Chapter 5 - Engagement Party

The Arrangement


By the time Jongin and I had finished going over the plans for tonight, guests had already started to arrive. Appa forced us to stand in the foyer and greet each guest into the house. We smiled and expressed our false gratitude to them. Jongin never left my side and, under the strict instructions of appa, would occasionally place a hand on my back or lightly my arm during conversations. At first I protested, and would scoot away from him whenever he went to do it, but even just by looking at appa who was standing at the other end of the foyer, I knew that I had better do as I was told.  

I let out a sigh of relief once we had finished greeting the final couple that walked through my front door.

“I hate this party already.” I mutter under my breath. Jongin laughs as if I’ve seen something hilarious and wraps an arm around me, trying to act as though nothing was wrong in front of the remaining guests that still lingered in the foyer.

“Tell me about it.” he mutters. I close my eyes and let out a groan. Someone clears their throat, and Jongin casually gives my arm and turns around. I try not to pull a face at his actions and let out a frustrated sigh. 

Only four more hours... 

Jongin turns me around as well and I watch as Kris eyes Jongin’s arm that’s wrapped around me. 

“What’s up hyung?” Jongin asks. I study Kris’ eyes as he hesitantly pulls them away from Jongin’s grip on me. 

“Finish greeting guests?” he questions. 

“Mhm.” Jongin mumbles. 

“Here,” Kris says, pulling a glass out from behind his back. “A little something to help you through the night.” 

Jongin takes the glass of champagne and tips it back to get a mouthful. Kris holds out to me, but I gracefully deny it and try to avoid looking into his deep eyes. 

“Thanks hyung.” Jongin says, l go to open my mouth to suggest that maybe we should move into the lounge room, when a familiar voice cuts me off.

“Sojin-ah, umma’s and Emilie  want-” Soeun cuts off mid sentence and freezes in her spot. 

“What was that?” I ask Soeun, but she’s too busy staring. Staring at neither Jongin or I, but at Kris. 

Kris turns slowly towards Soeun, still holding the glass of champagne he offered me. 

I watch as the two come face to face and as realisation clouds over both of their eyes. 

“Oh my God,” Soeun mumbles. 

“Well, I’d be lying if I said that I was expecting this.” Kris mumbles back, looking Soeun up and down. “Feeling better?” he asks.

I raise an eyebrow at his words and my eyes flicker to Soeun. 

“You’ve met before?” I ask. Soeun sighs and then nods. 

“Yeah, the other night actually.” she says, looking at Jongin and I. Her face suddenly brightens up and she reaches for Kris’ arm. “Kris I need to speak with you quickly, please.” 

“Sure.” Kris says, stepping up to her so she didn’t have to pull. 

“Wait, unnie, what were you about to say before?” I question, yanking myself out of Jongin’s grip.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter!” she calls over her shoulder as Kris and her disappear into the kitchen. 

I wait in silence as I watch the door swing close behind them. How did they know each other? And why did she have to drag him out of the room just to speak to him?

Jongin’s sudden voice, clears my mind and turns my attention on him.

“Wait,” he begins, focusing on a spot on the ground trying to figure out his thoughts. “They know each other?” he asks shocked, looking up at me. I roll my eyes and stare back at the kitchen door. 

“Apparently.” I mutter.

The night goes by in a blur and I’ve decided that Jongin is a good at lying. When asked about how he proposed, he smiled sweetly and wrapped me up in a side hug.

“It wasn’t that special, really. I took her out to her restaurant and had a waiter put the ring in a glass of champagne.” he lied smoothly, convincing everyone. 

I could feel the hard stare appa kept on me throughout conversation, encouraging me to join on the lovey dovey act that Jongin was putting on. I was doing fine until I spotted a certain someone.

My eyes focus on her. 

She was so beautiful, that men left their girls when they saw her and traffic lights would rig themselves just to let her cross the road without a hitch. 

But she is spoilt. So very spoilt, that she has no real value for anything. Everything is handed to her on a silver platter. 

No, I take that back. If someone handed her something on a silver platter, she would probably throw it in the bin and demand for something better. Everything is handed to her on a gold platter. And I knew exactly what she wanted on that platter more than anything right now, and that was Jongin. 

Her eyes watch him from across the room and take in every little detail of what he’s doing. She reminds me of a tigress, stalking her prey with no sudden movement.

For a second, the thought of giving Jongin up to her crosses my mind. Just for a second, I think about handing Jongin to her on a gold platter, sprinkled in diamonds, and running back to my old life, not only for myself, but also for Jongin. But I can’t. 

Jongin and I are the power couple that our parents created. When two of the most powerful companies across Asia, come together and form alliance, you can’t break it up even before it’s had a chance to really effect people. 

