Chapter 3 - Confrontation

The Arrangement


My stomach twists nervously as I wring my hands together again and again. It was almost midnight and Soeun still hadn’t returned from seeing appa. Soyeon went to bed half an hour ago, followed by Emilie and umma. They told me not to worry and that she probably decided to stay at her personal apartment in the middle of the city because it got so late. Which is probably true, but I wasn’t just staying up to make sure she returned safely, I was also staying up because I refused to let tomorrow come so easily. 

My stomach twists again and I feel like I’m about to be sick as I think about finally coming face to face with the man himself, Kim Jongin. Umma had explained everything to me as we sat together waiting for Soeun to come home. 

Everything was to start at exactly nine o’clock. I would be washed, dressed and be ready for my hair and make up to be done by nine forty. 

Then, at ten thirty, we leave the house and drive to a winery just outside of Seoul. 

There, we’ll be greeted by the Kim family, including Jongin, and then share brunch with them. 

My stomach twists again and I make a mad dash from the lounge room to the bathroom. I hunch over the toilet and wait for the reappearance of tonight’s dinner. I breathed deeply and when I decide that it’s safe that I won’t be sick, I sit back against the wall. I close my eyes for a spilt second, only to have them fly open when the sound of the front door slamming echoes around the house. I jump up to my feet and run out to find Soeun storming up to the stairs. 

“Unnie...” I murmur softly. She freezes instantly and spins around on her heel. Her eyes were red and her hair was pulled into a sloppy bun and not into it’s usual perfect ponytail. 

“Sojin-ah.” she says, not daring to speak above a whisper in fear that her voice will break. 

“What happened?” I ask hesitantly, taking a step towards her. She ducks her head in shame and bites her lip. I watch as she avoids eye contact with me and reaches into her bag.

“I’m so sorry.” she says so quietly I almost miss it. She pulls something out and hands it to me. “I tried everything. First talking calmly, then screaming, cursing, even throwing things, but nothing worked. Not even my sobs. I’m so sorry Sojin.” 

She looks up at me and walks over to where I’m standing. Her hand reaches from mine and pulls it up, placing something in it. I look down curiously and stare wide eyed at the ring box in my hand. 

Two hours ago, Soyeon, Emilie and umma were throwing the house upside down looking this when I realised I lost it. But now I realise that Soeun must have snatched it up before she left the cafe today. 

“Unnie-” I begin, only to be cut off my Soeun. 

“Go to bed Sojin-ah. You have another big day ahead of you. I’m so sorry I couldn’t help.” 

And then without another word, Soeun took off up the stairs. I stayed frozen staring at the ring box in my hand. I sigh and almost throw it onto the couch in the lounge room when something catches my eye. I tilt the box up and see a note taped to the bottom. I carefully take it off and place it on the round table that fills up majority of the empty space in the entrance area of our house. I unfold it gently and frown at the neat scripture. My frown fades as I read the message silently to myself. 

You must wear this. No exceptions. 

      - Mrs. Kim 

* * * 

“Sojin... Sojin dear, it’s time to wake up.” 

I open one eye to see Emilie standing above me with a gentle smile on her face. I groan and snuggle deeper into my cosy bed. 

“I don’t want to get up. Tell them I’ve ran away.” I mutter bitterly. I hear Emilie chuckle softly and walk over to my windows. 

“I would love to my dear, but unfortunately your mother has already stopped by your room to make sure that you haven’t ran away.” she says as she pulls open my curtains allowing the autumn sun stream through. I heave a sigh and push myself up into a sitting position. 

“Ten bucks that he won’t show up again.” I mumble, kicking aside my doona. Emilie rolls her eyes and comes rushing over to help me up. She pulls me up with a tight grip on my hands and gives them a little squeeze once I’m standing. 

“I’ve filled the bath up for you. Go get in before it becomes cold.” 

She pushes me towards my ensuite and I follow her instructions, not bothering to complain. This time, Emilie has littered my bath with rose petals as well as sweet smelling oils. I sigh in content when the warm water meets my numb limbs. I close my eyes and try to relax myself. Thoughts about today come flooding into my mind. 

What if he’s a fat and obnoxious freak who only cares about the business deal side of this?

Either that, or he’s going to be a complete jerk who’ll drink every night and flirt with other women, even though he’ll be a married man. 

I hear a commotion begin to occur just outside in my room, pulling me out of my thoughts. I frown trying to sink deeper into the water when I pick out Emilie’s begging voice and maids quiet one.

“I’m sorry Miss. Emilie. Mrs. Lee has asked us to retrieve Miss. Sojin from the bath as we are now behind schedule.” 

“Okay, okay. Fine.” Emilie sighs, giving up. She knocks on my door lightly and sticks her head in. “Time to get now.” she murmurs. Instead of replying and getting out, I sink deeper into the water until my head is totally submerged in it. 

