Through the Slums

Internal Struggle

Woohyun clutched the bedding to his chest as he watched Infinite get ready for bed. He flinched back as a pillow flew past his head narrowly missing him. Woohyun still couldn't believe he was in the lair of Infinite, the supposedly deadly terrorist group who had killed so many innocent people instead they reminded him of a completely crazy yet tight knit family.

Sungyeol and L were having a pillow fight or at least Sungyeol was attempting to have a pillow fight. L merely lay on his bed while Sungyeol threw pillows at him. Dongwoo was running around trying to set up a bed for Woohyun while Hoya was cleaning a gun on his and Dongwoo's shared bed. Dongwoo grabbed the bedding out of Woohyun's arms and threw it haphazardly onto the bed before turning to Woohyun with a warm albeit creepy smile.

"You will be sleeping here for tonight. Sunggyu sleeps on the left and Mir sleeps on your right. Don't worry they are heavy sleepers."

Woohyun frowned"Who is Mir?"

Dongwoo'w mouth rounded "Oh gosh how forgetful of me. Mir is from MBLAQ but he lives here because he is did of close to Sunggyu. How do I explain? Ah yes, the guys you met today are like a family but we have other branches of family who sometime come to live here with us..." 

He trailed off when Woohyun's confusion seemed to grow. L sighed loudly from his bed, swinging his legs off the bed, he hauled one of the pillows at Sungyeol and walked over to Woohyun and Dongwoo.

"What the useless hyung is trying to say is Infinite is a gang, everyone knows that, but we are actually composed of al lot of smaller gangs. We are essentially the heads, the government of the gangs. They work for us, follow our rules and report directly to us but they mostly stay in their own places and do their own thing. However a few of the guys stay with us and they work directly for Sunggyu, like Mir does."

Woohyun nodded, this information was completely new to him but the earlier incident with the group of miscreants now made sense. They had been scared of Sungyeol because he was an important figure within the gang.

"So is Mir the only one?"

Dongwoo gave an irritated laugh "Goodness no, I wish. No Mir is followed by his shadow, I mean his boyfriend Lee Joon. Honestly I have no idea what Mir sees in him. Mir is smart and graceful like a fox and Joon is a muscle pabo. Alas we also have Key,Chansung, Hyuk and Amber and then there is Donghae and Eunhyuk but they rarely pitch up anymore too busy being the married couple."

"Well my love there is no need to worry about that tonight."

Woohyun jumped at the voice. Hoya had sneaked up behind them and had joined the conversation.

"Sunggyu asked them to stay with their groups tonight except Mir of course. Leader-sshi is a bit worried after the attacks and he wants eyes on the ground in case something happens."

Dongwoo's eyes seemed to light up at the news "Well that is great news. I have less mess to clean up now nor do I have to listen to Amber's snoring." He clapped his hand and walked off towards his bed.

Hoya gave a small laugh and shook his head as he followed after his boyfriend.


Woohyun went to climb into his own bed but changed direction as the insistence of Sungyeol. He sat down at the end of the younger boy's bed and brought his knees up to his chest. He felt a little homesick not to mention awkwardly out of place. Sungyeol must have noticed this and he placed his hand of Woohyun's arm.

"I know that this is hard for you, the first night away from home is always the hardest but trust me it gets easier. I know that we are a little strange but you have to understand that life is the slums can be dangerous and we try to make it as good as possible. All of us here have been through the same thing."

He stopped and looked a little doubtful. When he spoke again it was low and serious.

"Listen I know that in Shangri-la thinks that we are some terrorist group filled with bloodthirsty lunatics but we are not. My brother started this gang to protect people in the slums. The gangs were out of control when we arrived, back then gang fights were insane and at least one killing happened every knight. In fact that is how we met Mir. He was left to die by the gang who jumped him. My brother saved him and the two of them came up with the idea to unite the gangs."

