Chapter 2

It's All Because Of A Puppy


Another worth noticing thing about Sungyeol. This one sounded better. During chatting with him, I discovered that his hobby was taking photos of pets and that he had gone a lot to take photos but on his blog, dogs still occupied for a large number of photos – Sungyeol still didn’t want to change from “dogs” into “puppies”! And what made me even more surprised was that there were some photos of Do on Yeol’s blog.


-          What the hell is this? – I exclaimed when seeing photos of my puppy. Those photos were posted even before the day Sungyeol was bitten by Do – Have you met Do before?


-          Uh – Sungyeol replied – He usually passed my room. My roommate introduced him to me.


-          But – I typed quickly on the keyboard – if you live in Human science dorm, how can you get to meet him?


-          Ah I forget. I study Human Science but I live in Tech-dorm! When I was approved to move into dorm, there was an empty room there but right after that, it was occupied. Luckily, my friend at Techdorm told me to come to live with him


Oh. Finally I knew the reason why he knew my puppy.


-          So, it wasn’t for that your beautiful dog was famous but for Sungyeol lives in Techdorm, huh?


Suzy crossed her legs on the mattress and raised her voice to ask me after being done with having her Euro taken a bath. At a corner of the room, the two puppies were trying to eat all the noodles leftovers that I and Suzy intended to leave for them.


I sniffed and replied to the mocking words of Suzy:


-          It doesn’t matter. Do was known anyway, much better than your puppy. But – I suddenly frowned my eyesbrows  to find a smell which was unsuitable for an all-girl room – What did you use to bath Euro?


-          Romano.


Suzy shrugged and I was like frozen. Oh my f***ing god, how could she buy Romano – shampoo for men –t to wah her puppy? However, Suzy didn’t pay attention to my expression, she went on with a dreamy voice:


-          I passed by him today and found that he used Romano, Cheonmi ah!


Saying so, Suzy grabbed Euro who was all over his body, hugged him and started to breathed all those smells of Romano with her own nose. I got it. Just for that action, I got it already.


One month ago, when Suzy moved into Tech-dorm to live with me, she started to have a crush on a guy majored in Astronomy. She liked that Kim Myungsoo so much that when she didn’t have class, she secretly went to Astronomy class just to observe him. Even though she didn’t understand anything, counting how many times he answered professor’s questions or how many times he smiled did make her happy for the whole day. A bit out of line, of course Informatics girl like us only knew about Pascal, C++ and Java, apart from that, we were totally airheads of lightyear or nuclear fusion!


-          Stop it girl! – I turned off the laptop and climbed onto the mattress. Seeing me do so, Do also climbed to lie next to me. – Go to sleep and dream of that boy yourself. I’m sick of it already!


Honestly speaking, there were not many things between me and Sungyeol. The biggest thing was that I always called Sungyeol to do morning exercise with me and Do everyday. Reason? First, Suzy never showed her interest in running around the stadium for 3 rounds everyday at all. Second, running alone was quite boring. Do? Did I have to talk with him? I wasn’t like Harry Potter who could talk to snake and snake was not even puppy! Third, Sungyeol told me that he wanted to take photos of Do and he was only himself to run around the stadium. And fourth, Sungyeol needed to execise. Despite the fact that he studied Human Science, a university whose boys didn’t need to be much sporty, being friends with me and Do meant that he had to. Why couldn’t I persuade Suzy with such a reason?


Ah, except for running we also sat on the dorm’s roof. All nonsense things!


The Tech-dorm included 4 blocks. The blocks I lived in was the oldest one. On the wall outside my room, there were some steel tubes glued into, forming a ladder which led to the roof of the block. I didn’t understand why they did such the thing but for me and Sungyeol, when our roommates had their night classes, we usually met there to talk and to kill time.


That night, I didn’t know why I and Sungyeol told stories about our roommates. And both of us described them as “derp”. I told Sungyeol about that Suzy bought Romano to bath Euro so that he would have the smell of the boy in her dream. Meanwhile, Sungyeol said he was like crazy with his roommate buying perfume to spray the fake flowers vase on his table also to make it have the smell of the girl in his dream. I laughed my off for the level of weirdness of our friends and also the coincidence between them.


-          So what’s the major of your friend?


-          Astronomy. Maybe he’s weird because of that.


-          Astronomy?


My eyes turned round as Suzy said, Myungsoo was from Astronomy major. Sungyeol added:


-          I heard that his girl was from Informatics. It must not be you right? Do doesn’t smell like Romano.

 Informatics? Of all Informatics students, there were only 2 girls. This Han Cheonmi and Bae Suzy. So… I reluctantly gave my guess:


-          Your friend is Myungsoo? Kim Myungsoo?


-          And your friend…Bae Suzy?


Done. What I thought to be far far away turned out to be close right in front of me. Suzy liked Myungsoo and Myungsoo liked Suzy too but maybe they were too shy to tell each other. Should I be their cupid? No, I had never met Myungsoo for once, how could I?

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patheticdoll #1
Is the chapter four the final chapter?
sekaibaekarelife #2
Chapter 3: Update soon!
Myungzy moments plz!!
sekaibaekarelife #3
Chapter 2: Update soon!!