Stray Bullet

The orphanage owned by Yeonhee and Donghae was located at the countryside but not too far from the city. They thought that this location is convenient for them and the kids. The peaceful ambience of the countryside is comfortable and a fit living space for the children. The couple also hired teachers who are willing to work for a low salary rate but those teachers ended up donating their salary to the orphanage because they were so touched that the couple were putting all their effort just to keep the orphanage alive. Yeonhee is in-charge of teaching the children ages 4-6. Ryeowook cooks for the kids and teaches kids who are interested to learn how play the piano. Sungmin teaches kids who wants to play the guitar. Kyuhyun teaches Math every Tuesday and Friday. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, he’s a professor at a university. Jongwoon teaches them how to sing. A guy named Henry teaches them how to speak English. Every Wednesday, the kids would get to eat free bread because of Donghee. Donghee owns a bakeshop near the orphanage and he wants to help the couple feeding the kids in his own little way. Donghae plays with the children. He’s the 4-year old man who only loves to play with the kids. Now, Seryeong is one of the people who’ll cherish and protect the orphanage.

♥ 슈퍼주니어 ♥


“Oh… Are you really doing the laundry or you’re just playing?” Seryeong asked as she placed the hamper of dirty laundry on the floor.”
“Is this the last batch?” Donghae asked.

Seryeong nodded. “And we already gave bath to the kids. Seriously! Yeonhee can handle those children by herself?! There are so many of them and only ten children can take a bath by themselves.”

Donghae laughed, “She loves doing those things, taking care of children.”

“Are you sure you can do all this laundry by yourself oppa?”

“Of course I can. Ryeowook is helping me. I just asked him to buy some detergent at the mini mart owned by Youngwoon hyung.” Donghae answered confidently.

“Oh… Okay… I’ll help Yeonhee instead. The children should be taking their nap right now.”

                As Seryeong made her way to one of the girls’ room, she noticed a curved figure sitting alone at the sun-lit corridor.

“Hey sweetie~ what are you doing here?” Seryeong asked gently and knelt down in front of the boy.

                The child looked up at her but he didn’t make any effort to answer her question. He just remained seated on the cold floor.

“It’s nap time. Come on, I’ll walk you back to your room my dear.”

                The child just only stared at her. He kept on biting his lip. Tears started to well on his eyes. It’s obvious that the child fights back the urge to cry.

“Seryeong-ah, what are you doing here?” Yeonhee asked as she tries to calm a crying four-month old child.

“Oh… I was…” Seryeong suddenly got lost for words.

“Teukie… what are you doing here? It’s nap time already.” Yeonhee said calmly.

“He looks so pale…” Seryeong whispered and she placed her palm on his forehead. “Wait Yeonhee-ah! He has a fever! He should’ve said that he’s not feeling well!” She got filled with panic and carried the little boy in her arms.

                Seryeong and Yeonhee made their way to the clinic. Seryeong laid the little boy on the bed, made him drink medicine and put him into sleep. Yeonhee finally made the baby fall into sleep and quietly went back to the nursery. After few minutes, she went back to the clinic. She stood by the door, watching Seryeong quietly. Seryeong brushed the strands of hair away from the child’s forehead as she hums some sort of nursery rhyme.

“He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. Every time that I see him sitting alone in a corner, he looked so stressed.” Yeonhee said.

Seryeong darted her eyes towards the door, “Teuk is his nickname?”
Yeonhee nodded and smiled, “The children gave him that nickname.”

“Oh…I see…”

“He’s always alone.”


“I think he’s having some issues about trust. By the way, his real name is Park Jungsu. He’s seven years old. He’s the only child here who knows his real birthday.”

“Huh? I don’t get it… He knows where his parents are? He knows that his parents abandoned him?”

“Her mom died because she was terribly sick. His father left him here because he can’t raise him.”

“Is that even a valid reason, a father leaving his son?!”

“Of course it isn’t.” Yeonhee sat on the other bed. “The truth is… Jungsu isn’t safe to stay with his father. Originally, Jungsu lived with his parents in Japan. His mom died, it’s the truth. His dad got a huge debt to loan shark that’s why he decided to go back to Korea. The loan sharks traced hi whereabouts. He left his child here. After few days, we knew that he committed suicide at the Han River.”

“Does the child know that his father committed suicide?”

“No. We knew that he doesn’t want the child that he killed himself. He left a suicide note on our mailbox.”

“Oh I see… that’s why he’s acting like this. He thinks that his father really wanted to abandon him. Poor little thing…”

“I can somehow see you in him.”

Seryeong shot a questioning look towards Yeonhee, “What?”

“You’re just like Teukie… You always hide what you feel. You cry easily yet you don’t want others to see that you’re crying. You’re so fragile yet you act so cheerful. You always wear a mask. You know, that’ll destroy you. You easily get sad. When we ask you what’s wrong, you always dodge and act so stubborn. You seldom speak to strangers like your twin brother but he’s 0.01% better than you.”

