
The Gangster's One and Only Wife
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The 6 brothers turned their head to the front door where 7 guys entered ruthlessly.

“BAP! WHERE’S MY WIFE! ING BRING HER OUT TO ME!” Myungsoo raged and smacked plates and cups down onto the floor.

“YAH! Stop wrecking up my place!” Yongguk fought back.


“Well… I don’t know where she is…” Yongguk smirked. “Why don’t you stop interfere with my territory first?”

“YOU ING RETARDS! I WANT MY WIFE!” Myungsoo roared and picked up his fist and charged towards the 6 boys.

In the end, the two gangs were fighting with each other now.


Jiyeon was being woken up by the loud banging noise outside the room. She hugged the pillow tightly and went down the bed to open the door.

But her eyes widened when she suddenly saw someone lying down in front of her.


She squatted down to his side and brought him up. “Cutie!”

She looked around the room and saw it’s a mess. And soon, she realized people were fighting in the house!

Zelo hid her behind him immediately when he saw one of the Infinite members charging towards them.

Jiyeon managed to take a peek and saw Sungjong in front of them with his fist nearer Zelo’s face. She pulled Zelo backwards which caused Sungjong to stumble a little.


All the boys really freeze their actions on the spot.

Jiyeon walked out from the back of the uber tall Zelo and showed herself to Infinite.

“Stop fighting, oppa… I’m fine…”

Myungsoo pushed Yongguk away and ran to her side at once. “Gosh, wifey. You’re okay… I thought I’m goin

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Chapter 10: Even INFINITE knows !
Aha Everything is now in the hand of Yongguk :3
Secrets, actions .. He knows everything ~
She's pregnant and everyone knows now !
Myungie wants each country's baby huh :3 ♡
Chapter 9: Stoooooop everything !
Panicking Myungie aka the gangster L after Yongguk said she was his wife :3
Laughing so much, Yongguk or/and B.A.P ~
Chapter 8: She's hungry ~
Still in Yongguk's embrace ~
SISTER !!!! ~
Pregnant Ji !
Chapter 7: Junhongie is so cute, seriously :3
Still can't believe he's my oppa ..
Introducing to the hyungs ~
Aha She's Yongguk's wife now :3
Chapter 6: Myungie is restless ..
..... Why the need to use magazine's words if you sign it .. B.A.P ..
Aha Ji is talking comfortably with Zelo ~
Chapter 5: Huh, every free time will be like this huh .. :3
To the club !
Groceries time !
Kidnapping ! By B.A.P :3
Chapter 4: Poor INFINITE .. Aha
Coming all the ways here and no nice things from Myungie :3
Aha Again !
Chapter 3: Jealous Myungie is here ~
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie is so cute !
Always wants to do it with Ji :3
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey them ♡
Aha erted Myungie ~