He let out a sad sigh

"My brother and I left home when we were just kids and he is all I have. Sure he can be an oddball and he can sometimes seem cold and distant but that is only because he shut his feelings away so that he could be strong for me.My brother is a good person no matter what people say about him."

He suddenly jumped to his feet almost knocking Woohyun off the bed. Sunggyu had appeared in sight with another boy behind him. The boy was about his age but his longish hair that was tied back in a half ponytail and his cute face made him look a lot younger.

Sunggyu walked towards his bed grabbing his night clothes and walked off towards the bathroom while Mir threw himself onto his own bed fully clothed while letting out a deep sated sigh.

"Mirea get of that clean bed with those dirty close and go get dressed."

Mir sighed and pushed himself up slightly. "Oh but umma I am so tired and besides this bed isn't clean, if you know what I mean."

Dongwoo squealed and hurried over to Mir pulling him up off the bed by holding onto his ear.

"Ow hyung that hurts."

Dongwoo pushed Mir in the direction of the bathroom just as Sunggyu walked out.

"Get in there and wash up you disgusting boy and how many times have I told you not to do the your nasty business in that bed, we have kids around."

Sunggyu raised his eyebrows at Dongwoo but walked away when the angry boy turned his glare towards the leader.

Woohyun watched with fascination as Sunggyu walked towards each of the other boys who were all tucked into their respective beds except Mir who was still in the bathroom. He gave each one of  them a small kiss on their foreheads and whispered something to each one of them.Woohyun excepted thenm to push him away yet each of them looked almost peaceful after their leader had wished them goodnight. 

His pajamas were a simple shirt and pants but they made him seem a lot softer than he had in his normal clothes. His face was clean which made him look like a normal guy instead of the enemy that Woohyun was meant to kill. He staring must have been blatant as Sunggyu glanced at him.

Upon seeing the newcomer his eyes narrowed until they become mere slits and his mouth became pinched before he rolled his eyes. The leader looked around to make sure that none of the others were paying attention to him. After seeing that none of them were he shuffled over to Woohyun's bed looking completely uncomfortable and awkwardly he leaned forward slightly and said in a quiet voice.

"Welcome to the family.I know we may not be what you are used to but I will try to make things easier for you. I am just glad that Yeolie has made a new friend  who he can actually talk to. I hope that you will be comfortable here and that soon you will feel like part of the family. But if you betray us in any way I will hurt you down and kill you slowly."

He straightened and gave Woohyun a small smile as if he hadn't just threatened to murder him.

"Goodnight Namu." he said before he climbed into his own bed and promptly fell asleep. Woohyun just stared at the sleeping boy. Sunggyu was a complete enigma.One minute he was been affectionate the next he was making death threats. He recalled the conversation he'd had just before with Sungyeol. He realised that Sunggyu was weary of him and for good reason. He had no idea how he could possibly kill them especially as he already found himself growing fond of the strange group and their charismatic leader.


Woohyun was so caught up in his musings that he didn't realise how much time had past until a hand waved in front of his face. He blinked away the daze that had gripped him and looked up at the owner of the hand. It was Mir.

"Hey man you spaced out a little there buddy."

He turned his head in the direction of where Woohyun had been staring. He gave a slow, exaggerated nod.

"Sunggyu is a good looking guy but he has a lot of baggage mostly because of the responsibility he bears."

He gave a sad smile

"Listen I don't really know you but Gyu is like a brother to me so I am going to give you some advice. He is extremely fragile. Sure on the outside he is all rough edges and protector of the universe mentality but underneath it all he is just a boy who has had a hard life.He loves this rag tag group more than anything and he would gladly give his own life if it meant them been happy. What I am trying to say is that Sunggyu has built these walls around his heart but once you are in then you will be loved forever."

He winked in hope that Woohyun had caught onto what he meant. He climbed into bed and whispered a small goodnight. Woohyun was about to ask Mir what he meant but he realised that while he had been contemplating the others had all fallen asleep and the warehouse was now dark except for the lamp that stood brightly next to his bed. 

