Chapter 2 - Delivery

The Arrangement


Dust particles dance around my head in the air. They swirl and take whatever path the wind blows them in without question. 

I reach up, almost as if I'm trying to touch them and watch them fly around my hand as if it's nothing. I spread my fingers out wide and admire the sun rays that come beaming through them. 

My body feels numb and my head aches. I watch as some dust particles dance towards my open window and outside into the cool, winter air. Oh how I wish I could get up and float out of my window, away from all of my troubles and from Kim Jongin.

My mind flashes to last night and I squeeze my eyes shut trying to block out everything. Everything goes by in a blur and find myself frowning, trying to keep back the tears as I remember appa's hard face, and umma's sorry eyes. 

Suddenly, another face flashes into my mind...


My frown eases and I take a deep breath. 

"I don't even know who you are, and here I am thinking about you. Aish!" I mumble to no one but myself. I roll over in my bed and pull a pillow over my head. The image of Kai remains fresh in my mind no matter how hard I try to get it out. I sigh and give up, allowing the smiling Kai to take over my thoughts.  
Something in my heart twists. I'll never be able to get know this Kai, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to because I'm promised to someone else.  

Anger takes over my body and I sit up quickly.  I grab onto a pillow and fling it to the other side of the room. I run my fingers through my hair as I try to catch my breath. I want to scream and kick and cry until I'm free of this invisible hold a guy I don't even know has on me. I flop back onto my bed and let out a quiet sob.

"Why?" I whisper, staring at the dust particles again. "Why can't I be like you? Why can't I just float around without a care in the world?" 

Hot tears roll out of my eyes, down my temples and into my hair. 

"I hate you." I curse, throwing my hand up as if to swat them away. A knock on my door pulls me out of my anger at the small pieces of dust. It opens without waiting for an answer and in steps Emilie. I sit up slowly and stare at her. She gives a small sigh and stares back at me with pain in her eyes. 

"Sojin dear, someone's here to see you." she informs me. "I told them that you weren't seeing anyone today, but they refused to leave." 

I blink and let the remaining tears fall. 

As much as I wish it did, it didn't surprise me that I was getting a visit from someone during work hours and especially when I was supposed to be at school. It was probably one of appa's work men, checking up on me, making sure I didn't run away last night to escape my engagement. 

"I can tell him that there's absolutely no way he's seeing you today if you like.." Emilie whispers. I shake my head and scoot of my bed. 

"I'd prefer to just get it over and done with." I mutter, walking past her and towards my desk. I pull on my silk kimono my parent's had gotten one year during a trip to Japan. Then, I spin on my heel and make my way outside with Emilie in tow. 

She points me into the direction of out formal dining room and waits for me at the bottom of the stairs. I hesitantly walk up to the big, double doors that lead into the dining room that was only ever used on special occasions. Rare occasions. 
My heartbeat picks up as I place my hands on the brass door handles. 

I close my eyes and count to five.


Breathe Sojin..








I push the doors open and my eyes land on a middle aged man, sitting peacefully at our long mahogany table. He was staring at nothing but his reflection in the polished wood. Next to him was a small box as well as a phone.  I clear my throat and softly close the doors behind me. The man looks up, not seeming the least bit surprised of my quiet entrance. 

"Ah, Miss. Sojin. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me." he says, standing up. I nod and walk over to the seat opposite him. I sit down without acknowledging him and stare ahead of me just like he was before.  He lets out a little sigh and sits down across from me.

"To be honest, I wasn't really expecting anyone at this hour. Especially on a weekday. But it’s my father, what can you expect." I murmur. 

The man shows a slight smile and shakes his head. 

"I do not work for your father Miss. Sojin." he says. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Is that so?" I question. 

"Neh, I work for the Kim's Miss. Sojin." he continues casually. "I'm their head butler." 

My face falls and my heart drops. My gaze subconsciously drifts to the small box next to him and my breath gets caught in my throat. 

"I've come on the request of Mrs. Kim herself. I’m not sure how she knew you were home, but she does her ways of getting information...” he murmurs.

I subconsciously wrap my kimono around myself, imagining that she had cameras planted all around my house to watch me. 

 “I have been asked to deliver this to no one, but you." the man says, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

His hand reaches out and pushes the small box in between us. I stare at it as if it's a foreign object. 


"My engagement ring?" I cut him off. He closes his mouth and nods. 

"Mrs. Kim ordered me to deliver it no later than today." he says, looking up above my head as if he's trying to remember the conversation he had with her. 

