In the wolf's lair

Internal Struggle

Finally the two arrived outside a rundown, boarded up warehouse that sat on the bank of the river. A faded placard alongside it said that it had once been called the Han River. Sungyeol pulled aside a rotten board and indicated for Woohyun to go through.

He hesitated for a moment before he crawled through. He looked around the warehouses as Sungyeol crawled through behind him. It was completely different from the outside it was brightly lit and was filled with furniture, electronics and a number of unmade beds.

“Home sweet home” Sungyeol said coming up behind him. He clapped Woohyun on the back and proccedded further into the warehouse.

“Come through to the kitchen. I will introduce you to the family.”

The kitchen was apparently behind some creepy looking tarping. Sungyeol said kept the smell of the food from spreading out of the warehouse.

“We are not actually supposed to be here you see as this place was condemned years ago. Like you, most of us are runaways and we needed a safe haven. My half brother and I found this place and we created this epic place.”

They walk through the tarping. The first thing that he noticed was the delicious smell of frying pork belly. He noticed a boy sitting curled up in a corner reading a book. He barely looked up when Sungyeol greeted him.

“Don’t worry about him. Myungsoo is a bit of an awkward flower which is why he also goes by the name L.”

He cleared his throat “Dongwoo hyung get your dino out here. I have a present.”

He whispered excitedly “He is going to love you.”

“Yeollie how was town...WHO THE HELL IS THIS?”

Sungyeol clapped his hands “This is Woohyun but he goes by Namu...”

Dongwoo threw the wooden spoon that had previously been in his hand at Sungyeol’s head. Woohyun took a step back.

“Dammit Sungyeol what have I said about bringing strays home. Look at the last one, he is bloody useless.”

He pointed to the boy in the corner who rolled his eyes before going back to his book. Sungyeol grabbed Woohyun’s face and pulled their faces togetherso that their cheeks were squished against each other.

“Oh please can we keep him. Please hyung.”

Dongwoo sighed “I don’t know Yeollie, we barely have enough food for ourselves not to mention he looks like a privelged.”

Sungyeol pulled a face “Well it is not up to you. It is up to my brother...”

A husky voice came from behind them “What is up to me?”

The owner of the voice was the most beautiful being Woohyun had ever seen. His shaggy auburn coloured hair framed his chubby cheeks. His eyes were tiny yet they radiated authority and judging by the way that the other men in the room seemed to stand up straighter, this man was the leader. He walked further into the room followed by another serious looking man.

“Woohyun this is my brother Sunggyu and Gyuzizi, this is Woohyun also known as Namu, he needs a place to stay. Please Gyu can he stay?”

The boy called Sunggyu sighed and looked Woohyun up and down as if he was scrutinzing him. Woohyun felt his cheeks burn. Sungyeol explained who Woohyun was to the good-looking man whom Woohyun was busy staring at. He had gotten so lost in the other boy’s charm that he had failed to realise that his object of his affection was talking to him.

“Sorry what did you say?”

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow but continued anyway.

“I said that my dear brother here has made a good case for you and so I have decided to let you stay with us under the condition that you pull your weight around here unlike some one I know.” He glared over Woohyun’s shoulder at L.

He continued “So Woohyun you can stay here with us. Now Sungyeol report to the conference room. Come on Hoya.”

Sungyeol and the two other boys walked towards another closed off room. Woohyun took a step forward.

“Hey Lee Sunggyu thank you very much I promise you that I will do my best.”

Sunggyu laughed which was the most beautiful sound Woohyun had ever heard.

“No problem but Sungyeol is only my half brother. My name is Kim Sunggyu.”

Woohyun felt like the ground had been pulled from under him. The good looking boy was Kim Sunggyu, the leader of the gang Infinite that could only mean that he had unintentionally walked in the wolf’s lair.



Sunggyu paced the conference room with his hands in his pockets. He looked less than happy. Hoya lay back on the seat with his feet on the big round table. Sungyeol watched his brother pace with a look of worry on his face.

“Hyung what are we going to do. They believe that we are the reason for the attack. They are blaming us. We would never hurt innocent people.”

Hoya sighed, removed his feet and sat forward. “We know that Sungyeol but the citizens of Shangri-la don’t but I don’t care about those hopped up pricks what I am worried about is the other gangs. The other leaders are fuming, they are calling us hypocrites for always preaching about non-violence and then we supposedly do this. They are also blaming us for the increased Enforcer presence.”

Sunggyu gave a small cry and threw himself down on his chair. He covered his face with his hands.

“Okay we have to deal with this and disperse the situation before it explodes. It is too late today so we will start tomorrow. Sungyeol you, Dongwoo and Myungsoo will go out with some of our guys to start spreading the word that we had nothing to do with it. Hoya, I want you to meet with the other leaders and try defuse the situation. ”

Hoya pulled a face “Why must I meet with them, you are the leader of Infinite.”

Sunggyu nodded “True but you are a lot more approachable not to mention you can keep your cool better than I can.”

Hoya nodded in agreement. Sungyeol raised his hand.

