Love was my down fall.

Internal Struggle

Major Yong Guk marched his way back to his private quarters. The few other soldiers he passed on his way quickly hid from sight. He had a bad reputation around Shangri-la, the whole of b.a.p did. They were considered the best of the best but he knew what people actually thought of them.

It was true that b.a.p were blood thirsty and cruel, their leader especially. They were called heartless and uncaring but each of them had their reasons why.

Yong Guk entered the code onto the keypad by his door. Hearing the click he pushed open the door and took a deep breath as the door closed behind him. He felt the stress of the day fall away at the familiarity of his room. He shuffled over to his neatly made bed and flopped down on it. Placing his hands behind his head he looked up at the roof. He began to dwell on the past.

All this talk about killing Sunggyu had reminded Yong Guk of why he hated the other boy. He Rolled over and stuck his hand behind the back of his bed and searched around. His fingers grazed across the photo and he pulled it out. It was an old photo with the corners curling and the colours fading. It showed Yong Guk and Sunggyu both younger and happier looking. Sunggyu's cheeks were chubbier while Yong Guk's eyes seemed to sparkly as he looked at the other boy.

Yong Guk rubbed a calloused thumb over Sunggyu's face. He remembered that day as if it had been yesterday.



"Gyu will you please slow down. Gyu... Gyu.?"

Yong Guk stopped realising that Sunggyu had run off and left him alone in a dark alley way. He groaned and was about to start walking in the direction that he had last seen Sunggyu when a dark shadow fell over him. He turned around just as a heavy figured landed on top of him toppling them both to the floor. He let out a breathless laugh.

"Gosh Sunggyu when did you get so fat. You're squishing me you flabby oath."

Sunggyu laughed.

"Aaw don't laugh, you know that you love my flab." he placed a small kiss on Yong Guk's lips. 

Yong Guk made an exaggerated face.

"I don't know I guess you could do to lose a lot of weight."

Sunggyu's jaw dropped and made to get up but Yong Guk pulled him back. He placed his hands over Sunggyu's cheeks and pulled the other boy into another, longer kisses. He felt Sunggyu smile into the kiss as he pulled his boyfriend closer. Finally the two of them pulled apart for air. 

Once they had gotten their breath back Sunggyu jumped to his feet and held out his hand to help Yong Guk up.

"Come on slow coach. I have be at home in hour an hour to make sure that the kids are feed and that Sungjong has done his homework before he goes to do his political chores"

Yong Guk gladly accepted the hand. He brushed the dirt off his back.

"Is he still enjoying it?"

Sunggyu nodded pulling a face.

"Honestly I can't believe how much fun he seems to be having. Apparently he has even gotten himself an internship with the consul."

Yong Guk scoffed at the world.

"Wow that's awesome but no offense but how can you and Sungyeol have such a loser for a brother."

Sunggyu glared at his boyfriend.

"Come on be nice, he is...just going through a stage and besides not everyone can be soldiers in life."

Yong Guk shrugged, he knew how protective Sunggyu was over his baby brothers but even he had to have realised how much Sungjong has changed. How secretive the youngest had become.

"Okay babe well let's just hope that he grows out of this phase because if he doesn't  then he is going to become a bigger than your dad."

"Stepdad." Sunggyu hissed out.

Yong Guk rolled his eyes.

"Right, sorry, your stepdad but Sungjong is heading down a very dark, evil road."

 He noticed that as they walked quietly down the pristine Shangri-la street that Sunggyu had a thoughtful look on his face. He knew from prior experience not to ask Sunggyu what was wrong at a time this this. 

He took the quiet time to relax. He didn't have much time to himself much this days especially as when he wasn't at school he was out training as a b.a.p agent. In fact him and Sunggyu had snuck out of training that day to spend some time together.

Suddenly Sunggyu gave a cry of excitement and ran off into a little boutique stores.

Yong Guk sighed loudly and sulkyingly followed after his boyfriend. It was a smallish shop but it had some awesome uni jewellery in which Sunggyu had been drawn to. 

"Guk look what I found." Sunggyu said ing out two silver bracelets.

Yong Guk raised his hands in a questioning gesture.

"What is that? Am I meant to be happy about bracelets?"

Sunggyu face changed from ridiculously happy to sour in a split second. It always amazed Yong Guk how fast Sunggyu could shift between his moods.

"No you idiot. These are not just ordinarily bracelets..."

He looked around him and lowered his voice.

"They are couple bracelets. I have been admiring them for a while and well I wanted to get them for us."

