
Winter came fast and hard, and before you knew it, having Daehyun’s more than annoying snoring beside your helped in keeping warm. Since you had invited him into your bed weeks ago, he had seemed to become more relaxed and he sure had grown. More often than not you found yourself kicking him to his own side and having to wrestle him for blankets, but it was a small price to pay for how he treated you when you weren’t asleep.

            Every morning he’d be making breakfast still and he didn’t burn anything anymore, but he still did complain that he wanted a wife who would cook and that he couldn’t believe he was doing all this for you as he served up a big plate and handed it to you where you were perched up on the counter, like every morning. There was a new, comfortable clockwork you found yourself in with him and he seemed to have unlocked the cage but was always teetering on whether he should leave or not.

            It didn’t offend you though. You understood he was still a little troubled that he was ‘burdening’ you, even though you undecidedly decided that having him there with you was a blessing. The way he smiled made your heart flutter and made the snow on the steps melt. When he held your hand you felt your body burn with a fire that nothing else could replace. On the bus, having people tell you that you and him were cute and that they could only hope your relationship would last made you realize that you wanted it to last too. You loved him, but to tell him that now would be dangerous, because like he came, he could leave just as fast.

            Daehyun never showed signs of leaving you though. He was always waiting for you and he was always close now. He walked beside you hand in hand and he kissed you like he meant it and like it would be your last, and you were sure he thought it was because you were going to kick him out, but that was just the opposite.


            He had never looked happier in his time knowing you than when you had cleared out a drawer for him in your room. He was keeping all of his things in his backpack and when you told him to cover his eyes and walk into your room, he was a little scared. But when you led him in and you pointed to an open and empty drawer, he threw his arms around you and kissed you all over your face.

            “A-are you sure? I mean, this is pretty serious. It’s almost like you want me to stay for a really long time. Are you asking me to marry you, you sly little girl?” he joked, but you just tapped him on the and rolled your eyes and kissed him. Marriage didn’t sound so bad if it was with him.

            “You’re not going to leave for a while if I have it my way. And marriage? Jung Daehyun, you only wish.” you whispered in his ear, and you could feel his smile on your neck.

            “I guess I’ll just have to wait until I see a shooting star or my birthday rolls around, because when I ask you to, it better come true.” he whispered back, and you felt a chill down your spine. You were unsure why.


            Daehyun called you over one day to the couch when you were doing some stuff online, but he insisted it was important. You groaned a little, but you minimized the window you were on and you walked out into the living room, and he was sitting on the couch with his knees to his chest and his head resting on the caps. Now concerned, you walked over, and he looked to the side over at you. There was a small and unsure smile on his face, and you reached out and his cheek and moved in closer to him to plant a kiss on his lips. It bloomed through his body and he relaxed a little more, but he didn’t move.

            “Can I tell you some things?” he asked, and you didn’t know why he would ask that, because he knew that he could tell you anything, but you nodded. He smiled and let out a sigh. “Good, because I’m scared. I want to tell you about some things that I think you’ve figured out already, but I want to tell it to your from my lips, and I’m scared you’ll think I’m trash after this. You can toss me to the curb if you want-”

            “Bull Daehyun. No matter what you tell me, it will make me trust you more. You’re brave for even opening up after this long. I would have waited even longer, but if you’re ready, I’m ready.” you told him, and he pulled his body in and took a deep breath.

            “Well…” he started out, voice shaking. “As you probably know I got money before by well, selling myself. I- I was first taken up by some lady, and she offered me a place to stay, and I was young when I came here, and I was dumb. I could barely understand her, but what I did get was the money she handed to me before she stripped me down and had her way. I- I was scared. I was scared and alone and I needed money, and at the time, I didn’t care.” Daehyun rambled out.

            “My mom, she sent me here after I told her that if she gave me a chance at becoming a singer and I could debut in three years, she’d let me do it. We had a hard time; me, my mother and my father, we had a hard time making ends meet. She wanted me to become a doctor or a business man or something that would make me a distinguished man with a good salary while I wanted to be a soccer player or a singer, and she slapped me whenever I told her that. I thought that living in that house was tough, but she told me living on the streets would be even worse, and I didn’t believe her.”