He reached over and clicked the lamp off plunging the warehouse into darkness. He lay back into the surprisingly comfortable bed  and closed his eyes as he heard the gently snores coming from the others. He was surprised at how relaxed he felt around them and with that he feel asleep.


Woohyun slowly blinked his way into consciousness the next morning when he heard small whispers around him.

"You sure that he isn't a spy or something sent to take us out or something?" came a female voice.

Woohyun's heart leapt into his throat but he carried on pretending to be asleep.

A strange laugh sounded to his left side followed by a some what rough male voice.

"Oh come on Amber the boy was kicked out of his home. Why does everything have to be a conspiracy with you?"

The girl's voice came again.

"Oh come on we are meant to be a super awesome kicking gang and yet we let in any old strangers. Beside I don't trust him, I mean look at him he is so... aish I just don't trust him."

Another voice sounded also male but it held confidence.

"Well he is no better looking then me so I don't really give a damn. Besides he kind of looks like Taeminnie, my poor baby oh Taeminnie."

The boy's voice cracked in the end before he burst into tears. Another male voice could be over heard comforting the sobbing man.

Woohyun couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore and he sat upright in the bed while he took in the strangers that stood around in. They all seemed shocked for a moment before they moved away mumbling excuses about having things to do and places to be at. As they were leaving the sleeping area they past Sunggyu who had been leaning up against one of the random pillars that stood crudely in the middle of the floor. 

He patted the sobbing boy on the back before he walked over to Woohyun. Without saying a word he handed over the coffee cup that he had in his hand. Woohyun stared at it for a moment and then up at Sunggyu who rolled his eyes something he seemed to do often in Woohyun's presence. With his free hand he grabbed Woohyun's hand and placed the mug into it. Woohyun swallowed audibly at the feeling of Sunggyu's surprisingly soft hand on his, he tried desperately to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.

"Drink your coffee and don't worry it isn't poisoned or anything. It is actually good coffee Yeolie made it and he considers himself to be somewhat of a connoisseur."

Woohyun was skeptical but took a sip anyway. As the flavour melted into his tongue he closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure.

"Wow it must be really good."

Woohyun opened his eyes "No I just haven't had coffee in a while. hey what the heck are you doing?"

He noticed that Sunggyu was rummaged through his bag. his personal belongings. The leader didn't respond but after apparently having not found what he was looking for he gave a sigh of frustration he turned to Woohyun.

"Do you have anything decent to wear. These clothes are all to flashy and you will stand out like a sore thumb."

Woohyun shook his head and took another sip of the decadent coffee. Sunggyu rolled his eyes again before he disappeared off into the shadows. \he returned after a few minutes with a handful of dark clothes. He placed them at the end of the bed.

"Get dressed into these and then meet me in the kitchen for breakfast."


Woohyun stared at his reflection in the mirror. The clothes where slightly to big for him but they still looked okay. They style was completely different to what he usually wore. They were all black with a few zippers and spikes dotted around for visual effect. The more he looked at himself the more he liked it, they made him seem dangerous.

Finally happy with his appearance he walked towards the breakfast. The room was empty except for Sunggyu who was munching away at a bowl of cereal. He looked up at Woohyun as he entered and he seemed just a tad irritated.

"What took you so damn long. All you had to do was put on some clothes yet it took you half an hour. The others have all left and now we are behind schedule."

He pushed the bowl of cereal towards Woohyun and glared at the boy as he sat down. Woohyun decided that to stay quite would probably be a good idea at this point so he quickly shoveled the remaining cereal into his mouth. When he was done he looked up at Sunggyu.

"Sorry hyung-nim but can I ask you a question?"

Sunggyu let out a sigh and stood up.

"Yes but walk and talk like I said we have schedule."

Woohyun followed Sunggyu out of the kitchen.

"Who were those people around my bed this morning because of of them mentioned a Taemin and then started crying ."

