First Love?


Sulli's POV

The concert with Jiyoung went well and we didn't get caught. The same night i went home, my dad told me that in 2 weeks (Summer starts)  I will be going to the US for about 2 months for competitions. I was a little bit sad since I wouldn't see Jiyoung for the rest of the summer. 


" Hey Jiyoung " I said. "Yo!!! Enjoyed?" "Hell Yeah!! By the way, summer is coming, are you like going on vacation or something?" I asked. Jiyoung hit her forehead and she said " I totally forgot to tell you, my family and I are going to Japan baby!!! How about you?" " OMG really?!?! Me, I'm going to the US with my father for competitions." " Well, goodluck to you bestie!" We hugged and went to our classroom.

2 weeks went by fast and I was already headed to the US for competitions. I was excited and a little bit nervous. " Here it goes again..." I said.

After almost 2 months in the US, it didn't work out so well. I won about 6 of 12 tournaments but i didn't get to win the major ones. I just felt the spark wasn't there anymore. It didn't feel great anymore. My heart wasn't in the sport anymore. So I came back to Korea today and tomorrow I'll be going to school since I finished my whole summer. When I got home, the first person I saw was my mom. I hugged her really tight since I didn't see her in such a long time. My dad came into our house after me carrying our luggage and he said " well Sulli, I think we need to train even harder" The moment i hear those words, I wanted to cry. I was sad. It's like he doesn't appreciate my effort.My dad said, " You still aren't good enough. You still need to improve more. Even if you always win here in Korea and Asia, what matters is winning in the US if you want a scholarship there." He was right. But it didn't feel like it came from my dad. It felt like it came fromsome kind of critic. " You have to prove yourself in the upcoming Asian Youth Games." " I'll just prove myself to you dad." I whispered. 


Well practically finished my whole summer for gymnastics. I didn't get to see Jiyoungfor two months and school is starting today. As I walked up to the gate of my school, the first person I see is Jiyoung with her brother Myungsoo. It was kinda weird that Myungsoo was there since he didn't really hang out with his sister.She waved her hand ans she was signaling me to come to her. So I did what I was told. " Hey Sulli!" " Hi!" " Oppa aren't you gonna say hi to Ssul?" Myungsoo wasn't looking at me and I can see he was kind of blushing. " Hey" he said as if he was whispering. " Hi Oppa!" I said brightfully. " How was Japan?" i asked Jiyoung. " It was awesome and I have something for you." She handed me a big box and I looked at it. It was a beautiful Yukata. " Oh My Gosh Jiyoung! This is beautiful!!" " I'm glad you love it." She replied. Then I saw Jiyoung nudging her brother and i got confused. i asked " Is there something wrong? Jiyoung just smiled at me and she nudged her brother again. Myungsoo oppa suddenly held my hand and handed me a beautiful necklace with a heart pendant full of crystals. I just looked up to him with a smiling face and he scratched his head. " I got it from Japan. i hope you like it." " Oppa are you kidding me? I love it. Thanks." I was admiring the necklace when suddenly the bell rang and Myungsoo oppa gave me a kiss on the cheek. and he ran. I was soo surprised I froze and Jiyoung was laughing her heart out as she pulled me towards the school building. We got in on time and I was just holding my cheek and i was smiling to myself. Suddenly, Jiyoung whispered. " Are you in love with my brother now? Cause I know he likes you." I just looked at her with my mouth open. Jiyoung was just giggling then she told me, " Do you know how many stores we went to in Japan for the "perfect necklace" he calls it. Last night he even went to my room and asked a lot of stuff about you." I couldn't reply. I was amazed. I was feeling happy. Just in time the bell rang and Jiyoung and I went to the dance room to practice.  We danced to Girls' Generation's " I got a Boy" and wow I was in the zone. After dancing, Jiyoung told me " Well someone's in the zone huh?" " I guess so cause my morning was great." " So you like my brother?!?!" " Uhm.... I don't know?" " I'm telling him later." " Whatever Jiyoung. I was touched that he gave me a wonderful gift and I was surprised with kiss that's all" " YEAH RIGHT" Jiyoung stuck out her tongue and ran. I ran towards her when I bumped into someone. It was Myungsoo oppa. He blushed and he said " Sorry about now and earlier." I said " Oppa it's okay." Then when we were going to stand up, I kissed him on the cheek and I whispered to him " Now we're even." I walked away and I was smiling to myself.



NOTE: So Sorry for not updating! I was sooo busy i didn't really have that much time. So to everyone who is looking for Myungsoo, here he is!



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Chapter 7: waaa !! daebak author-nim
update more pleaseee
Chapter 5: waaa. authornim please update soon. kamsahamnida. :D
Chapter 4: author-nim..where is myungsoo ? all i could see is only minho and taemin
it's MyungLi fanfic right ? i hope you will put myungsoo later in this fict.
I like how this story sounds so far!
But I'm a gymnast and.. This is nothing like actual gymnastics xD
Gyu_Gee2 #5
Chapter 6: Is it myungli fanfic?
I read a little bit but still i can't find myungsoo here...
I'm looking forward for myungli scene...