            Daehyun shifted a little on the couch closer to you and you got the sense he needed to be held. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders and tucked him in close. He shut his eyes some and hummed softly from the feeling.

            “I remember getting off the plane here with my backpack and I busted out into tears and people just walked by me. I was 16 and alone in a place where I didn’t know the language and I was terrified. I wanted to go back home and go to school and get a white collar job but I had promised that if I didn’t make it happen I wouldn’t go back. We didn’t have the money to feed another person and they’d be better off without me.”

            “Don’t say that.”

            “It’s true.” Daehyun shot back, but it wasn’t malicious. He just stated it as fact. “I haven’t seen them since. After that woman though, after she did things to me… with me… I remember leaving the house and feeling the money in my hands. I looked at the numbers and I didn’t know anything about American currency aside from what we had learned in school, and I remember about just moving a decimal and how a dollar here was a thousand won in Korea and that 10 was 10,000 and such on so forth. She had given me $50, and that was a lot.” he said. You saw him gulp.

            “I walked back into the house pretty bravely and I walked up to the woman and in the best English I could managed I asked her if everyone would pay me like this if I sold myself off. She grinned and handed me another $100 bill and did more things with me, and I took that as a yes.”

            “Did… did you ever think it was wrong? To, you know… don’t they have red light districts in Korea or am I in the wrong?” you asked, and he waved it off.

            “I didn’t even have to think it was wrong. I knew it was wrong, but I knew that if anything, I wasn’t at fault. People who were double my age were taking advantage of me and all I needed was money. No one had to me, they could have just given me the money out of the kindness of their hearts, but I guess there’s one thing I’ve learned though all of this is that no one has that much kindness in them.” he said, and then he paused and took a quick breath. “Until I met you.”     

            You watched a blush crawl across his cheeks as he put a hand on your knee, and subconsciously, you went to hold it. At that, he curled up against you and kissed you softly, his face remaining lax.

            “I think the reason why I ‘shrink’ is because when I was… well, you know. It hurt. I didn’t like being hurt, but for some reason, I thought I deserved it. I always thought that when someone told me that I was waste, I was.”

            Daehyun let out a shaky sigh and you felt his hand begin to shake in yours. He sniffled, and all you could do was run a hand through his hair and rub his back to calm him down as he spilled his past.

            “Some people didn’t even pay for . They would pay to hit me. Some people just wanted to see me bruise, and some people would give me money to simply have someone to cuddle with. They’d kiss me carefully and even then my body would just feel so small. People will pay for anything I’ve learned. People are terrible. Most people are terrible.”

            “I know, Daehyun, I know. But you’re safe now. You don’t have to go back to that.” you told him, and his body stiffened against yours and he shifted to sit up and look at you. His eyes were dark and his skin was drained of color. You could see how stressed out he was, and you wondered if he had looked like this for some time now and you just didn’t notice.

            “You can’t surely believe we’re going to be together like this forever though, right? You have a life and yes, we’re dating and all but let’s be real. Do you think we’re going to make it? I can’t stay here for that long. You said you were the wind and you’re all around me, but if I lose my footing you could easily carry me away.”

            “I’ll follow.”

            “What about everyone?”

            “I don’t have anyone but you, Daehyun.” you told him a little hastily. You didn’t know where this was heading, but you felt your blood rush through your veins and it chilled you in a way where even he couldn’t warm you up again. “Let’s get on the bus and just go somewhere. Let’s just leave. Let’s forget everything and quit our jobs and I’ll sell the apartment and-”

            “What about the cat?” Daehyun asked, and you stopped.

            “We can take her along. She’s well behaved. I don’t want you to feel trapped, because I already know you’re in a little cage and you’re afraid to leave, but come on. I’ll be the gusts of wind that carry your wings.”

            Daehyun looked at you with uncertainty. You had just given him a home and a drawer and a bed and now you wanted to rip it out from under his feet.

