
The Gangster's One and Only Wife
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“Oppa~ Oppa~ Opaaaa~~ Ooooooopppppppaaaaaaaaaaa~”

Jiyeon was whining once she entered the car.

“Wifey, you have to calm down. Stay calm.”

Myungsoo tried persuading her the whole night before. But she just wouldn’t listen which made both of them lost their sleep.

“Oppppaaaa~ pleaseeeee~~~~~”

Myungsoo sighed and looked at her. “Wifey, relax.”

“One more day? Pleassssseeeeeeee?”

Myungsoo asked the chauffeur to stop the car by the side.

He turned his whole body to the side and faced Jiyeon, “Wifey.”

Jiyeon was pouting and finally brought out her watery puppy eyes.

Myungsoo sighed deeply and cupped one of his hands behind her head. He rested his forehead against hers and sighed, “Fine. One last day, okay?”

“YES! I KNEW IT! HUBBY IS THE BEST!” Jiyeon cheered and jumped onto his laps happily.

“Jaesoon-ah, drive back to the hotel.”


She buried her face into the crook of his neck and giggled against it, “I love you, hubby. You always make me happy.”

Myungsoo sneakily crawled one of his hand under the back of her shirt which made her shivered.

“Well, you have to listen to me tonight then.” He whispered into her ears huskily.

His hand wound around her waist under her shirt and squeezed it slightly.

“Oppa! I wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower again! Not staying in the hotel room whole night~~~” Jiyeon whined and squirmed about, trying to get his hand out of her shirt.

“But wifey! We went yesterday already! You still want to go back to that weird tower?!” Myungsoo shrieked but kept his hand under her shirt and squeezed her more to stop her from moving.

Jiyeon nodded her head repetitively.

“No can do. We will go there now, and go wherever you want

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Chapter 10: Even INFINITE knows !
Aha Everything is now in the hand of Yongguk :3
Secrets, actions .. He knows everything ~
She's pregnant and everyone knows now !
Myungie wants each country's baby huh :3 ♡
Chapter 9: Stoooooop everything !
Panicking Myungie aka the gangster L after Yongguk said she was his wife :3
Laughing so much, Yongguk or/and B.A.P ~
Chapter 8: She's hungry ~
Still in Yongguk's embrace ~
SISTER !!!! ~
Pregnant Ji !
Chapter 7: Junhongie is so cute, seriously :3
Still can't believe he's my oppa ..
Introducing to the hyungs ~
Aha She's Yongguk's wife now :3
Chapter 6: Myungie is restless ..
..... Why the need to use magazine's words if you sign it .. B.A.P ..
Aha Ji is talking comfortably with Zelo ~
Chapter 5: Huh, every free time will be like this huh .. :3
To the club !
Groceries time !
Kidnapping ! By B.A.P :3
Chapter 4: Poor INFINITE .. Aha
Coming all the ways here and no nice things from Myungie :3
Aha Again !
Chapter 3: Jealous Myungie is here ~
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie is so cute !
Always wants to do it with Ji :3
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey them ♡
Aha erted Myungie ~