With a heavy sigh, I continue to smile at nearly every single one of the guests. Many come up to us, beaming with bright smiles. A tinge of guilt comes cascading through my body as many couples come up to us offering us money to ‘help’ us with our new life. I stare at their offers waiting in their hand and back up to their hopeful eyes.

What are you doing?! I want to scream at them. Don’t you think we have enough money and guilt already?! I don’t want to accept your so called ‘engagement present’!

Instead, I smile gratefully at them and regretfully accept. Hours past, and by the time Jongin pulls me outside to get a drink and some air, I’ve completely forgotten how to smile due to the ache in my cheeks. 

Jongin’s hand never left mine throughout the second round of meet and greet with the guests. Almost as if someone had superglued our hands together. I stare down at our intwine fingers as Jongin’s swept up into another conversation about his future married life and work. 

It weird, because never in a million years would I find myself content with holding hands with the man who took part in ruining my future. I feel something in me get angry at myself, because I know Jongin’s probably thinking the same thing or else he would have let go in between conversations. I let out a heavy sigh. 

“Is everything alright, love?” I hear Jongin murmur rather sweetly. My head snaps up to see that more men have join into the conversation he was having. I nod, looking him in the eye. 

“Everything’s fine.” I reassure him. 

“Are you sure? Because we can-” 

“Jongin.” a sweet voice interrupts him. I look up and I can almost feel Jongin’s body freeze in fear as we stare straight into the eyes of the tigress herself. 

“Oh.. Son Naeun.. what are you doing here?” Jongin asks. Naeun smiles innocently and takes a step closer to the two of us. 

“Don’t you look handsome in a suit?” she purrs, ignoring Jongin’s question. I watch the business men start a conversation on their own, not paying attention to Naeun’s flirtatious comment. 

“Handsome, right.” Jongin scoffs, laughing casually. I feel his hand loosen around mine and I find myself beginning to frown.
Why hold onto my hand all night if you’re just going to let go of it in front another girl? I think to myself, rather disappointed by Jongin’s actions. I go to walk away and give him the cold shoulder, but the feeling of something winding itself around my waist made my feet stand implanted on the ground. Then with a light tug, I feel myself getting even closer to Jongin. 

“Naeun, I don’t believe you’ve met my fiancé, Sojin. Sojin, this is Naeun, a family friend of my father’s.” Jongin says. I watch as anger clouds over Naeun’s eyes as he addresses her as a family friend. I nod in agreement to his introduction and adjust my weight on my feet so that I’m leaning into Jongin. 

“We’ve met before,” I say in a sickly sweet voice. “Our father’s have dragged us to many functions together.” 

And she’s a spoilt brat, I add on mentally. 

Naeun gives me a forced smile and gestures towards Jongin. 

“Don’t you think you’re fiancé looks so handsome in this suit?” she purrs, lovingly gazing at Jongin. I grimace at her, why does she keep changing the subject onto Jongin’s looks?

Don’t agree to her, I think to myself. Don’t say it!

I shrug casually.

“I think he looks handsome all the time.” I announce.

Oh great, you said it. 

Naeun glares at me, clearly she was going to add that on once I agreed to her. I study her and try to guess what she’s trying to get at. It was obvious that she wanted Jongin, she made clear as day by the way she looked at him. But why was she going to so much effort? Did they have some history or what?

“Is that so?” Jongin whispers into my ear. His body is now slouched down to my height and he’s breath tickles my neck. This wasn’t his fiancé act anymore, this was Jongin being himself and purposely going out of his way to annoy me. I shoot him a look and turn in his arms. 

“No.” I say stubbornly, dropping my act as well. Jongin throws his head back and laughs loudly. His arms readjust around me to circle me around the waist from behind. 

“Sorry Naeun, but will you excuse us for a second.” Jongin says, not really bothering to wait for her answer and instead pushing me forward. 

I tug at his arms and squirm when his fingers unfortunately brush against my ribs. 

“Jongin.” I mutter, trying to keep my giggling to a minimum. Jongin stops walking and pulls me closer into his chest.

“Don’t tell me I’ve got a ticklish fiancé?” he murmurs into my ear again, lightly brushing my sides. A giggle escapes my lips as I squirm in his hold. 

“Yes, and I hate being tickled!” I hiss back. I hear him sigh and shiver when I feel his breath blow across my shoulder.

“Well that’s a shame, because I love tickling people.” 

Before I can protest, a loud laugh breaks free from my mouth and my head rolls back onto Jongin’s shoulder. He grips my hips with one hand to keep me steady while the other one tickles my ribs. I shake with laughter and squeeze my eyes shut as tears threaten to fall. I feel Jongin’s hand graze across to my stomach and my body doubles over, trying to protect my most ticklish spot.