My head snaps up and I squint at him. 

"Why? Are you busy tomorrow? Or the next day? Or the next one?!" I cry, getting annoyed. 

"Aniyo Miss Sojin. It's not me who's going to be busy the next couple of days. It's you." he murmurs. I frown at him and shake my head, signaling to him that I'm not catching onto what he's saying. "Tomorrow, I believe the Kim's and your parents have organised another meeting for you and Mr. Jongin. Then, on Saturday night, they will be holding an engagement party in your honor." 

"You've got to be kidding me." I hiss under my breath.  My blood boils and my ears start to ring. Now I know just how the Hulk feels just before he turns into the Hulk. We sit in silence until the man lets out a deep breath as if he's been holding it, waiting for me to explode.

"I'm sorry Miss. Sojin. If it makes you feel any better at all, please know that Mr. Jongin had no knowledge of the engagement like you did. He had no say in this, so please don't get upset at him. He really is a nice kid. He's very smart and caring. I have no doubt in the world, that no matter what, he'll take care of you.” he says.

I look at him and squint my eyes.

“What’s your name?” I ask quietly. 

“Bae Sungwoo, Miss Sojin.” he answers. I nod and look back down at the box that contained my engagement ring. 

“What is he like? Jongin?” I ask.

“He’s very out going, very loud and bubbly at some times. He gets things done. Once he puts his mind to it, he’ll have it done in no time.” 

“So he’s a hard-worker?” I interrupt Sungwoo, looking up at him. 

Sungwoo nods his head and cracks a smile.

“Yes. He’s a very hard-worker Miss. Sojin.” 

We sit in silence again, and my eyes fall back down to the table, but not to stare at the small box, but at my reflection. I stare at my sad eyes and messy hair. Sungwoo probably thought I was a train wreck right now. 

“Being the only son to founder and boss of EXO isn’t easy. Unlike you, Jongin doesn’t have two older brothers he can rely on to support him through his father’s work.” Sungwoo says, breaking the silence. I slowly look up at him. “Mr. Kim started EXO on his own, but was soon joined by eleven other employee’s. And by the time Jongin was born, he had ten older brothers waiting for him. But their term of ‘brothers’ could only go so far. As soon as Jongin was thirteen, he was thrown into his father work, even though he had older friends and members of EXO who were almost seventeen and hadn’t even started working there yet.”

For a second, I started to feel sorry for Jongin. He had to work for his father as soon as he became a teenager. I find myself frowning, getting annoyed at Mr. Kim for making Jongin join EXO so early. 

“That must have been really difficult for him.” I mumble under my breath.

“Hm?” Sungwoo mumbles, like I’ve just pulled him out of his thoughts. “It is.” he mumbles again, focusing back on me. 

He fell silence and his gaze drifted off, only to focus on something behind me. He chuckles slightly and nods towards it. 

“You and your sisters were cutest kids growing up.” he says under his breath. 

“Mwo?” I spin in my seat to see a family portrait taken when I was three years old. “You knew me as a child?” I ask him. He nods slowly. 

“Yes. In fact, so have Mr. and Mrs. Kim.” he says, dropping his gaze to his hands. 

I frown and settle back in my chair. 

“You see, this marriage was planned even before you were born. As soon as Mrs. Kim found out she was pregnant with a boy, she told your parents immediately.” he says shaking his head. 

“Is that so...” I mumble remembering the great myth of my grandfather I had talked about with Soeun and Soyeon.

“Sojin, I know this isn’t the wedding you were dreaming of. But remember what I said before, arranged marriage or not, Jongin will take care of you.” Sungwoo says, sitting up straight in his chair. He started to reach out for my hand, but stopped himself. He opens his mouth to say something else, but his phone begins to ring, cutting him off. 

He glances down at it and hangs up. 

“It’s Mrs. Kim. She’s wondering what’s taking so long.” he sighs. I nod and stand up.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you from your work. You probably have a lot of stuff to do right now.” I say, wrapping my kimono around me. 

“It’s fine.” he promises. He stands up as well, picking up the small ring box with him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Miss. Sojin.” 

He bows politely to me before turning and letting himself out of my house. I watch after him and then turn my eyes to the box in my hands. Half of me is so curious to open the box and see the ring, but the other half just wants to walk outside and throw into the garden and pretend it didn’t even exist. The doors reopening after Sungwoo’s departure, pull me out of my thoughts. 

“Is everything okay?” Emilie asks timidly. I turn towards her and cup the box between my hands. 

“Everything’s fine.” I mumble. She nods slowly and looks down at her feet. 

