
Internal Struggle


The atmosphere in Infinite's hide out was a little better than earlier on that day. Hoya had returned from where ever he had stormed off to and had meekly apologized to Sunggyu. The eldest had pulled him into an embrace, one that a parent would give a miserable child. Woohyun was once again reminded of how important Sunggyu was to these boys, how important he was to the slum folk.

Woohyun still didn't know what his father had been up to but he now knew that it was his job to be Sunggyu's support, to protect him while he was protecting everyone else. The rest of the evening had passed without incident. He and Sunggyu had shared a couple of flirty glances or accidental brushes of their hands as they walked past one another. During dinner time as inhaled the too salty Kimchi stew, they had sat close, holding hands under the table. 

L and Hoya had gone off to bed first followed not long after by Sungyeol. Woohyun suddenly felt very nervous, he was alone with Sunggyu. He could have laughed at how ridiculous it sounded after all he had been alone with Sunggyu many times and he had been the one to kiss Sunggyu. He glanced over at the other boy who had opened one of the windows and had pulled a chair up along side it. A beer sat in his hand, one that Hoya must have brought in as a peace offering.

Woohyun bit his lip, he knew that he was in love with Sunggyu and he was sure that the other boy had feelings for him too. He knew that he wanted to be with Sunggyu, have a relationship with the boy, let everyone know that they belong to one another yet it was the more intimate part of a relationship that terrified him. Woohyun may have come across as a greasy flirt but he was in fact a newcomer to intimacy.

Sunggyu however was not, at least it seemed that he was not. Woohyun shook his head. He couldn't hide from Sunggyu now besides the leader was a good person, he wouldn't want to rush into something like this. He walked over to Sunggyu moving one of the chairs beside Sunggyu's. He sat without looking at Sunggyu, he didn't want the other boy to see how nervous he was.

"About that kiss earlier, I...I really like you Sunggyu, there is just something about you that makes me feel safe. I know that we haven't really know each other for very long yet I feel like I have known you my whole life. I I know that I love you and I want"

Having wondered why the other boy hadn't made so much as a peep during his little confession he looked over at Sunggyu, only to find that the boy was fast asleep, his chest rise and falling deeply. Woohyun rolled his eyes, just his luck to confess his undying love when his love interest was asleep. He carefully removed the bottle from Sunggyu's hands and closed the window. He found a thin blanket uneveningly folded which he used to drape over the softly snoring leader. Woohyun frowned, even when the older boy was asleep his face was scrunched up as if deep in thought.

Looking around the empty apartment Woohyun suddenly realised that he was very much alone and that he hadn't reported in since he had arrived. Berating himself he quickly fetched his jacket which he slipped on just as he was putting on his shoes. He wondered whether he should leave a note but decided not as he would only be gone for a short while.

He slipped out of the apartment just as Sungyeol was getting up to fetch a glass of water.


Consul Lee Sungjong scanned the faces of the crowd, most of them disgusted him, they seemed so naive, so ignorant. They were like cattle, so easy to command. He glanced towards the corner where the journalists were. He pulled his lip back in disgust, they were like vultures, always trying to pick up on a good story so they could get a pat on the head from some balding boss who couldn't care less about the news. Sungjong could every one of them murdered but unfortunately he needed them, at least for now. Once he had reached full power, the weaker elements of society would be weeded out and destroyed.

He turned his attention to the podium where Major Bang Yongguk stood addressing the crowd. Despite his ferocious ways, the soldier had a way with words. It had been one of the reasons Sungjong had chosen him to help him, that and the fact that he hated Sunggyu. Also he was easily control like a well trained dog. 

"Many of you have questioned  Consul SungJong's decision to disband the Guardians but there was a reason. We had hoped that we could do it peacefully so that none of you got hurt however you pushed for the truth. The truth is the Guardians were traitors, they have been feeding information to the terrorist cell known as Infinite for years. My men and I have been monitoring the situation closely but last weeks incident was the last straw. It was the work of a few select members of the organization and they have been taken into custody. They were lead astray by one of their own, Captain Nam Woohyun. You may recognize his name because he is the son of the traitor Nam Byunghee who tried to overthrow the government almost 5 years ago. Now his son is here to complete the task. Therefore we name Nam Woohyun an enemy of Shangri-la and let it be known that  he has a bounty on his head for 15000 gold coins. He is a traitor, like father, like son."

The crowd erupted into applause. Yongguk allowed them the moment before  he held up his hand for silence.

"However this is not the end. As you well know three days ago we captured an Infinite operative. Jang Dongwoo, he refuses to be of any help. He has spat on the graves of the innocent who died during last weeks attack. So in order to show those terrorists that Shangri-la will not bow down to fear tactics we have issued a public execution of the terrorist Jang Dongwoo who will be hung for his state crimes of Treason, conspiring to overthrow the government of Shangri-la, mass murder, conspiring with known criminals and terrorism. He will be hung tomorrow in the Grand Plaza. All are invited."

