First Wish

Coincidence? I'd call it fate.

Amber let herself fall on her bed, sighing. Life’s complicated, even when you have everything money could buy. The only things she wanted in her life couldn’t be bought with all the money in the world.

With the exception of the Harley Davidson that her parents refused to let her buy.

Why was everything so hard? Money doesn’t buy happiness, and it certainly didn’t buy hers.


She allowed herself to drift to sleep, wanting to finish off another miserable day without her beloved one. She tossed and turned in bed, but ended up falling asleep. Then she started dreaming.


A really weird dream.


“Where am I?” – Amber was alone in an all-white place with no beginning and no ending.


Suddenly, a smoky-like noise was heard and Amber turned around, just to be let completely stupidified.   


“What the --“


“Good night Amber Liu.” – The figure that appeared from the smoke greeted. – “I’m here to --, oh dear, please, shut that mouth. I’m here to grant you three wishes, choose carefully…”


“Key? What are you doing here?” – Amber was finally able to speak after the initial shock.


What the hell was her best friend doing there?


“I’m not Key, whoever that is. I’m your Genie.”


“My wha…” – Amber was truly speechless.


“Your Genie! Geez, girls these days don’t understand nothing at first.” – The diva like so-called Genie sighed.



After a while looking at him, Amber had a stop-making-fun-of-me expression.


“Key, seriously, stop. And what’s wrong with that outfit dude?! You look like a leprechaun!” – Amber burst in laughs and the Genie/Key groaned.


“I’m not Key geez! I’m-your-Genie! And don’t you dare to say anything about my outfit again!” – He glared at her.


Amber just decided to go with the flow.


“Okay. So, tell me…”Genie”, I have three wishes right?”


“Yes…” – He said rolling his eyes with Amber’s ironic sentence.


“Okay then, my first wish is --“


“Remember! Choose carefully!” – He warned.


“Okay~” – Amber smirked. Like if she really believed on that kind of stuff. – “Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars!”


“You’re sure?” – The Genie retorted on the same tone.


“Yup! Absolutely…”


“Okay…” – He sighed. – “Hang on!”


“To wha~~~” – Amber didn’t had time to finish her sentence as a thing that looked like a tornado involved her body making her spin.


When the feeling disappeared, Amber slowly opened her eyes.


Those went wide open when she saw where her feet were stepping.


A rough surface, full of craters.

She walked a bit, no oxygen equipment, no spatial, nothing! But she was breathing normally, and also walking without any difficulty.


“A-am I on th-the mo-mo --“


“Moon? Yes! Wasn’t that your wish~?” – Now it was time for the Genie to smirk.







“Close.Your.Mouth!” – The Genie complained again. – “I swear, you don’t even look like a girl…” – He sighed.


“I’m sorry, yeah~?!” – She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. – “But this is like…freakin’ impossible!”


“No. It isn’t. You wished, and I made it come true…simple as that.”


“I was joking! I would never guess that you could actually bring me here!”


“Bad luck then. You wasted a wish, now -- “


“Wasted my ! I mean, I’m on the moon for crying out loud!” – Amber spread her arms and whirled like a little kid. – “How many people can say the same thing?!”


The Genie just looked at her and couldn’t help but smile.


“Ah~so naïve…” – He thought. – “So, now you believe me?”


“Of course!” – Amber replied. – “Sorry for doubting before…”




“For making fun of your outfit…”




“For calling you a leprechaun?”


“Good girl!” – He winked.


“But you really look like one -- “


“Don’t you dare ruining this moment!”


“Okay~” – She innocently smiled.


Key watched her for a few minutes, just playing like a little kid, jumping around.


“Money sure can’t buy this…” – She thought.


“Go play among the stars!” – The Genie said.


“How?” – She asked confused.


“Float until you reach them…” – The Genie replied.


“I can float?!”


“Yeah, try it! Jump the highest you can.” – He explained.   


Amber did what he said, and in less than a few seconds she was floating.


“It’s just like you were swimming…” – The Genie said, floating by her side. – “It’s easy!”


Amber looked at him and started to do some weird movements. Key just burst in laughs.


“You swim like that?! AHAHAHA”


Amber pouted and showed his tongue to the Genie.


“Watch me…” – The Genie taught her how to float with soft and precise movements.


After watching him, Amber learned how to float.


“Good job!” – He praised.


Amber floated around the stars, feeling the freedom and peace all over her body.


After almost an hour exploring the Universe, they got back to their first stop: the moon.


“Are you happy?”


“Is that even a question?! Of course I am! Not in a million years I would be capable to do this!” – Amber smiled wide.


“Time to go back then.” – He smiled. – “Hold on!”


Again that “tornado” feeling, and then the return to the all-white place.



©©© Author's Note ©©©

Hey guys~~:D

So, yay~~ First chappie posted *-*

Sorry if it's weird, but I guess none of you guys has been on the moon before, so it's hard to describe it XD


Anyway~~ Hope you like it ;D

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Bubblewan #1
Amazing story
Jia_Yi #2
Chapter 3: So Cute ! <3
Love it <3
So cutee!!~<br />
Hehe! Key, such a diva even as a genie eh? :)
Lol, Amber's second wish was awesome...damn I wanna see her riding it <--- that wasn't supposed to be y...T___T <br />
Hehehehehe, love how she tricked I mean persuaded Key onto the bike~! xDDDDD<br />
Will we finally see Luna at the third wishhhh? (I recently started to like Luna a lot...she's so cute!) <br />
Update update update...*sigh* I'm such a hypocrite...T______T
when will Luna come out?
ohh, i'm excited. :D update soon.