            “I don’t want to go.” Daehyun confessed, and you nodded to him, feeling the blood slow down and your heart rate decrease. “I want to travel with you one day maybe later in our relationship, but right now, I like us the way we are. I like waking up next to you and making you breakfast and I love it when you wait for me to catch the bus and… remember how you were so mad when I talked to you for the first time? I gave you a piece of chocolate.”

            “I wasn’t mad so much as I was annoyed. I didn’t know strangers could be so friendly. I didn’t… wait.” you turned to face him, and Daehyun shoulders drew in. His eyes started to water, and you guessed what you were about to say was going to tear him apart, but you didn’t hold back. You had to know.

            “I know you said you watched me before hand, and that’s okay. But, is it because you wanted my money? Not really you wanted my money but, did you… you had just started work and did you just want one last pay to tie you over?” you asked, and Daehyun shook his head. His hair flounced back and forth and it was so soft. You remembered how greasy he was when you met him, and his skin was cleared up too. His nails didn’t have dirt under them but just the way his face was right now, you knew he felt like filth.

            “It’s not like that. I told you that I knew I liked you and I knew you worked where I was going to work and I tried to act surprised like I hadn’t known that but I talked to you because I thought… I saw you were different. I saw when you picked up your cat and how you were so kind to strays and I just thought maybe I could… I- I wanted to have with you! A one night stand, and that was it. But I got in too deep and I ended up really, seriously liking you. I didn’t even care if you paid me or not at that point because you were like my muse. You were a goddess to me, and you still are.” he yelled, and you winced.

            “Daehyun, let go.” you told him, and he stared. He didn’t realize that in his bought, he was gripping your hand so tight your fingertips were turning white. Now, his shakes had become shivers, and you didn’t bother to try and comfort him now.

            “I’m cold.” was all he could say before you watched him shut his eyes and black out. It was only for a couple of seconds, but in the short amount of time that it was, you panicked. Tears stung your eyes and you had laid him down on the couch, quickly draping a blanket over him and rushing into the kitchen to get him some water. You spilled it all the way to the table because now your hands had the tremors. When he came too, you were beside him, holding his hand and his hair. His eyes fluttered open gently. He looked up at you, and his eyes were back to their usual color.

            “How long was I out?” he asked, and you smiled a little, sniffling back tears, but some still fell.

            “Maybe ten or more seconds. Don’t do that again.” you said, and he laughed lightly, sitting up and then reaching for the water on the table. You got it for him though and guided his hand. He took a small sip before putting it back down, and he was still shaking.

            “I’m sorry. I got… I guess the stress got to me. I’ve been so fatigued and I didn’t know how to tell you.” he whispered, and you shook your head as if to tell him there was no need, and you leaned over and kissed his forehead. He seemed to lean into it, and you let your lips linger before you felt him move himself back and he laid down. He curled he legs up closer to himself and situated his hands under the blanket, and Daehyun’s teeth were chattering. You got up momentarily to pad to your bedroom and you dragged the comforter off the bed and out to the couch, lifted it up, and piled it on top of him. He snuggled up against it and smiled.

            “It smells like you.” he mumbled, and you rolled your eyes, his face gently and touching his lip with your thumb.

            “That’s weird Daehyun. Do you need me to leave you alone so you can sleep? I can make dinner really fast while you take a nap. It’s whatever you want.” you told him, and he moved his hands out from under the blanket and placed one on your thigh while the other remained close to his body. He glanced up at you with sleepy eyes, and you watched as his lips dried out and he reached for the water, but he gave up halfway, and he just meekly smiled.

            “Can I tell you something before you let me go to bed?” he asked, and an arid laugh escaped past his lips. You wanted to kiss him to give them some moisture, but you just nodded, and he swallowed. Hard. His nails drug up your pants and it made a crude sound with dead skin against denim, and he looked broken, but he was big.

            “I love you.” he spoke. “I love you, and that’s the bottom line.”

            He brought his hands back under the covers at that, and he averted his eyes, but you brought your hand to lift up his chin and you made him look at you. You were sure that your eyes looked muddled and maybe you were shaking, but the clockwork had stopped, and your heart at those words. You felt his cage break open and you heard glass shatter around you as walls didn’t just break, they fell. They were smashed and ripped away from you both and your stood bare in front of him, wondering if you would return the words. You lips moved, but you didn’t think.