“I guess I’ll go and make you something to eat then, seeing as you’re awake now.” 

“Oh, aniyo!” I protest quickly. “I don’t need anything to eat just now. But thank you.” I murmur. Emilie’s hopeful face falls and she nods again. 

“No problem Sojin.” she whispers.

My heart aches and my brain screams at me to go and give her a hug. I take a step towards her and open my arms slowly, but the ringing of the doorbell makes me hesitate. 

“Oh!” Emilie jumps at the sudden loud ringing. She hurries off to go get the door, leaving me in the formal dining room alone. I hear her greeting someone with a surprised tone in her voice. 

Curiosity takes over me and I walk out to see who had arrived. 

“Yah! Lee Sojin! You decided to take the day off without telling me?!” 

I freeze and shake my head.

“Yah! Jung Soojung! What are you doing here?” I question. 

Soojung smiles sweetly and walks towards me. 

“I was worried that something had happened to you since I hadn’t heard from you since yesterday afternoon.” she throws an arm around me and places her head on top of mine. I scoff and push her off me. 

I suddenly remember the small box in the palm of my hand. I stare at it as it seems to grow heavier. I had completely forgotten about telling Soojung about my near distant future...

“Why don’t you girls go upstairs and I’ll make some drinks for the both of you, huh?” Emilie asks, clapping her hands. 

“Oh, thank you so much Emilie!” Soojung bows respectfully. “C’mon Sojin, I’ve got something to tell you!” she says excitedly, dragging me upstairs. 

Yeah, I’ve got something to tell you as well.. I think to myself. 

Soojung jumps up on my bed and lands perfectly without messing a single strand of hair on her head. I sit down next to her and lean against my headboard, pulling my knees up to my chest. 

“So I was talking Oppa last night and we were talking about movies and what genre we prefer...” Soojung blabbers on.

Just say it Sojin...

“And I told him that I didn’t like horror movies all that much...”

She’s going to have to know one day...

“Then he said that he would look after me in the scary scenes, to which I replied with-”

“Jung Soojung, I’m engaged.” I say loudly, cutting her off. She falls silent instantly. 

“W-What...?” she stutters. 

“I’m engaged.” I say again, this time more to myself than to her. 

“Seriously?” she questions.

“Seriously. I just got my engagement right before you came.” I mumble. Soojung slumps against my bed head and stares ahead of her. 

“Wow... And I thought my boy news was important.” she scoffs. I nod along, placing my chin on my knees. I feel Soojung shuffle around next to me and just as I look up at her, something comes crashing down over my head. 

“Oww! Yah, Jung Soojung! What’s wrong with you?!” I shout. 

“You’re engaged and you’re only telling now because?!” she screams, aiming to hit me again. 

“Yah! Yah, yah! Stop! Don’t hit me again! I’m telling you now because I only found out less than 24 hours ago!” I shout, jumping up off of my bed. 

“What? Only found out? You mean...” she whispers, trailing off. 

“Yes... I mean my parents informed me that I was getting married to a guy I don’t even know.” I mumble sitting back down. 

I hear Soojung sigh and sit back down next to me. She picks up the box containing my ring and inspects it. 

“Have you opened it yet?” she asks, holding it up to the light. I shake my head. “Do you want to open it?” she asks again. I shrug. She shoots me a frown and brings the box back down to her lap. “Well then, I’m going to open it.” she announces, I go to protest, but she’s already opened the lid. 

Gasps ring out around the room as I stare at the elegant ring sitting in a plush white cushion. 

“Sojin...” Soojung mumbles. “Who are you marrying?” she asks. 

“The heir to EXO, Kim Jongin.” I murmur, taking the box from her hands. 

“Well then, that explains the rock.” she whispers. I nod and keep my eyes on the ring, that sits patiently, waiting to be worn. 

We sit in silence for what felt like forever. My eyes never left the ring. I was concentrating on it so much, I had to remind myself to blink every now and again.  

“Sojin...” Soojung mumbles for the second time. 

“Hm?” I mumble back. 

“Have you told your sisters yet?” she asks, turning to face me. I slowly shake my head and close the small ring box, breaking my gaze with the ring. 

“Not yet.” I murmur. Soojung sighs and readjusts herself and pulls me into her side. 

“You should probably tell them before the day’s over.” she murmurs, patting my head soothingly. I nod against her and let out a shaky breath. My arms reach out and wrap around her tightly. 

“Soojung...” I whimper. “What am I going to do?” 