“N-No Jong-in! St-t-op!” I cry, trying to grab his hands in order to protect my stomach. I can hear Jongin’s laugh as well as he continues to attempt to tickle my stomach.

“What? Someone doesn’t like their tummy rubbed?” he says. For a spilt second I move my arms aside to make a break from him, but his hand takes advantage of the access space I created and attacks my stomach. I let out a high pitch squeal and squirm even more in his hold to get out. Tears are now rolling down my cheeks and I hear Jongin trying to catch his breath from laughing as well. 

“N-N-No!” I shout. “Stop it-t!” 

My body almost goes into shock when I feel Jongin’s arms loosen around my torso and a weight being placed on my shoulder.

“Oh my God, you are so ticklish! I’ve never met anyone that ticklish before!” Jongin laughs. I feel his breath again, this time it goes running down my spine as he rests his head on my shoulder. I can’t help but chuckle slightly as I try to get my breathing under control. 

“Never, ever, tickle me again.” I say, breathing deeply to calm my pumping heart. Jongin lets out a last chuckle.

“No promises.” he mutters, gripping onto my hips tightly. I go to protest in fear that he’ll tickle me again, but someone does it for me. 

“Enough Kai, I don’t think my ears can stand anymore of that high pitch squealing.” Chanyeol says, pretending to cup his ears jokingly. 

“I don’t think anyone can,” Luhan adds, nodding in the direction of some guests. 

Men looked at us as if we were a bunch of noisy kids playing, while some of their wives looked at us with adoring eyes. I shake my head and dry off the rest of my tears remaining on my cheeks. 

“I agree with Luhan.” I murmur, loose locks of hair that fell out during my laughing fit. 

My shoulder instantly feels lighter as Jongin lifts his head up off of my shoulder to look at his hyung’s over my head. 

“If you ask me, I think it sounded somewhat similar to a dying cat.” Jongin jokes. I nudge him in his stomach with my elbow. “Ow!” he hollers.

“Oops! Sorry, my arm slipped!” I replied, showing my most innocent face.  Jongin furrows his eyebrows at me and I stick out my tongue. 

“That wasn’t very nice Lee Sojin.” he mutters. I narrow my eyes and turn around to face him fully.

“Never mess with a Lee, Kim Jongin. You’ll regret it.” I murmur, stepping back from him and dashing inside before he could grab me into another tickling attack. 

Once inside I glide through the crowd of guests easily and step into dining room where couples are starting to take their seats at the long table. I spot umma at the opposite end of the room, speaking with waiters and I turn in the other direction, only to smack right into someone’s chest. 

“Omo!” I gasp stepping back. I look up at the victim about to express my apologies when I freeze. 

“Nice engagement party, thanks ever so much for the invite.” 

“Taemin?!” I shriek, a smile spreading across my face. He smiles back and holds his arms out for me. I jump into them excitedly and cling onto his neck. He chuckles at my excited actions and pushes me back to hold me at arms length. 

“Good God you’ve grown.” he mutters, poking at my cheek. I swat his hand away and roll my eyes. 

“I’m only a year younger than you, stop thinking that I’m a child.” I say. Taemin just shakes his head and hooks an arm around my neck. 

“If you’re only a year younger than me, why are you getting married before me?” he questions, cocking an eyebrow at me. I shrug and instantly regret leaving Jongin, he could answer this question so easily. 

“Because I’m in love?” I say, my words sounding more like a question rather than a statement. 

“Fair enough.” Taemin says, without asking any further questions. 

“What are you doing here?” I ask, changing the subject. 

“Uncle invited me! And as if I would miss my favourite cousin’s engagement party!” he cries, earning disapproving looks from some guests. He just scoffs and shoos away the looks. “I hate how they think they’re better than me just because they’re older than me. Excuse me, but I do believe I pretty much grew up in this house, so show me some respect!” Taemin says, shouting the last part at a staring ahjumma. I chuckle and cup his mouth with my hand and bow apologetically. I steer Taemin to the side and remove my hand.

“Bloody hell Taemin, could you be any more polite?” I ask sarcastically. He shrugs. 

“Being nice to people isn’t a strong point when you hate everyone.” he says. I roll my eyes and drag him back over to the table as more and more people start filling into the room and taking their seats. I notice Soeun enter with Soyeon, followed by a straight faced Kris. I raise an eyebrow at them and wonder if they’ve been together the whole night. Taemin runs over to Soyeon and engulfs her in a bear hug. I want to do the same so badly, but Jongin comes waltzing in and drops down in a seat next to me. I sigh and sit down next to him, never taking my eyes off the four of them still standing near the door. Suddenly the doors opened again and appa walked in. I dropped my gaze immediately and lean back into my chair, wishing that I could just turn invisible just in order to avoid his stare. I feel weight being placed on the back of my chair and out of the corner of my eye I see Jongin’s hand, just mere centimeters from my shoulder. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is serve.” appa announces, forcing a smile to grace his hard face. 

