
The Gangster's One and Only Wife
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Myungsoo was having a wide grin on his face all the way to the airport and on the plane.

“Hubby…” Jiyeon took a peek up at him and went back to her dinner provided by the plane.

Myungsoo finished his long ago and he’s taking some wine now. He looked to her side when he heard her voice, “hmm?”

Jiyeon turned back to him with full of food, “hubbyeidoyulsjhiod…”


Jiyeon gulped down her food and giggled, “I said… Hubby, you looked creepy smiling all this time.”

“It’s because I’m happy, wifey. What else can make me this happy?!”

Jiyeon blushed and returned to her dinner.

Myungsoo giggled and cupped her face back to face him, “you are like a kid, wifey.”

He wiped away the food bites on the side of her face and smiled, “now you’re clean!”

Jiyeon smiled in return and took her last bite of food, “hubby~ Love you~”

Myungsoo chuckled and took a sip of his wine, “I know. You know I love you too right, wifey?”


A few hours later, Myungsoo had fallen asleep but Jiyeon couldn’t. No matter how hard she tried to sleep, it’s just uncomfortable for her whenever she thought of the bed at home.

So in the end, she was moving about on her seat, trying hard to find a perfect position for her.

“Hi Ms. Are you alright?”

Jiyeon heard it and looked up to see an air steward beside her, smiling brightly at her.

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Chapter 10: Even INFINITE knows !
Aha Everything is now in the hand of Yongguk :3
Secrets, actions .. He knows everything ~
She's pregnant and everyone knows now !
Myungie wants each country's baby huh :3 ♡
Chapter 9: Stoooooop everything !
Panicking Myungie aka the gangster L after Yongguk said she was his wife :3
Laughing so much, Yongguk or/and B.A.P ~
Chapter 8: She's hungry ~
Still in Yongguk's embrace ~
SISTER !!!! ~
Pregnant Ji !
Chapter 7: Junhongie is so cute, seriously :3
Still can't believe he's my oppa ..
Introducing to the hyungs ~
Aha She's Yongguk's wife now :3
Chapter 6: Myungie is restless ..
..... Why the need to use magazine's words if you sign it .. B.A.P ..
Aha Ji is talking comfortably with Zelo ~
Chapter 5: Huh, every free time will be like this huh .. :3
To the club !
Groceries time !
Kidnapping ! By B.A.P :3
Chapter 4: Poor INFINITE .. Aha
Coming all the ways here and no nice things from Myungie :3
Aha Again !
Chapter 3: Jealous Myungie is here ~
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie is so cute !
Always wants to do it with Ji :3
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey them ♡
Aha erted Myungie ~