When Emilie finally convinced me to get out, maid after maid were running in and out of my room leaving a dress, a coat, some shoes and a purse. I scrunch my nose up the dress and try to persuade them to give me some pants so I wouldn’t be cold. In the end I was told it was the dress or nothing and allowed them to dress me. Then I’m thrown into the seat of my vanity and almost immediately, people start pulling at my hair and poking me with different types of make up brushes. I sigh and compare their rushed and hard hands it to the soft and gentle hands of my sisters. I wish that they were the ones who were doing this, but I don’t doubt for a second that they’ve been instructed to stay inside of their rooms until I’m gone so that they don’t cause another scene like Soeun did last night. 

My door opens and I watch in the reflection of my mirror, as umma comes waltzing in. She smiles sweetly at me and pats my cheek. 

“Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.” she murmurs. I scoff. 


She frowns but shakes off my attitude before turning to the maids. 

“Thank you very much for this. You are dismissed.” she says, waving them off like they’re not important. I clench my fists together, angry at the way she treats them. “Come on Sojin, your father is waiting in the car.” umma says softly, changing to a softer voice once the maids left. 

I nod and stand up, feeling slightly dizzy from holding a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Emilie quickly grabs onto my hand and slips something into it. I look down quickly and see my engagement ring sitting in the palm of my hand. I go to give it back to her, but hesitate when I remember the note Mrs. Kim stuck to the bottom of the box. 

“Sojin?” umma calls, standing in the doorway, waiting for me to catch up. 

“C-Coming.” I mutter. I slowly slip the ring onto my left hand. The weight of it makes my hand feel like I’ve attached a rock to it and I grimace at the idea of having to wear this all day everyday. I quickly remind myself to walk and catch up to umma as she disappears out down the hall. When I meet up with umma again, she’s ordering a maid to give her the right coat from the cloak room. I sigh and turn away from her as something catches my eye. Standing above me on the up stairs balcony were Soeun and Soyeon. I go to shout goodbye to them, but Soeun moves her index finger to her lips and signals me to be quiet. I close my mouth instantly. Soyeon gives me a sad smile, before pulling her hands up to her face. My heart drops as I realise that she’s crossing her finger for good luck, just like she did the other night. 

“Right, let’s go sweetie.” umma murmurs softly. I mentally sigh and throw one last glance at the others. 

I’ll see you later... I say mentally, following umma out the door. Appa’s chauffeur opens the door for umma. She climbs in without a single word and signals for me to get in as well once she realises that I’m standing still, refusing to move. I ignore her and turn my gaze to appa’s chauffeur. Today he doesn’t dare look me in the eye or even say a word to me, unlike the other night. I sigh and hang my head.

“Thank you.” I murmur, climbing in next to umma. 

Appa tries to strike up a conversation almost instantly, but when he gets no reply from either of us, he just goes on to explain the structure and history that SM Company and the power they have over the rest of South Korea and Asia. I block out the story of how  grandfather founded the company himself and look out the window as the buildings start to fade away from us and empty land takes it place. I close my eyes and remind myself to keep a steady breathing pace and not to freak out over the fact that I’m meeting Kim Jongin, my stupid future husband. I open my eyes and let them drift to my hands that sit perfectly in my lap. 

The ring shines and throws light off into different directions as I twist my hand this way and that. I slowly sneak a look at umma’s rings that sat perfectly on her fingers. As a child, I had always loved umma’s engagement ring. It was a huge teardrop emerald, that sat amongst small diamonds on a gold band. I would always tell her that when I get married, my ring would be just like hers, only bigger and more shinier. I glance back down to my ring. It was nothing like hers. Instead of teardrop it was square, and instead of having an emerald stone on a gold band, it was all diamonds on a white gold band. My heart aches as I think about myself ten years ago. Back then all I had to worry about was what size ring I was going to get when I got married. But that dream has been taken away from me. Even the simplest thing of choosing who I get to marry has been taken away from me. 

Suddenly, the car stops. Appa gives an excited clap and waits for his chauffeur to open his door. I look out of the window opposite me and see the figure of three people waiting patiently for us to come out. I pick out Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s silhouettes easily, but when I focus onto the third one, that’s when my breathing picks up. The door opens and appa climbs out quickly, not even waiting for umma as he greets the Kim’s. I close my eyes and count to ten, reminding myself to breathe. I feel a hand on mine and my eyes fly open. Umma smiles sadly and pats my hand one last time before she gets out. I frown in confusion. One minute she’s ordering everyone around, and then next minute she shows nothing but regret in her eyes. I take one last deep breath in and follow umma out of the car. The conversation between appa and Mr. Kim stop. My heart beat begins to pick up and go into overdrive. 

