
Onew Condition

Onew sat you down at a stool in the pojangmacha and put another jacket over your puffy one. As you calmed down, he got you a cup with the soup from the odang(fish cake) Soup and put it to your mouth to drink. 

"Are you okay?" Onew asked with worried eyes. He had taken his sunglasses off, but kept his hat on. 

"Ye-Yeah. I'm okay." You lied, trying to look brave.

"Well, you don't really look okay. Don't worry. I'll make sure that'll never happen to you again. Never." Onew promised.

"Thanks. I don't think I thanked you, but thank you so much. Who knows what would have happened to me if you hadn't saved me?" You said mustering up the courage. 

"Don't worry, it's my fault that I called you out so late to meet." Onew said as taking off his hat and scarf after looking around.

"Wait, what about the sales lady??" You whispered to him worriedly.

"Haha, you are okay, you're worrying about me now. It's ok. I regularly come here so she knows me." Onew said.

"Oh, okay." You said.

"Well, So, tell me about yourself? How old are you?" Onew asked with eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I'm 19." You answered.

"Woah. Younger than I expected. You're still in your 10's!!" Onew said smiling. "and I am 25. 6 years difference.. Is that too big?"

"I'm turning 20 in 2 months. And well, age doesn't really matter, right?" You said smiling back.

"Ooh, turning 20 in two months, when's your birthday?" Onew asked.

"February 10th. Yours was like last week, right?" You asked.

"Hahaha so you are a Shawol. Yeah, it was last Thursday." He answered and smiled when you blushed, caught being a Shawol.

"Which SHINee song do you like?" Onew asked.

"I like 1000 years always by your side the best." You answered.

"Ohh. Wait, but isn't it japanese?" Onew asked confusedly.

"Yeah I don't know why I like Japanese ballad songs from you guys. Even though I don't know like the lyrics or the meaning behind it, it just moves my heart." You said looking away to not let him see you get red again. " I especially like your part at the end." You confessed.

"Afure dasu omoi kore ga boku no ai Sara ni motto, motto ookiku natte Sugu ni subete wa~" [A/N: That's in Romanji. In my ears, it sounds like "Ahoorae daso moi~ gorega bokno aai~ Sarani moto, moto okiknakte sugani su betewa"] Onew sang. "This part??" He said smiling.

"Hahahha yeah I love that part." You answered laughing.

"So, did Jonghyun or someone coach you to talk like this??" You asked.

"Well, uhmm.." Onew blushed. "Yeah.."

"Hahahahahhaah" You laughed at his innocence.

"Don't laugh at me. I'm new at this." He said frowning.

"Hahahahahha. I'm sorry, you're just so funny. That's why I like you best Onew oppa!" You said.

"You like me best?" Onew asked Omg. She called me oppa.

"Hey, I just remembered. I still don't know your name." Onew said.

"Oh, wow. Fail, sorry I completely forgot about it after that incident." You said referring to what happened before. "My name's Jojo Choi." 

"Jojo, hey. Like our song. But naw. it doesn't suit us right now. Hmmm. Hello~ Hello~ nareum daero yonggil naessuhyo" He sang. "There, perfect song."

You smile and blush at his cuteness.

"I also like that song. What about Dream Girl~~~" You sang to him.

"Whyy soooo seerriiiouss?~" He sang back.

"I love that song, heh" you said.

"You like all songs don't you." Onew asked.

"Obviously. I'm a Shawol." You said sticking your tongue out to him.

"Do you like any other groups?" Onew asked.

"I like... SHINee. Forever. Well maybe Infinite, Exo, Mblaq, some others that are good. But I don't like them as much." You answer.

"Is there a reason??" He asked curiously.

"Haha, ya cuz Key's friends with Woohyun, Taemin's friends with Kai, and you're friends with Joon. That's why I like them. People friends with SHINee are also my friends." You answer.

"Woah, you are a huge Shawol. You should come visit our dorm some day." Onew said. "But it's already 1. I think we should go." 

"What, 1? Um yeah, we should go." You said, disappointedly.

"Don't worry, we'll meet again soon." He said. "When are you gunna be free?"

"Uhm, I think any day this coming week." You said. "What about you?" 

"Uhmm I'm not sure, but I'll give you a call soon." Onew said.

"Alright. Let's go" You said picking up your bag. Onew put his hat, sunglasses, and scarf on to hide his face. 

"Come on" Onew said holding out his hand for you to hold.

"Oh, okay." you blush as you take his hand.

Holding hands, you guys walk to the bus stop and when your bus came, Onew awkwardly gave you a hug then you got on the bus and left. 

He wasn't that bad, Jonghyun must be a good coach. You thought as going home, Can't wait to see him again.


How was thaat everyone~~?

The views are going higher and higher and the higher it gets the more responsible I feel to write more.

I have 9 unique subs. I can't believe it. I know it's not like over hundreds like others but this is COOL LOOL


Well, for me, tomorrow's the last day of school. Even though I'm happy and everything I'm still sad cuz Ima miss friends and *AHHEcrushesHMMM* over the summer T_T I barely get to rest cuz my mom set up schedules for studying almost the whole summer T_T GAH. ASIAN PARENTS..

LOL well, i hope you guys enjoyed it :)

Comment more ;) I didn't know comments can mean so much for an author. I SHALL COMMENT MORE AS WELL :)

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Chapter 1: oh??? i have just started reading, but i'm interested to see what happens.................
Chapter 4: Whoa! This is so good!! >_< You have a new subscriber!! ^_<
Chapter 3: New subbie here~ This is awesome! Please update soon c:
iuloveattack #4
Chapter 2: Yes please! UPDATE!! >.<
Chapter 2: Update soooonnn I loved it
iuloveattack #6
Chapter 1: I enjoyed it!! Please keep writing author-nim! Please update soon!
woohyunsass #7
Chapter 1: I can't wait for this story to unfold~ ^^