Yong Guk raised his eyebrows.

"You want to get couple bracelets with me?"

Sunggyu happily nodded before he carefully tied the bracelet around Yong Guk wrist.

"It symbolises that we are forever bound to each other and that no matter what happens to us in the future we will always have the other in our hearts."

Yong Guk smiled.

"Well then I will never take it off."


Yong Guk was awoken from his musings by a uniform knock at his door. He sighed and swung his legs off the bed. He strolled over to the door and was about to pull it open when a glint of silver caught his attention. His eyes fell to the old, worn out bracelet that hung off his wrist. He moved his other hand over it and the piece of jewelry. He sighed sadly and roughly pulled down his sleeve as he tried to hide the painful memory. 


Hoya ran frantically through the still deserted Slum roads. He had no idea what he was going to do, in fact he wasn't really thinking about anything but getting Dongwoo back. His heart was beating frantically in his chest while tears pricked at his eyes.

Just as he rounded a corner he ran straight into some one sending him and the other person to the floor. He quickly got to feet.

"So sorry man I didn't see you there."

"Don't worry Hoya. Its okay but will one of you help."

Hoya's eyes widened as he recognized the voice and he turned to look at the owner of it. Sunggyu held out his arm which was taken by Namu. Hoya looked around him, if he could maybe see a Enforcer then he could alert them to Sunggyu's presence and then he would be able to get his Dongwoo back.

He felt a comforting hand fall on his shoulder.

"I heard the announcement too listen we will get him back. I promise but right now we need to resemble the group and see what our options are."

Hoya shrugged off the hand, he couldn't deal with the sincerity and care he heard in Sunggyu's voice. It made him feel guilty for what he was planning to do. He started to back up suddenly overwhelmed by the feelings of guilt and fear. He couldn't betray Sunggyu, not after the older boy had taken him in and protected him from the cruel world but how could he leave Dongwoo to suffer on is own in the hands of the Enforcers. He felt tears begin to fall, he felt lost, alone and terrified. 

He felt to arms pull him into a hug.

"Shush Hoya. I promise I will not let those bastard get away with taken one of my boys. I will get him back. Shush I am here for you and I always will be."


Woohyun shifted his gaze away from the intimate scene. He was surprised once again at how caring Sunggyu was to his dongsaengs. The way that Hoya clung to Sunggyu reminded Woohyun of the way a small child would cling to their parents after a terrifying nightmare while the way Sunggyu Hoya hair whispering soothing words into the other boys ear was similar to how a parents would calm his child.

The scene reminded him of how his own father would soothe him. He remembered how as a child whenever he cried his father would pick him up and pull him close to him. He remembered the way he would rest his head over his father's heart just to hear the soothing beat. He frowned as he thought back to the things Sunggyu had told him. The older boy had spoken about a darkness that hung over the city, what had he meant by that.  



Yong Guk pulled open the door and was unsurprised to see his second in command, First Lieuntent Kim Himchan stood leaning up against the door frame, his signature smirk adorning his flawless face.

Yong Guk let out a frustrated sigh.

"Himchan, I am not in the mood tonight."

Himchan scoffed.

"Well that's new. You don't usually so say no to me but alas I digress, I am not here for personal matters. Seems like some of those thugs that you insist on keeping around have captured one of the Infinite guys."

Yong Guk went rigid.


Himchan smirked.

"Unfortunately not. Although I would like to meet the guy whose name you call out when we are...together."

He grinned as he watched his commanding officer squirm.

"Oh calm down. It's only . Anyway the guy is in interrogation and I'm sure that with enough persuasion, he will sing like a canary."

Yong Guk glared at the other man before he straightened out his uniform before he march off to the interrogation room.


Sungyeol snuck another peek from behind the pile of old, unused tyres. The warehouse that he had called home for so long had been violated. Four Enforcer guards stood watch no doubt in case another Infinite pitched up. He silently cursed and sat back down with a huff.

"Now what are we going to do?" he said as he look over at L who was staring into space, a nonchalant look on his face.

The other boy gave no answer and Sungyeol rolled his eyes. At times like this he could sympathize with why Dongwoo was always so frustrated with the boy. He nudged L in the side bringing his back down to earth. He grimaced at the thought of Infinite's mother been in the grasp of those brutes. 

"I said, you useless pile of turd. What do we do now?"

L blinked a few few times, his face blank.

"About what?"

Sungyeol face-palmed mumbling insults under his breath. 

