Chapter 2

Coincidence? I'd call it fate.


Again that “tornado” feeling, and then the return to the all-white place.


“Now, you still have two wishes. Choose--“


“Them carefully…! I believe you, don’t worry. I won’t do the same mistake twice.”


Amber sat on the floor with a thoughtful face; the Genie smiled proudly and sat by her side. Seeing she was taking too long to decide, the Genie decided to :

“It isn’t easy to decide when you already have everything, right?”


“Hmph, it’s not like I have everything I want to.” – Amber retorted.


“How come?”


“My parents won’t let me buy the Harley Davidson I want!  Then think I’ll friggin’kill myself! Like I’m not grown up enough to be responsible for my own safety! I want one of those since I was a little girl; riding such a bike has been my biggest dream ever. I wouldn’t be dumb to the point of ruining my life-time dream!” – She sighed. – “If I could ride a Harley everyday that would be paradise…”


“Done.” – with a simple snap of fingers, Amber was caught again in a whirlwind, appearing, that time, outside her luxury condo.


“Whoa~, what are we doing here?”


“Turn around.”


Amber turned to the side, to the parking lot, and her eyes went wide open.


“No way!” – She couldn’t hide the happiness she was feeling.


“That’s what you wanted, right?”


“Hell yeah!” – The smile wouldn’t fade from her face. – “Can I take a ride?”


“Of course!” – Key replied, although the blonde was already wearing a helmet. She sat on the bike, marveled. With her hands already on the steering-wheel, she asked Genie:


“You comin’, or what?”


“WHAT?!” – The Genie was honestly dumbfounded. – “Are you insane?! Are you out of your mind?! You thing I’d ride on something like that?”



“He’s so look-a-like with Key!”– Amber chuckled. – If that’s true, then…”


“Are you a Genie or a Chicken?”


“Excuse me, Miss?! Did you just called ME, the Almighty Genie, a CHICKEN?!”


“Bingo!”  - Key couldn’t stand a critique to himself and so couldn’t his (apparent) twin-Genie.


“I did! If you don’t ride this bike with me, I’ll forever label you as a C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Chicken!” – Amber smirked.


Immediately, the Genie sat on the bike, helmet magically put in his head and he said, wrapping his arms around Amber’s waist:


“Don’t you dare kill, you hear me well?”


“Sure thing!” – She turned the steering-wheel, causing the motor to roar, and there they went.


The streets were empty and the road was clear, so Amber felt free to accelerate more and more.

The Genie wouldn’t stop whining, his high pitched diva shrieks were resounding on the blonde’s ear, and the faster the bike went.

To the Genie’s relief, they reached Amber’s condo in to time.


“That.Was…” – She breathed. – “ FREAKIN’AWESOME!”


“Yeah, right, whatever you say…” – The Genie was so dizzy from all the speed and quick turns of the Harley Davidson.


“Can I keep it?” – Her eyes were truly sparkling.


“Of course, it’s your wish. I guaranteed it.”




“Let’s stop with the…” – He coughed. – “Fun. And let’s get to more important matters.”


“What do y—whoa!” – There was the whirlwind again taking her away from her beloved bike.


There they were, back in the all-white place.


“So what’s now?”


“Now Amber, you have one more wish…Choose carefully ‘cause it’s your last.”



©©© Author's Note ©©©

Hey guys~~:D

So, the chapter 2 is totally "tomboyish" xD


Want to know the next wish? Read the next chapter then~~ *-*


Bye guys~Hope you like it :D


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Bubblewan #1
Amazing story
Jia_Yi #2
Chapter 3: So Cute ! <3
Love it <3
So cutee!!~<br />
Hehe! Key, such a diva even as a genie eh? :)
Lol, Amber's second wish was awesome...damn I wanna see her riding it <--- that wasn't supposed to be y...T___T <br />
Hehehehehe, love how she tricked I mean persuaded Key onto the bike~! xDDDDD<br />
Will we finally see Luna at the third wishhhh? (I recently started to like Luna a lot...she's so cute!) <br />
Update update update...*sigh* I'm such a hypocrite...T______T
when will Luna come out?
ohh, i'm excited. :D update soon.