Chapter 2

Saranghae, My Idol Prince

Chapter 2



A girl who screamed extra loudly, makes the whole crowd to be quiet within a few seconds.

The girl with her face blushing, pointed to Ha Yeon, with another hand covering her chest.

“H…he….he touched me…”

She said it innocently which makes everyone pity her.

Everyone turn to look at Ha Yeon with a fierce stare.

Ha Yeon got scare by those stare…

Oh ! The situation is dangerous!!

Ha Yeon height is 160cm, she tied up her long hair and hide it in the cap. Her clothing is the style of how b-boy wears so whoever sees thinks that she’s a boy…

She thought that if she dressed like that in places she doesn’t know, she will be safe from those bad guys!

*“It’s not me!!!”

She said that in English, which makes others thinks that she’s Japanese.

“How dare he molest girls in our country!”

“Go back to your country! You ert!”

“Beat him up!”

“Yeah! let’s beat him up!!”

“We must give him a lesson!!”

Those girls gather together using their fist to hit Ha Yeon.

“I..I’m not Japanese!!”

Ha Yeon tries to explain in Korean but she speaks with some American accent.

“What a lie! You can’t even speak  Korean properly!!”

“Stop denying! You Japanese!”

Oops! The girls had gotten more angry…

The airport is filled with his angelic voice.

Ha Yeon slowly opened her eyes, her body also becomes relax slowly.

The girls stop hitting on Ha Yeon and look to the source of that voice.   

It’s one of their oppa – Yonghwa!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha Yeon heave a sigh of relief, looking thankfully at the Yonghwa.

“Maybe you’ve mistaken! You are all crowded together, so it might be a false impression! And he’s just a kid, how could you all treat a foreigner kid like that!”

Yonghwa walked towards Ha Yeon, with a smile as bright as the sunshine.

He gently touch on her cap, seems like his comforting her.

Ha Yeon stares at Yonghwa’s face.

She is about to thank him from saving her.

But she thinks again, if it wasn’t them, I will not get beaten by them!!

Yonghwa smile gently.

His movements are all so elegant and gentlemen…

Those fangirls were captivated by him…

Even though he’s so near to them, they wouldn’t touch him.

Because they love him so much that they does not want to hurt him or irritates him.

They look at Ha Yeon with jealousy.

Luckily they does not know that she’s a girl, or else…..

Ha Yeon is speechless as she’s treated like a kid now…

Just when she’s looking around to avoid eye contact with Yonghwa,

She met with L’s eyes.

L look coldly at Ha Yeon for a few seconds and disdain her and walks away with the managers.

Next Taemin walks toward Yonghwa, signals him that they should leave here quickly.

Upon seeing the signal, Yonghwa wave his hand friendly to the fans and increase his speed of walking to catch up with others.

The fangirls started shouting again and run to the three of them.


Korea, Seoul, Grand Hyatt Hotel

Ha Yeon follows the hotel attendant and comes to her room.

According to the information, the hotel is more safety compared to the others although it’s a lot more expensive.

When she saw the queen size bed, she immediately jump onto it.

The attendant place her luggage besides the bed and  politely went out of the room closing the room door slowly.

When Ha Yeon wants to take a bath, she enters the password onto the luggage.

Password Error!!!

Huh?? The password should be my mum’s birthdate, how can it be wrong?!

Ha Yeon tries to unlock the luggage again but

Password Error!!!

Tries again

Password Error!!!


After trying the password countless times, Ha Yeon becomes exhausted.

All of a sudden, she remembered something!

The luggage….. I think I saw a same one being placed with mine during the luggage checking.

Oh my god!! Did I took the wrong luggage?!?!

She thinks carefully of what happened during the luggage checking.


A golden ring….. The person’s finger is wearing a golden ring!!!!


But out of so many people wearing golden ring, how am I supposed to find the person?!?!

Damn it…. I don’t even know that person’s gender…

What should I do now…. All my precious memories with mum and dad are all in the luggage T.T


Seoul, Grand Hyatt Hotel, 502 President room

In the room which is decorated luxuriously, there’s a huge LCD digital YV playing, the concert of the Korea’s top idol boy band, Darkness.

Taemin propped his head with single hand, another hand is holding the remote control, lying on the couch while admiring himself in the TV.

L who is sitting on another couch seems annoyed and snatched the remote control from Taemin and changes the channel.

Taemin immediately sits up and stare at L.

However L ignores his stare and continues watching the TV like nothing has happened.

Taemin continue staring at him….

Then the leader of the band, Yonghwa said:

“Why not I tell the keeper of this room to install one more television for both of you!”

L glanced at Yonghwa, replied calmly,

“It’ll no fun if we have 2 TV!”

“Ya,So you mean you purposely wants to ‘snatch’ with me!”

Taemin said while raising his eyebrows, actually there is another meaning in the sentence.

“What do you mean by “snatch”? All things here belongs to me”

L squinted his eye, hugging a cushion.

Obviously L does not getting the meaning of what Taemin said.

Yonghwa gets it and shake his head while laughing at them.

It has been more than ten years, but both of them still fights because of that thing.

“Yeah, all the things here belong to you, I can’t snatch from you!”

Taemin said coldly,

“I don’t need your things here!”

Upon hearing what Taemin said, Yonghwa smile gently and said,

“It’s been hard for two of you since both of you have to help me finish the album by this summer. If not because of this you both don’t have to…”


*Said or wrote in english

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Chapter 11: Update? Soon?
octa82_ichigo #2
Chapter 10: It's a good story :) update soon please ^.^
angel_shizumi #3
Chapter 9: Its not bad! I wonder who will she end up with!! XD
Chapter 7: epp update please, it's good! And your english is good don'y worry to much :)
sashalove #5
Chapter 3: Update~ ~~~