
You can do better


The two girls laughed out loud while sipping at their wine at the fancy resturant. Minzy finished her sixth glass of wine, and signed to the waitress to come over to their table. 

”Refill my glass please!” Minzy spoke. 

”Sure, I’ll just go get another bottle!” 

”Thank you darling!” 

The waitress walked away, and Minzy leaned over the table towards Jessica. 

”She was hot!” 

”You’re drunk!” Jessica slapped her on the arm and they giggled together. 


Three wine-bottles later they walked out from the resturant on unsteady legs. With their armes hooked together, they happily went down the street. 

It was late at night but still alot of people out, drinking and dancing at the clubs. Some of them just hanging with their friends outside. 

”Minzy-ah, I lost my shoe” Jessica giggled and showed her bare foot. 

”I shall find it for you!” Minzy hiccupped and walked straight forward to a blonde girl on a parked motorbike. 

”Excause me” Minzy interrupted herself with an another hiccupp ”Have you seen my friends shoe?” 

”No, sorry!” 

”It’s okay, but wait, I’ve seen you before...” Minzy leaned closer to the girl, and looked at her with a confused face ”You’re the girl from the bar” 

”My name is Minzy, nice to meet you again!” Minzy shoke the other girl's hand, and bowed. 

”Hi, ehm, My name is Chaerin” The blonde girl laughed, and stood up. Minzy eyed her from tip to toe, checking out her slim body. She wore shorts and a black tantop.

”You are hot!” 

”Thank you, I guess” Chaerin said and took a step closer too Minzy ”Should I you and your friend home? I don’t want you to get hurt or something!”  

”Well, I don’t mind you doing that! Sica, is it okay for this nice girl to take us home?” 

”Sure, she’s hot!” Jessica said while putting an arm around Minzy’s shoulders. 

”I know!” They giggled like little school girls, and jumped up and down. 


”Now girls, I’ll walk you home! Where do you live?” 

”I live down the street, in the apartments!” Jessica answered, and went over to Chaerin. 

”And I live in the apartment right next to hers, so I live down the street too!” Minzy explained, not getting all the words right since she’s drunk. 

”Ok, let’s go!” Chaerin hooked her arms with the two girls, and started walking. 


”Night Jess, sleep tight and I’ll se you tomorrow!” Minzy said and blew kisses to Jessica before she closed the door. 


While Minzy and Chaerin stood in the corridor outside Minzy's apartment, she struggled with finding her keys in her purse. 

”I got them!” She cheered happily, and opened the door. They both stepped inside and Minzy turned the lights on. 

Chaerin looked around in the small apartment, one kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and one bedroom. 

”You like my apartment?” Minzy asked as she sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. 

”It’s nice, so bright an cosy. Yep, I like it!” 

”I’m glad! Do you want something to drink?” 

”Yes, water please” Chaerin smiled and sat down next to Minzy. 

”Sure!” Minzy stood up and, literally, skipped over to the sink. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water. 

The next second, she was back at the table and put the glass down in front of Chaerin. 

”Thank you!” 

”You’re very welcome!” 

Minzy leaned closer to Chaerin and sighed. 

”You are very sweet, taking me and Sica home and all...” Minzys closer her eyes and smiled. 

”You’re welcome and I think you should go to sleep now!” 

”Okay!” Minzy leaned her head hon the table and sighed once again. 

”No not here silly, in your bed! Come on, I’ll help you!” Chaerin stood up, and almost carried Minzy over to her bedroom. 

She laid her down on the bed, and coverd her with she sheets. 

”Thank you” Minzy yawned ”I love you”. 

”Okay, I’m going now, take care!” Chaerin laughed silently, and started to walk out from the room.

”No stay! I’m so lonley!” Minzy pouted, and Chaerin couldn’t say no to those puppy eyes. She laid down next to Minzy and sighed. 

”Good night!” 

But she got no answer, the girl next to her was asleep already. 


Minzy woke up with a killer headache. She felt sick and wanted to throw up.

 She sat up in the bed, groaning at the light that was coming trough the window. 

Minzy was about to lean over to the other side of the bed, but she noticed this girl sleeping next to her. 

Minzy screamed and jumped out of the bed. 

”Don’t be so loud!” 