The crowd once again broke into applause, louder than before for now they were bloodthirsty.


It was late by the time Woohyun reached the home of Hwang Chansung. He was one of the contacts that Woohyun had unfortunately Woohyun still had no idea how to navigate the confusing, winding streets of the slums. Eventually an old women had taken pity on him and had lead him to Chansung's house. He knocked and waited for the door to open. He heard a voice shout some one in the house. As he waited he looked around and for a moment he thought he saw a shadow slink off into a corner but before he could look again the door opened.

Chansung looked angry for a moment before he realized who had woken him.

"Captain Nam?" He squeked.

Woohyun clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Quiet will you. Can I come inside?"

Chansung nodded as Woohyun's hand was still over his mouth before moving aside to let Woohyun in. Woohyun looked around the humble little house which Chansung called home. The other man was an ex-guardian who had quit the force for some unknown reason. He had kept in touch as a information collector.

"Captain, what are you doing here?"

Woohyun crossed his hands behind his back.

"I came to report in. You are the closest informant that I know of. I am undercover. I was sent to infiltrate Infinite"

Chansung shook his head.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant is why would you dare show your face to me?"

Woohyun frowned. He noticed that Chansung looked tense, his eyes kept darting towards the table to his left.

"What are you taking about Chansung?"

At that moment the informant launched himself to the left, his hand darting out to the table but it met empty air. 

A click sounded by his head. He gulped. Woohyun had reached the hidden gun first.

"Go ahead kill me."

Woohyun hand was shaking. He was confused.

"I am not going to kill you but I would like to know why you were going to pull a gun on me?"

Chansung stood up straight, the gun still aimed at his head.

"You are a traitor. Sungjong and his henchman announced it today. Apparently you have been working for Infinite for years feeding them information. Apparently your corruption spread, several Guardians were arrested for been corrupt. That's why he had them disbanded."

Woohyun took a step back as if the words had been a physical attack. He shook his head.

"No, No that is not true. I never worked for Infinite, I never feed them information and besides they are not the terrorists. They are good."

Chansung smiled cruelly.

"Oh don't act sweet with me sunshine. I have lived long enough to read between the lines. You work for Sungjong, that corrupt little bastard has his finger in every little pie. You must have done something really bad to piss him off so much that he would disown you. So tell me what did you do, try to overthrow him?"

Woohyun lowered the gun, his mind was too much of a whirl to carry on aiming at Chanung. Never man moved.

"I don't understand. I have never worked for Sungjong, I worked for the guardians and for General Choi. I went undercover because he...he wanted me to kill Kim Sunggyu."

His legs felt like jelly, his mind felt like it had a thousand bees buzzing around it. He located the closest chair and fell into it.

Chansung must have sensed something for he came to sit next to Woohyun. When he spoke his voice was low and comforting.

"You didn't know did you"

Woohyun could only shake his head for he was afraid that if he spoke then he would vomit.

"You didn't know did you? Well then that changes things. It is a lot to take in, trust me I know."

Woohyun looked over at Chansung. The older boy looked a lot older than he was, his eyes seemed vacant, his face haunted.

"What do you mean?"

Chansung sighed.

"I know because I was in a similar situation. Before I left the force I was quickly climbing the ladder of succession, this interested Sungjong and he called me one day to his office. He said that I was the perfect soldier, that I never strayed from the path of righteousness. He said that only I would do for what he had in mind. He made me the warden of the prison mines. Very few people know of them, they were Sungjong's idea. Rather than lock the so-called terrorists from the slums into beautiful Shangri-la send them away to work their sentences away at this mines. I naturally said yes, it seemed like a good idea and I was to naive to question it. For a while everything seemed fine, the prisoners that were sent to the camp seemed to be legit criminals but slowly I began to notice things. We were never told what the prisoners were mining for, except each rock was carefully packaged and sent away. Then I began to notice a change in the prisoners that were sent to us, they became younger, less like criminals and more like the servants that would work in our homes. Before I left we were receiving women  and children. I returned to Shangri-la and demanded an audience with Sungjong but he would not grant me one. Apparently I had quit the force and the Consul was not seeing citizens."

Chansung stood and walked over to the sink, he filled a kettle with water and put it on the old oven that sat in the corner of the room. Woohyun's scanned the small little room. An unmade bed could be seen through the door on the right, there wasn't any personal items except a photograph that hung up on the wall showing Chansung's graduation day from the Enforcer academy. His eyes flickered towards the window, a dark shadow hovered in the corner. Woohyun blinked and looked again, the shadow was gone. Trick of the light, he guessed. 