She stops patting my head and instead hugs me back. 

“You’re going to do what you always do Sojin.” Soojung says quietly. I look up at her. 

“And what’s that?” I question. Soojung smiles and lets out a soft chuckle. 

“You’ll find a way to make things work.” she says, pulling me closer into a tighter embrace. She squeezes me for a second and lets go off me. I can’t help but get the feeling that she’s getting ready for something... That she’s getting ready to say goodbye.

“I wonder what this young Kim Jongin looks like...” Soojung mumbles, tapping her chin. “It’d be funny if he was this awkward, chubby guy.” she laughs.

I grimace and picture myself marrying a younger version of Mr. Kim.

“No thank you.” I grumble, pushing the though aside. Soojung laughs. 

“Imagine your children! They’d be little sarcastic chubby kids that do nothing but sleep!” Soojung laughs aloud. I slap her arm hard.

“Yah! Don’t say that! Who said I was going to have children with this guy?!” I shout. Soojung shrugs and wipes away her tears. 

“You never know Sojin-” 

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” I cry, throwing a pillow in her face. Her laughing stops and she takes a deep breath to catch herself as she sits up against my headboard again. 

“What if he’s handsome or y? Omo! Imagine if he was like Choi Siwon! Just oozing with good looks!” Soojung cries, bringing out her obsession with her fathers business’ partner’s son. 

I laugh at the way she’s gushing over a guy seven years her senior. My mind starts to drift off from Soojung and dreams about Siwon, to something else... Or more like someone else...


I frown as I imagine the face I encountered just last night. Then my imagination shifts again and I picture him in a suit, standing next to Mr. Kim and my father. 

He doesn’t belong there... I think to myself. 

“Yah! Sojin!” I hear Soojung call. 

“Huh?!” I jump, my head snapping around to face her. “Sorry. What did you say?” 

Soojung makes a ‘tsk’ noise and shakes her head. 

“Aish, always day dreaming aren’t you?” she mutters. “I was saying, why don’t I give you a lift into town and you can meet up with Soeun and Soyeon, tell them about your engagement.” 

“Oh..” I mumble.

  • * * 

My fingers tap impatiently against the soft wood of the table I’m seat at. Soft music in the background swirls around me along with the strong smell of cinnamon. 

The sound of the door opening caused my attention to snap over to the opposite side of the room. I search for Soeun or Soyeon, only to find two guys, probably not that much older than me, walking in wearing matching suits. 

One of them catches my gaze and nods politely in my direction. I jump in my seat and drop my eyes immediately. I hear soft chuckles emitting from their direction and cringe at the thought of them joking about me. 

I hear the opening of the door again and timidly look up to identify who just walked in. My heart beat comes back to normal and I completely forget about the laughing boys.

“Oh! Unnie!” I cry, waving Soyeon over. She spots me immediately and smiles, rushing over to meet me. She wraps me up in a hug, before stepping back and removing her scarf. 

“Have you been waiting long?” she asks, taking a seat next to me. 

“Aniyo, I only just got here myself.” I lie smoothly. Soyeon raises an eyebrow at me, but doesn’t question my lie. 

“So what are you doing? Why are you out of school?” she says while ing her jacket and hanging it over the back of her chair. 

“Oh that.. well I, ah..” I mumble trying to find my words. 

“Answer the question Sojin before I drag you back to school.” 

My head snaps up to see Soeun standing over Soyeon and I, trying to act like a strict mother. I swallow nervously while Soyeon just rolls her eyes. 

“Unnie sit down, you’re creating a scene.” Soyeon says, pulling at her hand making Soeun plop down in the seat across from me. 

I heard whispering and looked up to see the same two guys from before staring at the three of us in disbelief. I squint at them trying to recognise if I’ve seen then before, but I quickly come to the conclusion that I haven’t when the second boy locks eyes with me. Blood rushes to my cheeks as I break eye contact and focus back on Soeun and Soyeon. 

“Sojin,” Soeun clears and sits up in her seat. “Why did you call the both of us out for coffee when you’re supposed to be at school?” 

I swallow nervously again and fidget with my fingers under the table. 

“Sojin-ah...” I hear Soyeon coo. I watch as her hand places itself on top of mine. “You’re playing with your fingers... Which is something you always do when you’re nervous... What’s wrong?” 

I clear my throat and sit up in my chair, copying Soeun actions from before. 

“I-It’s about dinner last night.” I mumble. 

Gosh Sojin! Please at least try to speak normal would you?!  I mentally scold myself for stuttering. 