            “Holy .” were the first ones to leave, and his pupils dilated. “Jung Daehyun.” you followed up, and his breath was shuddering. His face was filled with fear, but you then decided it was a good time to add moisture into his lips and kissed him. Fiercely. Passionately. Simply to stop your words, but you broke off and whispered out faintly back;

            “I love you too.”


            Daehyun smiled all through dinner. You cooked him up some soup since he still seemed cold and you both huddled under the blanket on the couch with mugs of soup in hand and watched the news. His hip was glued to yours and he stopped periodically to just turn his head and stare, no, admire you. Your everything. His face was firm with a blush and he kissed your cheek more times than you could count. His grin could be felt on your skin and you wanted to feel it though your whole body, and now, the offer that stood before was more tempting than ever, but he was being so sweet, and you couldn’t ruin that. He radiated with absolute joy and confidence. You could still hear him murmuring that he loved you every so often, and whenever he did, you smiled, which in turn, made him smile. You felt stupid doing it, but at least you weren’t alone.

            “I’m really happy I have you here, you know? I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my whole life.” he said, sipping some more soup and then holding it to his chest. He was still cold, and you slyly draped more blanket over him so he wouldn’t be. Perhaps going to bed soon would be a good idea so you could spoon or something. You never had been too terribly intimate when it came to innocent things, but now that the bomb was dropped, you might as well get comfortable in the wreckage.

            “I- I’m really happy too, Daehyun.” you said, grinning against your cup. He knocked your knee with his and you looked at him, and you found yourself face to face, and a blush crept up onto your cheek and he smiled wide.

            “You’re so damn cute when you’re flustered. God, love everything about you.” he mused, and he was leaning into you. Your foreheads touched and his smile was wide. He too had a blush on his face and he looked warm. He looked like he was at ease and like this was his home, because to you, it was.

            “But I’m so… I’m so me, you know? How do you love that? Here I am, I played hard to get and even then there’s so much in my past that you don’t know about, and I don’t want to scare you away.” you said to him, and he gave you a quick kiss before shrugging.

            “Then don’t tell me. What matters is that we’re here together in the now, and if you don’t want to tell me about what happened, then don’t. That shouldn’t affect the present. Besides, it can’t be as bad as my past. Surely. And if it is, if you’re ever willing to tell me, I’m here to listen, because like I said, I love you. And I love you enough that no matter what you told me, I wouldn’t leave, okay?”

            “Quit saying you love me.” you kind of scoffed, and his eyebrows rose with question and his expression faltered.

            “Why?” he asked, and you wrapped your arms around his neck and laced your fingers into his hair. He seemed to be a little happy at that.

            “Because it’s going to make me love you more. Hell, I never would have thought this would have happened. It’s like something straight out of a fanfiction, you know? Girl meets boy, brings him in, they fall in love. It’s almost stereotypical.” you told him, and Daehyun let out a light laugh.

            “And you work in a coffee shop and you’re cold at first but my charm melts you and we say our I love you’s and next thing you know, we’ll be having and starting a family, right?” he said, grinning, and you smiled back, and the both of you broke out into uproarious laughter. His skin crinkled around his eyes and he had such prominent laugh lines and whiskers. His eyes turned into crescent moons and his teeth were as white as freshly fallen snow. He was beautiful, and before you settled out laughing, you crawled into his lap, straddled him and kissed him. It was longer than the usual ones you shared, and instead of tensing up like Daehyun normally did, he sighed into it, and his shoulder dropped. His full lips overtook yours and he gained control, but there wasn’t a fight to begin with. You weren’t working against each other, but with one another, and you didn’t know where this kiss was going to lead, but you had one hope in mind.

            Honestly though, whether it ended with or nothing, you didn’t care. As long as Daehyun was kissing you, and only you, you didn’t care. You remembered the time you walked in on him having with another girl and you thought to yourself that was maybe when you realized that you loved him. You didn’t have a reason to be jealous other than that wasn’t you on top of him. She made him cry, and no one ever again was allowed to hurt him as long as you were around. He had broken your monotony and you wanted to be sure the excitement was never ending.