“Hyung what are you going to do?”

Sunggyu’s eyes became steely. “I am going to figure out who did it and when I do I am going to take them down.”

He flicked his hand in dismissal.

“Sungyeol that Woohyun fellow, I don’t trust him. Tomorrow he will come with me where I can watch him.”

Sungyeol opened his mouth to argue but the look on Sunggyu’s face made him stop. Instead he bowed and walked towards the door. He had a sudden thought and looking over his shoulder he asked.

“Gyu you don’t think that it is him do you? I mean he may hate us but we are family.”

Sunggyu massaged his temples and didn’t speak for a while but when he did his voice was low and dangerous.

“I wouldn’t put it past that . He hates us and has always blamed us for the he did. What makes this any different? Sometimes I think that it is my fault that he ended up the way he did.”

Sungyeol walked back over to Sunggyu and pulled him into a tight hug.

“You are the best big brother a guy could ask for Gyu Gyu and I wouldn’t swop you for any one else.”

Sunggyu laughed and pushed Sungyeol away.

“Stop been so mushy you annoying choding. Now come on I am starving and if I am not mistaken Dongwoo was grilling up some pork belly.”



Woohyun poked around at the food on his plate. He couldn’t believe that the man who had literally swept him off his feet was his enemy. He couldn’t believe that this was the group that had attacked his city and killed so many people. They were just normal people.

 He watched from under his lashes. Dongwoo was dishing out the food onto six chipped plates. He kept muttering about strays and useless kids. He handed the plate to Woohyun who thanked him. The other boy clicked his tongue in reply before handing another plate to L who didn’t say anything but just started shovelling food down his throat.

The boy called Hoya had returned and walked over to Dongwoo. He placed his hand on the small of the boy’s back and placed a small kiss on his cheek. The action was surprising and it must have shown on his face as L suddenly spoke up, low enough that only Woohyun could hear.

“Don’t worry you will get used to it. Just be grateful that that was the first thing you saw. I walked in on them doing the nasty.”

He shivered and went back to his food.

Woohyun blushed at the boy’s words and put a piece of pork in his mouth. He had no appetite but he didn’t want them to suspect him. The food tasted like sawdust in his dry mouth. He was nervous about been surrounded dangerous criminals but they seemed so down to earth. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Laughter from the other side of the tarping drew Woohyun’s attention. Sungyeol was the first to walk in followed by Sunggyu who directly at him, their eyes met and for a moment it felt like time had stopped. Woohyun felt his heartbeat increase and he quickly looked away missing Sunggyu’s look of suspicion.

The two brothers sat down and Dongwoo handed over their plates, which they naturally began to shovel down their throats. Sungyeol moaned in appreciation.

“This is so delicious umma what do you do to make it so nice.”

Dongwoo glared at Sungyeol but it no affect on the boy. “I AM NOT YOUR UMMA!”

Sunggyu hit Sungyeol across the arm as punishment. “Don’t call him umma yeolie”

“Thank you Gyu hyung.” He then punched Sunggyu gently “And don’t hit my kids!”

The table burst into laughter and it was infectious because Woohyun found himself laughing along. His eyes meet the smiling ones of Sunggyu’s, he felt all of his nerves drain away and he soon found himself enjoying himself in a way that he never had before.He found himself forgetting that these people were criminals and instead felt like he was hanging with friends that he had known his entire life.

Soon everything that he had ever known would be turned upside down.


Here is the next chapter. I am so so sorry that it is short. I swear that the next update will be a lot longer. Promise!!!! Thank you dear readers for reading!

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Chapter 9: Whyyy..!!! I don't understand...Why all good stories have been left incomplete...
U need to update or else I will die from too much suspense..!!!
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Chapter 9: Update needed please i read it and it is interesting...
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 9: Daebak!!! I cnnot wait for the update...
Wow this fic is awesome!! All the time i was reading it i felt so immerse on it and always on the edge thats how exciting reading this fic authornim and im so looking forward for the continuation soo pls~ pretty pls~ dont abandon this fic and continue this soon~ it will be such a waste for a brilliant fic worthy of praise to be neglected, unfinished and forgotten it will be such a heartache and a waste --- i feel like crying!! Nooohhh pls~ dont to this to me -- this fic has been close to my heart that it hurt me that its was not updated for toooo long huhuhu...
Chapter 9: OMG please update this story, it's amazing. Please do no give up on this story yet
Patricia318 #6
Chapter 9: Please, update, I really love this story
Chapter 9: BABY DONGWOO *hugs him tightly
green-tea123 #8
Chapter 9: AISH! CLIFFHANGER! ( *–.–)√ update juseyo! /^o^\
Oh! please dont let them kill dongwoo HUHUHU TT.TT and hope that wooyeol is going to be safe.
AikaMasara #9
Hi! I loove your story! But I have a question, have you read Saiyuki? I only noticed it now the reference to Shangri-la.. ^ ^
Ivettie25 #10
Chapter 9: Great chapter!!! Love it. Cant wait for your next update!!! ♥