Woohyun was surprised at the pain  that appeared on Sunggyu's face when he said Taemin's name.

"They were Amber, Chansung, Key and Hyuk. They work for me but they are part of smaller gangs. The guy who was crying was Key."

He sighed and Woohyun could almost see the pain and sadness that Sunggyu felt.

"Taemin was part of SHINee, they mostly deal in trading. He was young and actually only joined us a few years ago but he was so eager to please. His group loved him, we all did. Key probably more than anyone because he took the boy under his wing, protected him, treated him like a prince. Key is SHINee's Dongwoo, their umma. But a few days ago he went missing while on a routine run. Yesterday we got the news that his body had washed up some where and he had a bullet in the back of his head."

Sunggyu kicked out at the nearest which just happened to be a empty beer can. It launched across the warehouse and out of sight.

"Some one murdered the kid, they executed him like he was an animal. I swear when I find the person who did it, I will rip them apart limb for limb." he snarled the last words out the anger seeping out of him.

Woohyun stopped confusion bubbling within him.

"Wait so you didn't kill him?"

Sunngyu swung around to look at Woohyun, who was now mentally cursing himself for asking the question as the leader's face was filled with rage. He stromed over to Woohyun and gripped his arm, his strong hold creating bruises in the shape of fingers.

"How dare you say something like that. That kid was friend, he was different. He was kind and sweet.I would never have hurt him nor would any of my people."

He slowly backed away his fingers releasing from their hold. His face held a mask of angry curiosity.

"Why did you think that we had anything to do with his murder?"

Woohyun's mind whiled as he tried to come up with a good enough lie.

"It was in the newspapers back in the city. I saw it before I ran away. They said that you had killed him because he was a spy for the guardians."

Sunggyu shook his head and laughed.

"Stupid newspapers. Taemin... a spy. Wow they really do weave some nasty lies."

He laughed again as he opened the wood so Woohyun could step through. As he waited for Sunggyu for board up the hole, Woohyun watched him. He was sure that Sunggyu was telling the truth about not been Taemin's killer nor that they had known he was a spy. He bit his lip as that meant that the Consul had either told him the wrong information or had lied to him. Either way he didn't like it for he felt like he was playing a game where he merely a pawn and expendable one at that.


Sunggyu boarded up the hole. He saw that Woohyun was staring into the distance and he looked troubled. The leader was torn between comforting the stranger or pushing him into the freezing water of the Han River. He still wasn't sure if he could trust Namu as something deep within his gut was screaming out that the boy was a threat. Yet he had no idea how and so he would keep the stranger close and try ignore they gut feeling.

But that wasn't the only feeling he had to try ignore when it came to Namu. He had to admit that the boy was good looking. Sunggyu had for quite some time known he that he like the company of other guys but he had not had a lover for a long time at least not since Youngguk. He shook the thought from his head as it stirred up bad memories just like this boy was stirring up feelings he had buried a long time ago.

He shook his head again and walked over to Namu.

"Okay listen up noobie. You and I are going to play detective for today. Now I don't want you to talk to no one, I more or less want you to stand behinfd me and look pretty. Can you do that?"

Woohyun went bright red and nodded. He knew that Sunggyu hadn't actually meant he was pretty but it still sent a strange feeling up his spine. He couldn't help but smile brightly in Sunggyu's direction.  

However Sunggyu either hadn't noticed Woohyun's fanboy reaction or he just didn't care. He motioned for Woohyun to follow him and the two walked off in silence.


Sungyeol stomped out of the store shouting obscurities at the owner. He stomped over to were L was sitting and threw him the sandwhich which he held in his hand.

"Stupid moronic shop owner who does she think she is." 

L raised an eyebrow and assessed the situation. Judging by the look of the other boy's face this was probably one of those times that he should give some input.

"Why what happened?"

Sungyeol patted L on the back.

"See you ARE getting better with this whole interaction thing."

He flung his hands in the hair, his anger having returned.