            Daehyun’s hands settled on your hips and he pressed on you lower back with his fingertips, making you poise up a little straighter, and you realized now what he was doing. You were taller than him, and you were looking down into his eyes once the kiss broke, and he was breathless. His cheeks were red with embarrassment and his eyes shot off to the side after three seconds of eye contact.

            “Tell me what you want, Hyun.” you said in a hushed tone, and Daehyun swallowed. His lips moved, but no words came out. You didn’t push him, but after some time, raspy words formed.

            “I- I don’t know. I want to feel safe with you. Promise me, and I swear, of we’re going to take this where I think it’s going, you sure as hell promise me you won’t hurt me. My trust when it comes to physical intimacy as close as this is… it’s less than none. I’m so scared. Be gentle. And that’s weird to hear from a boy, I’m sure, but I’m serious. Handle me carefully, alright?”

            His eye were watering and his lower lip trembled, and for a couple of seconds, you forgot what age he was. He looked like he was a young teen, ready for his first time, and in a sense, this was the first time he was going to be having that wasn’t with someone he didn’t know. It was his first time. To him, all the others didn’t count, because he didn’t love them. With you though, it was different. You couldn’t find the words to assure him, so in turn, you kissed him softly for a few second and pulled away, his cheek and touching his lower lip with the pad of you thumb.

            Quietly, you stood up and he followed you. Holding his hand down the hall, you felt him shake, and you were too. Nerves jumped through your body and it was hard to walk as it dawned on you that there was no going back after you and he did this. This was love. This was terrifying.

            Your cat stayed out of the way as you opened up your bedroom door and guided him in, shutting the door behind you. His back was to you and you moved to turn on a desk light. He stood still, unsure of what to do.

            Walking up behind him, you propped your chin on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his waist and nipped at his ear.

            “Are you sure you want this babe?” you asked him, and there was a hesitant nod shortly after. Smiling, you walked with him to sit down on the foot of the bed and just held his hand for a while. Per usual, he traced lines around it and brought it up to his lips in kissed your palm. He kissed the tips of your fingers. He did it with the other hand too.

            “You know, I do have a hand .” he let out awkwardly, turning his body to face yours a little more. He still had a firm grasp on your hand. “I love hands. I love them on me. I wasn’t nervous when you first touched me, because your hands were on me. I- I love hands. I love being touched. I like them around my . I like them in my hair and on my stomach and around my neck.” he explained, and you just listened.

            “One time, I found someone who had really pretty hands. They weren’t as nearly as pretty as yours, but he had long fingers and big hands. I asked if I could kiss them, and he slapped me with those pretty hands. I think that was when I realized I loved hands. Something so beautiful brought me so much pain, and I thought I deserved that pain.

            “You didn’t deserve it.”

            “But at the time I thought I did.” he finished out. “When you touch me, use your hands as much as you can. People like being kissed every which where but hands for me are better than lips. Touch me like you’d touch fine China, please.” he rasped, and you drew your hand away and reached for the hem of his shirt. He leaned back on his own hands and you drew it up his body and he moved his arms to raise above his head and you pulled it off for him. It was all very slow; very careful. A shaky sigh escaped his mouth and his arms were at his side, and his skin was bare and open for you to touch.

            Gripping his hips, you pushed him farther up on the bed so his back was more towards the headboard. You made sure your hands had room to feel though, because once situated, you straddled him once again and ran your hands up his spine, feeling the bumps in his back from his bones and his scars. He shivered from the touch and you looked him dead in the eye and grinned a sly grin.

            “Don’t tell me you’re getting from me just running my hands along your body?” you asked, and Daehyun’s eyes were full of fire. He sniggered, but nodded as he settled his hands on your hips and rolled against your center. There was definitely something there, and it knocked the breath out of you as you dug your nails into his lower back. He smiled now and took it upon himself to kiss you while he fumbled with the hem of your shirt now.