Minzy got all dizzy and had to sit down on the floor ”W-who are you?”. 

”I’m Chaerin, the girl from the bar. I took you and your friend Jessica home last night, I couldn’t leave two drunk girls alone in the street!” Chaerin walked over to Minzy and sat down next to her. 

”That was very nice of you, I don’t remember anything after we left the resturant!” Minzy scratched her head, and made a face. 

”Huh, you were pretty drunk!” Chaerin laughed and yawned. 

”It feels like my head is going to explode!” 

”I’ll take care of that, come with me” 

Chaerin stood up and dragged Minzy with her to the couch in the livingroom. 

”I’ll massage your shoulders, sitt down!” Chaerin patted on the seat beside her, and smiled warmly at her. 

”O-okay” Minzy sat down next to Chaerin, that immediately started to massage her shoulders. Minzy felt the headache reduce bit by bit and relaxed in Chaerins warm hands. 

”You’re good at this” 

”Thank you, It’s my hidden talent!” 

”I bet it is!” Minzy smiled and pulled her knees up to her chest. 

”Chaerin, did we do anything last night?” 

”Yeah, it was great! You should be proud over your self, nobody can do things like you do!” 

”WHAT?” Minzy’s jaw fell open and she stared at Chaerin. 

”Oh yes, you screamed my name all night long!” Chaerin whispered in her ear. 

Minzy’s eyes grew wider as she continued to stare at the girl behind her. 


”No, I’m just teasing you! Ah you’re so cute!” Chaerin laughed and continued to massage her shoulders. 

”O-oh... Okay” Minzy turned her head around and rested it on her knees. 


After minutes of the greatest massage in Minzy’s life, her stomach didn’t want to cooperate any longer and she felt nauseous.  

”I have to throw up!” Minzy coverd with her hand and ran to the bathroom. 


Chaerin ran after her and she found Minzy bending over the toilet, emptying her stomach. 

Slowly, Chaerin sat down next to her and took the hair out of Minzy’s face. 

”Take it easy, I’ll help you!” 


Chaerin rubbed her back and patted her forehead with a wet towel. Only seconds later, there wasn’t much left in Minzy’s stomach and she crashed on the bathroom floor. 

”I hate being hungover!” Minzy sobbed while massaging her tempels with her fingers. 

Chaerin wiped her tears away with the towel. 

”I’m so tired!” She sobbed like a little kid and rolled over to face Chaerin. Minzy crawled up in her lap, barely knowing the girl, but she felt safe in her arms. 


Chaerin hugged her tightly, her hair. She didn’t know this girl, but she was sure that she wanted to know everything about her, and she felt like she had to protect her for some reason. 

Ever since Chaerin saw Minzy at the bar for the first time, she felt something special. Was it love at first sight? She didn’t know, but she wanted to find out. 

”Come on, let’s take you to your bed!” Chaern lifted the petite girl up, and carried her bridalstyle to her bedroom, carefully she tucked her under the bed sheets. 

 Chaerin didn’t want to wake the girl up, so she wrote a small note and attached it to the refridgerator. 

Then, she sneaked out of the apartment and closed the door as silent as possible. 


On her way through the corridors, she stopped by at Jessicas apartment and knocked on the door. 

”What?” Jessica said as she opened the door. She was only wearing a towel around her body and her hair was soaking wet. 

”Hi Jessica, I just wanted to make sure you’re ok after last night” 

”I feel like , but exept that, I’m fine” Jessica smiled ”Are you Chaerin?” 

”Yes, why do you wonder?” 

”I remeber a girl taking us home, and I remember Minzy talking about some Chaerin” 

”Oh, ok. Well, I gotta go now. Take care and I’ll see you around!” 

”Bye, and Thank you!” Jessica smiled and closed the door. 


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Chapter 3: GO CHAE GO CHAE!!!
Chapter 3: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! ._. I didnt even noe Chaerin was in a mini gang I guess I'll wait for the next chapter...
Chapter 3: why they are fight ?
what hapend to chaerin ?
cant wait to see the next :)
Chapter 2: xD Chaerin is hot :P
Chapter 1: nice start ^^
keep update author :)
Chapter 1: Thanks for the update
Chocomenta18 #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^