"That girl said that we should have been the ones responsible for the bombings. She says that Sunggyu is too soft and that the gangs are growing tired of been in Shangri-la's shadow."

L didn't know how to respond and so did the only thing he was able to think off. Standing he pulled the furious boy into a hug. Despite the fact that he had done it to calm the other down he too was worried about the situation. He may not show it but he saw Infinite as his family. They had saved him from death when he had been kicked out of his own home and they had taken him in. 


Hoya massaged his throbbing temples as the leaders of the other gangs all shouted out their thoughts at the same time. 

"Sunggyu is a hypocrite preaching no-violence and then going against it."

"Why didn't he inform us of his plans."

"Oh come on guys do really think that Sunggyu would have ordered something like this."

"Yeah and you are stupid to believe the enforcers lies."

"How dare you call us stupid."

"Well he is right you guys are stupid besides Sunggyu is too weak to order such an attack."

"Who ever bombed them was on the right track I am sick to death of been at the mercy of Shangri-la. We should strengthen our attacks."

"I agree but why frame us."

"Yo does anyone have any chicken?"

Hoya flew to his feet and brought his fists down hard onto the table effectively stopping the conversation.

"Will all of you just shut up and listen for once. Infinite had nothing to do with the attacks in Shangri-la but Sunggyu sees this as an indirect attack on us. As we speak he is on the ground looking for any information of the true bomber. He intends to find them and take them out. Who ever is responsible for this will pay. "


Woohyun dragged his feet sluggishly behind Sunggyu as the older boy stopped every now and then to whisper secretively with people on the street. They finally arrived at a run down building that's top two floor had long since caved in. Sunggyu looked worried as he knocked on the door, he looked up and down the street. He turned to look at the sleepy Woohyun and whispered in a nervous voice.

"When we are invited in I want you to stay right behind me and keep you eyes to the ground. As long as you don't appear as a threat they will not hurt you and I don't want you to get hurt."

Woohyun found himself once again blushing at Sunggyu's words. He tried desperately to calm the butterflies in his stomach. The door swung open to reveal a youngish looking boy with a sour look on his face but a small smile appeared on his face at the sight of Sunggyu. 

"Hyungdon and Daejun will see you now."

Sunggyu nodded "Thank you Ilhoon." 

The boy lead them up a flight of rotting wooden stairs to a room. As they arrived outside the door Ilhoon stopped and grabbed Sunggyu around the arms coming a little to close for comfort or at least to close for Woohyun. He looked away and berated himself for the feelings of jealously that trembled through his body even though he had no reason to be jealous over a boy he had met only the day before. 

"Gyu have you had any news about my brothers, anything at all."

Sunggyu for the second time that day looked tired and sad. 

"A couple of my guys say Peniel was in one of the Enforcer camps but they moved him before I could send a rescue party as for Sungjae I haven' t heard any word. I am sorry kiddo but I promise we will not stop searching for them."

Ilhoon let out a sad sigh and thanked Sunggyu. He opened the door and stepped back to allow Woohyun and Sunggyu through. The room was a simple with a set of armchairs sitting in the middle of the floor. Ilhoon ordered them to wait in front of the chairs while he disappeared through a side door. 

While they waited Woohyun leaned towards Sunggyu to ask him about the enforcer camps that he had mentioned. 

"Sunggyu earlier you mentioned Enforcer camps but I have never heard of them."

Sunggyu pulled Woohyun behind him as the door opened again.

"There is a lot of stuff you don't know and I will explain it to you but later. Now get behind me and keep quiet."

Two men walked in. The first thing Woohyun noticed was that they were heavy set and that both of them could have easily passed for comedic uncle every family had. However his first impression was quickly shattered by the large display of deadly weapons each had adorned on their bodies and the fact that each were dressed in crisp black suits. 

The two men took to their seats while Ilhoon stood inbetween them. Sunggyu bowed slightly.

 "Don, Con Sirs please I would like to make a request for help."

The one in sunglasses steepled his fingers together.

