
The Gangster's One and Only Wife
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Myungsoo called up his friends who were at the club again.

“Is she there now? She’s not back yet!”

“Don’t worry, Myungsoo-ah. I’m sure she will be back soon.”

“But it’s already 10PM! GODDAMMIT!”

“Myungsoo-ah. Calm down okay? Maybe she got a little carried away while buying things. Girls are like that.”

“But she’s not ordinary girls! She isn’t like that!” Myungsoo hissed.

“Argh!!! It’s fine I will look for her myself.”

And indeed, Myungsoo took his coat and rushed out of the house to find his wife.

He ran about in his neighborhood and even went to the neighboring streets to find but to no avail.


“Damn it!”

It’s already 6AM and he just got home. He couldn’t find her anywhere.

“Where are you, wifey?” He could feel himself getting lost and weary all of the sudden. The thoughts of his wife not by his side irked him and pissed him off.

He would die if he couldn’t find her back or if something happened to her.


“WIFEY?!” Myungsoo jumped up immediately and rushed to the door but found no one when he opened it.

He only found an envelope on the floor.

He took it in and sat down on the couch.

Almost tearing it open, he cried when he saw his wife’s bracelet, the one he gave her in Paris, alongside a letter. He opened the letter harshly and saw cut out magazines’ words.

“Your wife is with us. Want to find her? You have to find us. – B.A.P” It read.

“ARGH! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! BAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He raged and

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Chapter 10: Even INFINITE knows !
Aha Everything is now in the hand of Yongguk :3
Secrets, actions .. He knows everything ~
She's pregnant and everyone knows now !
Myungie wants each country's baby huh :3 ♡
Chapter 9: Stoooooop everything !
Panicking Myungie aka the gangster L after Yongguk said she was his wife :3
Laughing so much, Yongguk or/and B.A.P ~
Chapter 8: She's hungry ~
Still in Yongguk's embrace ~
SISTER !!!! ~
Pregnant Ji !
Chapter 7: Junhongie is so cute, seriously :3
Still can't believe he's my oppa ..
Introducing to the hyungs ~
Aha She's Yongguk's wife now :3
Chapter 6: Myungie is restless ..
..... Why the need to use magazine's words if you sign it .. B.A.P ..
Aha Ji is talking comfortably with Zelo ~
Chapter 5: Huh, every free time will be like this huh .. :3
To the club !
Groceries time !
Kidnapping ! By B.A.P :3
Chapter 4: Poor INFINITE .. Aha
Coming all the ways here and no nice things from Myungie :3
Aha Again !
Chapter 3: Jealous Myungie is here ~
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie is so cute !
Always wants to do it with Ji :3
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey them ♡
Aha erted Myungie ~