“What happened?” Soeun asks sternly. 

“Ah.. well!” I force a laugh and pull on my best fake smile. “Dinner last night was set up so that I could, ah, I could...” 

“Yes,” Soeun presses. I close my eyes and take a deep breath through my nose. 

“Dinner last night was set up so that I could meet my fiancé.” I mumble. 

Soyeon’s hand freezes on top of mine and Soeun becomes stiff in her seat. 

“M-Mwo?” Soyeon manages to spit out. I look up at them and sigh. 

“And this morning I received this..” I murmur. I dig into my bag and pull out the small ring box Sungwoo delivered this morning. Unexpectedly, neither Soeun or Soyeon reach for the box. Instead they stare at it like it’s a foreign object. Like I’ve just ripped out my intestines and slammed it on the table in front of them. 

“I can’t believe this...” Soyeon mutters under her breath.

“Did you meet him?” Soeun asks, her voice deep and rough. I shake my head.

“Aniyo, he never showed up.” I murmur. 

Suddenly, Soeun’s fist comes slamming down on the table, creating a loud bang to echo out around the small cafe. I look around the room, alarmed, and see the two boys staring at me again. I instantly hide my face and grip onto Soeun’s hand before she can do any other damage. 

“Unnie! Calm down, please!” I beg.

“I can’t believe this! I can’t believe appa is making you do this!” she spits. 

“It’s not appa’s fault unnie! It’s grandfather’s! He made the deal! He did this!” Soyeon says quickly. 

“No, it’s appa’s.” Soeun spits again, her words filled with venom. “Grandfather would never marry Sojin off. Never in a million years.” 

I sigh and nod my head, patting Soeun’s hand. 

“Think about Soeun, grandfather is a million years old. He had to marry me off sometime.” I say, forcing a joke into the situation only to earn glare from the both of them. 

“You’re joking about it? Sojin, this is your life you’re throwing away right now! You can’t just go and make a job about it!” Soeun cries. 

“Well if I don’t make a joke about it, how am I going to make the situation any better?!” I shout over the top of her. The whole cafe had stopped what their doing and staring at the three weird sisters in the corner. 

“You won’t make this situation better.” Soeun says loudly. She pushes her chair back roughly and stands up. “I will.” 

“What?! Unnie, what are you going to do?! It’s official! I’m meeting him tomorrow and the engagement party is the day after that! Nothing you say is going to change appa’s mind!” I shout at her, standing up as well.  

“Guys, stop it please. Not here!” Soyeon hisses, placing herself between us. She throws glances around the room and grips onto our shoulders. 

“Excuse, ladies. I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you to leave. You’re disturbing the other costumers.” I turn to see a young lady standing before the three of us. 

“Oh! Please forgive us!” Soyeon apoligises, bowing repeatedly. She smacks me over the head and bows one more time. I turn myself slightly and bow to the waitress at a perfect ninety degree angle. 

I straighten myself up and turn back to Soeun, only to find her walking out of the cafe. 

“Unnie!” I shout after her. Grabbing on Soyeon’s hand I drag her out the cafe and into the busy streets of Seoul. “Unnie, please wait!” 

“Sojin I’m not going to just let you give your life away so easily! This isn’t fair, I’m going to go talk to appa.” Soeun says. She walks over to car, parked perfectly next to the car and opens to the drivers door. 

“Over my dead body you’re going to talk to appa about this!” I scream at her.

“Soyeon, take her home please. Make sure she doesn’t come to appa’s office.” Soeun says, completely ignoring me. 

“Ne.” Soyeon answers quietly.

“What?! No! If you go, he’ll make you get married to him! Unnie, stop!” I scream out to Soeun as she gets into her car. “Wait!” I go to open the passenger door, but Soyeon’s arms stop me. 

“Sojin! Stop! Just stop!” Soyeon cries. I struggle against her hold and watch as Soeun drives away. Once she’s at a safe distance, Soyeon lets go of me. 

I crumple to the ground and watch the tail lights of Soeun’s car disappear. 

Unnie... what are you doing? What are you getting yourself into? 



second chaper - DONE!

omg this is such a boring chapter and i apologise, but i just needed to fill in the gaps before the wedding and stuff! so please hang in there! 
sorry it's so long aswell! 
ps, kai will be in the next chapter, get excited! 

please tell me what you think! 


pps, here's sojin's ring! 


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Chapter 4: hmmm . so Jongin have problem too ~
they need each other ~~~
Chapter 3: Awesome !!! I love this !!
corg-key #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^