"And why Sunggyu should we help you?"

Sunggyu put his hands in a defensive manner.

 "I know that we do not get along and have come to blows over our differences but right now we have to combine our forces in order to achieve something that we both want."

The other man sat forward, his eyes held a faint glimpse of curiosity and  something akin to lust. 

"And what exactly do we both want Gyu-Gyu."

Woohyun heard the other boy grit his teeth together at the nickname but his voice remained respectful.

"As we all know the current government of Shangri-la is more corrupt than it has ever been. They have even increased their control over our domain and I don't like that. So by combining my muscle and your intricate network of spies we will once and for all rid of Shangri-la's influence in the slums."

The two men laughed at his suggestion. Hyungdon smirked and stood up. He slowly made his way to over to Sunggyu the lust in his eyes seemed to multiply. He came face to face so that his chest was flush against Sunggyu's. 

"We are going to be risking a lot by lending your our spy network and we will need a little bit of compensation."

Woohyun gasped slightly as he realised what Hyungdon was getting at. The noise that he made drew the spy master's attention towards him. Hyungdon's eyes widened and his smile grew more creepy.

"Well well well who is this beautiful creature. If you allowed us some time with him then we have a deal."

He tried to move around Sunggyu to get to Woohyun but he was cut off as Sunggyu pushed him back and pulled Woohyun closer to him.

"Back off Don. He is not to be touched."

Don snarled at Sunggyu.

"And why not?"

Sunggyu grabbed Don's collar and lifted him slightly from the ground. His face was a mask of anger. 

"Because he...he belongs to me and me only! If you so much as touch a hair on his head them I will kill you."

DaeJun had joined the conflict.

"Careful Sunggyu do do not want to make a enemy out of us."

This seemed to make Sunggyu angrier as he threw Hyungdon to the ground. His voice was low and dangerous.

"No Con you don't want an enemy out of me. I run this town and if you mess with me than I will run you out of this town." 

He pushed Woohyun towards the door before he called out for Ilhoon.

"Ilhoon you are coming with me. I will not allow you to stay with these freaks any more."

Ilhoon smiled brightly as he ran towards Sunggyu and out through the door. 

Sunggyu stopped in the door way and turned back towards the older men.

"I am Kim Sunggyu and no one messes with me or my people."



Hello lovely readers, Hope you enjoy this chapter and it made sense. 

Thank you for to all my subbies and those who commented. I love you guys.


Mir is y... That is all!!!








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Chapter 9: Whyyy..!!! I don't understand...Why all good stories have been left incomplete...
U need to update or else I will die from too much suspense..!!!
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Chapter 9: Update needed please i read it and it is interesting...
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 9: Daebak!!! I cnnot wait for the update...
Wow this fic is awesome!! All the time i was reading it i felt so immerse on it and always on the edge thats how exciting reading this fic authornim and im so looking forward for the continuation soo pls~ pretty pls~ dont abandon this fic and continue this soon~ it will be such a waste for a brilliant fic worthy of praise to be neglected, unfinished and forgotten it will be such a heartache and a waste --- i feel like crying!! Nooohhh pls~ dont to this to me -- this fic has been close to my heart that it hurt me that its was not updated for toooo long huhuhu...
Chapter 9: OMG please update this story, it's amazing. Please do no give up on this story yet
Patricia318 #6
Chapter 9: Please, update, I really love this story
Chapter 9: BABY DONGWOO *hugs him tightly
green-tea123 #8
Chapter 9: AISH! CLIFFHANGER! ( *–.–)√ update juseyo! /^o^\
Oh! please dont let them kill dongwoo HUHUHU TT.TT and hope that wooyeol is going to be safe.
AikaMasara #9
Hi! I loove your story! But I have a question, have you read Saiyuki? I only noticed it now the reference to Shangri-la.. ^ ^
Ivettie25 #10
Chapter 9: Great chapter!!! Love it. Cant wait for your next update!!! ♥