. Strangely, you don’t feel your clothes, or yourself for that fact, get wet. Your questioning eyes met his.


“What? You think only Percy Jackson can do this?” He gave you an amused look.


“Uhh, I guess not.” You answered, taking in the surroundings. Different schools of fishes swimming around. You looked at him, asking permission to reach out to the fishes.


“But you’ll break their formation.” Suho said. Your shoulders deflated and he gently nudged you.


“Look at their formation though. What do you see?” He urged you to look at the fishes’ positions more closely.


“Happy Birthday Haneul-ah <3” You read. “Waah, it’s beautiful.” You said, amazed by the beauty of the fishes. “Just like you.” He added.


You playfully punched his arm, “Being cheesy are we?” He smiled his dazzling smile in return.


He then swam to the direction of the corals. You gaped in awe again as you saw how beautiful the reef is. He chuckled at you as he looked for something behind the corals.


“Eh? What are you looking fo—oh.” You trailed off as you saw a cake.


“How’d you get that in here? Is that still edible?” You asked cautiously. He laughed loudly and winked at you. “Maybe?”


“Are you gonna smash that in my face too?” You asked him straight-forwardly.


“Nuh, I already splashed water straight in your face. That’s much better.” He replied.


You let out a sigh of relief but gasped as you suddenly felt the cake smashed in your face again.


“UGH! SERIOUSLY??” You asked irritatingly.


“And that’s why it is not necessary anymore to know whether it’s edible or not.” Suho laughed.






You emerged from the water after a fun time with ‘Poseidon’. “You polluted the sea with that cake.” You tried to look serious.


“It was in our bubble. So, no. Anyways, Happy Birthday Haneul-ah! Have fun.” You hugged him and mumbled a thank you. You watched as he disappeared from your view, wondering who is next. You began to move but you can’t. You looked down only to see your feet frozen, literally. You gasped.


Xiumin appeared next to you smiling. “Hi there. Need help?” You glared at him.


He tapped his ‘staff’ on your feet and they begun to unfreeze.


“Uh, what’s with the staff and the gray hair?” You looked at him weirdly.


He pouted. “It’s because I’m Jack Frost!” He announced. “Uh no, I’m MinFrost.” He grinned at you. “Am I as handsome as him now?” He made a pose.


“No!” You said harshly. His shoulders deflated. “You still look as cute as a steamed bun.” He puffed his cheeks out in frustration. “Even more so as you do that.” You added.


“I give up. I’m gonna leave you here.” He started walking away.


You panicked. “UH, wait! Oppaaaa!” You called out but he ignored you.


You picked up a snow he left in his trail and made a snowball. “Target locked.”


“Owh!” He groaned, glaring at you. “You want to play huh? Fine then.” He made a snowball in his hands and threw them at you. One after another.


“Yah! No fair! You can make them easily!” You shouted. He smirked as he pulled out something too big to be a snowball.


“ACCCK! KIM MIN SEOK!” You screamed as you feel a cake being smashed in your face.


“Didn’t see that coming huh did you?” He laughed evilly.


“What’s with everyone smashing cakes on my face?” You pouted. He walked closer to you. He hugged you and apologized. You nodded as an acceptance.


He gestured for you to walk with him and you followed. You stopped in front of a big ice berg. Amazed at how beautiful it is, you saw the carving. “Happy Birthday Haneul-ah <3”


“Uwaah. It’s so beautiful.” You managed to say. He chuckled. “Come on let’s climb on top of it.” He encouraged.


“Are you cray? How am I supposed to do that?” You said, looking at him incredulously.


“Just hold my hand.” He smiled as he forced you to take his hand. You have never screamed like that in your entire life.


- Part 2! hihi! enjooooooy :D 


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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D