Letting Go

One Shots

Letting everything go... When is the right time to put an end to everything you've had? When is the right time to put a closure to all of those unfinished memories? When is the right time to let everything go and let it slowly turn to distant memories?

Right now, at this every moment, I'm prepared to let it all go. This time is the right time to say goodbye to everything I've had. All of those happy and sad times.. Oh how I know I will miss them. The man in front of me... Oh how I know I will miss you. Please don't cry my beloved person. I guess this was meant to happen. I could feel his tears drop on my face. I tried with all my strength to wipe away his tears. He quickly held my hand, almost as if he was afraid that I might slip away from his grip at any given moment. His warmth embraced my cold hand. Tears kept filling his lovely eyes.

"E-Everything's going to be all right," he stuttered out. "Heeyoung called an ambulance and they're on their way."

All I could do was give him a small smile. Memories starts surfacing as tears begin filling my own eyes. I guess this is what most people are describing when they have flashbacks before their final moments. His grip tighten and his eyes locked into mine as if he was watching my memories flash back with me.

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