Throughout the dinner, Jongin kept up lively conversations with the people sitting around us. Taemin had left me to sit with Soyeon and Soeun at the other end of the table, the three kept themselves in deep conversation the whole evening. I place a slice of meat into my mouth and chew slowly as I study them. Taemin kept looking over his shoulder nearly every second to make sure no one was eavesdropping in on them, along with Soyeon. They were up to something, they couldn’t make any more obvious. What surprised me most out of all of this was that Kris sat between Soeun and Soyeon, saying nothing, but occasionally nodding along to something they said. 

“Yah, Sojin.” I hear Jongin murmur, grabbing my attention. I snap my head in his direction and see almost five pairs of eyes staring back at me. 

“Hm?” I mumble, missing what he had said before. He furrows his eyebrows and nibbles down on his lip before turning back to the group he was talking to.

“I’m sorry, but do you mind if I be excused? I’ve decided that I want to dance with my fiancé before the party’s over.” Jongin says smoothly. Again, he doesn’t bother waiting for an answer as he pushes himself away from the table and take ahold of my hand. “Dance with me Sojin.” 

I scamper to my feet quickly to keep up with him as he walks off still holding onto my hand. He takes me to the opposite side of the room where a string quartet were playing softly throughout our meal. 

“Jongin, what are you doing? We haven’t even finished dinner yet.” I mumble as he pulls me closer. He shrugs casually and adjusts his hold on my hand. 

“Oh well, it’s our party isn’t it? We can do whatever we want.” he says dismissively as he starts to take tiny steps in time with the music. Soon we were flowing together without any effort.

“Tell me Sojin,” Jongin says after dancing silently for a minute. “Why did you agree to marry me?” 

I stare at him, confused by his sudden question.

“What do you mean, agree. I didn’t have a choice, much like you.” I say quietly. He shakes his head and holds me closer. 

“No, you had a choice. I can tell just by looking at you.” he whispers. I pull away from him and stare at him as if he had two heads.

“How can you tell that I had a choice just by looking at me?” I ask. Jongin raises an eyebrow and smirks. 

“So you did have a choice?” he questions. 

“What?” I hiss. My head’s spinning trying to understand what he’s trying to say.

“Just tell me, why did you agree to marry me.” Jongin murmurs, pulling into him again. I sigh and gaze over his shoulder to Soeun and Soyeon sitting with Taemin and Kris, who was now watching Jongin and I intently.

“Because of my sisters.” I reply, dropping my eyes to the floor. 

“Really?” Jongin says rather surprised. I sigh again and nod. 

“Think of life as if it's a tower of blocks." I whisper, putting my mouth close to his ears so that no one hears us talking. 

"What do you mean?" he asks, pulling back to get a look of my face.

"You build your life like a tower of playing blocks. You put so much effort into it, getting it balanced and making sure that it doesn't topple over itself and collapse. You also have to make sure that no one comes in and pushes your tower of blocks over." I murmur, pulling him closer again. "My sisters, they're at University now. They've already started building their tower, in fact, I wouldn't be surprise if they were both half way done by now."

"What about your tower of blocks?" Jongin asks quietly.

"Mine?" I ask. He nods slowly. 

"My blocks are still packed away in a box somewhere. They've never been opened." I mumble. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, that my life hasn't started yet, that's why I'm so fine with giving it up. I haven't start building my tower of blocks. But my sister's however have. And the last thing I want is for my father to step in and push their tower of blocks over, forcing them to start another tower... Forcing them start another life."

A silence fell over the both of us as we continue to sway to the music.

“This isn’t fair.” Jongin suddenly mutters. I pull back to get a look at his face, but he has cast his eyes on our feet, ignoring me.

“Of course it’s not.” I agree. Something in me boils over and I place my head on Jongin’s shoulder, facing away from the remaining guests who were still seated at the table. “None of this is.” 


i tried soooooo so so bloody hard to update the other week but i had so much freaking 
homeroom that i couldn't find time to! 
so i thought I'd say sorry by adding some cute moments jongin and sojin!!

ps, thank all soooo much for my new subscribes!  loooove you~ 

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Chapter 4: hmmm . so Jongin have problem too ~
they need each other ~~~
Chapter 3: Awesome !!! I love this !!
corg-key #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^