            The kiss was soft, and you raised your arms and he dragged the garment off slowly, letting it ghost along your skin. Goosebumps rose up, and when it was off, Daehyun ran his hands along your arms and pulled you in for a hug. You slid your own around his shoulders and the two of you stayed pressed together in the embrace for some time.

            “I don’t want to let go.” Daehyun said, lips against your shoulder. You nodded in turn, but you began to move your hands around the expanse of his back again, stopping here and there to really map out a bone or a cluster of scars from you guessed his skin problems. “Don’t do that, it’s nasty.” Daehyun complained, but you pulled back a little and smiled at him.

            “Nothing about you is nasty. Not even your imperfections. It adds charm if anything. Who could have guessed someone as handsome as you could have flaws?” you asked, and Daehyun sighed. He moved his hands along the curves of your side and grinned when he felt it tense under the touch.

            “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” he replied, brushing his fingertips along your stomach and softly tracing them up your skin and letting them rest over your clothed s. The way he touched you, you knew he didn’t have all that much lustful thoughts. They were more pure; a pastel pink color of his lips where he wanted to make love and not just . You took your hands off his back and brought them to cup his face and you leaned in and kissed him chastely. He let a small whine move past his lips once you left him, and you set your hands on his stomach and rand your fingers through his abs and watched as the muscles twitched below.

            “What are you wanting to do?” he asked, running his thumbs right on the skin that peeked out from atop your bra. He ran them a bit lower and chuckled when he felt your hardened buds. Blushing some, you swatted away his hands, but he placed them back right away and you just groaned.

            “I want you to touch me. I want to touch you. I want your bodies to be pressed together.” you listed, and Daehyun nodded, retracting his hands and trailing them down your body until they were on his own. He lifted a brow and tossed his head a little to motion you to move down, or rather, off as he ed his pants.

            You kneeled beside him and watched as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband and pulled them down his legs. He kicked them off when they were at his feet and pushed them off the edge of the bed. Once done, he laid back down and your eyes found it hard to not be fixated on the bulge in his boxers. He saw your eyes drifting and a grin spread across his face.

            “You’ve seen it once. Are you still that amazed? Is mine the first you’ve ever seen?” he asked, and that brought you back as you flicked his nose and ruffled his hair.

            “If I told you, I might have to kill you.”

            He laughed as you removed your pants too and tossed them off into an aimless area of you room. Daehyun eagerly awaited you crawling back on top of him and let out a shaky breath when he felt your body press down on his hard on. You saw his face was knit with frustration, and all you could do was laugh as you rolled your hips down and against him. It was supposed to make him writhe, but it tortured you too unbeknownst to him.

            Daehyun threw his head back and it pressed into your pillows. He took heed and grabbed a spare one and covered his face with it, but you wrestled it off him and pinned his arms above his head. You made sure it wasn’t too hard though, because you didn’t want to scare him in all this. His face was red with embarrassment and arousal and he was breathing deep and slow. At that, you let go.

            “I want you so bad right now.” Daehyun whispered, placing his hands on your shoulders and grinding against you. “You have no idea. I want to be closer to you than ever before. , you have no idea.” he said, and he took one of your hands and placed it on his chest over his heart. “Just feel how fast it’s beating. That’s all because of you, you know that?”

            Smiling, you nodded, needing to feel him grind into you again. Leaning forwards some, you let your head rest on his chest and pressed your ear to hear his heart beat as you let out a unsteady breath and just let your body move.

            It was entertaining to hear his heart rate increase and he stated gasping every so often if you moved your hips just the right way; right where was sliding in and out of the creases if your body.

            “God,” he hissed, lifting his head up to look at you. “You’re soaking, you know? Just cut to the chase. We both want it.” he groaned, but you sat up and wagged your finger.

            “What the fun if there’s no Daehyunnie?” you replied, voice chipper with a smile on your face. “Besides, I only just recently started feeling like this while you’ve been hard since I touched your back. You’re weak.” you joked, and Daehyun let out a small laugh before his face went back to one of pleasure as you slid against him again.

            “It’s going to be so easy to get into you.” he thought aloud. “I haven’t had with a girl in a long time.”