"The fact that are home has been raided by Enforcer and there are guards there waiting for us to return. Why do you think we are hiding behind this pile of tyres?"

L shrugged while shaking his head. Sungyeol had to suppress the urge to strangle the other boy. They sat in silence for a few moments before L broke the silence.

"Oh look their is your brother and Hoya...oh and that new guy. There near that wall."

Sungyeol rolled his eyes.

"His name is Namu. Gosh you are stupid. Come on you idiot lets sneak over to them."


Sunggyu was tired. The responsibility of been the gang leader and the anchor for all the boys. He could feel Hoya holding on tightly to his arm while Namu sulkly shuffled behind them. Everyone thought that Hoya was this tough, ultra soldier but Sunggyu knew otherwise. Hoya could be a total crybaby at times and now he had found out that Woohyun was a clingy kid who sulked if he didn't get his way. He rolled his eyes, just his luck.

He stiffened suddenly as he saw two figures sneaking towards him but he relaxed as he recognized Sungyeol.  He shook off Hoya grip and pulled his little brother into a tight hug. The tall boy hugged back taking comfort in the arms of his older brother.

"Gyu what are we going to do. They have Dongwoo and we can't go back to our  home."

Sunggyu patted the others boy's back before he pulled out of the hug, turning to the others he said.

"Okay  we will go to our secondary location. I know that it is a bit small but it will have to do for now. We will discuss our rescue plans there."



Dongwoo's head snapped back as Yong Guk's fist flew into his cheek. He slowly came back up laughing, he grinning through his slowly swelling eye.

"I am not gonna tell you anything. You're a joke."

He spat at Yong Guk feeling happy as the glob of spit landed perfect on the major's face. He knew the back hand was coming but it still hurt none the less. Yong Guk angrily strolled over to the back wall while cracking his split knuckles.

"Listen you terrorist freak, you may as well speak. You are going to die anyway and your gang will be executed when they are captured."

Dongwoo started laughing.

"You really are dumb. Capturing me was a fluke but there is a reason why we are the best gang in the slums and that is because of our leader. You may have heard of heard of him... Kim Sunggyu."

Yong Guk clenched his fists hoping that his reaction to the name hadn't been seen by the prisoner but apparently it had

"Oh so you have heard about him. Well then you should know that by capturing me you have only enraged him. Infinite can never be taken dowwn, we are a strong unit and we will look after each other."

Yong Guk suddenly began to laugh.

"Oh you're so naive. Your group will be taken down and it will be done from the inside."

He grinned at the confused look on Dongwoo's face.

"Yeah that's right. Maybe you guys should be more picky when it comes to your members. Oh yeah that's right, your latest addition. Well guess what he works for us and his job is to kill Sunggyu."

 He strolled over to the door and pulled it open As he exited he peered through grinning at the shocked expression of Dongwoo's face.

"And how will Infinite cope without their al mighty leader?"


Hello readers. So sorry for the extremely long wait for the update, I have just been so busy. Updates will hopefully become more uniform sonn. 

Love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter.





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Chapter 9: Whyyy..!!! I don't understand...Why all good stories have been left incomplete...
U need to update or else I will die from too much suspense..!!!
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Chapter 9: Update needed please i read it and it is interesting...
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 9: Daebak!!! I cnnot wait for the update...
Wow this fic is awesome!! All the time i was reading it i felt so immerse on it and always on the edge thats how exciting reading this fic authornim and im so looking forward for the continuation soo pls~ pretty pls~ dont abandon this fic and continue this soon~ it will be such a waste for a brilliant fic worthy of praise to be neglected, unfinished and forgotten it will be such a heartache and a waste --- i feel like crying!! Nooohhh pls~ dont to this to me -- this fic has been close to my heart that it hurt me that its was not updated for toooo long huhuhu...
Chapter 9: OMG please update this story, it's amazing. Please do no give up on this story yet
Patricia318 #6
Chapter 9: Please, update, I really love this story
Chapter 9: BABY DONGWOO *hugs him tightly
green-tea123 #8
Chapter 9: AISH! CLIFFHANGER! ( *–.–)√ update juseyo! /^o^\
Oh! please dont let them kill dongwoo HUHUHU TT.TT and hope that wooyeol is going to be safe.
AikaMasara #9
Hi! I loove your story! But I have a question, have you read Saiyuki? I only noticed it now the reference to Shangri-la.. ^ ^
Ivettie25 #10
Chapter 9: Great chapter!!! Love it. Cant wait for your next update!!! ♥