“You speak like Heechul oppa.” She chuckled.

“Duh? I’m his only dongsaeng. Tsk.”

“I see your point…” Seryeong said and took a glance on the sleeping child, “I guess we do have similarities…”

                Silence filled the clinic. Seryeong continued Jungsu’s hair. Yeonhee stood up and fixed her gaze outside the window.



“When did you and Donghae get married?”

“Three years ago. Wae? You didn’t know?”

“Nobody told me.”

“WHAT?! Tell me you’re kidding.”

“Nobody told me. I just knew you got married when you called Donghae oppa ‘jagiya’. Remember, when you thought Kyuhyun oppa was cheating on Sungmin oppa…”

“Shut up. It’s embarrassing. “


                They got consumed by silence again…

“Hey~ Do you know the reason behind having this orphanage?”

                Seryeong shook her head and started humming another nursery when she saw Jungsu frowning. She paused when she heard soft sobs and darted her eyes towards the window.

“It’s… It’s… It’s because I can’t bear a child… I can’t… And I don’t know why Donghae didn’t leave me even though we can’t have a family of our own. He even built this orphanage for me. He’ll always say that it’s okay, at least he can have me only for himself but every time I see him playing with the kids…” She trailed off and wiped her tears using her sleeves.

“Yeonhee-ah… Uljima…”

She took a deep breath and attempted to laugh but she failed. “I can see clearly in his eyes that he wants a child of our own…”

“Babo…”  Seryeong sighed. “Donghae oppa loves so much. And not having a child isn’t a valid reason to get your marriage ruined. Look, he even gave you a bigger family. Imagine, who can take care of thirty children? You’re the only one who can do it. You’re the most passionate mother out there!”

“Gomawo Seryeong-ah…” She wiped again her tears and smiled.

“If only I can find a guy who’s as sweet and loyal like Donghae oppa…”


“I’m playing hide and seek with the person I… ugggh! I’m waiting for him to confess… five years… He still hasn’t confessed yet…”

“Why are you waiting for him? It’s not bad if you’ll do the first move…”

“Kyuhyun oppa warned me about that guy… He can’t explain why he doesn’t approve of that guy…”

“Apparently Kyuhyunie is not good with words that shows that he definitely care. Well, at least I know Kyuhyunie has his reason.”

“Isn’t he acting selfish?!”

“Lower your voice Seryeong-ah~ Jungsu might wake up. Follow me. Let’s talk outside.”

                Yeonhee held Seryeong’s hand and lead her to the garden. The garden just woke up from its winter slumber. Trees had its leaves back. Flowers were blooming again. The grass got back to life. The two of them sat on a bench.

“Seryeong-ah, listen to me…”

Seryeong didn’t let Yeonhee continue what she was going to say. “Kyuhyun is being selfish! Is he the only person who can be happy?!”

“So being concerned is acting selfish? Did you even think that he’s worried in the first place?”

“Why are giving me questions…” she trailed off.

“Are you sure that the guy has mutual feelings for you?”

“Ya! What kind of question is that Kim Yeonhee?!”

“Give me a reason that you think that is enough to prove that he really likes you.” She crossed her arm.

“Is a reason necessary for you to prove that a person likes you?” she retorted.

“Just give me reason will you?! Don’t answer me my questions with questions!”

“You’re doing the same thing!”

                Yeonhee glared at her. Knowing that she wouldn’t win against her, Seryeong frantically searched for answers.

“Now what?! I’m waiting.” Yeonhee said impatiently.

“He cares for me!” Seryeong blurted out.

Yeonhee laughed. “Oh… Is he the only one who showed that he cares for you? Are you blind?”

“Why are you talking as if you know what I feel and the feelings of other people?!”

“What if he really does care for you but he doesn’t see, like or love you the way you do?”

“Stop it.”

“What if the feeling isn’t mutual and you wasted those years for nothing?”

“You’re confusing me so stop it! Okay?! Geumanhae! Jebal.” She covered her ears with her hands.

“You’ve been shot by a bullet. Is it really meant for you or it’s a stray one?”

“Shut up! Enough with the rhetorical questions Kim Yeonhee, I’ve had enough!!!” She shouted.

“Seryeong-ah, snap out of it. There are many consequences, just take the risk.”

“Did I want to fall in love in the first place?”

“No one can escape the thing called love.”

“What am I going to do?”

“Seryeong-ah, think. Feelings can lead you to wrong decisions. The heart is the most deceitful organ in our body. Well, I think its somehow true. I just read that something from a novel.”


♥ 슈퍼주니어 ♥

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Chapter 5: Ahw! The aff story i ever read. Seriously chingu, this may not be a lovely, romantic, seductive, name it! >< but it touched my heart. Dont dare ask me how bcoz i also dnt knw how your story touch my heart who's inside my rib cage. *smirk. I am crying! Okay, bcoz i certainly know how it felt to be betrayed by the oneyou should you love and your bestfriend. you should make a loooooooong sequel before nd after Seryeong died.