            “What about the one on the couch?” you asked, and without missing a beat;

            “Doesn’t count. She was a chore, not a person.” he replied. “Please, I’m begging at this point. I want to just… I want us both to feel good. I want to hear you make cute little noises and be happy because of me for once.” he pleaded.

            “You’ve always made me happy, regardless of if we would have had or not.”

            “I doubt it.” he snickered, gripping your upper arms and holding you still. “We can either settle this with you riding me or me flipping you over so fast your head will spin and me ing you senseless, and I don’t mean this as a threat, I mean this as if you keep going at this pace, I’m going to and that will be embarrassing.”

            “God, you boys are so pathetic. Also, if you decide to top me now, I’m going to be pissed, because you seem like a prime bottom boy.” you chuckled. It sounded almost threatening, the laugh did, because Daehyun’s grip slackened and you took that as he was scared. Sitting up now, you reached for his face and caressed it while it relaxed.

            You drew away and reached behind your back to the clasp of your bra and undid it slowly, letting it snap before it hung on your body by your shoulders. Daehyun’s eyes were focused more than ever and you watched his throat clench as he swallowed, waiting.

            You pulled one strap down before wiggling on his lap, and he squeaked, loud, his eyes half open and glaring at you. Daehyun his lips as you let the other strap fall, but you brought your arms in to push your s together and not let the rest drop. Daehyun held on to your hips and ground his hips up, hard. You felt yourself falter as your body shook and a whimper slipped out. He smiled, and your arms were just loose enough that the bra fell down your arms a little more and exposed the top of your s. Daehyun’s smile seemed to grow wider as you let your arms drop, and the bra fell.

            Daehyun whistled, and you, in turn, smacked his chest and he just laughed.

            “Shut up!” you yelled, and he rolled his eyes and took the bra and discarded off the bed too. You looked away, but Daehyun’s eyes were fixed on you.

            “God, you’re flawless.” Daehyun said exasperated.

            “I don’t like them.” you replied, but Daehyun put his hands back on your body and ran them up the curves of your hips and your waist and he s them to the front, and with an asking look, he inched further up to touch your s, and you nodded.

            Eagerly, he took them into his hands and felt them, pushing them together and smiling small when they bounced.

            “I do though. They’re just the right size and they feel awesome.” he said, punctuating the inflection on awesome. You rolled your eyes, but it was sweet.

            You waited patiently as he played around with them, pinching your s with his thumb and pointer finger every so often and rolling them, making your head loll onto your shoulders and rest.

            Your head jerked up though when you heard the bed creak as Daehyun sat up and at one, making you gasp. He didn’t even give you time to compose yourself as he on it while still pulling at the other. This time, it was you who was begging.

            “D-Daehyun!” you gasped. “! Don’t- Do- !”

            “What’s wrong? Am I being too rough?” Daehyun asked, worry latent in his expression. You panted though and shook your head.

            “Okay, I think now I’m ready. This… I love you. I just love you and we’ve been dragging this out for too damn long.” you said, and he lifted a brow while still fondling your s.

            “We? If I remember correctly, you’re the one who asked ‘What’s the fun if there’s no ,’ no?” he teased, but you glared at him and grabbed his wrists.

            “I’m serious Daehyun. I want you. Now.” you demanded, and there was a spark in Daehyun’s eyes that ignited. You watched as he actually did flip you over and dominate a kiss then fumbled hastily for the boxers around his waist. It wasn’t graceful in the slightest as he wrestled them off his legs and flung them off to the side. He was laughing at himself almost and then felt embarrassed at you looking right at .

            “Stop staring.” he said as he worked off your . Once the cold air hit you, you gasped, and Daehyun shushed you with another kiss as he worked around again positioning you both.

            Daehyun sat with his back against the wall, slightly angled so there was a pillow pressed against his lower back. He had managed to lift you on top of him so you were once again straddling him, and he was so close to being in you. Your bare rubbed against and it made the both of you grasp for purchase. You held onto his shoulders while he gripped at the sheets, and in that second, you made eye contact, and laughed.