"Finally after a week of arriving back in Shangri-la Sungjong granted me an audience. He showed his real colours then. He said that the mines where unofficial, he said that there was richness in those rocks that would grant him the power he needed. He appeared to be mad, talking about empires and advanced weapons. Honestly it scared me and so I threatened to expose him. He laughed in my face, he said that no one would believe me, he said that while I had been gone, he had smeared my name. People believed that I had become overwhelmed and had gone slightly mad."

Chansung suddenly looked grieved.

"He then offered me a choice. I could move to the slums and become an informant or I would be sent to the very mines where I was warden. I was a coward, I chose to work for him in exchange for my freedom."

Woohyun was shocked at Chansung confession. He had honestly thought the other man was mad, or at least partly so. He had believed Sungjong's lie which made him wonder how much of his life was a lie.

Chansung poured two cups of instant coffee and handed one of the mugs over to Woohyun who had gone pale.

"So many lies. My whole life has been made up of lies and secrets. Why is Sungjong this?"

Chansung shrugged.

"I don't know. However I have found out something. It seems like he is getting rid of all those in law enforcement who are not loyal to him. The disbanding of the guardians is the biggest one yet. I fear that he is planning something big and it is going to happen very soon."

Woohyun got to his feet and set the mug down.

"Thank you for telling me. I have to go tell Sunggyu, he will want to know about this?"

Chansung's eyes widened.

"So you really are working for Infinite?"

Woohyun nodded.

"I am now."

Chansung bit his lip.

"They are good people. Especially Sunggyu, he does a lot for the slum folk. Listen there is something else that they announced today, something that Sunggyu will want to hear."

"What is it."

"They are going to hang Jang Dongwoo tomorrow for crimes against Shangri-la."


Dongwoo pushed the meagre portion of Kimchi and steamed barley. He knew that he should eat the food at least to keep his energy up but the thought of eating made him feel ill. He was to be executed the next day. 

Yongguk had announced it that day during their usual round of interogations. The soldier had burst into the room, a malicious sneer on his face. He had strolled over to Dongwoo who flinched away waiting for the fist to connect with his aching, bruise cheek. Yet it never came instead Yongguk pulled up a chair. 

"Guess what. Seems like the Consul had deemed you to be useless. He.."

Yongguk seemed torn as if there was some invisible war going on inside of him.

"He has given the order for your execution. You will be publicly hung, tomorrow morning."

He had hung is head as if he was ashamed. Dongwoo had been too distraught to notice it then but thinking back he had heard the sorrow in Yongguk's voice.

"I will made sure that your death is swift and painless."

Dongwoo had began to cry at that point. It wasn't that he was afraid of dying he was after all part of Infinite, it was the fact that he would be leaving behind his boys, the people he considered family. He would be leaving behind Hoya, never again would he be able to kiss those sweet lips, or wrap his arms around the other. Hoya would be lost without him and he hated himself for the pain his death for inevitably cause his lover.

"Sunggyu and the other will rescue me."

Yongguk's attitude seemed to shift at the mention of Sunggyu's name, as it always did.


He had stormed out of the room then leaving Dongwoo alone with his thoughts. He knew that Sunggyu had a history with B.A.P but he wondered what his leader's relationship had been with Yongguk and what he had done to make the other boy hate him so much.Sunggyu was so secretive, he would always clam up whenever some one asked about his past.

Dongwoo sighed as he tried to make himself comfortable of the cold unforgiving floor of his cell. He knew that Sunggyu would eventually come for him, Hoya wouldn't let up until they did but unfortunately now it would be too late. All they would find is an empty cell and the news of his hanging.


Woohyun thanked Chansung as he exited the informants house. He had to get back to the hideout, he had to tell Sunggyu. He hurried along the street trying desperately to remember his way back. Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed him from behind and pulled him roughly into one of the alleyways. His attacker hurled him against the wall. He readied for a fight but his attacker stood back hidden in the shadows.

"Captain Nam Woohyun?"

Woohyun's heart dropped at the familiar voice saying his real name. His attacker stepped forward. Sungyeol stood facing him, his face was a mask of anger yet his eyes swirled with fear and betrayal.

"How did you find out?"

Sungyeol's eyes narrowed.

"I followed you. I got up to get a drink of water when I saw you leave. I heard everything. The fact that you work for Sungjong and that you are here to kill Sunggyu. So this whole time you were a spy working for my brother. We took you in, feed you, told you our secrets. WE TREATED YOU AS IF YOU WERE FAMILY. You made my brother fall in love with you."

The last part of the sentence was filled with so much venom that it sent a shiver of fear up Woohyun's spine. He shook his head, tears had begun to fall. He knew this must have looked bad. He took a step forward but Sungyeol backed away.

"No please Yeolie..."

"Don't you dare call me that."