“Kim Jongin,” he begins even before I’m not fully out of the car yet, “May I introduce, my daughter, Lee Sojin.” 

I get out just in time for the last part of his introduction and look up to meet a familiar pair of eyes. 

My heart stops racing and instead, I feel building up of surprise in the pit of my stomach. 

Kai?!” I cry. His eyes widen and then a look of realisation comes across his face. 

“Ahh... I thought your name sound familiar.” he murmurs. Our parents exchange confused glances to one another. 

“You two have already met?” Mr. Kim asks. 



I stare at Kai, giving him my best death glare. Appa raises an eyebrow. 

“Well, what one is it? Yes or no, Sojin?” he says in his loud, demanding voice. I sigh, trying not to let my frustration show. 

“We have met, but it was only briefly.” Kai speaks up. 

“When?” appa presses on, wanting answers as to how we know each other. 

“Wednesday night.” Kai says, sending me a quick smirk. 

“Mwo?! But you didn’t show up to dinner!” Mrs. Kim exclaims. 

“We ran into each other after.” I spit venomously. An awkward silence over comes us as we try to figure out this situation.  

My head spins and I clench my hands into tight fists. 

“Appa,” I say quietly. “I think I need to take a quick walk.” 

“Mwo?” he asks surprised. “No, you must stay here. It’ll be rude of you to-”

“I’ll go with her.” Kai interrupts him. I can see appa about to protest, but he’s cut off by Kai yet again. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t run off somewhere and get her back here in time for brunch.” 

My eyes widen at his confidence. Appa seems taken aback by his words, but nods, stepping aside almost encouraging us to go now. I spin on my heel and take off without a signal word to the others. 

My blood is pumping as I walk quickly into the vineyard.

What the hell?! Kai is Kim Jongin?! I scream mentally. He’s name isn’t even Kai, it’s ing Jongin! This can’t be right! 

I keep my pace up and nervously bite my nails. 

“Stupid ing Kim Jongin.” I spit, throwing my hand away from my mouth. “Kai?! Pfft! What kind of stupid name is Kai?! It’s stupid! Just like him!” I cry, covering my face in my hands.

“Hey, Kai isn’t that bad a name.” I hear someone say behind me. I let out a loud squeal and jump. I spin around to see him standing there, smiling shyly at me. “You know, I feel a lot better now knowing that I’m marrying you and not some snobby princess, to be honest.” 

I show him a look of disgust. 

“How on earth, are you making jokes right now?!” I cry, throwing my arms around. He shrugs. 

“If I crack jokes, even the worst of situations seem alright.” he says casually. He pushes his hand into his pockets and begins walking ahead of me. 

“Hey! Don’t you walk away from me!” I cry, running to catch up to him. I jump in front of him and he stops, cocking an eyebrow at me. 

“What?” he asks innocently.

“Why’d you tell me that your name was Kai? When clearly it’s Jongin.” I mutter, trying to keep my anger from boiling over too much. He gives me a little smirk before leaning towards me. 

“Because, Kai is a lot more ier than Jongin.” he whispers huskily into my ear. I cringe and swat his face away from mine. He chuckles softly and shakes his head. 

“Answer me seriously!” I demand. He shrugs once again drops his head so he can look into my eyes. 

“Please don’t hate me. Marrying someone that hates me would make this situation a lot harder than it already is.” he pleads. Annoyed, I lurch my foot forward and kick him in the shin, hard. “Ow!” he cries, taking a step back. 

I cross my arms over my chest, proud that I made him back off.
“Answer my question.” I demand again. 

“Fine, it’s just a nickname my hyung’s  gave me when I was little. It just kinda stuck to me I guess.” he says, rubbing his leg. 

I raise an eyebrow and think back to Sungwoo telling me about the ten other boys that existed under the EXO name. 

I sigh and drop my gaze, trying to think of what to say next. 

“Everyone calls me that. The only people that don’t call me that are business partners and my parents.” he says. His hand stops rubbing his leg and he stands up. It’s only now I take in what his wearing. Black blazer, white dress shirt and black slacks. No tie. He probably threw it off when they tried to get him to wear, being the stupid person that he is.  

“Well then,” I huff, breaking the awkward silence that seemed to find us. “Seeing as this is a business deal between our parents, that makes me one of your business partners. And you said everyone calls you Kai, except for business partners. Therefore, I’ll only ever call you Jongin.”

That and this Kai standing in front of me now, isn’t the Kai I met two nights ago. I add on silently. 





third chaper - done!

first of all, i would just like to say a massive thank you to my subcribers! you guys are awesome and i love you! 

please tell me what you think, hopefully i'll update by the end of this week coming! 




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Chapter 4: hmmm . so Jongin have problem too ~
they need each other ~~~
Chapter 3: Awesome !!! I love this !!
corg-key #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^