            “Should we just… you know,” Daehyun started out, meekly grinning. “Get it over with? Or do you really want this to have reason? Do you want me gasping your name by the time we’re done or are you looking for something quick?” he asked, and you played with your hair a little and thought about it.

            “I want this to mean something, for sure, but I don’t… I don’t know if this will change our relationship. After this, I want us to clean up and cuddle and tomorrow morning you’ll be making breakfast-”

            “What makes you think I won’t?” Daehyun asked, and before you could speak, Daehyun cut you off. “I’m serious here. If you keep grinding on me, I’m going to . Let’s talk about this later of we need to. But for now,” he said, gripping your hips and lifting you up. He let go as you balanced on your knees and he shivered as he aligned himself at your entrance. You both look at each other and meekly smiled.

            “No going back now.” he said. You nodded, and Daehyun let out a sigh before he motioned for you to lower down, but he stopped abruptly, and you drew your eyebrows together while he grinned. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked, and again, you smacked him on the chest before grinning yourself.

            “Yes.” you replied. “And if you stop me again I’m going to seriously hurt you.” 

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I found your story by chance on a really bad day, and I just have to say: It made my day. Your fanfic was just amazing! The way the characters were imperfect and flawed and broken made them feel real. The plot, although minimal, was great for depicting the personalities of the protagonists. Also, your writing... Damn, it's just so good! It's actually flawless and well, it really drew me in to the story. All in all, I guess that I want to say that you "have the gift", and to thank you for this amazing piece of writing!
Omg. Can i just say that i feel so proud right now. That i have stumbled over this RYstory. I didn't think i'd read this in the beginning and i didn't like stories where they were discontinued. So i was hesitating cause usually authors never update even by social demand. AND I SURE AS HELL DONT REGRET READING THIS STORY ONE BIT.
Chapter 5: *dead* the development is just so real omfg
Chapter 6: I just wanted to say that I ran into this story by chance and it was really beautiful. I really don't see prose like this on aff that's so beautiful and meaningful but not overdone. The characters really spoke to me and were perfectly imperfect in a way that felt so real. I was just planning on reading one chapter and going to bed, but you forced me to stay up 3 hours later to read the whole thing. I blame you for my sleep deprivation! Seriously though, this story was amazing and I'm really looking forward to the sequel *^^*
Chapter 5: Beautifully written...
yuuki_kibum #6
Chapter 5: Kawai authornim kawaiii....waiting desperately for the sequel..<3
This is just... AMAZING!!, just amazing!!!
It was beautiful from the beginning to the end. Perfect!, the only thing I don't like is the idea of me not reading this sooner!!
Your an incredible author, and I am really looking forward for the sequel to this truly magnificent story.

Every sentence of every chapter, Had me on my toes, your writing style is so captivating and pure spotless, the way you describe each scene and plot, I couldn't wait until I finished the chapter to go to the next, it was that excellent!!!

I'm sorry, but I just can't get over this story AND your skills in writing, I really envy you, and I hope that one day I could be half as wonderful as you are. ^_^
Chapter 3: I'm crying.
Nope. This is not good. My mom's looking at me and I cannot be crying. I need to compose'
I'm so proud that the Baby fandom has a writer like you
Wow. This scene was amazing. Daehyun crying all night on the bus tears at me and you really know how to write things so beautifully.

I'm sorry if it's the same praise over and over but there's no way for me to express how I feel unless you see me actually crying and hurting. This is so beautiful.

And the metaphor with the wind was so beautiful.
speechless is all ♥
Chapter 2: you hurt my heart with every sentence here and it's so realistic, it's amazing
the way you describe Daehyun physically getting smaller and his eyes losing their luster is incredible and your attention to detail is really fantastic too, chewing like a cow haha

their relationship is amazing and he's the absolute cutest, ugh
feels i tell you

adorable daehyun on christmas >~< it just breaks my heart that he has so much and yet so little
he's like an injured kid here and his past just makes him all the more vulnerable
sigh i just want to gather him up and hold him until he's okay
your detail
dasljghadkjghad i cannot stop the praise >~< so talented

everything';s so sweet when it comes to this boy