Woohyun let out a small cry. He had to make Sungyeol believe him.

"Yes I was sent here by Sungjng to kill Sunggyu, but that was before I met you guys. The minute I realised that I set eyes of Sunggyu I knew that I couldn't kill him. I am in love with you brother and for the first time in my life I feel like I belong. I didn't know that Sungjong was your brother."

Sungyeol shook his head as he began to pace.

"Why should I believe you hey. Why? You are a spy, a killer. WE TRUSTED YOU!"

"Please Sungyeol just let me explain. If you don't believe me at the end then you can hand me over to Sunggyu."

Sungyeol looked torn but after a moment he crossed his arms and nodded for Woohyun to talk. And so Woohyun explained everything right from his assignment to the news of Dongwoo's impending death. The whole time Sungyeol remained silent and still so similar to the way Sunggyu had held himself only earlier that day.

Finally when Woohyun came to an end Sungyeol bit his lip and nodded.

"Okay I believe you but I don't trust you. Why not come clean after you found out about Sungjong's real intentions?"

Woohyun frowned, honestly he wasn't sure why maybe because as Namu, he had no past that could haunt him, he had felt so welcomed as Namu but as Nam Woohyun, he would be held at arm's length like people had done all his life. His peers back in Shangri-la did it because of his father's treachery and Infinite would do it because he was a liar and a spy. Perhaps also because he did not want to see Sunggyu look at him the way that Sungyeol was looking at him now. So cold and unforgiving.

"I am so sorry. I should have come clean but I...I don't know. So what are we going to do now."

Sungyeol looked away.

"I will keep your secret for now. Despite everything I haven't seen my brother so happy in a long time. The way that his face lights up when you are with him"

Sungyeol sighed.

"Sunggyu has so much responsibility, he needs some one to love him and right now you seem to be giving him strength. If what you say is true than Sungjong is preparing for something. Something big and Sunggyu is going to need all the help he can get. But so help me, if you so much as step a toe out of line, I will kill you."

He didn't wait for Woohyun to answer instead he began to walk off. Woohyun ran after him.

"Wait where are you going isn't the apartment in the other direction?"

"Yes but we are not going to the apartment."

Woohyun put a hand on Sungyeol's shoulder but the younger boy shook it of like it had burnt him however he still stopped.

"I am going to save Dongwoo."

Woohyun's eyes widened.

"Are you insane. You can't go alone. We should go get the others."

Sungyeol shook his head.

"No that would take to long. Dongwoo will be killed in a few hours and I am going to try my best to get him back. Besides the fewer people that go the save him the better. Less noticeable."

Woohyun wanted to argue but found he couldn't. Saving Dongwoo would also help cement his loyalty to Infinite and Sunggyu.

"Alright then I am going with you. I can't let you go running off without back up."

Sungyeol laughed, it was not one of amusement though.

"Yeah right. How do I know that you are not just going to hand me over to the Enforcers when we get there?"

Woohyun walked up into Sungyeol's space and stared the younger boy down.

"Well you will just have to take that chance aren't you?"


Hey lovely readers. Here is the next chapter. I was meant to upload it yesterday but I ended up going to a Korean festival (SO MANY HOT KOREAN BOYS ASDFGHJKL) and yeah I kinda got sidetracked. Anywho hope you enjoy the chapter.


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Chapter 9: Whyyy..!!! I don't understand...Why all good stories have been left incomplete...
U need to update or else I will die from too much suspense..!!!
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Chapter 9: Update needed please i read it and it is interesting...
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 9: Daebak!!! I cnnot wait for the update...
Wow this fic is awesome!! All the time i was reading it i felt so immerse on it and always on the edge thats how exciting reading this fic authornim and im so looking forward for the continuation soo pls~ pretty pls~ dont abandon this fic and continue this soon~ it will be such a waste for a brilliant fic worthy of praise to be neglected, unfinished and forgotten it will be such a heartache and a waste --- i feel like crying!! Nooohhh pls~ dont to this to me -- this fic has been close to my heart that it hurt me that its was not updated for toooo long huhuhu...
Chapter 9: OMG please update this story, it's amazing. Please do no give up on this story yet
Patricia318 #6
Chapter 9: Please, update, I really love this story
Chapter 9: BABY DONGWOO *hugs him tightly
green-tea123 #8
Chapter 9: AISH! CLIFFHANGER! ( *–.–)√ update juseyo! /^o^\
Oh! please dont let them kill dongwoo HUHUHU TT.TT and hope that wooyeol is going to be safe.
AikaMasara #9
Hi! I loove your story! But I have a question, have you read Saiyuki? I only noticed it now the reference to Shangri-la.. ^ ^
Ivettie25 #10
Chapter 9: Great chapter!!! Love it. Cant wait for your next update!!! ♥